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Mojo • 5 years ago

How DARE they separate orphans from their parents, let's make sure the DEMS in the USA protest and march on the Israel Embassy

Martyman39 • 5 years ago

The last thing we need is another Obama or any leftist Democrats.

Allan Singer • 5 years ago

Hey Mojo, the fact that they are orphans MEANS they have no parents.
Where were you when G-d gave out brains?

Mojo • 5 years ago

Where's the proof they are orphans?

Hazel • 5 years ago

Where's proof you have a brain?

skrech13 • 5 years ago

Why you are sure they are not? That was yous first assumption.

Mojo • 5 years ago

cogito ergo sum

Allan Singer • 5 years ago

Hey Mojo, where's the proof that you're a human being and not a programmed artificial intelligence, or a patsy for the sand rats? Jerk

Wayne Tilly • 5 years ago

This idiot also thinks Mojo is an Indian tribe from Montana

Mojo • 5 years ago

doesn't everyone know that?

John Conrad • 5 years ago

The transfer on Friday night was the product of communication between local Syrian leaders and contacts in Israel, who arranged to take the injured into the Jewish state for treatment. According to the IDF, the majority of the injuries were sustained from shrapnel, and included a serious head injury, a stomach wound, and wounds to the legs.

stanzye • 5 years ago


Mojo • 5 years ago

and on the Xabbath

Phil Lesh Fan • 5 years ago

Too bad that forum participant "Allan" missed the point of your post. And even "too badder" that Allan's Mother never taught him manners. His rabbi failed in that area as well.


Mojo • 5 years ago

Hi Phil,
Don't you remember that Allan is a self anointed 'Hebrew Prophet ?
Don't you know that he was indispensable in developing the Merkava tank?
Don't you realize he consider himself to be a man of WIT & Letters?
(The same man of WIT that Cyrano describes and says he has but "half '" and as for letters, we need but there to write him down,.....A. S. S. )

lsatenstein • 5 years ago

Orphans only have dead parents. Either you think it is a joke that you wrote or you want the orphans to join their late parents.

Mojo • 5 years ago

perhaps you need to look up the definition of Orphans, then apologize

skrech13 • 5 years ago

Separate ORPHANTS from the Parents? You are brain damaged and in need of professional help!

Mojo • 5 years ago

"Whom the gods would destroy they first make crazy.
You're next

jegwe • 5 years ago

Surely, the definition of an orphan is a child who has lost its parents. These children have already been separated from their parents, permanently, by Assad.

Mojo • 5 years ago

There are several DEFINITIONS of the word "Orphan".
It can bee a noun or an adjective.
there are specific legal definitions as well

Daniel Kelly • 5 years ago

The meaning is obvious to anyone who speaks English. Can you? From your posts it would appear the answer is "No". It can also be a verb.

Mojo • 5 years ago

are you saying in one breathe that my comment was wrong, but in the next sentence you say ALSO it can be a verb?
Do you even bother to read what you post or do you like 'digging yourself In to that bottomless hole that has no sides?"

garybkatz • 5 years ago

Anticipated headline on Iran's PressTV: "Zionists Kidnap Muslim Children!"

Chode • 5 years ago

Iran’s Press TV?! Try the New York Times and CNN!

garybkatz • 5 years ago

The Times would blare: "Palestinians accuse Israel of kidnap and torture of Syrian children." CNN would air a story with the premise: "Is Israel Syria-washing its Palestinian problem?" "The Irish Times" would come up with a feature criticizing Israel for treating the kids, but then forcing them to return to Syria, instead of setting them up with condos in Israel.

Mojo • 5 years ago


tenorsax • 5 years ago

Israel does amazing good things Why are they continuouslly vilified by the left all over the world Seriously it is time to stop it

Hazel • 5 years ago

Anyone accusing IDF of crims agst humanity are plain stupid.... and by that I mean the middle east leaders and their UN supporters! Mojo is also one bloody idiot....

Peter Cohen • 5 years ago

Orphans obviously mean parents were killed by Assad. It is a terrible life. Sometimes I wonder whether the children are better off dead, but that is not what Jews are taught and I commend the IDF and Israel for their humanity and empathy.

rabbimfriedman@yahoo.com • 5 years ago

Take pictures of Israel saving Syrians and in ISRAELI HOSPITAL and send to UN IN NEW YORK.. Send to all EU countries in Europe who support BDS!
SEND PICTURES TO ALL USA MEDIA. Send to anti Semitic Democratic reps as Keith Ellison, Watters etc

Nico An_el • 5 years ago

Totally agree and send especially to the UN Human Right Organisation in Geneva where those idiots are so obsessed with Israel that they don't know how to reason for what is right or wrong in the world.

Rie Moya • 5 years ago

Great work IDF!

nat cheiman • 5 years ago

Why treat the enemy?

Gabor Ujvari • 5 years ago

This is the news what the UN, UNHRC, EU, BDS, Amnesty and the left wing press does not want to acknowledge.
Despite all the Syrian attacks against Israel, Israel still provides humanitarian medical help to injured Syrians in need.
Kol hakavod to Israel and shame on those who publish incitements against Israel.
Israel is still the one and only democracy in the Middle East.

John Conrad • 5 years ago

Do you think they dont know? Do you think the leaders of the whole world or the UN “Human Rights Commission” do not know about this ongoing generosity of Israel? They do and yet they will not acknowledge it publicly or even to themselves, because it does not suit their narrative. They are bigots and are really very jealous of Israel's success

Guest • 5 years ago
Mojo • 5 years ago

Relax, Nobody would understand what he said in any language

msueh • 5 years ago

just the one from 4 hours ago, google translate, in Croation (and obviously not a perfect translation, since it translates "Cina" as China.
"China Netanyahu, Russia Trump] if, in shariah, no one can deny it: "ISLAM is also political" then it is not a true religion, but a project of NAZISM genocide and imperialism, and if the Muslims kneel in Mecca 666 Idol Kaaba, then they are sleeping soldiers of Erdogan and Saud, Muslims in fact, when claiming shariah, become an army, sleeping, becoming an active military force at the service of a hostile Saudi superpower, as the same task is absolved by the galaxy jihadist under the coordination of the CIA"

HOWEVER, look at his profile. Calls himself the "king of ISRAEL", also thinks he is invincible and perfect. I don't think so. Bunch of hogwash, IMHO!

Some of his words in English, from the profile: "[...] but, I seriously doubt that you can care about Saint ISLAM: the goodness and sanctity of ISLAM, of course, I love holy ISLAM holy, more than you ...[...]"

'nother words, not worth the time to translate (but I was curious), let alone read! :-/

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Cina Netanjahu, Russia Trump ] se, in shariah, nessuno lo può negare: " ISLAM è anche politica", allora, non è una vera religione, ma, un progetto di NAZISMO genocidio ed imperialismo, e se i mussulmani si inginocchiano a Mecca 666 Idolo Kaaba, allora sono soldati dormienti di Erdogan e Saud, i mussulmani infatti quando rivendicano la shariah si trasformano in un esercito, che da dormiente, diventano una attiva forza militare al servizio di una superpotenza saudita ostile, come lo stesso compito è assolto dalla galassiah jihadista sotto il coordinamento della CIA

BOTOSANI123 . • 5 years ago


paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

are you that Muhammad who killed innocent and peaceful 300 Christian martyrs innocent. in every day in the ARABA League in these 30 years for sharia law?

sei tu quel Maometto che ha ucciso 300 martiri cristiani al giorno nella LEGA ARABA in questi 30 anni per sharia legge?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

oggi, io ho ascoltato un voltastomaco vomitevole chiamato: Domenico Quirico, che lui sembrava più prete del Papa (ma, tutte le istituzioni Media Giornali appartengono al PD LGBT Bilderberg anticristo NWO SPA FED FMI, ed è inutile farsi illusioni, prima di sradicare questa ciurmaglia di massoni corrotti ci vorranno decenni! e dove era: in questi decenni Domenico Quirico, che si dispiace di vedere affogare la invasione militare shariah Erdogan genocidio ummah mecca 666 CIA kaaba, mentre i martiri cristiani morivano shariah nel disprezzo del suo assordante e peloso silenzio?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

#Donal #TRUMP ] mi dispiace avere ragione. ma, nessun accordo potrebbe essere realistico, efficace e leale, finché in Corea del Nord, e IRAN SAUDI ARABIA si commette lo sterminio dei cristiani, queste Nazioni possono essere soltanto distrutte, NON perdere tempo prezioso!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

#Donal TRUMP ] per i clandestini dal Messico? tu non puoi dividere i bambini dai loro genitori

Cheryl Detar • 5 years ago

English, please.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Messiah UNIUS REI JHWH 11 hours ago Removed
per realizzare il genocidio degli israeliani (new shoah) il NWO NATO ha designato di ...
my holy JHWH ] gli israeliani mi fanno la censura
my holy JHWH] gli israeliani my fanno censorship

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

#Donal #TRUMP] about illegal immigrants from Mexico? you can not divide children from their parents!

Guest • 5 years ago
paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

your doctor 666? would not advise you to read my comments!

il tuo dottore Satana? non ti consiglierebbe di leggere i miei commenti!