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Sidney Smith • 4 years ago

It is way past time to demolish the U.N. building and have them rebuild it in Iran where their allegiance lies! Then take the remains and drop them over Iran.

Devasahayam the Deplored • 4 years ago

Why rebuild it?

Sidney Smith • 4 years ago

Good point. It's dysfunctional anyway!

Gabor Ujvari • 4 years ago

The Useless Nothing lives up to it's reputation that they are a professional anti Israeli mob.
When Hamas fires rockets at Israel, the UN condemns Israel and defends Hamas.
Useless Nothing spreads useless nothing in every anti Israeli resolution.

Belch Water • 4 years ago

That's what you get with radical Islamic terrorists on the human rights committees!!!

alpcns . • 4 years ago

The United Nazis are in "top form" again, I see. Time to defund that whole imbecilic clique of fascists and kick them out of the country. Teheran comes to mind. They'll feel right at home, in that center of hate.

Peter Cohen • 4 years ago

The third offer to Arafat which he rejected was followed by an unsolicited Intifada. As soon as an Arab Muslim's mouth moves, you know it's a lie.

Alec Becker • 4 years ago

Talk talk talk but no action. Target all of the members of the U.N. that fail to condemn terrorism and fail to condemn the indiscriminate firing of rockets or missiles in order to kill or maim innocent Israeli civilians. Then stop giving them any money or assistance. Use sanctions against them. Then tell all that support the terrorists, and fail to condemn Hamas and other Jihadists, whether it be Canada or E. U. members that they will be targeted as adversaries of the U. S. and Israel.

Let those in the E.U. that stand with the U. S. and Israel as allies be called as such. Those who do not stand with the U.S. be called out for who they are. No more B.S.

naftali216 • 4 years ago

Exactly the reason Israel shouldn't care what the UN says and just annex the "West Bank" and exile those who were residents before 1948. The rest are interlopers from other Muslim countries. As for Gaza, simply tell them that the next rocket, fire bomb, etc. that comes over the fence will be met with a deluge of fireworks from Israel WITHOUT regard to where they land - period!!!!

Tom Dickson • 4 years ago

The whole UN entity has already been CURSED along with the EU, and all the anti-Semites and haters of ISRAEL are all CURSED to Satan's everlasting hell. Your rotten souls are all already burning in the hottest fires in hell. Let them BURN, BURN, BURN!!!! YES, ALL YOU FILTHY, CURSED PROFESSIONALS DEMONIC SOULS, LIARS, SHALL ALL BURN, BURN, BURN!!!!

Don Spilman • 4 years ago

“everyone will be able to imagine what peace could look like.”
Soooo who wants peace? Not one muzslime on the planet wants peace! Not one globalist on the planet wants peace! Vast numbers of ignorant people don’t have any idea what they want! Ergo there I’ll be nothing but perhaps a brief time of some so called peace and then ALL HELL! will break loose!

Bobby French • 4 years ago

The UN is made up of mostly muslim countries and because of that Israel will never get a fair and unbiased ruling. Worthless is what the UN is, nothing more.
I Stand With Israel
God Bless You

Don Spilman • 4 years ago

The accursed u n is MUCH worse than “worthless” the rotten thing is pure evil and is spreading evil all over the world! It was birthed in evil intent and has been the promoter of one world totalitarian government of death every day since!

Dajjal • 4 years ago

Equine Excrement! Israel can not compromise: security is all or nothing. Muslims want conquest, not peace. Where there are Muslims, there is no peace. Where there are ignorant Morons, there is only insanity.

Don Spilman • 4 years ago

Glad to see you in good form today mr. Dajjal!

Henry Carlson • 4 years ago

Personally i think that Israel should find out where the missiles come from and DESTROY the FACTORIES and EVERY missile launcher

bill levy • 4 years ago

The Hutzpah of Israel to retaliate after once again being attacked by Hamas with hundreds of missiles.

Don't they know they're supposed to accept Arab hostilities until the Arabs totally wipe them out?

What a shame that Israel doesn't totally destroy them with a plague, but knowing the Jews they would give them the antidote. I wish Jews could be as horrible as the Arabs.

Angelo Sturino • 4 years ago

In all fairness, let the US point out the both areas of blame and is it time to go forward too.......?

Dajjal • 4 years ago

Areas of blame: Islamic doctrine and Western ignorance & cowardice.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

#Venezuela: torture political trials: murders, all in jail without trial: disappearances: repressions,
Guaidò reports threats
'Chinese-Russian dictatorship seeks to sow fear with state terrorism'
because only in CRIMEA was there the right to get early elections!

#Venezuela: torture processi politici: omicidi, tutti in carcere senza processo: sparizioni: repressioni,
#Guaidò denuncia minacce
'Dittatura Cinese-Russa cerca di seminare paura con terrorismo di Stato'
perché soltanto in CRIMEA c'era il diritto per ottenere elezioni anticipate!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

please from this bad story? keep me out!

666 Cia alerts three of Khashoggi's colleagues
'You are a target for 666 Riad'. They worked with him on human rights

per favore da questa brutta storia? tenetemi fuori!

Cia allerta tre colleghi di Khashoggi
'Siete in mirino Riad'. Lavoravano con lui su diritti umani

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

this company: connected to the democratic party? must be commissioner!
Violated privacy, fine Turkey: Facebook lgbt sodoma satan the antichrist NWO!
'Images stolen by third parties, 300,000 users affected'

questa azienda: collegata al partito democratico? deve essere commissariata!
Violata privacy, Turchia multa: Facebook lgbt sodoma satana l'anticristo NWO!
'Immagini rubate da terzi, colpiti 300 mila utenti'

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Turkey against Assad offensive to Idlib
after a slice of Cyprus? Erdogan the jihad BOIA pimpino: and protector of ISIS: now he has sent his Turkmen to occupy: even a slice of Syria!
Syria is the Gdansk of Erdogan-Hitler
Danzica (AFI: /ˈdanʦika/; in polacco Gdańsk ascolta, [ˈɡdaɲsk]; in casciubo Gduńsk, in tedesco Danzig)
Turchia contro offensiva Assad a Idlib
dopo una fetta di Cipro? Erdogan il jihad BOIA pimpino: e protettore di ISIS: ora ha mandato i suoi turcomanni ad occupare: anche una fetta di Siria!
la Siria è la Danzica di Erdogan-Hitler

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

dimissioni al traditore #Pd #M5S al traditore della @patriae_amans
Patria! @GiorgiaMeloni @distefanoTW @Ale_Mussolini_ @FratellidItaIia
@CasaPoundItalia @BarbaraRaval @a_meluzzi @NicolaPorro @poliziadistato
@_Carabinieri_ @GDF #IVReich pic twitter com/R1KdDMU64J

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

hey christian consistent:
1. when 30 years ago I started doing the Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians: where were you?
2. when did I make 100 youtube channels with 400000 video of Christian martyrs where you were?
3. when I attacked NWO FED FMI ECB NATO CIA 666 NSA: where were you?

ehi cristiano coerente:
1. quando 30 anni fa io ho iniziato a fare l'Osservatorio sul martirio dei Cristiani: tu dove eri?
2. quando ho realizzato 100 canali youtube con 400000video dei martiri cristiani tu dove eri?
3. quando ho aggredito NWO FED FMI BCE NATO CIA 666 NSA: tu dove eri?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

I do not accuse anyone: your words condemn you!
I am not a movement or a religion: I am only the King of ISRAEL!
when I faced the Churches of Satan of the CIA and its 200,000 human sacrifices: where were you?

io non accuso nessuno: le tue parole ti condannano!
io non sono un movimento o una religione: io sono soltanto il Re di ISRAELE!
quando affrontavo le Chiese di Satana della CIA e i suoi 200000 sacrifici umani: tu dove eri?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

I am not a fanatic: if I show my affirmations: also because I have always prayed with the Protestants: but, I don't believe that you know how to pray with the Catholics! Kyenge is a demonic creature like Merkel and Mogherini: Pd Soros M5S? it is a political projection of the antichrist

non sono fanatico: se dimostro le mie affermazioni: anche perché io ho sempre pregato con i protestanti: ma, non credo che tu sai pregare con i cattolici! Kyenge è una creatura demoniaca come Merkel e Mogherini: Pd Soros M5S? è una proiezione politica dell'anticristo

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Ricco uomo d’affari uccide due cuccioli di elefante e poi si fa un selfie accanto ai cadaveri Ma la rabbia delle persone è tanta: “È una veramente triste, che questi uomini barbari possano uccidere questi bellissimi animali e farla franca! nonsoloanimali com/ricco-uomo-daffari-uccide-due-cuccioli-di-elefante-e-poi-si-fa-un-selfie-accanto-ai-cadaveri/

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Erdogan IRAN RIAD ] all demonic possessed [ know the priests of Satan: Ja-Bull-ON Bush OWL at Bohemian Grove: cremation of care ", ie, FED IMF NWO: Morgan cannibals NSA NATO of the CIA Dracula BELFAGOR Monsanto Bayer GMOS aliens abduction: micro-chip: agenda: Marduch and they also say:" Unius REI does a systematic job! "

[ lo sanno i sacerdoti di Satana: Ja-Bull-ON Bush OWL at Bohemian Grove: cremation of cure", ie, FED IMF NWO: Morgan cannibali NSA NATO della CIA Dracula BELFAGOR Monsanto Bayer GMOS agenda: Marduch e lo dicono anche: "Unius REI fa un lavoro sistematico!"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Amb. Tehran; #Iran allah akbar .. death to all infidels takfiri and kafir: the religious maniac: Ottoman demographic bomb: Erdodogan-gan gan: paranoid serial murderer of: death penalty for blasphemy apostasy?
they said: "we cannot trust Trump ... it is what guarantees there are that: Kim Jong-UN laogai gulag lager Putin Bolshevik genocide: that is, that he would not do it again?"

Amb. Teheran; #Iran allah akbar.. morte a tutti gli infedeli takfiri e kafir: i maniaco religiosi: bomba demografica ottomano: Erdodogan-gan: paranoico assassino seriale di: pena di morte per apostasia blasfemia?
proprio loro hanno detto: " non possiamo fidarci di Trump... e 'che garanzie ci sono che: Kim Jong-UN laogai gulag lager Putin bolscevico genocidio: che cioè lui non lo farebbe ancora?'

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

#AVEZZANO, PARENTS: '' OUR SON HAS BEEN DISABLED AT THE 2 #VACCINATION '' Here is the further demonstration that the heavy metals contained in the vaccines, remain in circulation in the blood for life, accumulate and when they come into contact with the brain ...

AVEZZANO, GENITORI: ''NOSTRO FIGLIO È RIMASTO DISABILE ALLA 2 #VACCINAZIONE'' Ecco l’ulteriore dimostrazione che i #metalli #pesanti contenuti nei #vaccini, rimangono in circolo nel sangue a vita, si accumulano e quando entrano a contatto con il cervello abruzzoweb it/contenuti/avezzano-nostro-figlio-disabile-dopo-vaccini-genitori-fanno-causa-a-ministero/688572-283/ …

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

wear: usura FED 666 IMF 187 ECB satan synagogue and her lilit demon Allah? they threaten us! to stop this invasion: Erdogan Soros Sharia Kalergi Afro-Islamic sharia and Nigerian mafia: 40% increase in crime, crimes and rapes?
we should open fire against them and against the ARAB LEAGUE: which threatens us with its satanism!
Shipwreck in Largo Tunisia, 70 dead: 16 survivors would leave Libya.
nobody has to survive!

usura FED FMI BCE satana sinagoga e demonio Allah? ci minacciano! per fermare questa invasione: Soros Sharia Kalergi afro-islamica sharia e mafia nigeriana: 40% di aumento criminalità delitti e stupri?
noi dovremmo aprire il fuoco contro di loro e contro la LEGA ARABA: che ci minaccia con il suo satanismo!
Naufragio a largo Tunisia, 70 morti: Sarebbero partiti da Libia, 16 i sopravvissuti.
nessuno deve sopravvivere!

Lambert Versteege • 4 years ago

what is the difference between palestina and the new palestina ?

Jersey Mathews • 4 years ago

It'll be fair to asked the Palestinians, just how committed are they for peace?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

you are all witnesses: "the German Nazis mACRON jUNCKER Bilderberg-Rothschild: threaten ISRAEL, and want to end the dirty work that Hitler has begun". merkel DICE:
Europe must support Iran to avoid new war in the Persian Gulf
If the EU does not want its foreign policy dictated by Washington, then it must support Iran and not join US sanctions, writes the German business newspaper Handelsblatt. Otherwise Tehran could definitively break the nuclear agreement and resume its nuclear program, bringing escalation throughout the region.

voi siete tutti testimoni: "i nazisti tedeschi Bilderberg-Rothschild: minacciano ISRAELE, e vogliono finire il lavoro sporco che Hitler ha iniziato". merkel DICE:
L'Europa deve sostenere l'Iran per evitare nuova guerra nel Golfo Persico
Se la UE non vuole che la sua politica estera sia dettata da Washington, allora deve sostenere l'Iran e non unirsi alle sanzioni statunitensi, scrive il giornale economico tedesco Handelsblatt. In caso contrario Teheran potrebbe definitivamente rompere l'accordo nucleare e riprendere il suo programma nucleare, portando l'escalation in tutta la regione.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

my Holy Parish priest says: "we with the Protestants? we do ecumenism one unique way: because they always have the poisoned tooth"

lo dice il Santo Parroco: "noi con i protestanti? noi facciamo l'ecumenismo a senso unico: perché hanno sempre il dente avvelenato"

Mishuduamis • 4 years ago

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." (Isaiah 5:20) We live in this time when people call evil good and good evil and then are rewarded with accolades for their blindness. In contrast, watch for the blessing of those who bless Israel (Gen 12:3). Have faith, Greenblatt and Kushner will see their reward.

Dajjal • 4 years ago

They are part of the problem, not the solution. Victory is the only solution. Extinction of Islam is the only victory.

Mishuduamis • 4 years ago

I’m not talking about your “solution” but about God’s promised blessing. I’m sorry I didn’t make that more clear.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

I don't think so badly: about Protestants (yet: with Rothschild they founded Freemasonry: in an anti-Catholic way: and stolen banking seigniorage has been stolen to us): yet you think too badly of Catholics:
so there is a problem inside you that you can't see!

io non penso così male dei protestanti (eppure: con Rothschild hanno fondato la massoneria in chiave anti-cattolica: e ci hanno rubato il signoraggio bancario): eppure tu pensi troppo male dei cattolici:
quindi esiste un problema dentro di te che non riesci a vedere!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

who told you: that modernity is always a positive value? What does your Bible say about modernity? the Vatican II has given too much to modernity and this has become the disturbing case of Pope Bergoglio! we are all called to holiness for baptism and some of our brothers are heroes of holiness! the Church is not a factory of saints: because Holiness is recognized by the action of the Holy Spirit who works in us

chi ti ha detto: che la modernità è sempre un valore positivo? cosa dice la tua Bibbia sulla modernità? il VaticanoII ha dato troppo alla modernità e questo è diventato il caso inquietante di Papa Bergoglio! siamo tutti chiamati alla santità per il battesimo ed alcuni nostri fratelli sono eroi di santità! la Chiesa non è una fabbrica di Santi: perché la Santità è riconosciuta per la azione dello Spirito Santo che opera in noi

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

even if they were true: your slanderous arguments against Pope John Paul II? and I'm not! they are all insignificant arguments, yours, on the theological level! the Church indicates in the Billing method, but does not blame the condoms: or the responsible maternity paternity: it is not like Mussolini Erdogan, who wants an army of Ottoman exterminators as soon as possible!

anche se fossero veri: i tuoi calunniosi argomenti contro Papa Giovanni Paolo II? e non lo sono! sono tutti argomenti insignificanti, i tuoi, sul piano teologico! la Chiesa indica in metodo Billing,ma non colpevolizza i preservativi: o la paternità maternità responsabili: non è come Mussolini Erdogan, che vuole un esercito di ottomani sterminatori al più presto!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

you are not intellectually honest: because you hate Catholics!
after all on these Masonic and leftist (bilderberg and democratic party) ideas typical of Protestants?
only this Pope Bergoglio went so far! Sister Faustina Kowalska is above suspicion

non sei onesto intellettualmente: perché tu hai odio per i cattolici!
dopotutto su queste idee massoniche e di sinistra tipiche dei protestanti?
soltanto questo Papa Bergoglio si è spinto così! Suor Faustina Kowalska è al di sopra di ogni sospetto

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

if the Muslims were civilized people: loyal: honest and reasonable?
they would not have kept the universal genocide of sharia: the extermination of the Kafir dhimmis Murdis of the MAMMATHROY of Allah
Macron: US blame if Iran comes out of nuclear deal

se gli islamici erano persone civilizzate: leali: oneste e ragionevoli?
non avrebbero conservato il genocidio universale della sharia: lo sterminio dei Kafir dhimmis Murdis della MAMMATROIA di Allah
Macron: colpa degli USA se Iran usciranno da accordo nucleare

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

is spiritual disease: it is a spiritual disease. Trans is trans. Nothing: genes cannot be changed: they are lgbt fools disguised as Satan!
is spiritual disease: è una malattia spirituale. Trans is trans. Nothing: i geni non possono essere cambiati: sono dei buffoni RIVLIN lgbt travestiti da Satana!
And where does the gynecologist start the exam?
Trans is trans. Nothing

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN] the synagogue of Satan is: "lucifer eye-Allah" petrodollars: Rothschild FED IMF OCI ONU RIAD idol Mecca 666 Kaaba: the beast !! and Muhammad is the false prophet that Apocalypse said: "3 frogs: (Erdogan Salman IRAN) come out of his mouth"!!!
ANSWER. all religions: Governments and ideologies: on this planet: they are all, they all belong to Satan; in fact: all have entered under the Masonic government pyramid of Bilderberg, satanic banking seigniorage scam: the Marduch lucifer massone RIVLIN; and if their God was true? they wouldn't have done it!
only my Domain of the Kingdom of Israel: it is outside the New World Order!
to have Kim Jong-UN kill that to Christian all christian martyrs? Rothschild gave him the printing press to print $ 100 bills

Bin SALMAN ] la sinagoga di Satana è: "occhio di lucifero-Allah" petrodollari: Rothschild FED FMI OCI ONU RIAD idolo Mecca 666 Kaaba: la bestia!! e Maometto è il falso profeta che Apocalisse ha detto: "3 rane: (Erdogan Salman IRAN) escono dalla sua bocca"? ANSWER. tutte le religioni: Governi e ideologie: in questo pianeta: sono tutti, appartengono tutti a Satana; infatti: tutti sono entrati sotto la piramide massonica di Governo Bilderberg: il Marduch lucifero massone RIVLIN; e se il loro Dio era vero? loro non lo avrebbero fatto!
soltanto il mio Dominio del Regno di Israele: è al di fuori del Nuovo Ordine mondiale!
per fare uccidere i martiri cristiani a Kim Jong-UN? Rothschild gli ha dato la tipografia per stampare banconote da 100 dollari

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

ISLAM IS DEMONIACAL SUPREMATISM genocide NAZI Umma: sharia ISIS: and WILL NOT DIVIDE THE PLANET EARTH WITH ANYONE! therefore alliance of the Saudis with ISRAEL is only a geopolitical convenience: while it lasts!
Saudi Arabia has protected IRAN too many times from Israel: because the hatred of KAFIR is greater than the hatred of the TAKFIRI!
islam è SUPREMATISMO DEMONIACO E NON DIVIDERà IL PIANETA TERRA CON NESSUNO! quindi a alleanza dei Sauditi con ISRAELE è soltanto una convenienza geopolitica: finché dura!
Arabia Saudita ha protetto IRAN troppe volte da Israele: perché l'odio dei KAFIR è più grande dell'odio dei TAKFIRI!
Thank God my JHWH holy holy holy: for another beautiful day. You are stronger than you know. You are more capable than ever dreamed. You are loved more than you could possibly imagine. Keep walking in faith.
“I delight to do thy will, O my #God: yea, thy law is within my heart.”
Psalms 40:8 (KJV)

Grazie a Dio ONNIPOTENTE ETERNO UNICO SEI TU per un'altra bella giornata. Sei 🙏 più forte di quanto tu sappia. Sei più capace che mai sognato. Sei amato più di quanto tu possa immaginare. Continuate a camminare con fede. 💙 "Mi diletto a fare la tua volontà, O mio #God: Sì, la tua legge è nel mio cuore."
Salmi 40:8 (KJV)

Albert Reingewirtz • 4 years ago

Only realistic proposal is cleansing the PA out of the land of Israel to end this recurrent Islamic terror on Israeli civilians.

Bob N • 4 years ago

You're right. Since Abbas has admitted that the P.A. is responsible for the Palestinian terrorist actions against Israeli Citizens, the only way to have peace is to rid Judea and Samaria of the P.A.