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sandraleesmith46 • 4 years ago

Hardly a shock, as Paris was fully in Nazi control for the bulk of the war. No doubt there are many artifacts of that time still to be found, if one looks enough.

RobTheGray1 • 4 years ago

The Vichi French Gov't. STILL STANDS!!

Paul Bailey • 4 years ago


442rocketdave • 4 years ago

Yes the French helped the Nazi's round up Jewish people and send them to their deaths and they attacked U.S ships in the med before we shot the crap out of them and they surrendered to us and their excuse was they figured the Germans were going to win the war.... REALLY! I think they are just a bunch of backstabbing two timers just look at what they have done to Sierra Leone they are as brutal as the Nazi's ever were and if you check out what they did in Vietnam you will realize their colonial empire still exist and proof of that is the diamonds and gold from Sierra Leone and what they have done to murderer keep the civil war going so they could make billions from those people and I would not put it past them that the FRENCH let loose the Ebola virus and the Marburg viruses to kill off the population there not to mention AIDS!! YES I SAID IT!!!!!!! just like the cluster bombs bought from Sweden and dropped on the civilian population and killed thousands and wounded thousands more just to keep their dirty hands on the diamonds and gold and other minerals there. F the French.

AJL • 4 years ago

The U.S. saved the French. Now they repay the U.S. by going against us in every manner. The French are no good.

Rahel • 4 years ago

Hitler's bust is there because the French WANT it there. To remind them of their hero, Yemach Shemo

Kinneret • 4 years ago

Amen! Yemach Shemo Vezechrono!

Jim Moritz • 4 years ago

Is anyone buying this??

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Russian manager stopped in Naples Aleksandr Korshunov stopped in Naples on US request for espionage. Putin: 'Arrest is an unfair act'.
then: passive espionage? it is not a crime! the eyes have the right to see and the ears have the right to hear:
if, on the other hand, a security break-in or intrusion or corruption occurs, then the crime is certainly triggered!
that's why IRAN holds an illegal scientist on death row!

Manager russo fermato a Napoli Aleksandr Korshunov fermato a Napoli su richiesta Usa per spionaggio. Putin: 'Arresto è un atto sleale' .
allora: lo spionaggio passivo? non è reato! gli occhi hanno diritto a vedere e le orecchie hanno diritto a sentire:
se invece si opera una effrazione o intrusione o corruzione del personale riguardante la sicurezza allora il reato scatta certamente!
ecco perché IRAN detiene nel braccio della morte uno scienziato illegalmente!

Tony Munro • 4 years ago

After INVESTIGATION all that Nazi mobilia got to be burned off ASAP.

stevenL • 4 years ago

Many glories of France are due to their "foreigners"!

Alex Peshansky • 4 years ago

Both bust and the flag kept just in case, I presume.

Josephine Katz • 4 years ago

Hitler's bust is exactly where it belongs. The French gathered all of their Jews at the velodrome, and then sent to Auschwitz. Among them was the pride of France, the writer Irene Nemirovskaya. They did not have got pity on her.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

1. Hitler gave the worst representation of Nazism,
2. Mussolini gave the worst interpretation of fascism.
3. Stalin, Lenin: kim jong-un gave the worst interpretation of communism.
4. Erdogan, Iran and Saudi Wahhabis have given the worst interpretation of ISLAM!
5. these are the worst of all: the jews masons usurers: who have become the creators of money from nothing! them the Rothschilds Rochefeller Morgan, Bilderberg, Trilateral lgbt, Democratic Party? they gave the worst representation of techno-usurocratic-Masonic satanism: scientism, relativism, materialism: up to the point of reaching bureaucracy and nihilism: FED FMI NWO BCE? depersonalization of peoples: and destruction of hope; reduction into universal slavery: and in wickedness jews bankesterners have overcome all of them!
in fact, the problem is not inherent in ideology or religion: but it is inherent only in their interpretation!
however, even the parasitic Jews (today the real enemies of Israel) had no mercy pity for the Italian and German peoples who had been pushed into the mafias, anarchy and desperation (of dispossessed of monetary and political sovereignty: devitalized and indebted as beasts driven to the 'extinction: their identity, biological and cultural): just as it is today also: almost the same situation: that was before Nazism !!
you Jews outside of Israel? you are the first instruments of satan!

1. Hitler ha dato la peggiore rappresentazione del nazismo
2. Mussolini ha dato la peggiore interpretazione del fascismo.
3. Stalin, Lenin: kim jong-un hanno dato la peggiore interpretazione del comunismo.
4. Erdogan Iran e wahhabiti sauditi hanno dato la peggiore interpretazione del ISLAM!
5. questi sono i peggiori di tutti: gli usurai: che sono diventati i creatori della moneta dal nulla! loro i Rothschild Rochefeller Morgan, Bilderberg, Trilaterale lgbt, Partito Democratico? loro hanno dato la peggiore rappresentazione del satanismo tecno-usurocratico-massonico: scientista, relativista, materialista: fino a giungere alla burocrazia e nichilismo: FED FMI NWO BCE? spersonalizzazione dei popoli: e distruzione della speranza; riduzione in schiavitù universale: e in malvagità hanno superato tutti loro!
infatti, il problema non è insito nella ideologia o nella religione: ma è insito soltanto nella loro interpretazione!
comunque anche gli ebrei parassiti (oggi i veri nemici di israele) non hanno avuto pietà pietà dei popoli italiano e tedesco che erano stati spinti nelle mafie, anarchia e nella disperazione (di espropriati di sovranità monetaria e politica: devitalizzati ed indebitati come bestie spinti all'estinzione: identitaria, biologica e culturale ): proprio come è oggi anche: quasi la stessa situazione: che era prima del nazismo!!
voi ebrei fuori di Israele? voi siete i primi strumenti di satana!

Jim Moritz • 4 years ago

A great example of ignorance and anti-Semitism.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN from Riyadh] my holy holy holy JHWH only one God said: "I do not want the death of the sinner, but that he be converted and live". [however it is true that:
1. I used God's omnipotence to hurt the priests of satanic CIA and millions of them died.
2. once a holy Kabalist rabbi: a faithful servant of the Lord: he entered my ministry to kill a criminal: and he succeeded!
3. but, God gives me only, in a partial way, the intuitive or perceptive awareness: of what can happen in my ministry.
4. once I was in front of a youtube channel that was occupied by a general alien: and he begged me (intuitively) not to be exterminated with all his legion of demons: and you must not believe that: they they come from other planets: no, they are only demons with a GMO monsanto body! and I certainly, I am not the type who can have pity on the demons or who can give some concessions: or some possibility of expression!
5. and this is one of the precious advantages: to have chosen to be a rational lay agnostic!
6. because atheists do not know that God Almighty has given to every man: honest, sincere, loyal, patriot (even if an atheist) has also given him the power to defeat hell

Bin SALMAN from Riyadh] my holy holy holy JHWH only one God said: "I do not want the death of the sinner, but that he be converted and live". [ comunque è vero che:
1. io ho usato la onnipotenza di Dio per fare del male ai sacerdoti di satana della CIA e milioni di loro sono morti.
2. una volta un santo Rabbino kabalista: un fedele servitore del Signore: lui entrò nel mio ministero per uccidere un criminale: ed ebbe successo!
3. ma, Dio mi da solamente, in modo parziale, la consapevolezza intuitiva o percettiva: di cosa può avvenire nel mio ministero.
4. una volta sono stato di fronte ad un canale di youtube che era occupato da un alieno generale: e lui mi supplicava(in modalità intuitiva) di non essere sterminato con tutta la sua legione di demoni: e tu non devi credere che: loro vengono da altri pianeti: no, loro sono soltanto dei demoni con un corpo OGM monsanto! ed io certo, io non il tipo che può avere pietà dei demoni o che può dare qualche concessione: o qualche possibilità di espressione!
5. e questo è una dei vantaggi preziosi: di avere scelto di essere un agnostico laico razionale!
perché gli atei non sanno che Dio Onnipotente ha dato a ogni uomo: onesto, sincero, leale, patriota (anche se ateo) ha dato anche a lui il potere di sconfiggere l'inferno

Jim Moritz • 4 years ago

Sorry, I forgot to include a$$hole bigot in my previous description of you.

Tom Dickson • 4 years ago

Why can't they? Isn't Hitler the darling of France? The Alma Mata, guardian and soul of the French Nation.

sandraleesmith46 • 4 years ago

That used to be Jeanne D'Arc, but I wouldn't be surprised if Hitler had supplanted her, for all I hadn't heard that specifically.

Kinneret • 4 years ago

LOL, not far from the truth!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN from Riyadh] my holy holy holy JHWH only one God said: "I do not want the death of the sinner, but that he be converted and live". [when they tell you that: there are atheists or darwin monkeys? you must not be so naive as to believe in this foolishness that is a lie: (all creatures are forced to believe in the creator) but, they are only cowardly perverted Erdogan islamists sharia, communist Freemasons, lgbt: ped0fili polygamous: all transgressive uninhibited w h o r e s and Pharisees rothschild usurers: predators Koran-Talmud: that they hope in their hearts to never have to fall under the judgment of God: but then, the Holy Spirit sends them nightmares: that's why they know that they will go to hell: but, now they are become too corrupt and bad to be able to repent!
do you want a do this try? I've traveled all over the world, but I couldn't find a single atheist, whom he wanted to give me his soul: and yet, why shouldn't they be able to give me something, that doesn't exist for them ?!

Bin SALMAN from Riyadh ] Dio ha detto: "io non voglio la morte del peccatore, ma che si converta e viva". [ quando ti dicono che: esistono gli atei o le scimmie darwin? tu non devi essere così ingenuo da credere in questa scemenza che è una menzogna: (tutte le creature sono costrette a credere nel creatore) ma, loro sono soltanto dei codardi pervertiti islamici, massoni comunisti lgbt: ped0fili poligami: tutti trasgressivi inzivosi lurdacchioni e i farisei usurai rothschild: predatori corano talmud: che loro sperano in cuor loro di non dover mai cadere sotto il giudizio di Dio: però poi, lo Spirito Santo manda loro gli incubi: ecco perché loro lo sanno che andranno all'inferno: ma, ormai sono diventati troppo corrotti e cattivi per potersi pentire!
vuoi una prova? io ho girato tutto il mondo, ma non sono riuscito a trovare un solo ateo, che lui mi ha voluto regalare la sua anima: eppure, perché loro non doverebbero poter regalare a me qualcosa, che per loro non esiste?!

White Elk Clearwater • 4 years ago

Can't the site owners block this maniac?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN from Riyadh] God said: "I do not want the death of the sinner, but that he be converted and live". [obviously I have a big big big problem:
1. I cannot be the King of Israel: if I start to frighten people: and I have so many ways to be able to frighten people: like for example: start saying their sins: obviously, I don't know the sins of people and no one suggests them to me: but, if me guessing? it is difficult that I can be wrong: in fact when did I do this experiment sometimes? I was immediately blocked by users !!
2. but the most important reason is that: I with the power of my dynamic and creative FAITH: I have decided to be a "political universal rational metaphysical agnostic": for to be a model (an example) that can be followed: even by everyone the atheists of the planet: in their struggle against all forms of evil: interior and exterior! su dai: I can't put myself in do strange things, if I don't want to fail in this my principal goal: that is my main and universal political goal!
and here is why: it is impossible for anyone to see in me: charismatic prophecies, miracles and strange supernatural things of this kind !!

Bin SALMAN from Riyadh ] Dio ha detto: "io non voglio la morte del peccatore, ma che si converta e viva". [ ovviamente io ho un grosso problema:
1. io non posso fare il Re di Israele: se incomincio a spaventare le persone: ed io ho tanti modi per poter spaventare le persone: come per esempio: iniziare a dire i loro peccati: ovviamente, io non conosco i peccati delle persone e nessuno me li suggerisce: ma, se me meno ad indovinare? è difficile che mi posso sbagliare: infatti quando lo ho fatto qualche volta questo esperimento? io sono stato subito bloccato dagli utenti!!
2. ma il motivo più importante è che: io con la potenza della mia FEDE dinamica e creativa: io ho deciso di essere un "agnostico razionale metafisico": per poter essere un modello(un esempio) da poter essere seguito: anche da tutti gli atei del pianeta: nella loro lotta contro ogni forma di male: interiore e esteriore! su dai: io non mi posso mettere a fare le cose strane, se poi, non voglio fallire in questo obiettivo: che è il mio obiettivo principale e politico universale!
ed ecco perché: è impossibile che qualcuno possa vedere in me: profezie carismi miracoli e cose soprannaturali strane di questo genere!!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN from Riyadh ] [ holy JWHW holy God said: "I do not want the death of the sinner, but that he be converted and live". [ some in youtube told me: "did you see? you were wrong! you said that I would die in 2012 and instead I am still alive!" ANSWER. And of course, I was happy that he had met God's kindness and mercy, but, this is the truth: too many in youtube? they couldn't say it anymore!
once a woman scolded me and said to me: "Take me off your list right away, because: as I received your message: I lost control of my legs and they started beating out of control"
and I rejoiced over his release: because you could never know how your demons could come out of your body that was cursed by Allah and Rothschild Saruman

Bin SALMAN ] Dio ha detto: "io non voglio la morte del peccatore, ma che si converta e viva". [ alcuni in youtube mi hanno detto: "hai visto? tu hai sbagliato! tu avevi detto che io sarei morto nel 2012 ed invece io sono ancora vivo!" ANSWER. E naturalmente, io ero felice che lui avesse incontrato la benevolenza e la misericordia di Dio, ma, questa è la verità: troppi in youtube? non lo hanno più potuto dire!
una volta una donna mi rimproverò e mi disse: "toglimi subito dalla tua lista, perché: come io ho ricevuto il tuo messaggio: io ho perso il controllo delle gambe e loro hanno cominciato a sbattere fuori controllo"
ed io mi sono rallegrato per la sua liberazione: perché tu non potresti mai sapere come potrebbero uscire i tuoi demoni dal tuo corpo che è stato maledetto da Allah e Rothschild Saruman

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN] God holy JHWH said: "I do not want the death of the sinner, but that he be converted and live". I am know the fact that only Jews and Christians have the ministry of exorcism: and that you Mohammedans just have to live: with your demons of lust and predation and genocide: falsehood and religious hypocrisy:
therefore you are demonic sharia possessed and your are all Mohammedans are possessed like you : you are forced to kill them (when they go out of control): as the ancient Jews did, who were forced to the genocide of the possessed peoples: sodomites and Satanists, not having the ability to know how to defend if themselves from this phenomenon of demonic possession: there was very little that they had the hope of being able to save !! but, this is the truth: all those who are the true ministers of God: they share the same sentiments of God!

Bin SALMAN ] Dio ha detto: "io non voglio la morte del peccatore, ma che si converta e viva". io mi rendo contro che soltanto Ebrei e Cristiani hanno il ministero dell'esorcismo: e che voi Maomettani NON solo dovete convivere con i vostri demoni di lussuria e predazione e genocidio: falsità e ipocrisia religiosa:
quindi per voi maomettani i posseduti e invasati: voi siete costretti ad ucciderli (quando escono fuori controllo): come facevano anche gli antichi ebrei, che erano costretti al genocidio dei popoli indemoniati: sodomiti e satanisti, non avendo loro la capacità di saper difendere se stessi da questo fenomeno di possessione: c'era molto poco che loro avevano la speranza di poter salvare!! ma, questa è la verità: tutti quelli che sono i veri ministri di Dio: loro condividono gli stessi sentimenti di Dio!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia to Alexander Harold Hersh •
I am the builder and owner of the Jewish temple (the home of all peoples) I physically represent: the natural law and the universal law! I represent the blessings of Abraham: I release the prisoners; I am the administrator and the universal and eternal butler of the heavenly Jewish temple: the administrator of the whole Kingdom of God or Heavenly Jerusalem: in fact, I am Unius REI the Governor!

io sono il costruttore e il proprietario del tempio ebraico terrestre (la casa di tutti i popoli) io rappresento fisicamente: la legge naturale e la legge universale! io rappresento le benedizioni di Abramo: io libero i prigionieri; io sono l'amministratore e il maggiordomo universale ed eterno del tempio ebraico celeste: l'amminstratore di tutto il Regno di Dio o Gerusalemme Celeste: infatti, io sono Unius REI il Governatore!

Albert Reingewirtz • 4 years ago

"Elsewhere, however, General Charles de Gaulle and the Free French kept fighting and the Resistance rose up in occupied France to resist Nazi and Vichy rule." Really? It sounds like all of the rest of France was fighting Vichy! I remember in Grammar school first thing in the morning singing Marêchal nous voila avec toi le sauveur de la Fance." (Marechal Petain we are with you, the savior of France.) My parents arrested by French police, in French concentration camps then shipped to be executed in French cattle cars of the SNCF. France was a full accomplice to "La question Juive," the extermination of a third of our nation. Hitler's bust is exactly where it belongs. France today is now allied with Iran determined to exterminate all Jews and re[place the Jewish State of Israel with an Islamic State. The more it changes the more France remains the same anti- Semitic France.

gornisht • 4 years ago

I totally agree with you.It was Macron who invited the Iranian slime to the G7. France was the political pimp and still is..And the bust of Hitler went unknown for decades! Yes, and hyenas are vegetarians!

White Elk Clearwater • 4 years ago

Yes Drancy stadium was 1 of the Vichy grenuille baxxxxd's sites for collecting Jews to send off to death camps.

Kinneret • 4 years ago

Well, and true said, for the anti Semite and anti American, and globalists France is no surprise, they knew about the NAZI bust , as they always were pro Nazis!

Albert Reingewirtz • 4 years ago

"they knew about the NAZI bust , as they always were pro Nazis!" The French police arrested my mother. Both were in purely French concentration camps and shipped to their execution in Auschwitz by French national railway cattle cars from there across Europe. France is guilty of the murder of my parents as the Nazis are. They were active participants in the Shoa. No one forced France to be part of this mass murder of the Jews. France was a willing and happy participant in the murder of "It's Jews."

White Elk Clearwater • 4 years ago

The 1st crusade was ordered by pope Urban yemahh shemo le'ad, who was seated in France. He also ordered that his "holy warriors" do ethnic cleansing of Jews on their way south from north & central frog land to the southern ports.
150,000 Jews were slaughtered, the villages torched to ashes, in 6 weeks!
France sold Israel PT boats, go the cash then refused to release them. Similar with the Mirage 4 (I think it was the 4).

AJL • 4 years ago

Jews that continue to live in France are putting themselves at great risk. The government will not protect them and the Muslims will kill them.

Albert Reingewirtz • 4 years ago

You can say this about the rest of Europe too and now it is dangerous to be a CHaredi in the USA too.

Jimmy Burr • 4 years ago

I totally agree with your last paragraph and I am very sorry about your parents.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Alexander Harold Hersh •
I am a universal metaphysical rational agnostic: I am not religion or imperialism: universal brotherhood: the living decalogue: and the most powerful power of Zionism, I am the kingdom of Israel and the King Messiah: the lion of Judah: the destruction of the new rothschild World Order!

io sono un agnostico razionale metafisico universale: non sono la religione o l'imperialismo: la fratellanza universale: il decalogo vivente: e la più potente potenza del sionismo, io sono il regno di Israele e il Re Messia: il leone di Giuda: la distruzione del nuovo Ordine mondiale di rothschild!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Putin is a blowhard only because he understood that if there is Unius REI, then it is impossible that there could also be a world war: what if there were to be WW3? then it would be the ARAB LEAGUE to disappear! MOSCOW, 5 SEPTEMBER - Russian President Vladimir Putin said he offered his US counterpart Donald Trump the chance to "buy" new types of weapons from Russia, "including hypersonic ones". "But we were told they will produce them themselves soon," Putin said.
"They will probably do it but why waste money when we have already spent it and can recover something, without damaging our security, but rather creating a balance". The Tass reports it.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Allah Sharia Lilit OCI OWL JaBull-On UN IRAN Jihad Riyad antichrist Erdogan?
they are legion's demons: they do not forget and do not forgive!
the ARAB LEAGUE has decided to carry out the genocide of all Nigerian Christians: and therefore to Islamize ISIS Galassiah jihasta throughout Africa and Europe!
5 SET - South Africa has announced that it has temporarily closed its diplomatic missions in the Nigerian cities of Lagos and Abuja following reprisals against South African companies after attacks on foreign-owned stores in Johannesburg. The South African eNCA television announced this. According to Foreign Ministry spokesman Lunga Ngqengelele, the decision to temporarily close South Africa's embassy in Lagos was taken "to safeguard personnel safety".

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Rothschild the nihilist technocratic usurer sodomite FMI IMF NWO ECB sharia the antichrist mason lgbt Islamic satanist and master of the world? he has dechristianized us, and has made us all more cynical and evil ... all more evil and inhuman: in proportion to the loss of grace infused by the risen Jesus:
Albanian jumps barrier and train overwhelms him, crowd mocks him

caused the death of Marko Kaziu, 20, overwhelmed at a level crossing in Castelfiorentino (Florence). The young man had climbed over the bars. Nigi wrote: "The thing that really horrified me were the people laughing at us," "three guys grinning saying" what a fool.

stevealevine • 4 years ago

Hey Unius...take your gibberish, the insane meandering through the sick corners of your mind, the vile nonsense & hatred that threatens to drown out every other voice on this site...and go back into a dark closet where only you can hear the bullsh*t that you seem to love and embrace! I assure you, none of us will miss you!!!

Rahel • 4 years ago

Block him, like I did. It's great and now all I see is "This user is blocked"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bust of Hitler discovered in French parliament.
this shows that the Nazis created them: corporations FED FMI NWO Rochefeller Rothschild bilderberg!
and its Government #Conte dracula 2? now, we're in the hands of the hangman!
The Italy of the traitorous Freemasons Gentiloni
to the EU Commission technocracy wear LGBT and state Satanism
"A responsibility that honors me", declares the former prime minister of the Antichrist and Democratic Party: which governs with # M5S, with an overall consensus of 30%: all those of Bibbiano and of the party of parasites