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George Albo • 5 years ago

From Ochs to has been. The New York Trash

imassarano • 5 years ago

Small detail that requires correction: Israel was re-established in 1948 not created.

Wm • 5 years ago

Correction, Israel was accepted for membership in the United Nations. It was official U.N. confirmation that the modern State of Israel was a sovereign nation in the eyes of the U.N. In one sense, it was also an internationally recognized end to the British Mandatory that had been administering the land since the end of the Ottoman Turkish Empire in an area that had been known as "Palestine" ever since the ancient Roman occupiers named it such. Therefore, it marked the beginning of Israel once again being called Israel and recognized as such beyond The Biblical texts and the Jewish community.

imassarano • 5 years ago

Spot on.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN] honestly, if they did not pursue: both from the time of King Solomon: the project of destruction of the blessings of Abraham: and from 2000 years: how, today, could they realize without the complicity of the Wahhabis: how could the rule of the world be: also today: Erdogan shariah WW3nuclear ISIS the world Saudi caliphate?

Bin SALMAN ] onestamente, se non perseguissero: sia dal tempo di Re Salomone: il progetto di distruzione delle benedizioni di Abramo: e da 2000 anni: lavorare per ottenere la distruzione della civiltà ebraico-Cristiana: Farisei Enlightened: come, loro oggi potrebbe realizzare senza la complicità dei wahhabiti: come oggi i Rothschild potrebbero realizzare anche: la WW3?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN] the more I threatened with death the Mohammedans: and: the more they did everything to love Netanjahu [and all this? it had not been programmed by the Rothschilds AIPAC Rochefellers and all the cheerful satanic company: Bush 322 Kerry Obama LGBT NWO Democratic Party. Because in their projects Israel must fail: and it must disintegrate. and then, why should they leave: FED FMI BCE and their slaves pack: micro-chips: dhimmis Goyims and dalit: for to go to plant potatoes and onions in the Saudi and Egyptian desert?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN ] più io minacciavo di morte i maomettani: e: più loro facevano di tutto per voler bene a Netanjahu [ e tutto questo? non era stato programmato dai Rothschild Rochefeller e tutta la allegra compagnia satanica: Bush 322 Kerry Obama LGBT NWO Pd democratic Party. Perché nei loro progetti Israele deve fallire: e si deve disintegrare. e poi, perché dovrebbero lasciare: FED FMI BCE NOW e il loro branco degli schiavi: microcippati: dhimmis Goyims e dalit: per andare a piantare patate e cipolle nel deserto saudita ed egiziano?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN] satanist Sartre said "the others are hell", but he did not yet know: still the Wahhabis and therefore for this he cannot be forgiven! [ FED AIPAC Hollywood Disney: NEGATIVE PHILOSOPHY satan's synagogue to Sodom LGBT666: said: "God does not exist: there is nothing, I do not exist: because I am only a decomposing excrement ": ok, this is the NEGATIVE thought of Democratic Party Bilderberg: the Nietzsche or NICHILISM! ma, il satanista Sartre ha detto "l'inferno sono gli altri", ma lui non conosceva ancora i wahhabiti e quindi per questo lui non può essere perdonato!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN] I studied MORGAN NEGATIVE PHILOSOPHY satan's synagogue; and if I have to summarize in a few words the thought of: Kabbalah Rothschild: in all their corrupt: e BIG corrupt: Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Marx, Feuerbach, Nietzsche, Freud, Sartre Camus: this is the definition: "God does not exist: there is nothing, I do not exist: because I am only a decomposing excrement ": this is why the NEGATIVE thought of the Democratic Party Bilderberg is called NICHILISM!

obviously: positive thinking has NEVER been funded and: Pascal, Guardini, Maritain?
they ended up making dust in the attic!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN ] io ho studiato la FILOSOFIA MORGAN NEGATIVA; e se devo sintetizzare con poche parole il pensiero di: Kabbalah Rothschild: in: corrotti: Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Marx, Feuerbach, Nietzsche, Freud, Sartre Camus: questa è la definizione: "Dio non esiste: non esiste nulla, io non esisto: perché io sono soltanto un escremento in decomposizione": ecco perché si Chiama NICHILISMO il pensiero NEGATIVO: del Partito Democratico Bilderberg!

ovviamente: il pensiero positivo non è stato MAI finanziato e: Pascal, Guardini, Maritain?
loro sono finiti a fare la polvere in soffitta!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN] with the foundation of the Bank of England: he was transforming himself (thanks to the complicity of the renegades of the English Monarchy: the nominees PIMPINI) He Rothschild was transformed: into an invisible: pimp Mammone Santissimo Dracula: as it is today : the Vampire FED FMI BM NWO BCE!
so since the French Revolution: he went on to finance the Revolution of: Putin the Bolshevik: while the Court of the Inquisition was looking him: because he wanted to infiltrate, with his Bilderberg (RIVLIN dressed as a nun) also in the VATICAN!
because, the Bourbons of Naples had already been destroyed with the corruption of his generals and that infamous Mazzini Cavour and Garibaldi pretended to conquer Italy while in reality: the Piedmontese: they stole everything and made genocides and rapes!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN ] con la fondazione della Banca di Inghilterra: lui si stava trasformando (grazie alla complicità dei rinnegati della Monarchia Inglese: i prestanome PIMPINI ) Lui Rothschild si è trasformato: in un invisibile: pappone Mammone Santissimo Dracula: così come è tutt'oggi: il Vampiro FED FMI BM NWO BCE!
così dalla Rivoluzione francese: lui passò a finanziare la Rivoluzione di: Putin il bolscevico: mentre il Tribunale della Inquisizione lo cercava: perché lui voleva infiltrare i suoi Bilderberg ( RIVLIN vestito da suora ) anche in VATICANO!
perché, i Borboni di Napoli erano stati già distrutti con la corruzione dei suoi generali e quell'infame di Mazzini Cavour e Garibaldi fecero finta di conquistare l'Italia mentre in realtà: i Piemontesi: loro rubarono tutto e fecero genocidi e stupri!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN] when Rothschild in 1500d.C. with the satanic Kabbalah and demonic Talmud: he replaced the Venetian and Florentine bankers: with his accomplices Freemasons (the traitors RIVLIN) as well as, he also replaced all the other European bankers, etc. etc. all the conspiracies and corruptions and murders: they spread to impose their empire in Ukraine and kill: even the Russian speakers of the Donbass!
then, finally came his dream: will came in 1660d.C: about to realize his private Bank of INGHILTERRA and with the complicity of Gezabele Queen Uk Ja-Bull-On: finally he could progressively push all things towards Satan: he financed both philosophically (the Enlightenment) that militarily the French Revolution

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN ] quando Rothschild nel 1500d.C. con la Kabbalah satanica e Talmud demoniaco: lui rimpiazzò con la sua massoneria (i traditori RIVLIN) i banchieri Veneziani e Fiorentini: nonché, rimpiazzò anche tutti gli altri banchieri europei, ecc. ecc. tutte le congiure e le corruzioni e gli omicidi: si diffusero per imporre il suo impero in Ucraina e uccidere: anche i russofoni del Donbass!
poi, finalmente giunse il suo sogno nel 1660d.C: circa di realizzare la sua privata Banca di INGHILTERRA e con la complicità di Gezabele Queen Uk Ja-Bull-On: finalmente lui poteva progressivamente spingere verso Satana tutte le cose: infatti finanziò sia filosoficamente(gli illuministi) che militarmente la Rivoluzione Francese

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN] I am here to love all and everiting, that big loving: also Erdogan's sewer too,
but if Putin and Trump don't want to love me? then, they too must undergo me!

Bin SALMAN] io sono quì per amare tutti anche quella fogna di Erdogan,
ma se Putin e Trump non mi vogliono amare? poi, anche loro mi devono subire!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN] #Satana I don't hit enemies behind Assad: like Erdogan! After all I am here: just to fight against the criminals, that is: if there was a criminal Kim Jong-UN: who is so stupid as to want to do it!

Bin SALMAN ] #Satana io non colpisco i nemici alle spalle come Erdogan! Dopotutto io sono quì: proprio per litigare con i criminali, cioè: se esistesse un criminale Kim Jong-UN : che è così cretino da volerlo fare!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN] for par-condicio: us now: let's do a little satanic history: about the Masons Rivlin and the Satanists Rothschild: the suckers of the monetary blood: the evil architects of this world of darkness

Bin SALMAN ] per par-condicio: noi ora: facciamo un poco di storia satanica: circa i Massoni Rivlin e i satanisti Rothschild: i succhiatori del sangue monetario: i malefici architetti di questo mondo di tenebre

Don Spilman • 5 years ago

So the nasty rag has been anti-Semitic and a proponent of LYING since it began? Sounds about right, I have personally known it to be an evil Anti America anti Christian lying pile of crap for over fifty years!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

She was killed in the name of Satan. Translate the mortal remains of Sister Maria Laura Mainetti.

Yitzchak Kaduri's MessiaYou have been banned by World Israel News: Morgan Rochefeller have diarrhea

Europe and its ghost DRACULA Rothschild high treason banking seigniorage: #SIMEC #DiMaio in jail you have to go!

Sam Cohen • 5 years ago

why do jews still buy the times?why do jews still vote democratic?why are jews not supposed to fight back when attacked?

henry schachter • 5 years ago

Because they are so besotted in their faith in America they have become complacent. Just wait till the "supremacists start killing Jews and watch them run

Kenneth Greenberg • 5 years ago

The NY Slime? Never read it.

Richard DiBenedetto • 5 years ago

Note to self: Add Journalism to UN Security Council, UNESCO, UNRWA and 2 billion Muslims who don't share the direction of Israel's moral compass.

ROCKY • 5 years ago

Richard---See a doctor ASAP! You are truly Sick!

Richard DiBenedetto • 5 years ago

Rocky - I'm doing my best to understand the entirety of a very complicated Issue that you do your best to defend one side. I will never say you're wrong in your understanding of your side.

ROCKY • 5 years ago

And I will never say that you are a "Bright light". Antisemitism has been around for thousands of years. Complicated issue, I do not think so. Jew Hatred has been around a long, long time. Should not be that difficult an issue for you or anyone else.

DiaminSilber • 5 years ago

How about you read the book and judge for yourself if the author has a point in respect to the "journalism" of the Times?

Richard DiBenedetto • 5 years ago

Over 60% of the American Public believe Donald Trump is responsible for bias in Journalism today. Some news outlets report one view of news and some report a different view. It's done for commercial ratings.

skier69 • 5 years ago

Is that your Opinion or fact? We believe the Bias comes from the Criminal News Network, and the rest of the Fake News Network

Richard DiBenedetto • 5 years ago

My information is from a number of unbiased polls indicating Donald Trump has rarely been rated higher than 40% of voter approval. His consistent Base of supporters is 34% - 36% of eligible voters.

DiaminSilber • 5 years ago

Have you read the article? It is a book review. This book has a certain claim: The worldview of the NYT-owner profoundly shaped the way the newspaper reported events, especially it heavily distorted the reporting in regard to Jews and Israel. In your first post you seemed to disagree with this thesis. My suggestion was for you to read the book in order to assess the claim for yourself. What has this to do with Donald Trump and commercial ratings?

Richard DiBenedetto • 5 years ago

The New York Times may be on the Left side of the Journalistic Spectrum but American Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch more than makes up for the Right.

DiaminSilber • 5 years ago

The book is not about the Right-Left-dichotomy, it is about a systematic distortion due to a specific worldview. What is your point?

Richard DiBenedetto • 5 years ago

I did not read the book. Journalism is about reporting all or at least both sides of a newsworthy incident. Israel and Palestine have been a newsworthy incident since 1948. Israel cannot expect more than 50% of America to favor Israel's imperative over native regional reaction.

DiaminSilber • 5 years ago

What a fatuous reply!

You don't seem to understand that distorted reporting is not equivalent to "reporting [...] both sides". This is especially pertinent, given the reputation the New York Times enjoys.

One can indeed "expect more than 50% of America to favor Israel's imperative", for a large variety of reasons - e.g., Israel is a vital democracy, while its enemies are moribund Islamic dictatorships inimical to the West.

Richard DiBenedetto • 5 years ago

Trump will give Bibi Golan, Bibi will get re-elected. He will not be held accountable for his indictment. There will be no Deal of the Century out of security concerns. Instead there will be more war and it will be Arab's fault, not Israel. It's becoming a predictable formula.

DiaminSilber • 5 years ago

You have nothing of substance to say about your comment on the history of distorted reporting by the Times and switch topics?

Trump can't give "Bibi" the Golan - we've discussed it! - he doesn't have the Golan. Israel is in control of the Golan for more than 50 years, and Trump just recognized the fact that this is permanent. Before you say something about occupation, or international law, I urge you to do some research, especially about history.

If Netanyahu should get re-elected, like he has been several times already, it will not, in major part, depend on US recognition. This will have no bearing at all on his legal woes.

You want to bet that Arabs will reject Trump's deal?

There will be more war only if Arabs decide to go to war. Apparently, you don't care.

TUC • 5 years ago

At least Israel has a moral compass.

henry bonk • 5 years ago

Who cares what they share or don't share, we know that they and you don't
want to share this world with Jews, as you have showed in many centuries.
I seems that the only way they will leave us alone is by impressing on them
the calamity they will suffer if they continue to pursue their genocidal dreams.

Richard DiBenedetto • 5 years ago

I don't care what Israel does. I just don't want American Taxpayers paying for it.

ArleneB • 5 years ago

Is this article supposed to be about the NYT or about Reform Judaism? It appears to be about the latter, the bashing of which constitutes antisemitism.

DiaminSilber • 5 years ago

No, it doesn't. It points out how some articles of faith adopted by this denomination shaped the worldview of some of it's adherents and the consequences of that worldview.

SheldonPalmer • 5 years ago

and his successors/descendants are just as bad. the current self-hating maybe jew, maybe convert, Pipsqueak Sulzberger hates jews and israel

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

but denying the rational and scientific knowledge of the FAITH: it means swearing against God and it means saying to him: "why did you give us a brain? Muslim brain is enough for the brain of the ants"
so while in DOGMA shariah ummah mecca 666 Kaaba must be accepted with submission,
on the contrary, Christian Jewish dogma must be understood with science as criticism and theological reflection "credo ut intelligam" "intelligam ut credam"
and since this Qur'an excrement is the same sharia law of the irrational dogmatic ARAB LEAGUE:
here is that: every Muslim in the world is a potential killer sleeper Erdogan!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

ma negare la conoscenza razionale e scientifica della FEDE: significa bestemmiare contro Dio e significa dirgli: "perché ci hai dato un cervello? ai mussulmani è sufficiente il cervello delle formiche"
quindi mentre in DOGMA shariah ummah mecca 666 Kaaba deve essere accettato con sottomissione,
al contrario il dogma ebraico cristiano deve essere compreso con la scienza la critica e la riflessione teologica "credo ut intelligam" "intelligam ut credam"
e poiché questo escremento di Corano è la stessa legge shariah della LEGA ARABA dogmatica irrazionale:
ecco che: ogni mussulmano nel mondo è un potenziale sicario dormiente Erdogan!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Muslims confuse the concept of FAITH with the concept of dogma: they say: "if you doubt dogma, you have no faith!"
but it is just the opposite of Abraham's FAITH: that it was born of his personal relationship of friendship with God himself!
moreover, for Jews and Christians the Bible can be exposed to modern science: and to the critical historical method, without any destructive repercussions:
while, if the Koran were exposed to the critical historical method: it: it would immediately be burned as the manual of the witches

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

islamici confondono il concetto di FEDE con il concetto di dogma: loro dicono: "se tu dubiti del dogma? tu non hai fede!"
ma è proprio tutto il contrario della FEDE di Abramo: che essa nasceva dalla sua personale relazione di amicizia con Dio stesso!
inoltre, per ebrei e cristiani la Bibbia può essere esposta alle scienza moderne: ed al metodo storico critico, senza nessuna ripercussione distruttiva:
mentre, se il Corano fosse esposto al metodo storico critico: esso: verrebbe subito bruciato come il manuale delle streghe

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

and even if we did NOT know: all the Islamic genocides that have created and founded the ARABIC LEAGUE of the Nazi exterminators as it still is today: because the Koran written by the Pharisees of the Talmud: is an uncreated word: which cannot be interpreted:
the strident and contrasting explanation that Muslims have of the concept of "FAITH" as opposed to the concept of the "FAITH" that Jews and Christians have is sufficient: to identify Koranic ISLAM as the greatest threat of genocide: that mankind must face : in the last 6000 years!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

e se anche, noi NON conoscessimo: tutti i genocidi islamici che hanno realizzato la LEGA ARABA dei nazisti sterminatori come è ancora tutt'oggi: perché il Corano scritto dai farisei del Talmud: è una parola increata che non si può interpretare: è sufficiente la stridente e contrastante oppositiva spiegazione che gli islamici hanno del concetto della "FEDE" in contrapposizione al concetto della "FEDE" che hanno ebrei e cristiani: per identificare ISLAM coranico come la più grande minaccia di genocidio che il genere umano deve affrontare: negli ultimi 6000anni!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

1. we have a holy Judaism (Yitzchak Kaduri, also written Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak", a renowned haredi kabbalist) and: we have a demonic Talmudic Judaism: of Rothschild;
2. We have a holy Hinduism of Gandhi: and we have a demonic Hinduism of Narendra Modi.
3. and of course: we have many Muslim saints: although ISLAM cannot be defined:
*** no a monotheistic religion (they worship an idol lunar meteorite)
*** and not even Abrahamic religion: (because I am a bunch of shameless international criminals)
in fact we know that to Abraham God spoke to him: but at their pervert of angel who spoke to pedoPORNOGRAFICO Muhammad? we don't know who he is!
Indeed Mohammud has never even been a man: but he was a beast of international criminal pervert!