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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN & Putin] Satanists who are not dead? they went somewhere to grind & shout: "Jesus of Bethlehem is the lord!"
and now Rothschild has given the management of youtube to Kekke lgbt!
how much life does this NWO still have before trying to kill us all with WW3 nuclear:is all your fault, in fact, you have not yet transferred your embassy to Jerusalem

Bin SALMAN & Putin ] i satanisti che non sono morti? sono andati da qualche parte a gridare: "Gesù di Betlemme è il signore!"
ed adesso Rothschild ha dato la gestione di youtube alle Kekke lgbt!
quanta vita ha ancora questo NWO prima di tentare di ucciderci tutti con WW3nuclear: tutto per per colpa vostra? infatti voi non avete ancora trasferito la vostra ambasciata a Gerusalemme

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN & Putin ] if you follow me to Jerusalem and if you allow me to realize my Kingdom of ISRAEL? I would have no problem in destroying the unipolar world: dracula satan sodoma: NWO FED FMI BM: which today I can control: as you have observed!

se voi mi seguite a Gerusalemme e se mi permettete di realizzare il mio Regno di ISRAELE? io non avrei nessun problema a distruggere il mondo unipolare: satana sodoma: NWO FED FMI BM: che già oggi riesco a controllare: come voi avete constatato!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Iran Revolutionary Guard claims it shot down US drone. [ hasta la vista Ayatollah Ali Khamenei] is not that I am a hawk for war, no no! I'm just an invisible eagle: and my prey is the unlucky fish: the cannibalist dracula Sodom Satanists NWO, and their poor Islamic sharia terrorists all!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

hasta la vista Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ] no one has informed you that : through laser beams?
the US has nuclear power stations in space: and that they can melt your brain Mohammeddans & cretinit, step criminal, paranoid murderer of innocent Christians apostasy: genocide Erdogan sharia anywhere in the world: through laser beams?

nessuno ti ha informato che gli USA hanno le centrali termo nucleari nello spazio: e che ti possono fondere il tuo cervello cretino criminale pazzo, paranoico assassino di cristiani innocenti apostasia: genocidio Erdogan sharia in qualsiasi parte del mondo: attraverso i raggi laser? le tue forze aeree TeLePuoiMettereNelCulo

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

/oggi-e-la-giornata-della-mafia-nigeriana-ecco-chi-hanno-traghettato-in-questi-anni-davvero/ the Democratic Party is importing its new voters: 1. Erdogan terrorists and: 2. cannibals Nigerian mafia! In your opinion, who does the Nigerian mafia want to be in the government?
Today is the Day of the Nigerian Mafia: here are those who have really ferried during these years
June 20, 2019
Today is the so-called "Refugee Day", which if it really was dedicated to refugees, could also make sense. But judging by what happened: in these years, it seems more like the "Nigerian Mafia Day".
The PD in recent years has ferried nearly 100,000 Nigerians to Italy.
That the Nigerian mafia is occupying militarily: Italy is well known thanks to the PD's ferry crossings.
"Bands of immigrants are appropriating: entire areas of the Italian territory: and are preparing for ethnic guerrilla warfare: in African style"
"Groups of Nigerian migrants who: at first: collaborated with the mafias: for the exploitation of prostitution: and drug trafficking, now they are organizing paramilitary bands: to control the Italian territory", so an article in the "Times" of the June 29, 2017, to which were added publications: successive of the "Guardian". They spoke of Nigerian and Central African criminal gangs that: operate in Italy, already nicknamed by the British intelligence "The Vikings":
"The members are used to bring: the machete as a weapon - British sources report - have first controlled the trafficking of human beings, and today they use the Sicilian capital: as a landing and sorting point in Italy: for hundreds of thousands of immigrants illegals. "

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

4 women ROM are arrested 300 times: always released - VIDEO
voxnews info / 2019/06/07/4-rom-arrested-300-times-always-released-video /
answer ===> a dear mom ROM: type coniglia Erdogan: demographic bomb Islamic sharia: mother of criminals and terrorism: she is always pregnant: and therefore: cannot go to jail:
SALVINI said he should be sterilized (Muhammad's wife sharia umma NaZI Hitler Iran Riad)
why: then, the social services of the Democratic Party are not going to take away her children from her: is that: of course: will all be sent to begging and organized crime?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Satana & Allah ] accuccia! [ mi devo assentare un attimo e non vi permettete di scatenarmi la guerra mondiale!

Conservative American • 4 years ago

That's right, kick the biggest kid on the block while his back is turned. Eventually, you will get what you ask for.

Dennis Robison • 4 years ago

Iran should NOT believe our press... Many Americans no longer trust the press. Iran has pulled the tail of the tiger .. to cover their complicity in mining international oil shipments... this is the path to war. Many many Americans will support that with our life's blood. Don't be stupid.... OR BETTER YET... pull that Tiger's tail again and see what happens.