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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Campania. Naples: The professor arrested for sexual abuse, he is killed himself.
The mathematics teacher of a well-known classical high school was shot and fired in recent days on charges of abusing two female students at the time of the fifteen year olds
when do you get away from the 10 commandments of Moses and lose faith? if, you are not like me: an enemy of the NWO FED IMF NATO sharia: is Allah Lilith is Satan Rivlin Ja-Bull-ON? then, the Satanists will not take you, it is true: but, sin will kill you all the same

Campania. Napoli: Si è ucciso il prof arrestato per abusi sessuali
Si è sparato un colpo di pistola il docente di matematica di un noto liceo classico arrestato nei giorni scorsi con l'accusa di aver abusato due studentesse all'epoca dei fatti quindicenni
quando tu ti allonani dai 10 Comandamenti di Mosé e perdi la fede? se, tu non sei come me: un nemico del NWO sharia: Allah è Lilith Satana? poi, i satanisti non ti prenderanno, è vero: ma, il peccato ti ucciderà lo stesso

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

for Juncker: usurer technocrat: DEMO PLUTO JUDAIC MASSON: Ja-Bull-ON urinating like a biiittch Ada Colau: in the middle of a road, or like Macron THE PERVERT: to divorce your teacher? this leads well to the sodom dracula of Rothschild politicians in the New World Order: the antichrist! JUNE 15 - Ada Colau was reconfirmed this afternoon as mayor of Barcelona thanks to an agreement with the Socialist Party of Catalonia, and three votes of councilors of Manuel Valls. Colau, an extreme left-wing activist supported: from a civic list, to the May 26 vote he got 10 councilors, the same number of separatists from Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, who had however collected more votes. For the first time, Barcelona will have as its mayor a representative of a list that is not the most voted.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN ] [ if I threw on the human race: the awareness of his sins of rebellion: against the divine wisdom that founded the Universe: and the judgment of destruction that almost everyone expects? billions of people would die of fear .. but, for God's mercy: this does not allow it,
is this why even if I remain silent? the Holy Spirit would speak to everyone, however, of my mystery: the metaphysical density!

se gettassi sul genere umano: la consapevolezza dei suoi peccati di ribellione: alla divina sapienza che ha fondato l'Universo: e il giudizio di distruzione che: quasi tutti attende? miliardi di persone morirebbero di paura.. ma, la misericordia di Dio: non lo permette,
ecco perché anche se io rimango in silenzio? lo Spirito Santo parlerebbe a tutti comunque del mio mistero: la densità metafisica!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN ] do not boast to your friends that I speak of God with you: because this I do also with the Satanists!

non ti vantare con i tuoi amici che io parlo di Dio con te: perché questo io lo faccio anche con i satanisti!

YACIE. • 4 years ago

I only hope that not one such item belong [or is meant for the merriment] to an innocent child

Arnold Handelman • 4 years ago

Better that some items of amusement are withheld from Palestinian children, than some Israeli children be traumatized, or wounded or killed by Palestinian terror use of the items.

Dale Baranowski • 4 years ago

Sadly, there are no innocent children in Gaza as they've been brainwashed since infancy to hate Jews.

Ian Wilson • 4 years ago

Many / most of the readers here will be too young to remember the protest that the Arabs, living on Jewish lands, made by protesting the INTERNATIONAL WORLD RADIO CONTROLLED MODEL AIRCRAFT GLIDING COMPETITION, with competitors coming from all over the entire world, was held in ISRAEL. Most of these radio controlled gliders were models of the real, full sized World Champion gliders and cost many thousands of dollars each - even back then !!!
These idiot Arabs actually had the cheek to complain to the UN !!! That was several decades ago !!!
These useless, lying Arabs protested and partitioned the UN to have the whole WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP cancelled because " the Zionists " were going to, according the these loonie Arabs, use these WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS to spray poisons and other 'chemical weapons' and to 'spy' on the 'innocent' Arabs living on the lands of ISRAEL !!! Some competitors from several countries actually dropped out, fearing for their own personal safety !!!