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IsraelReader • 5 years ago

She wished to become a "shahid" (a.k.a "suicide by cop").
What a shame that her wish wasn't granted.
Soon she'll be suing Israel for breach of duty, by not allowing her to realize her dream.

Peter Cohen • 5 years ago

Rubbish. The Kurds were, I am sure, depressed from Saddam Hussein's genocide. How many unrelated places did the Kurds blow-up ? The Basque, The Corsicans, the IRA, the Baluch, etc. I am not defending any violence, but the Arabs in Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Lebanon, Libya and Abbas and Hamas whimper like children instead acting like adults. Abbas gets NO free pass because he is a coward. Meanwhile Iraqi Kurdistan is thriving.

jgarbuz • 5 years ago

It seems the Arab Muslims are most inclined towards Shahida, or becoming "martyred" by blowing "infidels" and "heretics" up with themselves. That's an automatic ticket to paradise.

Devasahayam the Deplored • 5 years ago

Ok, her client can step up to a stake to be tied to it and burn -- with rancid lard as accelerant/fuel!

Don Spilman • 5 years ago

Very picturesque word picture there Devasaha.

L C Black • 5 years ago

Pig lard?

Devasahayam the Deplored • 5 years ago

Is there any other kind?

White Elk Clearwater • 5 years ago

IF, & I repeat & emphasize the IF, we are to fully accept Ms Tsemel's concept than THE most merciful thing to do for those poor miserable depressed Muslims Shahidim is to kill them on the spot & not merely arrest them. It also would mean that a soldier, police officer or civilian who does kill a Muslim terrorist should get an award for the merciful act instead of being arrested & jailed for it.
A question to Ms Tsemel: Young lady, if what claim is true* then why do the families etc of the slain terrorists so heavily lament and lambast the Israeli's for killing the Shahids instead of thanking them?

*P.S. My writing this was slightly delayed by my rolling on the floor laughing when I read your absurd excuse for your client.

Albert Reingewirtz • 5 years ago

The left embrace of Islamic terror culminate in the defense of a Islamic terrorist by claiming that Islamic religion is the excuse and his sentence should take this into account. The left thinking is ablaze in non sense.

Dave In Arizona • 5 years ago

Defense attorney: Terrorism only suicide option for depressed Muslims

"Terrorism is the only way a depressed Muslim can commit suicide." Doesn't say much for Islam, the Religion of Peace.

Mark Henselt • 5 years ago

So, it's bad to commit suicide but murder is just fine?
What a strange religion!

Nichus Block • 5 years ago

Always the victim, always an excuse.

garybkatz • 5 years ago

Didn't some Arab leader claim that it was Israel's fault that some Arabs beat their wives?

Don Spilman • 5 years ago

Well it is certainly easy to see why a muzslime would be depressed and sewersidel, their entire lives are lived in the sewers of izslime. Born into the horrid evil LIE not ever able to get out, that is GOOD reason to commit sewerside. It would be good if millions of them would act on that desire for the sake of the whole world. But since they do not then the rest of the world, the civilized humans, have to be very vigilant when anywhere near any freaky muzslime creature, they are all very dangerous things.

Bobby French • 5 years ago

What bullsh$t.

Daveed • 5 years ago

The catalyst of depression for a Muslim is Islam. So if you must commit suicide and take another life to satisfy that depression, then take another depressed Muslim with you. Taking someone with you that is not depressed by Islam is terrorism. Back to square one.

The_Infidel_01 • 5 years ago

so, terrorism has nothing to do with islam, and no muslim would commit terrorism, unless they are a terrorist muslim acting in the name of islam.
islam is a terror cult, pure and simple.

Ibn Q Rassooli • 5 years ago

His lawyer is obviously addressing a Quran CLUELESS Israeli judge otherwise he would have pointed out the following (only the tip of the dung heap):


Al Baqara 2.216: “Jihad (holy fighting in Allah’s Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.”

Sahih Muslim Hadith 4631 & 4626 Abu Huraira
"I heard Muhammad say: … I love that I should be killed in Allah's Cause [Jihad]; then I should be brought back to life and be killed again in Jihad.'"

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 4.50 Narrated by Anas bin Malik
"The Prophet said, 'A single endeavor of fighting in Allah's Cause {Qital fi Sabil Allah} (JIHAD) is better than the world and whatever is in it.'"

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 4.73 Narrated by Abdullah bin Abi Aufa
Allah's Apostle said, "Know that Paradise is under the shades of swords.

There are hundreds more for those who like gore!

IQ al Rassooli
Kafir & Proud!

Guest • 5 years ago
Don Spilman • 5 years ago

Catch, now there is a plan.. how oh how could we help with that? Holograms maybe?

commenterjoe9999 • 5 years ago

while there are many eloquent, logical, appropriate responses to this insanely preposterous argument, the first one that comes to mind is: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don Spilman • 5 years ago

Adding an a to each of those h would work too...muzslime doing sewerside hahaha ROFL!!!!

Mary Murray • 5 years ago

Waaa Waaa what a bunch of hog wash.. he choose to harm another human being simply because they were there.. and now he's depressed.. wow.. cause he can't kill others including himself.. LoL.. Oh well, such is the will of Allah.. LoL..

harold11 • 5 years ago

Just wondering ... would he qualify as a shahid if he killed a HAMAS soldier?

Guest • 5 years ago
George Parker • 5 years ago

Ho ho ho.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin Salman] but, I seriously doubt that you can care about Saint ISLAM: the goodness and sanctity of ISLAM, of course, I love holy ISLAM holy, more than you ..., and, still, just as you are the MALIGNO, so also the Illuminati Pharisees, anglo-Americans (your relatives) care about the Israeli slaves goyim, and all the idiotic Jews: all cheated: through the fake mothering genealogies, that the people loved the Christians, and they: those of the Supreme Sanhedrin Anna, Caifa Simone, Rochefeller Morgan, etc. .. and the bad race of the Pharisees, they did lose the paternal genealogies to all the Jews: 2000 years ago!

Bin SALMAN ] ma, io dubito seriamente che, a te possa stare a cuore: il bene e la santità dello ISLAM, io amo ISLAM holy più di te... , e così come tu sei il MALIGNO, così anche i farisei anglo-americani (tuoi parenti) stanno a cuore i goyims israeliani, e tutti gli ebrei idioti: truffati tutti: attraverso le fake genealogie materne, che il popolo amava i cristiani, e loro: quelli del Sommo Sinedrio Anna, Caifa Simone, Rochefeller Morgan, ecc.. e la mala razza dei Farisei, loro fecero perdere le genealogie paterne a tutti gli ebrei 2000 anni fa!

Guest • 5 years ago
Betty Anthony • 5 years ago


paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

I am the King of ISRAEL and the cultural and political project of universal brotherhood, moreover, I have been the Observatory on the Martyrdom of Christians for about 30 years, and this would make me an invincible, perfect, and implacable accuser: to annihilate anyone on this planet However, I am not an accuser or a negative authority, because if mankind does not steer from its criminal tendency? then, it will be destroyed in the world war!

io sono il Re di ISRAELE e il progetto culturale e politico della fratellanza universale, inoltre, io sono stato lo Osservatorio sul Martirio dei Cristiani da 30anni circa, e questo mi renderebbe un accusatore invincibile, perfetto, e implacabile: per annichilire chiunque in questo pianeta, tuttavia, io non sono un accusatore o una autorità negativa, perché se il genere umano non sterza dalla sua tendenza criminale? allora, andrà distrutto nella guerra mondiale!

Guest • 5 years ago
The_Infidel_01 • 5 years ago

The Bible told us this would happen.
his hand shall be against everyone and everyone's hand shall be against him.
mad mo stated he was the seed of ishmael.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin Salman] certainly the wickedness, revenge, predation, cruelty between Christian and Muslim Jews in these 2000 years? from all have been made, by all against all others, and vice versa .. but, the enmity of the Synagogue and the Mosque against Christians: it is something constitutive and intrinsic: of your bitter and evil origin. You were not born of Abraham and Moses because they never recognized the Talmud (and the same temple priests wrote the Bible and the Talumud). and If, Christians were good and peaceful? today they would not exist anymore! So if we talk about Satanic Talmud, we must also speak of Satanic Quran, then there is a Jewish Kabbalah: of usury and Satanism, as there is also an Islamic kabbalah: all the supernatural: hypocrisy imperialism, of demonic esotericism and black magic: what kind of ummah you do?
later that has already realized the genocide of the kafir Dhimmis Murtids.
but, there is no your same consideration of all this evil, by the Christians, indeed.
Indeed. Masons of the Pharisees and freemasonry Bilderbeg SpA FED 666LGBT IMF BCE? they could not have taken control of the West: if there had been a Christian Kabbalah.

di certo le cattiverie, vendette, predazioni, crudeltà stragi tra ebrei cristiani e mussulmani in questi 2000 anni? da tutti sono stati fatti, da tutti contro tutti gli altri, e viceversa.. ma, la inimicizia della Sinagoga e della Moschea contro i cristiani: è qualcosa di costitutivo e di intrinseco: della vostra amara e malefica origine. Voi non siete nati da Abramo e Mosé perché lui non ha mai riconosciuto il Talmud (e gli stessi sacerdoti del tempio hanno scritto la Bibbia e il Talmud). e Se, i cristiani erano buoni e pacifici? oggi non esisterebbero più! Quindi se parliamo di Talmud satanico, noi dobbiamo parlare anche di Corano satanico, quindi esiste una Kabbalah ebraica: di usura e satanismo, come anche esiste una kabbalah islamica: che soprannaturale: ipocrisia, di esoterismo demonico e magia nera: che genere la ummah dopo che ha realizzato il genocidio dei kafir Dhimmis Murtids: ma, non esiste un corrispettivo di tutto questo da parte dei cristiani, anzi.
Infatti. massoni farisei e Bilderbeg SpA FED 666LGBT FMI BCE? loro non avrebbero potuto prendere il controllo dell'occidente: se fosse esistita una Kabbalah cristiana.

Peter Hall • 5 years ago

If you are on medication, and have not been taking, START TAKING IT. If you have been taking medication, you need to stop taking it and see your Psychiatrist, I hope you get the help you seriously need very soon.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

I wrote an article for Bin Salman, and you said me: "you had a degree in hospital psychiatry, and you're a evil psychiatrist, psicoPOMPO, and so I need to be treated by you.. etc .. that for your murder 5th commandment Do not kill, you have committed a murder of personality, what if you give me the address? I drag you before a court for libel. So you need the money your Rothschild stole from all over the world to defend you. but, after all, no subject of dispute has been mentioned by you!

io ho scritto un articolo per Bin Salman, e tu hai detto di essere laureato in psichiatria ospedaliera, e che sei un nero psichiatra psicoPOMPO, e che quindi io ho bisogno di essere curato.. ecc.. che per il tuo omicidio 5°comandamento, Non uccidere, tu hai commesso, un omicidio di personalità, che se mi dai l'indirizzo? io ti trascino davanti ad un tribunale per diffamazione. Così avri bisogno dei soldi che il tuo Rothschild ha rubato a tutto il mondo per poterti difendere. ma, dopotutto nessun argomento oggetto di contestazione è stato citato da te!

Peter Hall • 5 years ago

If we went to court, I would cite your written admission that your threatened me, and you will be locked up with all the other evil people who go around threatening people.

I have not relationship to the Rothchilds at all, however your statement is liebelous , how dare you slander them. You must be a anti semite. Jesus was a Jew, so you must hate Jesus.

So not only will you be arrested for threatening me, sued for liebel against the Rothschild Family, but you will also burn in hell for hating Jesus.

You are by your own admission an evil man. You should seek help and get medication.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

in fact, if you think there can not be an answer that could be given to those who insult a peaceful man full of universal love like me, that's why you will not be left without punishment!

in effetti, se rifletti NON può esistere una risposta che si potrebbe dare a chi insulta un uomo pacifico e pieno di amore universale come me, ecco perché tu non rimarrai senza punizione!

Peter Hall • 5 years ago

You say you are a peaceful man, yet you in the same paragraph threaten me? LOL, no, you are a hypocrite and a moron!

I seriously suggest you seek medical help.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN we want to see if the priests of satan with the super technological and supernatural voodoo powers (cannibals government shadow, aliens abduction), allow you to talk with me on youtube?
I do not like to threaten criminals, because God does not want the death of the sinner who converts and lives

queremos ver si los sacerdotes de satanás con los poderes vudú súper tecnológicos y sobrenaturales (sombra del gobierno de los caníbales, secuestro de extraterrestres), ¿te permiten hablar conmigo en youtube?
No me gusta amenazar a los criminales, porque Dios no quiere la muerte del pecador que se convierte y vive

vogliamo vedere se i sacerdoti di satana con i super poteri voodoo tecnologici e soprannaturali (cannibali governo ombra aliens abduction), ti consentono di parlare con me in youtube?
non amo minacciare i criminali, perché Dio non vuole la morte del peccatore me che si converta e viva

Peter Hall • 5 years ago

So you are deciding who is a sinner and who is not?? At least you are honest in that you admit your threatening me, and as i said before, you need medical help.

I skinny little guy like you threatening someone my size proves you are insane.

Your gods and jins would be a but ashamed of you, your words are those of someone evil and insane. I hope you get the medical help you so clearly need.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

per questo: io NON ho mai mentito in tutti i miei 58anni della mia vita, appunto, per risultare coerente e credibile quando affermo qualcosa, ed ecco perché, Unius REI è la fonte del diritto e della giustizia, come qualità metafisiche, laiche: e agnostiche, in politiche universali. Tanto premesso io ho più interesse ad ammettere di avere sbagliato, o di essermi sbagliato, e non ho interesse a mentire: ne in poco e ne in molto, perché nessuno in tutto possa dimostrare che io abbia mai potuto mentire, e chi mente nel poco può anche mentire nel molto. così in oltre 10 anni: io ho scritto 200 commenti al giorno, come, io potrei conservare una memoria delle mie menzogne (nel caso in cui io avessi mentito una sola volta): con una mole di articoli enciclopedici che io ho scritto, ecco perché la tua parola e la parola di tutto il genere umano non hanno un valore che può essere pari al mio, inoltre, Ap 20:1-3 ... L'arcangelo Michele, quando contendeva con il diavolo disputando per il corpo di Mosè, non osò pronunziare contro di lui un giudizio ingiurioso, ma disse: "Ti sgridi il Signore!" e giusto allora che troll malfattori come te non debbano rimanere senza giudizio e senza condanna, e infatti il giudice non minaccia il criminale, quando emette contro di lui la Sua Sentenza! .. adesso puoi andare con il tuo demonio per la tua strada, perché tutti sanno che io ho scritto a Bin SALMAN e tu sei venuto a insultarmi, senza esprimere nessun giudizio di merito su un qualche argomento. QUINDI DA ORA IN POI, NON TI PARLERò PIù

Peter Hall • 5 years ago

Again you blatanatly LIE. Do I need to remind you of your lies? Where you say you are peaceful and in the next sentence you LIED and threatened me, you are a liar.

You are not a peaceful man you are a Hater, only a Mussolini would take you in as his brother.

You have by your own words admmited you have threatened me, you have slandered a famous family, you have shown to be a anti semite, and a hater of Jesus.

YOU are the definition of Evil.