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Selma Prager • 4 years ago

I visited Yad Vashem each time I was in Israel Initially there was just one main building, However an American couple donated funds to build a separate building to honor just the children whose lives were lost in Hitler's Holocaust My visit to the second building 20 plus years ago remains with me still. As I walked through darkened areas all you could hear were the names of the children who died and there was a star on the ceiling for everyone of those children. That memory will never leave me !

Suqsid • 4 years ago

Great act. Big thank you! The neonazis could use them to renew the old evil back

Cauc-Asian Patriot • 4 years ago

I fail to see where buying Hitler statues and artifacts that aren't directly Holocaust related proving the Holocaust is better than contributing to Israeli charities or buying Israeli bonds to support the Zionist State of israel but that is my thinking! Happy Holiday Season especially Chanukah!

ME1 • 4 years ago

It was actually the Grand Mufti who started to call Jewish Palestine 'an Arab entity' a major player in the Holocaust. Before any Jew that was expelled to Europe a right to return to Israel (Palestine was the name Rome named it during their occupation) he wanted them all dead. Hitler sided with Mufti and thus paved the way to the Holocaust.

Steven Thompson • 4 years ago

Yes, unfortunately, we must keep these historic reminders of the Holocaust so that no one will ever forget. Before Hitler, we had the devastating inhumane torment, subjugation, enslavement, abuse, and slaughter of tens of millions of non-Muslims - including many Jews - by the Islamic caliphs for hundreds of years starting in seventh century.

We all know how those who hate Jews and Israel would like to erase all historic documentation proving this devastating inhumane act against other humans ever happened. May such actions never happen again.

These historic relics are continuous reminders so that per chance history does not repeat itself yet again. Wishful thinking? Probably so, since Biblical prophecy does reveal a future time under the anti-Christ, and then the great battle of Armageddon when all the nations gather to come against Israel. But on the Day of Judgment, the mouths of the enemies of Israel, and of His Anointed One, will be shut, because in spite of all the evidence, these hateful people refused to listen, and so will be righteously judged by God.

alpcns . • 4 years ago

Good. Better display them in a appropriate manner than that creatures like Corbyn collect and worship them. He'd probably love to buy them (with other people's money, as a good socialist should).

442rocketdave • 4 years ago

What a great gesture and what he has done has so much meaning and to the generations who will never meet a holocaust survivor this helps in the education of what happened and by this mans gift of buying these over priced relics and giving them to the museum this shows how important it is to educate and to NEVER EVER FORGET and we all can pray it will never happen again...…. But evil it still here.

Rivka • 4 years ago

So nice of him goodness haven’t not disappeared from the world

Alex Peshansky • 4 years ago

“Never forget” means keeping these disgusting reminders.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Yes sure:
but you should not forget that: it is because of the Rothschilds and the European Rabbis: satans Synagogue (the super rich: Masons thieves and conspirators) that fascism and Nazism arose:
because the peoples were desperate:
for: extreme poverty, mafia social injustice, anarchy, usury, bureaucracy, debt contracted by the rothschild private banks scam, seigniorage scam banking ..
just, everything that's happening today, and that you don't want to see: in the democratic bilderberg party, FED FMI BCE lgbt sodom the vampires: Soros Merkel Macron Trudeau, Prodi, Monti, Morgan, Mauduch Murdoch, etc.

ME1 • 4 years ago

What about the Vatican and all their wealth that out matches any Rothschild? They played both sides, good and bad for centuries and is largely responsible for the immigration issues of so-called modern Europe?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Rothschilds SpA: they are the masters of all the money that exists on this planet.
the VATICAN is: a chronic economic deficit.
the VATICAN has no political power,
the VATICAN is bullied by the usurocratic Masonic and neo-liberist technocracy Bilderberg Demo Pluto Giudaico MASSONE ..
so, what the VATICAN thinks? nobody can know since it is under blackmail from the New World Order!

michael greene • 4 years ago

Please go back on your meds.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago


Warren Marshall • 4 years ago

What a complete loony you are Lorenzo

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago


Rivka • 4 years ago

So we should send them a gift?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

JHWH holy God has prepared an answer for all their crimes

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

my President RIVLIN Reuven ] grazie .. Dio ti benedica potentemente! [ l'08-Dicembre 1986 [(Yitzchak lui mi vide in TV nel 1982 quando io servivo la Messa a Sua Santità Giovanni Paolo II ( יצחק כדורי يسحاق كدوري ‎), also spelled Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak" (c. 1898 – January 28, 2006)]
l'08-Dicembre 1986: festa della IMMACOLATA Concezione: io avrei dovuto essere ordinato DIACONO, ma, il mio ex-parroco, oggi lui è il mio Arcivescovo (è una contraddizione con il diritto canonico che dice che nessuno deve fare il Vescovo nella sua Diocesi di origine),

ma, lui disse che io ero pazzo, quindi l'Arcivescovo del tempo: lui pensò che il mio ex-parroco doveva essere molto intelligente..
così se io non ero pazzo?
i preti mi avrebbero fatto impazzire VERAMENTE e comunque,
cioè, se lo Spirito Santo non mi avesse blindato il cervello!

Rivka • 4 years ago

Translate ?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

translate google ] under now: ALDO have traslated my comment

Guest • 4 years ago
paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

you Jewish globalists and technocratic speculative finance you will burn in hell: because no truth and no justice has been found in you ..
that's why I'm here to protect Israel from you!

aldo • 4 years ago

I'm not Jewish and there is no hell.
That's a false church dogma.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

tutti quelli che vanno al'inferno negano esso,
questo è un classico!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

hell is in any religions..

that's why justice calls for your destruction!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

after 400 years of an unequal struggle against your Synagogue of Satan, after 640 excommunications against the Morgan Rochefellers and against Freemasonry,
the Church lost with immense losses its mortal struggle against Freemasonry!
So in reaction to the SATAN Synagogue: world wear was born of the totalitarianism of the 20th century.
the Great Servant of God, the Holy Pope Pius XII, NOT was a supporter of Hitler !!!
1. as a bishop, he made a document against Nazism: that all German priests hid in the Blessed Sacrament, and that they read simultaneously.
2. as Pope he was giving as a ransom for all the Jews of the ghetto: 3 kg of gold, but, the infamous Nazis went back on the word and stole gold and deported the Jews anyway.
3. the Great Servant of God, Pope Pius XII, his Dutch Bishops (with his permission) made a public document against Nazism: and Hitler in retaliation (and for the happiness of the Anglo-American Rothschilds) killed 10,000: nuns priests and seminarians, who were all Jews converted to Christianity.
So what the churches could say in the century of totalitarianism (fascism Nazism and communism) for their insubordination have all paid a huge toll of blood.
4. Pope Pius XII organized a secret network to hide Jews in convents and to send them to the USA with false documents!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

if my life is garbage for you,
this is your problem!
I never think that the life of someone in the whole world can be a garbage, because as long as one is alive, one can always be covered by God's grace and mercy!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

my President REUVEN RIVLIN ] condoglianze! [ Addio a Piero Terracina, tra ultimi sopravvissuti di Auschwitz. È morto a Roma a 91 anni Piero Terracina, uno degli ultimi sopravvissuti al più grande campo di sterminio nazista. "All'Inferno ci sono stato, si chiama Auschwitz-Birkenau", aveva detto qualche anno fa alla platea dell'Auditorium Paganini di Parma che lo aveva accolto per non dimenticare. "La Memoria Shoah Olocausto! "
gli ebrei si chiedevano tutti attoniti ed increduli: in " Auschwitz-Birkenau" perché, perché, perché se la prendono contro di me? che cosa io ho fatto di male?
in ogni modo, non avevano fatto nulla di male e non meritavano di morire (ovviamente)... eppure loro morivano senza sapere un perché, e erroneamente: loro pensavano che era Hitler ad ucciderli, e non capivano invece che era Rothschild SpA FED FMI BM City London: Morgan Rochefeller Bush Owl: la sinagoga di satana: il mandante del loro sterminio! i loro Rabbini capi? lo sapevano ma li hanno traditi!!!

ecco perché la Shoah Olocausto non può essere fermata e si ripresenterà ciclicamente, perché per un sortilegio demoniaco: le motivazioni della Shoah rimangono ancora nascoste!!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

my presidente Israeliano Reuven Rivlin ] [ i più grandi demoni della storia del genere umano sono:
1. la sinagoga di Satana: 666 Biden FED FMI BM BCE NWO; il Massone di Kerry Obama, ecc..
2. ISLAM sharia jihad.
3. Comunismo: Cina Russai: Putin Xi-Jinping, Kim Jong-un
4. Sodoma lgbt Epstein Trudeau Macron Clinton e drag queen
ora, tutte queste teosofie sataniche, e crimini ideologici? essi si, sono tutti presenti nel tuo Partito democratico!
.... ti do un consiglio: "legati una macina al collo a vatti a buttare in mezzo al mare!"

aldo • 4 years ago

"my Israeli president Reuven Rivlin] [the greatest demons in the history of mankind are:
1. the synagogue of Satan: 666 Biden FED FMI BM BCE NWO; the Freemason of Kerry Obama, etc.
2. ISLAM sharia jihad.
3. Communism: China Russian: Putin Xi-Jinping, Kim Jong-un
4. Sodom lgbt Epstein Trudeau Macron Clinton and drag queen
now, all these satanic theosophy and ideological crimes? they are all present in your Democratic Party!
.... I give you an advice: "tied a millstone around your neck to throw in the middle of the sea!"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

excellent translation,
ok, i'll hire you as a personal translator,
but, "Yes"? you shouldn't have added it, because, you could unleash a useless diplomatic war!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Israel's president thanks Lebanese businessman who bought Hitler artifacts
questo si che è stato un buon lavoro! grazie!