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Jill • 3 years ago

Incitement is not against the rule of law Mr Lapid, its against the corrupt judiciary who are holding hands with the likes of you!

alpcns . • 3 years ago

Talk about inciting violence... and besides, what benefit would Bibi have from civil war? None. What benefit would the assorted Arab Islamofascists have from war? Quite a lot, actually.

Obviously Bibi would never allow them to have that advantage.

John Conrad • 3 years ago

I used to respect Lapid, but more and more I see him literally replicating the behavior of the lying Democrats In the USA. Pelosi, Adam Schitt, Nadler... etc etc... Terrible that they have learnt to behave like this.

Nart • 3 years ago

Same as the Labour party in the UK

Dajjal • 3 years ago

Does anyone else recognize Lapid's hypocrisy?

John Conrad • 3 years ago

he has become like the Democrats and the Left wing media in the USA. twisting the truth and people can see right thru his false statements

Kikikins • 3 years ago

Being friends with Arabs will destroy Israel..They shouldn't have any votes in Israel..

.. ey .. lapid.. it has been a long week.. time to light up that cigar & open that bottle of bubbly..

Olga Epshteyn • 3 years ago

As a journalist, he was just awful - having said a simple thought in the headline, he then had repeated it throughout the whole article, it was so boring to read him... As a politician, he is a complete inferiority complex. What a blessing that he will never become prime minister! Against his background, even Ganz may seem like an intelligent person ...

David Ptito • 3 years ago

Big name for this baby son of Tomy whom was a journalist, Yair hardly was a TV-show Bidur" !

Don Spilman • 3 years ago

Ol rabid lapid needs to shut up he is speaking as an utter fool!!!!!

agnes losonczi • 3 years ago

Once again lapid faultlessly hits the udder between the horns, the imbecile he is, always trying to make up excuses to get at Bibi. His father is turning in his grave over how he, an intelligent man could father such a brainless git.

Baruch • 3 years ago

Lapid got dumped by Gantz so he turns up attacks on Netanyahu who is standing tall & proud, because majority behind him and see Lapid as a weak mouthy looser

Seems to me Yair is inciting violence.

Dajjal • 3 years ago

Trying to provoke attack against himself so he can play the victim card.

John Conrad • 3 years ago

yeah. his own left wingers will attack him

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Morgan Rockefeller SARUMAN Saud Salman Erdogan OCI SPA FED Riyad i petrodollari neoliberalism jihad

è INUTILE CHE, voi GRIDATE COME LE OCHE.. ogni resistenza è futile!
Dio mi disse 13 anni fa: " non li temere "
ed io sono quì, per ogni soddisfazione: se qualcuno mi vuole affrontare!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

to demonstrate that an anti-secession law is liberticidal?
this is impossible to do!

Should the United States impose restrictive measures in relation to the new Hong Kong security law, Beijing will take the necessary countermeasures.

Grace Joy • 3 years ago

Bibi's claim that there's a "huge conspiracy" against him, a "witch-hunt" designed to "thwart the will of the people, an attempt to overthrow me and the right-wing camp,” is translated by Yair Lapid to mean Bibi's "trying to lead us to a civil war, he must not continue in office.” He says Bibi's words are "wild incitement against the rule of law," though he doesn't mention which Israeli law doesn't allow a defense.

My concern is Lapid's statement that Bibi "knows it will end violently and he doesn’t care." That sounds less like a "coup attempt" by Bibi & more like an implied threat by Lapid. I don't know their history, & I know little about Lapid, but I know the Left has been after Bibi for a long time with their exaggerations & falsehoods. They expected Bibi to be "submissive, tired and humiliated," not surrounded by Likud & hundreds of protesters saying "Netanyahu, you will not walk alone.'”

Lapid appears to use typical Leftist ploys used around the world. As far as I can tell, Bibi was & is the pick of the people, even if only because there's no one better suited. I have gleaned from past comments that Israel's judges tend to be Left biased, so it will be interesting to see how this plays out. If Bibi is absolved, I hope those who falsely accused him can be brought up on their own trials.

Don Spilman • 3 years ago

Rabid lapid is a TYPICAL lying leftist! They get real good at twisting truth into unrecognizable incoherence!

Uzi Kattan • 3 years ago

Lapid learned to lie from his Arab friends. I despise Netanyahu's actions but the trial is a witch hunt.

Don Spilman • 3 years ago

I’m surprised at you I didn’t expect that level of honesty!

Tsvi Kukenheim • 3 years ago

The State of Israel is not a democracy, never was. It was governed from its inception by the Elite with the needed funds and the judges were nominated by them and still are. Not by the Knesset , which is part of the democracy!! However this democracy shows that the Jewish people can vote, however their votes do not count, because the parties decide their path. The people have not been represented by anybody with responsibility for the voters .The likud's success to develop the economy was and is and was a great success . The same Elite types ,now grown up children together with the leftist parties and with the socalled media and Supreme Political court ignored 3 elections and the parties agreed to have these 3 elections, which is contrary to the right of the people in a democracy. Instead they try to put Benyamin Netanyahu in jail and eventually shall destroy Israel. In fact ,instead of the Crown of Mashiach , we got the Corona of death to the whole world , because Mashiach is for the whole world . The deaths of the virus and the destruction of the Democracy (evil) as has taken place in Israel and the rest of the world , will cause only war and destruction in the whole world with Millions of dead people , who believed in the good of this world. Greed to rule and to conquer and subdue the people of many countries with complete dictatorship will act like China .The US democratic party used the FBI and CIA and so on and tried to subvert justice and to rule the people in a dictatorship.Luckily for the USA, Mr Trump was the one who tried to stop them and is still fighting for the freedom of the USA.This fight is still going on! The Supreme Political Court in Israel with the lefties and the Arab list work hand in hand to destory the only Jewish state we have and try in all possible ways to make Israel a Dictatorship through lying and deceiving the Jewish people. So called laws! Be aware of the threatening puppy Lapid!! They should be rejected by the people and have the Knesset decide
which righteous people can be nominated as real Jewish Judges and Jurists. .Only then with full representation of the people in the Knesset the Jewish State shall survive , G-d willing!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Opposition leader Yair Lapid sharply criticized the prime minister ] molti usurai e islamici amici tuoi loro pensano che il regno di Dio non potrà condannarli
dato che loro sono stati fedeli alle loro leggi religiose e civili
MA il Regno di Dio non è una qualche legge religiosa

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Giovanni 7.14-24.

14 Quando la festa era ormai per metà trascorsa, Gesù salì nel tempio e si mise a insegnare. 15 I giudei erano stupefatti e dicevano: “Come fa quest’uomo a conoscere così bene le Scritture senza aver studiato nelle scuole?” 16 Gesù rispose loro: “Quello che insegno non è mio, ma di colui che mi ha mandato. 17 Se qualcuno desidera fare la Sua volontà, saprà se ciò che insegno viene da Dio o se parlo di mia iniziativa. 18 Chi parla di propria iniziativa cerca la propria gloria; ma chi cerca la gloria di colui che l’ha mandato, questi è veritiero, e in lui non c’è ingiustizia.

19 Non fu Mosè a darvi la Legge?
Eppure nessuno di voi osserva la Legge. Perché cercate di uccidermi?”
20 La folla rispose: “Tu hai un demonio! Chi cerca di ucciderti?” 21 Gesù replicò: “Ho compiuto una sola opera e ve ne meravigliate tutti.

22 Perciò riflettete: Mosè vi ha dato la circoncisione — non che essa venga da Mosè, ma dai patriarchi — e voi circoncidete un uomo di Sabato.

23 Se, per non violare la Legge di Mosè, la circoncisione viene praticata anche di Sabato, come potete infuriarvi contro di me per il fatto che di Sabato ho ridato piena salute a un uomo?
24 Smettete di giudicare in base all’apparenza; giudicate piuttosto con giustizia”.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

[Ieri 16:55]

Poi riunita la folla disse: «Ascoltate e intendete! Non quello che entra nella bocca rende impuro l’uomo, ma quello che esce dalla bocca rende impuro l’uomo!».

(2 Mi piace)

[Ieri 16:58]

Io sono la luce del mondo; chi segue me, non camminerà nelle tenebre, ma avrà la luce della vita

(2 Mi piace)

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

if civil war is needed
to defend our souls from Satanism SpA FED rothschild?
then we will make this civil war!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

corrupt satanist parasitic esoteric agenda, freemasonry Deep State Golpe Regime Bilderberg Baal occult power Lapid JaBullOn OWL scam banking seigniorage: he claims Netanyahu trying to foment ‘civil war’

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago


Simone, Simone, ecco satana vi ha cercato per vagliarvi come il grano; ma io ho pregato per te, che non venga meno la tua fede; e tu, una volta ravveduto, conferma i tuoi fratelli. E Pietro gli disse: “Signore, con te sono pronto ad andare in prigione e alla morte”. Gli rispose: “Pietro, io ti dico: non canterà oggi il gallo, prima che tu per tre volte avrai negato di conoscermi”.

(2 Mi piace)