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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Int'l Women's Day: Israel Hosts First Summit for 'Women in Gaming' http://disq us/t/3mqp2h4
the religion of peace jihad ISIS Hamas Riyadh IRAN

XI-Jinping ] [ I have been writing for 13 years:
1. Israel is the little satan
2. Use the great satan:
3. USA Babylon the great harlot in whose hands the blood of the martyrs of Jesus of Bethlehem was found ..
4. So IRAN loved me for this?
5. So IRAN said: ok, let's get to ISRAEL: the perverse, satanists, lgbt, freemasons, usurers, perverts: for JHWH to heal and convert them: and therefore (in the Kingdom of ISRAEL of lorenzoJHWH): the NWO FED will fall Rothschild IMF?
6. no! they only want to kill the Israelis ..
7. because their demon Allah said to all the ARAB LEAGUE OCI: "I can defeat the devil Satan all by myself!"

sono 13 anni che io vado scrivendo:
1. Israele è il piccolo satana
2. Usa il grande satana:
3. USA Babilonia la grande meretrice nelle cui mani è stato trovato il sangue dei martiri di Gesù di Betlemme..
4. Quindi IRAN mi ha amato per questo?
5. Quindi IRAN ha detto: ok, facciamo venire in ISRAELE: i perversi, satanisti, lgbt, massoni,usurai, pervertiti: perché JHWH li possa guarire e convertire: e quindi (nel Regno di ISRAELE di lorenzoJHWH): cadrà il NWO FED FMI di Rothschild?
6. no! loro vogliono uccidere soltanto gli israeliani..
7. perché il loro demonio Allah ha detto a tutta la LEGA ARABA OCI: "io posso sconfiggere il demonio Satana tutto da solo!"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

XI-Jinping] [what satan's priests on youtube showed me (and I only need one image to enter that reality: and take that mental path)
1. human sacrifices:
2. underground tunnels,
3. underground secret cities:
places where the police and army will never enter!
places that Bush knows and that no US President will ever know!
demonic places, monsters, aliens, cyborgs, hybrids: where hope can no longer live: the antechamber of hell!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Revelation said that I will not be able to eradicate the underground evil that exists in the USA,
that's why, a giant asteroid is about to hit our planet: and disintegrate the US and Canada

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

there is a great curse over all Muslims and over all Jews,
they are deeply evil creatures!
this is why lorenzoAllah the Mahdi and lorenzoJHWH the messiah exist
this is a right job for me!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

XI-JINPING ] [ in NATO not only do weapons not exist,
to fight a war against China and Russia:
but, there are not even people: to be able to fight a war against China and Russia:
in an attempt to destroy: Israel and the Jewish Christian civilization:
atheists, pharisees, neoliberalism, globalists, soros, technocrats, lgbt, masons and darwin monkeys: they demolished christianity:
and therefore men have undergone a total destruction of reference values:
their cultural (relativism), national (hedonism), gender (perversions) identity was destroyed, therefore, the roots were destroyed: and all the meanings of Western man were destroyed: therefore there is no longer a hierarchy of values !
because of the democratic party: the Christian Churches will be able to do only the gravediggers: the funeral rite for the peoples of Europe
that's why: in NATO they will be forced to resort to total nuclear destruction!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Xi-Jinping ] [ I am NOT here because there is a "B" plan, no doesn't exist a "B" plan!
I hate my position: actually!
but, don't realize my Kingdom of ISRAEL
means to destroy the planet,
it means not to leave a single hope to all mankind!
Muslims are too possessed,
Putin is too ungrateful and obstinate: my biggest disappointment ...
but you? don't disappoint me, you too!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

coronavirus 133 killed in one day: in ITALY ] all those who can no longer vote for the democratic party have died [Coronavirus, the epidemic is growing: 6,387 sick, 1326 more than yesterday, 366 dead

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

50 thousand places are needed in intensive care or it will be massacre: it costs as much as 1 year of immigrants as-1-year-of-immigrants /
Coronavirus, drama of Lombard hospitals: "Deciding who to save and who to let die"

The cuts to the health of leftist governments are leading us to this. Who privileged the reception of fancazzisti in hotels to the health of Italians. Drama in the Lombard hospitals, between Bergamo and Cremona, the situation in the wards of the new Lombard "zone 1", the area at greatest risk of coronavirus infection, is tragic.

jb007benge • 4 years ago

..vitamin c and virgin coconut oil..well known for there antiviral and anibacterial properties...now being used successfully bu China, Singapore, Australia and other Asia-Pacific Nations as an excellent immune system booster to quickly manage the Corona virus as simply a bad flu season....get some,...

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

voting for Blu and Bianco, or for the democratic party is equivalent to voting for Rothschild the satanist of the talmud: technocracy and neoliberalism.
Coronavirus only goes looking for them
the time has come to free the public administration from these slugs

Guest • 4 years ago
max smart • 4 years ago

Are you really that stupid?
These proposed remedies are everyday items that either work or are harmless!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Coronavirus, 185 million are missing to save 5 thousand infected: we spend them in 2 months for 86 thousand immigrants in hotels,
5 thousand assisted ventilation systems are arriving to enhance the intensive care units. We are preparing for the worst. This according to the provisions of the draft of the decree on health on the table of the Council of Ministers, to manage critically infected patients infected with Coronavirus, purchases will be entrusted to the Civil Protection which will be able to proceed

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Migrants DO NOT pay us pensions: they cost us 5 billion a year
https://voxnews info/2020/03/04/migranti-non-ci-pagano-le-pensioni-ci-costano-5-miliardi-lanno/
The numbers are clear: immigrants are a cost.
And they won't pay us pensions.
.. but there is no money for hydrogeological instability
or to protect us from the coronavirus!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Migrants DO NOT pay us pensions: they cost us 5 billion a year
And these immigrants, regular and illegal, which in total would be 6 million, "for health care alone require a burden of about 11 billion a year".
E questi immigrati, regolari e clandestini, che in totale sarebbero 6 milioni, “per la sola sanità richiedono un onere di circa 11 miliardi l’anno”

looks to me like Hamas boy - Netanyahu lost to rotten apple and black sheeps Ganz and Liberman.
One want to keep muslims happy second want to give muslims everything, but nobody want to make Jews - right owner of the land happy !

Hamas boy - Netanyahu is better solution for you Israel, chase blue and wait awy from holy land. Send them to their beloved arabs country

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

idiot I am the messiah
and you want to make Jews happy without me?
and you serve the demon 666 scam banking seigniorage Rothschild ..
that he could never be the solution

Albert Reingewirtz • 4 years ago

Better a 4th election then the danger of Gantz, Lieberman and The Arab League league representatives in the Knesseth.

evangeline golding • 4 years ago

Yes, indeed.

Arkady • 4 years ago

Now Lieberman has shown his true colors. After throwing country to election mess due to his will to bomb and rocket Gaza terrorist-Arabs to hanging with their brothers/Jew haters against right wing.
After all, he wanted just more photo sessions.

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

This is a catastrophe, if Gantz is PM. For all who mock EU countries, say they're antiSemitic? Israel will become no different. Gantz & Liberman are doing what was done to the EU countries who voted AGAINST joining the EU: Their votes were ignored over & over & over. If Gantz wins, I wouldn't be surprised to see Bernie win in USA. All the kids brainwashed in public schools are starting to vote; & it's showing.

Dajjal • 4 years ago

Youth turnout is not that great. Bernie has little chance of nomination but Joe is no better. #KAGA!!

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

It will be whomever the globalists have chosen. Obviously.

Dajjal • 4 years ago

They did not make the choice four years ago and will not make it Nov. 3.

We have 50 separate state elections and the electoral college which makes the final decision unless there is a tie vote in the college in which case the 'crat run house would make the decision .

Don Spilman • 4 years ago

The Globs are getting stronger by the day Daj. I’m sure they do have the power to move their chosen into place for the democrat nominee. In fact all demoncraps are in truth already dedicated GLOBS!

Dajjal • 4 years ago

Blessed close to a quarter of the audience at recent Trump rallies are registered 'crats. A significant subset of 'crats is disenchanted with the crap served up by their masters.

But recall what happened in '16! Weed was selected for coronation as third turd in a dynasty of turds. He outspent the opposition in the primaries. He got zilch. DJT was nominated and elected #MAGA #AmericaFirst !!

Don Spilman • 4 years ago

Yes you are right but I also know that the left are turning much more acutely into O W O thugs by the day and they don’t care who they step on! I’m doubtful there will even be another election, the nasty GLOBS are being pushed into a corner and wild animals tend to react. They have a LOT of money and America is going to be thrown off balance with the covid 19 hysteria. I think the nasty creatures are not going to “let a good disaster be wasted”!

Dajjal • 4 years ago

BloomTurd's billion could not buy the nomination for him.

Bernie will not be nominated. Some of his followers will riot. Antifa & BLM will join them.

If Trump reacts correctly, sending in the National Guard, he will be re-elected and the rioting will resume.

It will be a rough ride but the Constitution will not be shredded.

Don Spilman • 4 years ago

I do respect your optimism and would like to totally concur. However.... I also do understand Bible prophecy fairly well and I am quite convinced I know where this is all headed! We will see before long! Keep up the good work scrapper you are needed!

max smart • 4 years ago

Joe may be worse if someone like Hillary is his vice president.
If Joe were elected he would quickly be retired as not competent to serve.
His Vice President would than be President.

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

Hi, Sid. I would say they're all the same, since they both push the UN's Green New Deal (click "SDGs" at the top to see all 17 Goals)


Plus, I wouldn't put it past Bernie to pick a Fakestinian as a running mate. Education, maturity, experience, knowledge, etc., mean nothing, so the choices expand. In the link below, there's one that should be popular among young voters fresh from indoctrination camps school: He's endorsed by C A I R & Muslim Brothrhood, he's 1/2 Latino, grandson of one of the Black Sept-ember murd erers. He just won a Primary in CA for Congress. Part way down the page, you'll find him smiling with Bernie.

"Ammar Campa-Najjar, running as a Democrat for Congress in California’s 50th district, is the grandson of the Palestinian terrorist who led the 1972 Munich Summer Olympics massacre of 11 Israeli athletes."


Dajjal • 4 years ago

I may be wrong but I believe I heard both Joe & Bernie promise to select a female running mate.

The chances of nominating a novice who only won his primary for congress are unlikely. It is more likely that one of the alsorans will be named to 'balance the ticket'.

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

Warren is the only one who makes sense, then. Unless they've taken it further, lose the POTUS & VP . . . who is taking over for Pelosi?

Dajjal • 4 years ago

Last I heard from the witch's mouth, it's barking about it's loss and not ready to endorse. I expect her endorsement would be linked to the second slot.

When the votes are cast, the current House Minority Leader will be first in line for the gavel.

For those not in the loop: If President Trump is re-elected, the house will probably flip.

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

I'm amazingly ignorant when it comes to USA government, so I'll ask you to name names to put it into perspective for me. I did mean if POTUS Bernie & VP Warren were to meet untimely d eaths . . .

Dajjal • 4 years ago

If the Prez croaks, the Vice takes over and names a new Vice.The current Presidential Succession Act was adopted in 1947, and last revised in 2006. The line of succession follows the order of: vice president, speaker of the House of Representatives, president pro tempore of the Senate, and then the eligible heads of federal executive departments who form the president's Cabinet.

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

It crosses party lines? I didn't realize that. If Pelosi were to retire, who would they pick to replace her?

Dajjal • 4 years ago

If she croaks tonight, it would be Steny Hoyer at the top of the list. Might be a bloody fight.

Dajjal • 4 years ago

Joe would be an Arkancide. But there were no good choices among the 25 original first and second tier aspirants. We have one good choice in the primary I will vote in tomorrow.

Dajjal • 4 years ago

Ditch the insane parliamentary system!!!

jb007benge • 4 years ago

..why does ISRAEL embrace the centre left in such numbers ?...Y is the Jewish nation choosing a party platform leading away from God and watering down accountability ?..the Prophets were correct...ISRAEL must be brought to her knees before God " by hook or by crook "....

Redwine123 • 4 years ago

This is simply scandalous. Liberman always fancied himself a kingmaker. He is, instead, an insufferable, seditious lout. It is HE who should be on trial for corruption.

VTS • 4 years ago

No worries. Netanyahu coalition now has 59 seats. Gantz can not do it without Arab terrorist supporters such as Tibi and Yazbak joining him. If he makes deal with Arab terrorist supporters, government will not hold for long and Gantz and Lieberman will be always viewed as traitors of Israel.

max smart • 4 years ago

And viewed as wealthy made men of George Soros.!

Nissim Moses • 4 years ago

The recreation of Leftist Ideology, Lieberman Brings in, anti-Jewish Demands, Gantze Promotes The Kolchoz-Kibbutz-Ideology. Welcome Russia. Together with the Arabs in the Coalition the Jews in Israel can soon expect to be sent to either a New 3rd Diaspora-i.e.Siberia or a new Holocaust. Wake Up Israel. Before The Lord Your/Our God Punishes You/Us for Once again rejecting out of Ingratitude his Gift to Father Abraham and the Children of Jacob. Will we have again to sing the Hatikva for another two thousand years in a third diaspora because of the criminal coalition of leftists who want to be considered as centrists. I am not even religious but I believe in God's Promise to our Fathers Abraham & Jacob. May his blessed Name Be always revered.

Guest • 4 years ago
Min Dona • 4 years ago

The holy Torah speaks of the curses to the Jews in Leviticus. God commands NO WORK to be done on the holy Shabbat day FOR ALL TIME.
Looks like you don’t know (have read) the holy Torah! God’s punishment of dispersement, & more, & his Shabbat restrictionists, is all referenced.

Don Spilman • 4 years ago

These two God hating commies deserve each other, but Israel does not deserve them! What damned evil twisted freaks would actually agree to hook up with the nasty evil lying muzslime just to defeat Netanyahu! These are twisted evil men here! Be careful good Israelites there is much EVIL EVIL EVIL afoot!

rob • 4 years ago

Gantz . Is the Bernie Sanders of ISRAEL