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Sudesh Kumar Gupta • 3 years ago

Welcome Bahrain and UAE for recognizing ggv Israel. Whosoever country will support Israel will be blessed by God.

alpcns . • 3 years ago

As expected. More to come, soon!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

who is the Satanist criminal subject who votes me negatively, all comments (systematically) despite having blocked and transformed into "Guest vote"?
yes I know the CIA satanists could kill you for it ... but after all this is the only chance you have to go to Heaven

Guest • 3 years ago
alpcns . • 3 years ago

Non ho idea di chi lo faccia. Alcune persone votano costantemente anche contro di me. Non importa.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

e che importa a te di essere ucciso dalla CIA? tanto tu non credi nel complottismo!!!
... e poi, tutti dobbiamo morire prima o poi

alpcns . • 3 years ago

Non sono sicuro di aver capito quell'osservazione. Sono abbastanza certo che la CIA non mi voglia, mangio troppo e costo troppi soldi.

Guest • 3 years ago
alpcns . • 3 years ago

Dato che non ho fatto niente di male non sono preoccupato.

Guest • 3 years ago
alpcns . • 3 years ago

Mi dispiace, amico, sbagliato su tutti i fronti.

Guest • 3 years ago
alpcns . • 3 years ago

Non so come ottieni quelle idee. Non sono americano, né italiano, e vivo nel sud-est asiatico. Non mento, perché dovrei?

Guest • 3 years ago
alpcns . • 3 years ago

Non ti ho mai detto niente. Ti sbagli assolutamente.

Guest • 3 years ago
alpcns . • 3 years ago

Stai parlando per enigmi. Fine della conversazione.

Ringgo1 • 3 years ago

Hai imparato qualcosa dalla tua conversazione con questo maniaco?

alpcns . • 3 years ago

Anche se non condivido molte delle sue idee, non c'è dubbio che tu non sia una cattiva persona, credo.

Guest • 3 years ago
alpcns . • 3 years ago

Puoi credere quello che vuoi, amico.

Guest • 3 years ago
alpcns . • 3 years ago

Puoi credere quello che vuoi, amico. Abbiamo finito di corrispondere.

Guest • 3 years ago
alpcns . • 3 years ago

Non vedo motivo per cui avrebbero vinto. Ci sono molti idioti, sono d'accordo. Ma ci sono ancora molte brave persone.

Guest • 3 years ago
alpcns . • 3 years ago

Non credo proprio.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

but on this page there is only one person who has voted negatively all my comments

Terrorists hate peace. So let's look at the insane, maniacal countries against it.

John Conrad • 3 years ago

turDkey!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

Maurice H • 3 years ago

The Iranians have an ally in Nancy Pelosi who has said the accords are a “ distraction.” Can you believe that? They would rather give money to Iran to free our sailors! They won’t even give the man credit! Shame on them.

Michael • 3 years ago

Iran's hair is on fire while "palestinian leader" Abbas the geezer, is loathed in Gaza.

Ringgo1 • 3 years ago

Fear and loathing in Gaza. Someone should make a film...

Following_Christ • 3 years ago

The amount of hate that Iran and it’s allies display towards Israel, her people and her allies, especially considering the overall benefits (technology, agriculture, medicine and science, etc, etc) they could gain to help their own people do more than just survive, but to prosper, it’s just mind numbing!

But I guess “Me must ki ll infidel. I keeeel you!”

Edward B. Levy • 3 years ago

Great comment. Basement Joe, must think he is having a nightmare. First UAE, now Behrain. Oh, and wet dreams to go with it. Must be losing my mind" " what mind?" I will probably wake up and hear Sudan, Kosakov, Sausia Arabia. Its all a hoax, by lies by FOX News. That evil Trump, he planned to get me by getting those countires to pull the last minute deals. Thats it "THE ART OF THE DEAL"i GUESS all of those Liberal Jews who only know how how to vote the party lines, may wake yp and see how much President has done to help Israel and their fellow Jews L'Shana Tova

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Fasano, a lgbtq couple from Padua. Management response
Is not sufficient. In reserving all our actions in every location for the serious damage suffered and consequent to the false claims in question, we ask all those who know our reality, and first of all our ten-year customers, to dispel these false accusations and to fight with us this falsehood.
Fasano, a coppia lgbtq di Padova. La replica della direzione
Non è sufficiente. Nel riservare ogni nostra azione in ogni sede per i gravi danni subiti e conseguenti alle false affermazioni di cui trattasi, chiediamo a tutti quelli che conoscono la nostra realtà, ed in primis alla nostra decennale clientela, di sfatare queste finte accuse e di combattere con noi questa falsità. https://bari ilquotidianoitaliano com/in-puglia/2020/09/news/fasano-derisi-dal-personale-omofobo-del-resort-viaggio-di-nozze-rovinato-a-coppia-di-padova-286916.html/

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

#Fasano, derided by the staff of the resort: honeymoon ruined for a couple from Padua. but here's the management's reply to the cursed lgbtq honeymoon

#Fasano, derisi dal personale del resort: viaggio di nozze rovinato a coppia di Padova. ma ecco la replica della direzione alla luna di miele maledetta degli lgbtq
https://bari ilquotidianoitaliano com/in-puglia/2020/09/news/fasano-derisi-dal-personale-omofobo-del-resort-viaggio-di-nozze-rovinato-a-coppia-di-padova-286916.html/

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

#satanists 666 #Biden #DEM #FED, #NWO Deep #State, CIA? they burn AMERICA for fight Trump MAGA #patriot ] https://twitter com/i/status/1304751750709161984

Raul Diaz G • 3 years ago

Benjamin Natenyahu has dedicated his entire life to service of the interests of Israel and is now harvesting the fruits of that hard work. It's hope that all the Gulf states would follow reason and seek peace with the only Jewish state in the region. It's also worth referring to Joe Biden's recent acknowledgment of the growing willingness for peace in the region. The ANU leadership hopes Israel leaders would now cease this unique opportunity and plead for the inclusion of Arabs colonial occupation of the Sacred land of Bantu-Ethiopians pharaonic system in north Azania (Africa?) in future Middle East peace process. It's simply the right thing to do as reason ought to prevail over hatred, bigotry, hypocrisy, and the highly unenable apartheid-like peace initiative that the international community continues to pursue in the region(s).

Dr R.G. Diaz is the senior spokesperson, the culture coordinator of the ANU, and the presiding Director of the Theban culture school in ancient Thebes of the Bantu-Ethiopians pharaonic kingdom, Azania.

Peter • 3 years ago

The Arab states finally recognize and realize that Israel is not an enemy but a country that only wants peace and especially with all those that want to have peace with Israel!!! They all have been holding back but now can clearly see that it is the PA, Hamas, and Hezbollah that are the enemies and beggars, that do not want to work. Just like the old bedouin culture, where the men sit around and the women and children working and providing. The PA sits do nothing and the Arab countries provide. Now some of the Arab counties say enough is enough!!!

Allen Gray • 3 years ago

This all seams a bit odd, unexpected, and out of character all of a sudden??? "Me thinks me should be very careful" said the putty tat!

Nichus Block • 3 years ago

The statement Bahrain released linked their peace agreement to a two-state solution. Israel may be backing itself into a corner if it isn't careful.

Guest • 3 years ago
paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

#DEM #FED #NWO #Deep #State, #satanists #Cia, #Rockefeller, #Morgan #Rothschild, #Clinton did: #Fire #Drone, and #laser #beams, to burn the woods! they want to punish the people because they voted for #MAGA #Patriot #Trump #President @realDonaldTrump have you seen this footage please watch and share share share I think we have found our culprit for the West Coast Fires! How dare they do this!?!?!
@GavinNewsom how can you let this kinda of stuff happen to our beautiful State ?!

Guest • 3 years ago
Harry Casual • 3 years ago

Who the f--- are you and what the hell are you doing by calling yourself the Mesiah?
Go f--- yourself with your BS!!

John Conrad • 3 years ago

just block the idiot!

morens • 3 years ago

I blocked him because I got tired of looking at nonsense.