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pamela preedy • 4 years ago

I believe Boris has some Jewish ancestry and I'm glad to see him pour scorn on the BDS idiots. By defeating the despicable Labour lot he struck a great blow here in the UK and now he's attacking anti-Semitism on the international stage by joining in Trump's condemnation of US Democrat party degenerates.

pamela preedy • 4 years ago

Mr Rimmer is dimmer than a 5 watt lightbulb and I'm hoping Boris gets round to banning all sharia-whatever DimRim likes to call them. They were allowed under PM Blair who was determined to suck hard up to muzlims because he wanted their votes and the more influence they got in the Labour party, the more the anti-Semitic Labour members were emboldened to spew their poison. The only law that should be allowed in the UK is British law, one law for all. sharia law is an abomination.

Hector Zuniga • 4 years ago

Boris Johnson is right, the snake of many heads must be chopped by the neck and tail.

Herbert Wohlgemuth • 4 years ago

I hope that will happens

Efram Paul • 4 years ago

This is excellent news! As a country with limits on free expression, this can be the start of positive moves, such as banning libelous 'apartheid' weeks demonstrations.

edan • 4 years ago

As Boris pointed out the ONLY Democracy in the entire Middle East, with the only Pluralist Open Society for all it's citizens. Muslims with their Sharia hate that.

bill levy • 4 years ago


Isahiah62 • 4 years ago

Good NEWs- British Jews should not have ever been dealt collective punishment for what the haters call "crimes of Israel" anyway..BDS actually harmed PA workers not Israel.

Jewhaters going to have to just be out front with the fact BDS was never about love or concern for Arabs anyway. It is, and always has been, about jewhate, the old fashioned kind.

And the anti-Semite is someone who, at the end of
the day, has always managed to make it appear as if the hate that he feels for
some is no more than the effect or reflection of the love he claims to feel for
others. -Bernard-Henri Lévy
gerald m. serlin • 4 years ago

Boris-good. Bibi-good. Donald-good. The world is becoming good.

xx el • 4 years ago

“ I will curse those who harm You, I will bless those who Bless You “

mamabear111 • 4 years ago

Yes, thank you Boris, millions will be with you too...

.... great news.. ! happy Hanukah.. ..

Tony Clarke • 4 years ago

Israel, As suffered more than Enough, The UN, have treated Israel, terribly, God, said He will do unto you as you do unto Israel, Be Warned.

alpcns . • 4 years ago

Ah, the first "British Trump" effect. More to come. And yes, the "progressives" came up with the term "British Trump".

A DIX • 4 years ago

Well done Boris.

Dzr • 4 years ago

It seems the UK and the US are playing a game of dumb and dumber. First the US declared, "We can elect dumb" to which the UK responded, "We can elect dumber".. and fair play I think the UK won.

In the most wonderful twist of irony both are great supporters of Israel!

MoonshineSA • 4 years ago

You state that both those leaders are dumb or dumber but you think it ironical that they are both great supporters of Israel. Does that mean you think that only intelligent people would support Israel?

Dzr • 4 years ago

Trying to add things to what people say is hardly a sign of intelligence. I think my comment was clear that it's ironic when dumb people do or say something intelligent. Maybe if you can figure that out you'll stop being as dumb!

MoonshineSA • 4 years ago

I did not add anything to what you said, I merely asked you if your comment meant you thought that only intelligent people would support Israel. Your reply seems to show that is what you meant.

Now I have another question - why would someone who obviously considers himself to be less dumb than others would be so derisive about two leaders of great countries standing up against antisemitism and supporting Israel. I’m glad you don’t hate me just because I’m dumb, it’s a comforting thought.

Dzr • 4 years ago

Hmmm so in your mind, a question cannot add to something said? Your inference was pretty clear and that's what your question added. If you can't see that then we're operating on different levels of intelligence.

You even do it again... "... who obviously considers himself to be less dumb than others... is adding. I never said that. Aside from that it's a meaningless statement unless I was to consider myself the dumbest person in the world!

You did it right from the start to .."Dzr will never find his heart as it is in the wrong place, even if he did manage to locate it it would be so shrivelled with hatred..." simply because I expressed my opinion that it's a question of dumb and dumber.

What kind of person thinks that if someone thinks another is dumb, they must hate them?

Then in your question lies more evidence of the lack of intellect to which I refer. You question why I would be derisive about leaders who stand against antisemitism and who support Israel. I would have thought it self evident. Perhaps in your mind those who are against antisemitism and pro Israel can do no wrong, bu for the rest of the world they can.. and when they do, as leaders they need to be held to account. Now if you'd like to stand up and defend some of the really dumb things Trump has twitted and the dumber things BoJo has said, you might have some intellectual honesty but as it is you're confusing issues!

..and to conclude you put one last barb of confused thinking into the mix. "I’m glad you don’t hate me just because..." This infers I hate you, which is a pretty dumb thing to think, never mind express without evidence, but hey if you get some comfort from it, go ahead and think as you please!

MoonshineSA • 4 years ago

You have said that I lack intelligence, I’m not arguing with you about that. You also said you do not hate people just because they are dumb. So, me being the idiot I am (my words not yours) I, maybe incorrectly, assumed that you would not hate me because of my lack of intelligence and the fact that we are operating on different levels of intelligence (once again I am assuming that you do not think that I am operating on a higher level of intelligence than you are. Am I wrong?)

Finally, because you have failed to make the connection, my first question to you was did you mean that only intelligent people would support Israel. You did not, in that statement, make it clear that you thought only intelligent people would support Israel - many people use the word ironical when they mean sarcastic, that’s why I asked you.

Maybe I’m a bit touchy and I did think you were mocking them because of their support of Israel. I would have apologized for mistaking you for another antisemite but you have been so condescending and full of yourself that I would choke on it. I am still grateful that Boris Johnson was elected rather than the alternative -apparently he has a very high IQ and President Trump’s opposition are so full of rabid antisemites that I could root for them with as much enthusiasm as I would apologize to you.

Dzr • 4 years ago

I'm sorry but you're confused. I did not say you lack intelligence. You need to reread the thread to see that. If you operate under the belief that intelligent people can only say intelligent things, or if you think just because someone tells you that you have said something unintelligent or dumb it means they think you are unintelligent then you're bound to remain confused. Let's be clear intelligent people can say, do and think dumb things.

You are also going to encounter all manner of problems if you assume people mean something different to what they say. I used ironic exactly as it should be used and if you had seen that then you would know that I was a supporter of Israel because I stood it against being dumb (and let's face it being dumb is bad)

Then if you know you should apologise you should apologise. You should not let others prevent you from doing the good you know you should do because of how they make you feel, all the more so, if what you feel is perceived rather than absolute.

..and then I'm pleased that two world leaders are huge supporters of Israel, but that does not mean I have to accept their dumb tweets, false statements and nonsense.

Dzr • 4 years ago

Sadly, I think you're confused or rather in your rush to respond you made false assumptions and then descended to confusion.

If you reread the thread I think you'll find I did not say you lack intelligence. That's your misreading of what I did say. Ironically, it's a continual occurrence in the thread. The reality is that the absolutes rarely, if ever, exist. Thus an intelligent person, even a leader with measure high intelligence, can say dumb things, do dumb things and think dumb things. (in large part because of emotion). Calling a statement or thinking dumb isn't saying the person is dumb or intelligent. So for the record I didn't say you were unintelligent.

Perhaps if you didn't assume people use words incorrectly you wouldn't have assumed I used ironically incorrectly and this thread would have been different. In actual fact I use ironic in the correct sense and having done so you should have known where I stood. The support of Israel is stood in ironic contrast to the bad of being dumb, and that should be obvious that I think supporting Israel is good.

Then if you feel it's right to apologise you should apologise. How I make you feel should not determine whether you do what you know you should.

MoonshineSA • 4 years ago

“ If you can't see that then we're operating on different levels of intelligence.”

“Then in your question lies more evidence of the lack of intellect to which I refer.”

“Maybe if you can figure that out you’ll stop being as dumb!”

“So for the record I didn't say you were unintelligent.”

No you didn’t use the word ‘unintelligent’, for the record, but the three quotes above, from your posts, could not be misunderstood to the point where anyone would think you were saying anything else. This is neither adding to nor subtracting from what you wrote.
The last quote from your latest post, denying that you said those things is a bit odd but, off the record, I don’t care if you think I am dumb or not.

xx el • 4 years ago

Eat your heart out

MoonshineSA • 4 years ago

Dzr will never find his heart as it is in the wrong place, even if he did manage to locate it it would be so full of love and kindness that he would never dream of eating it. 🙃

Dzr • 4 years ago

That's funny... someone with clear delusion (claiming to know things they don't know) talking about hatred! Just for the record, I don't hate dumb people, even if their name is Trump or Johnson!

Dzr • 4 years ago

Thanks, will do right after you demonstrate by eating yours!

Charles L. Richman • 4 years ago

Toda Raba, PM Boris Johnson,
How PM Johnson is so much different than Omar & Tliab

BDS gang members Omar and Tliab, be true to yourself:

Please do not use and do not allow your love ones to use the following medical or life
saving devices since they were built, invented, or developed in Israel and/or
Jewish researchers; just go without treatment.

1.The PillCam (capsule endoscopy) for detecting blockages or other problems in
the intestine and esophagus. Blockages are what you deserve. (Made in Israel).
BDS gang members Tlaib and Omar, enjoy your pain.
2.TA Count-A Real-Time Microbiology---Detection and Counting Harmful
Microorganisms in pharmaceuticals, food and drink which are complete in minutes
and not days as the antiquated cell culture procedures require. BDS gang
members, that's you Tlaib and Omar, live with your tissue destructive
microorganisms. (Made in Israel).
3. Mazor Robotics Spine and other Surgery Robots---a highly accurate procedure
that requires less time and less intense radiation. Omar and Tlaib, you’re
spineless anyway. (Guess where it is made, here is a hint, Eretz Yisrael).
4.Optical Heartbeat Monitor---a fast and accurate camera with a small laser to
assess patients heart health. Why should you use this monitor Tlaib and Omar,
since you two and your other two cohorts are heartless (Don’t let your doctor
use it to save your life since it was made in Israel).
5.Itamar Medical Watch Pad---Diagnose and treat sleep apnea in persons own
bedroom; during sleep walking don’t worry, you are not walking in much traffic in
Times Square, NY.
6.EarlySense allows nurses in cardiac wards to monitor patients heart rate, respiration, and
movements remotely. So don’t let the nurses of your hospitalized father,
spouse, mother, or any other of your relatives monitor her/his heart after cardiac
7.BabySense is a non-touch, no radiation device designed to prevent crib deaths by
monitoring a baby’s breathing. Don’t use this devise to protect your child,
grandchild, or other loved ones, because it was made in Israel.
8.AIDS treatment that targets and destroys more than 40% of HIV-infected cells
without affecting healthy cells. Stay infected Omar and Tliab. (Made in
9.Salvarsan discovered by the Jewish researcher, Dr. Ehrlich, for the treatment
of Syphilis, should never be used by the BDS gang members including Tlaib and
Omar and the rest of the 'Squad'.
10.By the way the Syphilis diagnostic tool, the Wasserman test was discovered by
the Jewish doctor.
11.An Israeli company, Nano Retina, has developed an artificial retina to restore
sight to visually impaired people. No one you care about should ever use this
device; they should remain blind because of your anti-Jewish hate.
12. Dr. Weisser discovered a method to diagnose Gonorrhea; so Omar and Tlaib avoid
use of this diagnostic since Dr. Weisser is Jewish.
13.There should be a warning label on Digitalis since it was discovered by the
Jewish researcher Dr. Ludwig Traube; and, Insulin for diabetes treatment should
never be used by the BDS gang, including the Squad.
14.Israeli organization, the “Save a Child’s Heart” program, performs free
open heart surgery on underprivileged children around the world. NOTE: 50% of
the patients are from Judea-Samaria, Jordan, Iraq, and Morocco. A SECOND NOTE
NOT PUBLICIZED: Many children and adults from Gaza who are seriously ill
received treatment in Israeli hospitals. Why don’t you protest this Omar and
15.What a tragedy it would be if Tliab and Omar failed to accept the
recommendation of their doctor or dentist to use Novocain since the Jewish team
of Drs. Weil and Widal were the discoverers. You two BDS hate mongers enjoy
your pain.
16.BDS gang leaders and advocates like Omar and Tlaib do not let your children
take the Diphtheria treatment Schick vaccine (Bella Schick). And by all means
do let them administer the anti-Polio vaccine discovered by the Jewish
researcher, Jonas Salk a half a century ago.
17. You two BDS leaders and your two cohorts should know that Dr. Zalman Waxman
invented the drug Streptomycin for the treatment of Tuberculosis---using it is
a no, no since Waxman is Jewish.
18.An Israeli company has developed RE-WALK, an upright walking assistance
tool enabling paraplegics to stand, walk, and climb stairs. None of the 4 squad
members should ever consider using the RE-WALK.
By the way Tliab and Omar, and your two cohorts, are emulating the former
KKK Grand Dragon, David Dukes, Nazis 80 years ago, etc.


Helene Alter-Dyche • 4 years ago

Brilliant! Thank you so much for your exhaustive knowledge about Jewish/Israeli contributions to the world of science and medicine. By the way, we might also ask what have the Palestinians contributed to the world lately?

David Deutsch • 4 years ago

You need a law because majority opinion about Israel is BDS and more. What democracy legislates political opinion? If this were permitted then a Dem majority would make Republicans illegal! But dirty little Israel wants to tell everyone how to think....or else. So, you have laws against thinking about the "Holocaust", for example. If the "Holocaust" goods were any good, there would be NO NEED for a law making such thinking illegal. These legal gestures are obscene and anti-democratic, just like Israel which is grounded in the theft of another people's land and the pursuit of genocide against these indigenous people ever since, all in the name of a racist, anti-democratic historically-dated ideal. Israel grows uglier every day. I assure all of you that the Jewish State is loathed throughout the world, not because it is "Jewish" but because of its goals and how it manipulates power in other countries, mostly through extortion of individuals though "helpers" in these other countries. The Jewish state buys cooperation from the ruling elite in the very same way that Jews became appendages to ruling kings and ruling elites throughout history, certainly European history.

Davisupp • 4 years ago

You speak through your a** It is clear that you know nothing about the real Israel. Take Gaza for example. Any other country would have blasted Hamas etc. to kingdom come at the first rockets and the fire balloons etc. Israel on the other hand treads softly, softly and what does it get in return? Comments like the ones you make - idiot!
BTW Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 leaving the land for the arabs, tell us what they have done with it in the last 15 years. Perhaps the clue is in your surname Deutsch, that means German doesn't it? Remind yourself what the Germans did to the Jews of Europe in the last century, Now shut up and get off this site!!

evildoctor • 4 years ago

FOAD. The change you're looking for ain't gonna happen. Might as well die NOW. As I wrote: FOAD. You're just another common run of the mill Jewhater. Doesn't matter as Israel will prosper and remain light years ahead of the inbreds. Stew and boil in your hatred you total POS.

jeanette • 4 years ago

David Douche, what are you smoking? go away.

Dzr • 4 years ago

You would be a Nazi sympathiser would you by any chance? Frankly, if the answer is no, then it's astounding how you could be so bigoted and stupid all by yourself!

xx el • 4 years ago

Bla bla bla

MoonshineSA • 4 years ago

Thank you for your post. It is wonderful to see an antiSemite regurgitating lies and spewing venom so openly. I wonder what your dirty little heritage is, and is the country you live in also run by those dreadful sellouts? The only thing you can assure us of is that you don’t know history and you hate more than you think.

David F Mayer • 4 years ago

BDS Nazi take one on the chin.

Steven Thompson • 4 years ago

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, thank you for supporting Israel. May the God of Israel keep you safe and bless you.

Don Spilman • 4 years ago

“Without our Jewish citizens we would be a lesser nation”.
Unlike the freak muzslime which only come to suck the life out of every host nation and destroy it from within, the Jews contribute everywhere they go! Get rid of muzslime ASAP!

Jay L. Stern • 4 years ago

Excellent! Britain was saved during WWI by the efforts of Dr. Chaim Weizmann. After the war, he was asked what a grateful England could do for him. He was an ardant Zionist and replied, "Give a homeland to my people." That led to the Balfour Declaration and the eventual establishment of the State of Israel. The efforts of Britain's Labor government to minimize and dismiss this history was hateful, bigoted, and deplorable. PM Johnson's actions are going a long way to restore the bonds that tie the nations. By the way, it is rumored that our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, took his surname from Lincoln, England, and that his ancestors -- and therefore he, himself -- was Jewish.

Frances Carlson • 4 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's something about Boris that screams Trump. Could it be his hair? Or, maybe his statement on the world stage. Hallelujah. About time. Now, when will they get rid of that Muslim mayor? Would love to be a fly on the wall when all hell breaks loose in Parliament.

gerald m. serlin • 4 years ago

To my knowledge, Parliament is open to the public. Just fly over and sit on a wall.

Tony Clarke • 4 years ago


Frances Carlson • 4 years ago

I'm loving Boris. More importantly, beating the Labor Party is very telling.

Tony Clarke • 4 years ago

Yes - Yes - Yes

Steven Thompson • 4 years ago

The more leaders we have that are like President Trump, the safer the world is.

MISS PIGGY • 4 years ago

Absolutely, The Donald is a wonderful President 👍👍👍

Tony Clarke • 4 years ago


Neil • 4 years ago

That is a very good move by Borros! The United States needs to follow suit and prosecute these scumbags!