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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

BIN SALMAN] [ who with the tenebrous demonic powers SpA FED ccoporations: neoliberalists Kissinger Soros Morgan Rockefeller Jewish shareholders of the mandial banking cartel: they have become inviolable demons for the complicity of our Freemason politicians: and because of the Wahhabis ..
but, this does not mean that I don't see them: anyway!

BIN SALMAN ] [ che con i poteri demoniaci tenebrosi SpA FED ccoporations: azionisti ebrei del cartello bancario mandiale: loro si sono trasformati in invibili demoni per la complicità dei nostri politici massoni: e per colpa dei wahhabiti..
ma, questo non vuol dire che io non li vedo: comunque!

shloime • 3 years ago

it should be clear by now that it’s no more possible to reform a violent antisemite than a rabid dog. in both cases, the only reasonable course of action is to prevent further harm.

Tweetledee • 3 years ago

Both need to be put down.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

BIN SALMAN] [Satan and his demon ALLAH have no jurisdiction over me ..
indeed it is they who have fallen under my jurisdiction!
and I'm going to lose my patience

BIN SALMAN ] [ Satana e il demonio ALLAH non hanno nessuna giurisdizione sopra di me..
anzi sono loro che sono caduti sotto la mia giurisdizione!
e io sto per perdere la pazienza

walker888 • 3 years ago

What a complete Numb Nut! As stupid as they come! Obviously his Mummy should be on trial with him. What a Nothing she is.

Alexander Harold Hersh • 3 years ago

Herr Stephan Balliet and his Mother Frau Magdalene Balliet are not nobodies nor are they stupid but members of the anti-Semitic Deutsche Herrenvolk - Germanic Supremacist Nordic Teutonic Master Race. To them Jews are considered as "untermenschen" or "subhuman" Semitic Race.

Great-grandma Dorothy • 3 years ago

But look at Jewish George Soros. About the biggest turncoat to his own people that has ever been born. To think he stood with the Nazi's against his own just to save himself but he was a child then. Well he sure isn't a child anymore so there no excuse for him now. He is the big money supplying the BLM and other violence going on in the U.S. now. But who can touch him? Who even appears to want to? For some in this world they won't get their due punishment until judgment day...

Alexander Harold Hersh • 3 years ago

I absolutely agree !

Great-grandma Dorothy • 3 years ago

About an hour ago I had Levin on the radio and heard that GS had given 50 million to the Biden election and 275 million to other leftist groups, like planned parenthood. No two ways about it, he and the left want to take this country down and in a bad way. I mean look at the actions and the threats by the rioters. As if anyone wouldn't vote for Trump just because they say if Biden doesn't win, all hell is going to break loose. Well here's praying that all the able bodied patriots are in DC come November 3rd. Who knows, maybe even some of the patriot motorcycle clubs might join in. But take the pres down? I don't think so. God will put the right ones where they are needed or else He has given up on us. Lets pray not that...

Alexander Harold Hersh • 3 years ago

I despise, hate and loathe that American Hungarian Jewish Billionaire George Soros (Schwartz) who hates America and Israel. He is a traitor who should be arrested and imprisoned for treason and his bank accounts frozen. A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for Barack or Buraq Hussein Obama, giving him a third term in the White House. If the Communists and leftist "liberal" Social Democrats, supported by the revolutionary mobs of unlawful rioters cause a bloody revolution and insurrection across the United States of America then there will be a bloody Civil War. I stand firmly and resolutely with all decent American Patriots who stand firmly and resolutely with US Republican President Donald J Trump against Joe Biden and his Globalist, Islamist, anti-Semitic, leftist "liberal" Social Democrats who want to weaken and destroy America. I hope and pray that US Republican President Donald J Trump will win a landslide victory and a second four year term in the White House in the crucial American Presidential Elections in November 2020. Too much is at stake!

Great-grandma Dorothy • 3 years ago

I sure understand how you feel and all that are not on the left must feel the same.
I believe/know that our Lord is in control and what He decides is what will be. But the evil that is now in America, how can He even look upon?!
If His people that have walked back into the world and life of sin would only see what they have done and that they are as much the problem as these violent rioters are; maybe they would change their direction and start praying 2 Chronicles 7:14. Then we would see the hand of Elohim at work. And if they don't? Then we may see ourselves walking into the great tribulation.
Time will tell and we must keep the faith.
Blessings and shalom...

Alexander Harold Hersh • 3 years ago

Thank you for your reply. Blessings to you also and Shalom ! Amen !

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

For Your Name Is Holy

I enter the Holy of Holies
I enter through the blood of the Lamb
I enter to worship You only
I enter to honor I am
Lord I worship You, I worship You,
Lord I worship You, I worship You,
For Your name is Holy, Holy Lord
For Your name is Holy, Holy Lord
Let the weight of Your glory cover us

Don Spilman • 3 years ago

There is a mental sick in the head screwed in the brain evil in people about Jews! Even self hating Jews have a serious demonic brain imbalance! Anybody believe there is a devil yet? If there is good and there is evil shouldn't there be a source of both? Could the source of good be called God and the source of evil be called Satan! This blank faced skin head reveals such don’t you think!

Mark Strazynski • 3 years ago

To bad there is no capital punishment in Germany...

Don Spilman • 3 years ago

That’s only in times when there are laws in place that go against God!

Jorge Dickerman • 3 years ago

Of course he has no remorse, as ALL JEW HATERS, he is brain dead

AJL • 3 years ago

Jews should covertly set up a squad or squads to take out these Jew haters and Jew killers. Maybe they could secretly get training from Mossad.

garybkatz • 3 years ago

You have to have a soul to show remorse. The soul of a cockroach does't count.

Tom Dickson • 3 years ago

Just put him before a firing squad and shoot him through his heart and finish him off. Judgment done, case closed!!!

Great-grandma Dorothy • 3 years ago

He deserves no better punishment! ...

6stringfury • 3 years ago

The B family needs to be paid a visit.

Alexander Harold Hersh • 3 years ago

That would be extremely dangerous....

shloime • 3 years ago

to whom?

Great-grandma Dorothy • 3 years ago

For people like him, the word remorse isn't in their vocabulary. They only know hatred.
I see all of them as narcissists, sociopaths and/or psychopaths. Some get just punished on earth by being killed. Otherwise it will come by the hand of Elohim. LMLK...

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Waxman began by asking Balliet to explain how the latter's anti-Semitic beliefs about Jews applied to him specifically. When Balliet replied by talking about Jews in general, Waxman interrupted him, telling the neo-Nazi, "I'm not asking generally, I'm asking you about myself."
Stephan Balliet is a paranoid ERDOGAN: so you don't reduce him to the logic of rational reasoning
Waxman made two mistakes:
1. has interrupted him and now, we do not know now, if Stephan Balliet hates the Jews because of Rothschild and his demonic new world order!
.. and we must not forget that for alleged collective faults Talmudic "blood revenge" corporativ Jewish elements: Masonic Order of B'nai B'rith
they are destroying the Christian and are killing Christians all over the world!

Jorge Dickerman • 3 years ago

Jew hatred is a disease that destroys the brain, YOU ARE THE PERFECT EXAMPLE TO THAT FACT

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

in fact, really, I am only an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years:
and an observatory of the martyrdom of the Israelis for 13 years:
ie, the universal brotherhood
what did your satanism of the rothschild talmud lgbtq do in their defense?
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
in realtà, io sono soltanto un osservatorio sul Martirio dei cristiani per 33 anni:
ed un osservatorio del martirio degli israeliani da 13 anni:
cosa il tuo satanismo del rothschild talmud lgbtq ha fatto in loro difesa?

alpcns . • 3 years ago

This monster should be locked up and the key thrown away. This fascist vermin should be eradicated. The bad news - as if there could be even worse news - is the fact that BLM leaders say the exact same thing. "white people" and "of course" Jews are subhuman and must be exterminated.

That's a near-literal quote. Fascism "left" or "right" is everywhere. And should be eradicated everywhere.

SportsTagID • 3 years ago

he should be fed kosher food for the rest of his days. That will kill him shorlty. ( ^ ^ ) Death by Matzoball soup

Antonio Celso Ribeiro • 3 years ago

I'm pro-life, so I wish this murder and his mother could spend the rest of their miserable in jail, with forced labor, no sunbathing and one meal a day.Am I asking too much?

Guest • 3 years ago
Alexander Harold Hersh • 3 years ago

It is important to maintain personal ethics without abandoning noble principles assuming that debates are at all possible in order to achieve positive results for both sides. It does take a great deal of maturity from both sides in a difficult and intractable conflict of conflicting national aspirations, interests and religious differences to try to reach meaningful and mutually acceptable agreements and compromises. But what happens, as is often the case, if we find ourselves in a difficult situation where compromises and agreements on a wide range of issues are just not possible or attainable even while one side is adhering to basic rules of respectability and restraint? The Jewish Nation of Israel has always desired peace with its Muslim Arab neighbours and have always held themselves to a far higher and nobler standard of ethics and morality than the Islamic Arab nations, including the so-called 'Palestinians', have done or will ever be able to do if a comprehensive Levantine Middle East peace settlement is ever reached. So, in effect, what you are advocating, albeit indirectly, is for the Jewish Nation of Israel to basically capitulate and surrender our ancestral, biblical and historical Jewish National Homeland in the Holy Land of Israel, Samaria and Judea from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea to the intractable and intransigent so-called 'Palestinian' Muslim Arabs in incremental stages in order to try to appease them with whom no agreements and compromises are attainable. Therein lies the rub!

Guest • 3 years ago
Alexander Harold Hersh • 3 years ago

Could it have been possible in your manner of thinking for millions of hounded and persecuted European Jews to have loved and forgiven the evil anti-Semitic National Socialists of Germany and Austria in the 1930s and 1940s who organized and planned the mass genocides against European Jewry and exterminated and murdered six million of them in Christian Europa during the Second World War? I don't think so. Debates with evil-doers and anti-Semites would have been futile. The same applies today. It is far better to fight against evil with honour than to try to accommodate or lessen it through meaningless and pointless debates with uncompromising or unyielding detractors that get nowhere and achieve nothing constructive nor positive. Better a principled and resolute activist fighting for justice than an unprincipled and capitulating pacifist! We should not have to surrender our principles and turn the other cheek against our abusers for it to be smitten. Get real!

Guest • 3 years ago
Alexander Harold Hersh • 3 years ago

If you would have studied the history of National Socialist Germany of the 1930s and 1940s, you would have known that the notorious anti-Semitic, pro-National Socialist Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Head of the Islamic Judicial and Religious Council, Sheikh Mohammed Hajj Amin el-Husseini and the vast majority of Muslims in the Holy Land of Israel, Samaria and Judea were allies of National Socialist German Dictator Adolf Hitler, his subordinates Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich and National Socialist Germany before and during the Second World War and the Holocaust. The Muslims were complicit in the National Socialist German campaigns of mass genocide against, murder and slaughter of European Jewry. That is a fact. The post-war relationship that exists between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Jewish Nation State of Israel is a special relationship of friendship resulting from Germany's evil and horrific past - nothing more and nothing less.

Guest • 3 years ago
Alexander Harold Hersh • 3 years ago

Your comments are nonsensical and not entirely accurate. In German-occupied Yugoslavia, in Catholic Croatia and in Muslim Bosnia there were Muslim armies of soldiers, which openly and willingly collaborated with those of National Socialist Germany in the Balkans in 1941 and 1942. True, there were no Islamic Flags on display fluttering among the National Socialist German 'Swastika' Flags but that does not mean that the Muslims were not active and operating in consort with their National Socialist German allies in the arrests, roundups and shootings of Jews. The Muslims knew exactly what was happening to the Jews in National Socialist German-occupied Christian Europa during the war and collaborated with the National Socialists of Germany, willingly. That is for the historical record. In Mediaeval Christian Europa, the Catholic Popes at the Vatican in Rome and the Christian populations in France, Belgium, Germany, Austria and other countries murdered and slaughtered tens of thousands of Jews in a religious frenzy of hatred especially during Lent and Easter and at the Passover every year. Jewish blood flowed like rivers with the murder and slaughter of innocents.

Since the advent of Islam through the exhortations and teachings of 'Prophet' Muhammad in the 7th Century CE or AD and for the past 1,400 years of Islam the Muslim Mujahedeen have murdered and slaughtered tens of thousands of Jews and tens of millions of Christians throughout Arabia, the Middle East and North Africa. Today, the Muslim Mujahedeen of ISIS have murdered and slaughtered and are still murdering and slaughtering tens of thousands of Christians in the Muslim Arab States of Iraq and Syria and across the Continent of Africa while the Catholic Pope at the Vatican in Rome, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Leaders of the Christian Nations of Europe and North America have not done anything to stop the massacres of Christians. Incidentally, the Muslim Turks committed mass genocide against 1,5 million Armenian Orthodox Christians during the First World War from April to July of 1915. Islamic Turkey has, to this day, never paid monetary compensations to Christian Armenia. Jews are not indifferent to the plight and suffering of persecuted Christians but the Christian Nations of the World are indifferent to their plight and suffering.

Guest • 3 years ago
Alexander Harold Hersh • 3 years ago

Post-war Germany paid reparations to Israel but Turkey has not paid reparations to Armenia. Right now Turkish President Tayyip Recep Erdogan wants to resurrect the Ottoman Turkish Empire that once held sway over Arabia, Judea, Egypt and North Africa from 1516 to 1917. Islamic Turkey needs to be booted out of Christian Europa and NATO, but Christian Europa is rapidly transforming into an Islamic Eurabia, which is not good for the future of Christian Europa. In the meantime, Orthodox Christian Greece is rearming and preparing for a possible military conflict with Islamic Turkey, which is now an ally of the Shi'ite Islamic Republic of Iran, which hounds and persecutes its Iranian Christian minority. Also, the Jewish Nation State of Israel in the Holy Land, where Israeli Christians are safe, is rearming and preparing for a major war against the Shi'ite Islamic Republic of Iran and its proxies Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza, which threaten Israel and Islamic Turkey. Israel may decide at some point to come to the military aid of its ally Greece if there will be a war with Turkey over Cyprus and some Greek islands, which Turkey covets in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The other complicating factor is Russia's ongoing involvement in the civil war-torn Muslim Arab Republic of Syria under Bashar al-Assad, who is an enemy of Israel. It is a very complicated situation. War in the Eastern Mediterranean could break out at any time.

Guest • 3 years ago
Alexander Harold Hersh • 3 years ago

Turkish President Tayyip Recep Erdogan and the Iranian Ayatollah and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei are arrogant and evil men, who want to expand Turkey's and Iran's growing military power in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean Theatre as well as in the Muslim Arab States of Iraq and Syria. Both Turkey and Iran have ambitions for establishing their hegemony and spheres of influence over North Africa and the entire Middle East. If you study a map of the entire region it forms a huge arc in the shape of an Islamic Crescent. The long term objective of course is to try to isolate, weaken and destroy Israel as both Iran and Turkey favour and support their Muslim buddies and pals, the so-called 'Palestinian' Arabs. This Levantine Middle East Arab - Israel conflict since 1947 / 1948 has never been about establishing a Muslim Arab 'State of Palestine' for the allegedly "homeless" or "stateless" so-called 'Palestinians', whose real national states are in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Arabia and Egypt, but rather about destroying and eliminating the one and only Jewish Nation State of Israel in the ancestral, biblical and historical Jewish National Homeland in the Holy Land of Israel, Samaria and Judea from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea.

Guest • 3 years ago
Alexander Harold Hersh • 3 years ago

The Islamic Nations of the World want to dominate, govern and subject the vast African Continent from Cairo in Egypt in the north, which is already Arab and Islamic, all the way south to Cape Town in South Africa - a distance of more than 5,000 miles - and force all multi-national African peoples with different ethnic tribes many of whom are Christians to embrace Islam. North Africa is overwhelmingly Arabian and Islamic by Faith and has been since the 8th or 9th Century CE or AD. There are tens of millions of African Muslims living in Nigeria, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Chad, Sudan and in Somalia on the 'Horn of Africa' and in other African countries, south of the Sahel and the Sahara. However, South Africa is predominantly Christian with large Muslim and Hindu minorities. The Muslims of the Islamic World see the Continent of Africa from north to south and from the Maghreb at the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the 'Horn of Africa' and the Indian Ocean in the east - a distance of 4,500 miles - not as an American Continent but as an Islamic African and Arab Continent in addition to an Islamic Arabia and other Islamic countries, east of the Persian Gulf.

Guest • 3 years ago
Alexander Harold Hersh • 3 years ago

The largest and most dangerous armed and trained African Islamic Terrorist Organizations on the Continent of Africa south of the Sahel and the Sahara are Boko Haram, which operates within Nigeria and which has attacked, murdered and slaughtered tens of thousands of African Christians, raped their girls and young women, burned down their churches and pillaged and plundered their homes in Nigeria and Islamic al-Shabab, which operates within Somalia on the 'Horn of Africa' and which has attacked, murdered and slaughtered tens of thousands of African Christians, raped their girls and young women too, burned down their churches and pillaged and plundered their homes in Somalia and also in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda.

In other words there must be well-armed and trained Mercenaries from the European Union, NATO, Britain and the USA, which must go into the Continent of Africa, do surveillance and operate clandestinely within African countries like Nigeria, Niger, Sudan and Somalia in order to identify the African Muslim Terrorist Organizations, confront them head on and eradicate them. The French Army has been effectively operating against Muslim African Terrorists in the Francophone African States on the 'Bulge of Africa' and also in Mali for many years.

Guest • 3 years ago
Alexander Harold Hersh • 3 years ago

ISLAM is attempting to infiltrate and take over EUROPE and AMERICA !

fleuretteschwartz • 3 years ago

I cant understand Anti Semitism or any racial hatred. Life would be boring if were were just carbon copies of each other. Have you never heard that Variety is the spice of life. If you dont like ... whatever/whomever , stay away from them & dont use anything produced /invented by them! That should make your life very difficult & therefore you would be kept busy surviving & have no time for HATE!