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Leah • 4 years ago

Horrible. Thank G-d no human was hurt and the Torah scrolls were not damaged.
Now? Better security.

VTS • 4 years ago

Having a monitored alarm system in the building would help too.

Leah • 4 years ago


gerald m. serlin • 4 years ago

Why is it that in this, when surveillance and alarm equipment is readily available, that this congregation was not alerted to this crime when it was taking place? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN ] La sinagoga di Beverly Hills è stata saccheggiata [ il fatto che, io proteggo le Sinagoghe in ISRAELE? questo NON significa che io proteggo le Sinagoghe di Satana Talmud, in tutto il mondo!
io sono:
1. l'Osservatorio del Martirio dei cristiani e:
2. io sono la sovranità monetaria:
3. io sono il Regno in Israele..
quindi, io ho dato una (gratuita, NON meritata) misericordia agli israeliani soltanto, ma, in realtà, io sono nemico di tutti i Governi del mondo!
una delle mie più grandi sofferenze è quella di non poter proteggere i mussulmani per colpa dei sharia takfiri wahhabiti!
La sinagoga di Beverly Hills è stata saccheggiata,

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN sudairio 666 sharia takfiri wahhabiti! ] il fatto che, io ho reso impossibile la guerra mondiale e la aggressione calunniosa dei russi, in questi 10 anni? questo non vuol dire, che, io non posso spingere il genere umano nella guerra mondiale: per vendicare i martiri cristiani, e per prendere la mia vendetta, contro tutti i miei nemici durante la inevitabile WW3 nuclear!
voi avete resistito e respinto: la misericordia, quando essa è venuta a bussare al vostro cuore!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN sudairio 666 sharia takfiri wahhabiti salafiti al-Nusra ISIS! ] ieri, un alunno di 15 anni, demonicamente posseduto, e sotto influsso soprannaturale demoniaco: mi ha telefonato in modalità anonima (due volte), e ha promesso di uccidermi con un martello!
ovviamente, io non ho risposto nulla,
e certo, questo non rappresenta una vera minaccia per me..
quando il fallimento dei tuoi demoni Allah e Satana: e della loro rabbia e assoluta impotenza contro di me!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bin SALMAN sudairio 666 sharia takfiri wahhabiti salafiti al-Nusra ISIS! ]
dall'inizio della CREAZIONE 6000 anni fa: il genere umano si divide n due schieramenti:
1. da una parte: c'é la Torà JHWH: cioè, epopea del paradiso terrestre...
2. dall'altra: c'é: OCI ONU, Satana Allah lgbt Comunismo nazismo, sodoma, cioè, epopea del Dio Marduk Rupert Murdoch, Epstein, Clinton Obama, Bush Kerry a Babilonia USA la grande meretrice ebbra di tutto il sangue dei martiri del Xsto!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Dio Marduk Morgan soros, Rochefeller, Rupert Murdoch, Epstein, Clinton Obama, Bush Kerry a Babilonia USA la grande meretrice ebbra di tutto il sangue dei martiri del Xsto?
loro trovano le spie cinesi: ma di 100000 sacrifici umani: fatti ogni anno sull'altare di Satana della CIA? loro non trovano mai nessuno!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Comunisti, Allah Owl OGM, Monsanto, Bayer, FED IMF NWO ECB: NATO, OCI, Jihad Erdogan, USA 666 UE: Merkel Macron, Ja-Bull-ON perversioni: lgbtq ] voi venite avanti, che io ho deciso di conoscervi individualmente!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Riyadh Bin SALMAN brothers ] chi dice che, questo mondo è stato fatto da Dio holy JHWH? certo, lui sta bestemmiando contro la santità:
Dio ha fatto il "paradiso terrestre" che Satana Allah Lilit e Marduk hanno corrotto...
allora, un falso profeta Erdogan Maometto: pieno di tutti i peccati e demonicamente posseduto: da spiriti immondi e impuri e perversi, ha detto quello che doveva essere scritto nel Corano-Talmud... "follia"
anche perché l'uomo: decaduto nel peccato originale, impregnato dei 7 demoni: i vizi capitali: lui crede che sia: naturale / giusto: tutto quello che il suo peccato/concupiscenza: di vergognoso e indecente: desidera dentro di lui..
mentre, sarà la Bibbia dei Cristiani che giudicherà tutti i popoli del mondo:
infatti, anche la legge del Regno di Dio JHWH non ammette ignoranza

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Riyadh Bin SALMAN brothers ] io non sono maggiormente interessato a diventare Re in Israele, più di quanto, io desideri vedervi morire tutti come bestie!!!
.. ma questa? è soltanto una vostra responsabilità!!!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Riyadh Bin SALMAN brothers ] i sacerdoti di satana della CIA NSA Bush FED FMI BM NWO: Morgan Rochefeller (il lupo mannaro) e di Kerry Soros la ZOCCOLA: loro affrontano passivamente, e senza protestare: entrano nel loro bidone di acido solforico..
ma quando si sono trovati di fronte alla mia anima? loro sono impazziti.. e non hanno potuto mantenere la loro posizione nel dominio che Rothschild ha loro affidato!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

come al solito: il Partito Democratico-Bilderberg:
1. sta uccidendo 10 milioni di italiani poveri,
2. sta distruggendo la borghesia:
3. sta proletarizzando il popolo:
4. e li sta accusando anche di razzismo,
5. mentre gli italiani sono soltanto disperati!!!
"Sono nato qua, questa è la mia faccia" un altra sardina di Prodi Merkel Monti: è Il video antirazzismo degli studenti di Bologna è virale: per il 666 network satellite TV monopolio fake news e lavaggio del cervello!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Hungary's Hero Prime Minister Viktor Orbán: the only Europe's Solitary Defender that defend Persecuted Christians against Merkel Macron Trudeau Mogherini Erdogan...
"Those we are helping now can give us the greatest help in saving Europe. We are giving persecuted Christians what they need: homes, hospitals, and schools, and we receive in return what Europe needs most: a Christian faith, love and perseverance". — Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Daily News Hungary, November 28, 2019.
"Our estimation is that more than 90 percent of Christian have already left Iraq and almost 50 percent of Christians in Syria have left the country". — Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of the Syrian Orthodox Church.
European leaders, rather than being embarrassed, should make the condition of Christians under Islam the starting point of their conversations with Muslims.
"The fate of Eastern Christians and other minorities is the prelude to our own fate." — Former French Prime Minister François Fillon, Valeurs Actuelles, December 12, 2019.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Allah is genocide christins and islamic demonic possessd in Saudi Arabia: idol Mecca 666 kaaba!!
In Europe, there is a solitary defender of persecuted Christians: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, whom the mainstream media love to attack. No other European government has invested so much money, public diplomacy and time on this topic.
"There is an ongoing persecution of Christians. For months, we bishops have been denouncing what is happening in Burkina Faso" Bishop Kjustin Kientega recently said, "but nobody is listening to us." "Evidently", he concluded, "the West is more concerned with protecting its own interests".
In a recent series of a transnational tragedies, 14 Christians were murdered in an attack on a church in Burkina Faso, 11 Christians were murdered in an attack on a bus in Kenya and seven Christians were murdered by Boko Haram in Cameroon. These three deadly attacks by Islamists in the same week give an idea of the intensity and frequency of global anti-Christian persecution.
Bishop Kientega was reporting a fact: the West is not listening to their plight. "While the Belgian government decided in 2011 to send F-16s to Libya to protect civilians threatened by Gaddafi, in 2014 it took no concrete measures to help the minorities in Iraq", wrote Le Vif.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Bashar Assad è prigioniero nel suo kmq, di fatto è minacciato da Erdogan e IRAN!!
e nessuno dovrebbe pensare, che i russi abbiano interesse a proteggere Israele: bisogna: ora necessariamente: occupare una striscia di 100 km per tutto il confine che va dal Libano, fino all'Iraq, per piazzare le batterie missilistiche: difensive ed offensive!
The "Supreme Guide" is supposed to be excellent in everything.
He has written on Islamic cuisine, the methodology of successful marriage, the destruction of Israel, the reform of human sciences, a new Islamic civilization to replace the old one that has decayed, and, as an afterthought, radical re-ordering of the global order.
Today, Syrian regime head Bashar Assad is confined to his square-kilometer close to Damascus with no chance of ever roaming in other parts of the war-torn country.
General Qassem Soleimani,
the Iranian master of PR, claims he prevented Assad from fleeing because Khamenei ordered him to stay put which,
in practice, means the Syrian became a prisoner like Khamenei.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Afghanistan, USA attendono la risposta dei Talebani su cessate il fuoco
Iraq, trovata fossa comune dell'ISIS con 643 persone scomparse nel 2015
ascolta la risposta di Caxxo!!!
quando i sacerdoti di Satana cercano il cervello nel buco delCULO: .. corano Ummah Islam è Erdogan genocidio e jihad sharia ummah!
gettate benzina e bruciateli vivi!
Dio riconoscerà quelli che sono suoi, gli altri andranno da Maometto e Allah!

VictorMC • 4 years ago

Who in the hell cares about what they do in that non-sate California.? YOU are not America you are scum.

Jim Moritz • 4 years ago

Another bigot heard from.

retired22 • 4 years ago

Whatever you have been taking to get the way you are,....Triple the dose & leave the rest of us alone,...for ever!

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

That's right, smile for the camera, idiot. Smh.

alpcns . • 4 years ago

What a moron. Time for better security - not the difficult in this day and age.

18_18 • 4 years ago

Lorenzo at it again with World News compliance.You might as well tell all the news in Italian, since Lorenzo monopolizes this forum.

Steve S... • 4 years ago

Just block him like I did and report him.

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

Reporting Lorenzo will censor him again; & he'll come back again under another name, or two, so those who blocked him will need to do it again. And again. His posts generally fall to the bottom of the page, & he rarely starts conversations with others.

On the other hand, the countless nasty nasty antiSemites & Leftists who viciously attack, harass, & abuse J ew & Gentile alike if they have differing opinions usually post within a thread, hidden. I was stalked, attacked, & flagged until I couldn't post: It was plenty of work to revive my avatar; & I had to make my disqus account private to protect myself in the future. I thought I'd narrowed it down to four or five leftists who don't post often; but now I wonder how many there are who despise me here (plenty, I know; but I mean enough to censor me).

Companies like disqus purposely seduce us into censorship: Have you noticed the difference since downvoting started? People upvote, or support each other, less, perhaps not wanting to appear "unfair." Downvoting, otoh, has become a bonding experience: I've seen nasty people enjoin others to censor someone, watched my own & other's posts disappear into thin air, etc. How will interactions change again once downvoters are made known? What if the upvote option is then removed so that our only outlet is disapproval, anger, & censorship? Here's Paul Joseph Watson's amusing video to give us an idea:


Downvoting or flagging unpopular posters like Lorenzo also helps people gain popularity, as the first to attack becomes a leader. Even normally unpopular posters gain votes this way. As an example of how even a most evil antiSemite will be upvoted, look for "Larry Long Nose" comments at the following link. His avatar is private, so the only criteria for upvoting him is that he insults Lorenzo. Steve Sss, you responded to a relatively benign OP he made; but look further up to see how his type normally works within a thread. Even his avatar & name were specifically created to mock a specific J ew. He & other nasty people are free to go out of their way to torment others.


Do what you want; but as an American I feel compelled to make a stand for free speech. If everyone who found Lorenzo's multiple postings irritating simply blocked him rather than pushing for censorship, the whole process won't need to keep repeating. Also, remember, the globalists need to censor us to enact the evils they have planned for us; & most of what they will do needs our permission. Shalom. Conservative American18_18

stevealevine • 4 years ago

Gracie, where on earth did you get the arrogance & the idea that you or your thoughts were important enough to "censor?" And as for "globalists" on this site, that's really laughable! Most of those who post here are simply decent, but benign and lonely folks who want to express themselves to similarly inclined others. Then there's a handful of truly sick puppies like Lorenzo who, instead of Disqus should be posting on Psychiatry Today! I'm sure you're very smart Gracie, but please...stop overestimating your insights, your importance and your intelligence.

John Mccord • 4 years ago

How dare her think she's as important or as intelligent as you.

stevealevine • 4 years ago

Well said Johnny...spoken like her grandfather.

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

As you can see, steve is one of my biggest fans here. For the record, you, a stranger, are only the second person who's ever defended me here. I appreciate it. If you're curious, I left another post above to link to my confronting the Larry guy I mentioned in my other post.

John Mccord • 4 years ago

You have been appointed judge ,jury and executioner ? If one doesn't agree with a real American,block him?

Steve S... • 4 years ago

"You have been appointed judge ,jury and executioner"
I suggest that you read his comments before you write to me.
Lorenzo needs help from a Psychiatric institution, here we comment on the subject above and not write all kinds of mambo jumbo in English and Italian that have nothing to do with anything.

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

Please see my update, above, I was only able to tag Froike. You'll get an idea of what goes on in the background here. Please don't be upset with John, he's only the second person who's ever come to my aid here; & you must expect Americans to support free speech (to a point. Communism has no place in civil society, for example).

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

I"m American, Lorenzo's Italian. Not that it matters, but for clarity's sake.

Conservative American • 4 years ago

Carro Lorenzo: È ora di fare il check-in nel bidone looney

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

I hope you read my other post. I don't expect a response; but please read this one, too, so you know I'm not making up stories. Plus, you should be aware of the enemies in your midst.

I've confronted the Larry Long Nose I linked to in the other post. An added incentive to read it is that I linked to an excellent video on J ewish refugees from Arab lands.


Since "J ewish" stevealevine responded to me, below, I am free to say he is one of the Leftists I mentioned who stalk, harass, & flag me. You can click his avatar to see his history: He was obsessed with me for a while; but he doesn't like anyone. The "guest" he's talking to is Lorenzo after that avatar was censored, because steve's purpose is to attack & censor those who speak against Islam, Leftists, & globalism. He once gave me a list of some nasty Talmudic verses that neo-Natsis tend to reference (as if I didn't know about them. Smh) in hopes of making me go away. He doesn't post much; he limits his attacks to a few people; & he entertains people when he attacks Lorenzo: He's OK.

steve still attacks me when he sees me; I recently corrected another who calls me "J ew h a t e r;" I just called out Larry; & the others who try to censor me are still around: If you ever notice you've not seen me posting for some tine, you'll understand why.

Conservative American

Conservative American • 4 years ago

Shalom Grace Joy...my love for you is unconditional!
You're the best!

Grace Joy • 4 years ago


Grace Joy • 4 years ago

Happy Chanukah, Froike!

Conservative American • 4 years ago

You to habeebtee Sister.

Metrona • 4 years ago


Conservative American • 4 years ago

Not Anti Semitic? Really? Imagine if someone did this to a Mosque or a Church?

VTS • 4 years ago

The perpetrator looks like a student. They need to check SJP crowd. UCLA is less than 3 miles away.

Nichus Block • 4 years ago

A lot of places are less than three miles away, inspector Clousseau.

Jill Abbott • 4 years ago

Lock him up and throw away the key.

Guest • 4 years ago
Nichus Block • 4 years ago

I agree with your second point, but it has nothing to do with the second amendment.

Habiru • 4 years ago

Yes it does. You have the Right to the armed guard 24/7 in most of America. Some politicians want you to not believe in yourself. Put your families lives in their hands. Pay for their not being there on time. Look it up.

BobInBpt • 4 years ago

I would imagine that the small rolling suitcase is evidence that this is your typical Leftist Snowflake Loser, who's own Family has thrown him out since they are tired of providing for him.

Kenneth Licker • 4 years ago

Police are very short-sighted: How can an attack on a synagogue NOT be anti-semitic?