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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

there has never been a ISLAM Jihad sharia that be more dangerous and
extremist fundamentalist ISLAM in 1400 years: as today is Islam
interpreted by Erdogan Riyadh and Iran: they were designed by
Rothschild's kabbalah: to punish (rightly) the human race: which insists
on denying a unitary homeland for all Jews! .. me? I share this project
of Islamization: and I share his world war: actually!

Muslims have burned more than 15,000 churches in the last 10 years: and
in the ARAB LEAGUE it is not possible to restore the churches: out of
Egypt Jordan and Syria! The Extinction of Christians in the Middle East
no, no antichrist Putin Trump Ursula Von Hitler will intervene against the ARAB LEAGUE about The Extinction of Christians in the
Middle East
by Giulio Meotti • August 18, 2019
"I don't believe in these two words [human rights], there are no human
rights. But in Western countries, there are animal rights.

In Australia
they take care of frogs....Look upon us as frogs, we'll accept that —
just protect us so we can stay in our land." — Metropolitan Nicodemus,
the Syriac Orthodox archbishop of Mosul, National Catholic Register.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President RIVLIN ] but what ambition? [ to realize the Kingdom of Israel and to end the Islamic genocide of the Christian martyrs? I am forced to expose myself personally!

President RIVLIN ] ma quale ambizione? [ per realizzare il Regno di Israele e per far terminare il genocidio islamico dei martiri cristiani? io sono costretto ad espormi personalmente!

Randy Baker • 4 years ago

What does Iran need with a satellite? Except to spy on Israel and guide their rockets to targets in the free world.

alpcns . • 4 years ago

That makes a nice target for a salvo of Hellfire missiles, then, when that booster ignites.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

to my goats: Bush Rothschild Morgan Rochefeller Obama D'Alema Veltroni, Prodi Bersani, RENZI MERKEL MACRON, Clinton, Epstain, etc.
I opened the comment cards for my current 106 site blogger blogspot:
then, you send your satanists, freemasons, Islamic b i t c h e s and h i n d s of the CIA 666 UK Gender Darwin the apes developed, and all your corrupt perverts from the democratic party
to make comments, otherwise everyone will think that world sharia internet Satellite TV Network Twitter youtube facebook Islam? it's also one only world scam, together to scam banking seigniorage system FED IMF NWO ECB: the esoteric agenda!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

M5S 666 Pd Soros Rothschild Ursula Mattarella: masons & lgbt: the anti-Christ? they stabbed the majority of the Italian people to death and pushed Salvini LEGA FdI FI etc. to the opposition!
EU Macron euro Merkel after having destroyed and plundered 50% of the wealth of the Italian people: now to increase the number of suicide entrepreneurs is getting ready better:
they will empty my homeland through emigration and the demographic winter (caused by the wear and tear of central banks: and by Masonic consociativism) and will replace the Italian people: through the Afro-Muslims.
so the curse of Allah and Satan will focus on the Italian people: for to burning the hope of Israel to the root!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

antichrist Ursula Von Hitler] Macron France not only wants to return the "Mona Lisa", but, it has begun to move the borders,
you want to annex a piece of "mare nostrum"
with the signature of those traitors of the Democratic Party and Gentiloni!
so what if we did an EU to hurt us?
you sat on a pig: Rothschild-Prodi-Soros-Grillo:
that you can't even imagine it!

antichrist Ursula Von Hitler ] la Francia di Macron non solo vuole restituire la "Gioconda", ma, si è messo a spostare i confini,
si vuole annettere un pezzo di "mare nostrum"
con la firma di quei traditori del partito democratico e Gentiloni!
allora se abbiamo fatto una UE per danneggiarci tra di noi?
tu ti sei seduta sopra un maiale: Rothschild-Prodi-Soros-Grillo:
che non te lo puoi neanche immaginare!
voxnews info/2019/08/18/salvini-o-si-governa-o-si-vota-diretta-video

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

the ARAB LEAGUE UN OCI Russia USA EU: the antichrist Ursula Von Hitler?
are the supporters: of the sharia jihad monsters of 1400 years ago,
they are the first responsible for having prevented the normal and peaceful conviction among the peoples!
they have made human rights impossible!
and then, all those who criticize Israel?
they should not complain if they are filled with prostitutes: Nigerian mafia, Satanist cannibals, lgbt, etc ... and they are also filled with Islamic terrorism,
in fact, when the Imams teach: that, the Koran is an Increate Word:
then they cannot say to Muslims: "on the good you do: because Islam is a religion of peace!"
in fact Imam Erdogan himself says it: but then, he has no success: and every night he thinks about how to realize again the Ottoman Empire!
he said to me: "Sicily belongs to Turkey"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Yes! all paranoids: religious jihad sharia maniacs: crazy serial murderers, slave trades dhimmis dait goyims, contemptible dictators? they are almost all protected by #Putin and they develop ballistic missiles ... because like #Erdogan they know they are the scum of the scum: and they must arm themselves well!
in effect, Putin the bolscevick Comunist crazy: he tells everyone that his weapons are better,
but then, he himself does not believe it to himself: to this his statement fake affirmation: and of couse he wants to be defended by all bad contemptible ones, all togheter!!
Putin is just a cowardly scared rabbit
Bolshevik ofShit
Putin is just a cowardly scared rabbit