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Why Jews still in diaspora ? Hashem gave them land in 1948 ! they have no right to complain for anti-semitism, they chose to be a victims ! this is their way !

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

as parasites your Satna's synagogue talmud agenda, lgbt Freemasons Rothschild SpA FED IMF NWO regime Bilderberg, Democratic Party: ANTIFA deep State, esoteric agenda: and they have chosen to suck people to death ..
and now I'm in the midst of hate!

come parassiti massoni lgbt Rothschild SpA FED IMF NWO regime Bilderberg Partito Democratico: ANTIFA deep State, esoteric agenda: e loro hanno scelto di succhiare i popoli fino alla morte..
ed ora sono in mezzo all'odio!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

you are pathological:
I am the champion ONE of Hashem: King ISRAEL & Massia
but you don't know him, and it's normal that you don't know me!

tu sei patologico:
io sono il campione di Hashem
ma tu non cosci lui ed è normale che tu non conosci me!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

so you don't know that it was the Anglo-American Jews who created the Wahhabis and the hajatollahs?
and don't you know that it was the Jewish Masons B'nai B'rith, who gave: 70 years of terrorism to Israel?
they are the greatest threat to you Israelis!
they chose Satan
and the Israelis are sentenced to death because of Bin Salman who is complicit in this project of destruction of CHINA and RUSSIA

e quindi tu non sai che sono stati gli ebrei anglo-americani a creare i wahhabiti e gli hajatollah?
e non sai che sono stati gli ebrei massoni B'nai B'rith, che hanno dato: 70 anni di terrorismo a Israele?
loro sono la più grande minaccia per voi israeliani!
loro hanno scelto Satana
e gli israeliani sono condannati a morte per colpa di Bin Salman che è complice in questo progetto di distruzione di CINA e RUSSIA

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Jews from the Diaspora, SpA FED IMF ECB NWO, Deep State Regime Bilderberg, Antifa, lgbt, democratic party, EU, neoliberals, they are filling the EU and the US with Muslims
to destroy Jesus of Bethlehem
and instead, the crazy sharia will make them disappear from the face of the earth!

gli ebrei della Diaspora, SpA FED IMF ECB NWO, Deep State Regime Bilderberg, Antifa, lgbt, partito democratico, Ue, neoliberisti, loro stanno riempendo UE e USA di islamici
per distruggere Gesù di Betlemme
ed invece, gli sharia pazzi, faranno sparire proprio loro dalla faccia della terra!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

io ho trasformato ISRAELE in una potenza militare divina, quì a Gerusalemme morirà l'ISLAM!

John H Gary • 3 years ago

So let me get this straight...you are among those who would tell an "African-American" who is being racially harassed, "Go back where you came from?"

Nichus Block • 3 years ago

They only chose to live where they had been living for generations, it isn't their fault the frogs invite muzzies in and can't keep the peace.

Time for change to a generations of tradition, in that case.
Europe has never been a friendly place for Jews. They should have learned that always antisemitic europe is no place for them.
Israel is.
Heck, if it weren't for money and my age, I'd very much like moving to Israel.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

BIN SALMAN from Rijad ] [ Rothschild has filled with hatred: all the peoples of the world against the Jews (again) .. and all this does not move you to pity?
after all, in these 50 years, they the synagogue of satan FED IMF ECB Bilderberg USA Owl at Bohemian GROVE, they made you kill millions of innocent Christian martyrs, and you should be grateful, for that I say!
now the Jews need to be secured in Saudi Arabia in my MADIANA desert!

Rothschild ha riempito di odio: tutti i popoli del mondo contro gli ebrei (ancora una volta).. e tutto questo non ti muove a compassione?
dopotutto, in questi 50 anni, loro la sinagoga di satana FED IMF ECB Bilderberg USA Owl at Bohemian GROVE, loro ti hanno fatto uccidere milioni di martiri cristiani innocenti, e tu dovresti essere riconoscente, per questo io dico!
ora gli ebrei hanno bisogno di essere messi in sicurezza in Arabia Saudita nel mio deserto della MADIANA!

mercenary76 • 3 years ago

most blacks do not like jews and really do not like any other races much . they will kill their own people with no qualms so why should anyone wish to make an alliance with them ?

Tuvia • 3 years ago

It sounds like an Arab violent attack on Jews. The French Government does not protect Christians, or Jews .The Western leaders have lost their way. Let’s hope the Israeli Government does better and allow Jews to pray at the Temple and build houses in Judea and Samaria.

alpcns . • 3 years ago

France is going the way of Europe - deeper and deeper into the abyss of barbarity, insanity, chaos and misery.

I thought they were one of the leaders of this trend???

alpcns . • 3 years ago

That is, in fact, correct.

When will french Jews wise up and leave IslamoFrance?

Israel needs to shift its trade reliance on friendly asian nations and end reliance on the nazi continent. Then Israel can simply lock them out of anything having to do with the way Israel does anything in their sovereign country!
End kow towing to hateful europe.

macron is too busy trying to pump money in to lebaon so hezbollah can stay in control.
Disarming hezbollah should be mandatory for any aid

luis boscovi • 3 years ago

AD the retarded DEMOCRATS want US to be like their beloved EUROPE.....nitwit haters