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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

President RIVLIN] [a mouse? has more faith than an atheist!
Muslims and religious are also ephemeral
ephemeral all those who do not have a personal relationship with God

Presidente RIVLIN ] [ un topo? ha più fede di un ateo!
sono anche effimeri gli islamici ed i religiosi
effimeri tutti quelli, che non hanno una relazione personale con Dio

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

I last night] [ President RIVLIN ] [ I last night : has TO DUST the LATIN MESSALS of 1934
to face an attack: from CIA's Satan churches: an attack of black magic against my body that lasted for 3 months .. now, they have tired me: and I can react in a devastating way!

President RIVLIN ] [ io ieri notte io HO DOVUTO RISPOLVERARE I MESSALI IN LATINO del 1934
per fronteggiare un attacco: delle chiese di satana della CIA: un attacco di magia nera contro il mio corpo che durava da 3 mesi..
ora, mi hanno stancato: e posso reagire in maniera devastane!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

#lgbtq] open letter [God could not convert SODOMA and ALLAH lilit sharia: they had to be burnt!
burn BIDEN MORGAN ROCKEFELLER ERDOGAN burn in Jesus's name.. amen alleluia!
#lgbtq ] open letter [ Dio non poteva convertire SODOMA ed ALLAH lilit: loro andavano bruciati!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

The drop in the birth rate in the United States will create new problems for the American economy while it is already destroying the peoples of Europe.
In recent years, the overall birth rate in the United States has fallen from 2.1 to 1.7 children per woman. In addition, 34% of American women want to delay pregnancy or have fewer children as a result of the epidemiological situation with Covid-19.
Rothschild cannot continue to steal banking seigniorage, if he does not first destroy morality, he does not destroy Christianity, and if he does not push all the peoples of the planet into the depravity of lgbtq Sodom!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

BIN SALMAN from jihad ISIS Sharia RIYADH] the Jewish Mason usury, and its accomplices of the lgbtq democratic party: they deserve the gallows.
Rothschild is always the greatest assassin and satanist in the history of mankind,
what are taxes for: if those who do not have the money cannot be cured and must die anyway?
Carol Player, 56, of Sutton Coldfield, "The St. Paul professor diagnosed my cancer on Monday and my eye was removed on Tuesday morning," said the woman. Carol and her family suffered another devastating blow when treatment that was to be made public by the national health system as part of a fully funded clinical trial was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.
And now the family has no choice but to try to raise money on its own.
"I have too much to lose, I need to stay alive," said Carol.
becouse of you sharia!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

BIN SALMAN from RIYADH ] ] [ in all these 13 years, I have always published all my thoughts:
I knew that, I would become Unius REI (the procurator governor of all mankind) and, I thought that all mankind had the right to know my thoughts, my values and my feelings:
so everything was published on my 110 blogspots.
and the priests of satan destroyed me 3 of blogspot:
because there were things too shameful for the cannibals of the neoliberal neocons of the international banking cartel

in tutti questi 13 anni, io ho sempre pubblicato tutti i miei pensieri:
io sapevo che, io sarei diventato Unius REI (il procuratore governatore di tutto il genere umano) ed, io ho pensato che tutto il genere umano avesse il diritto di conosce i miei pensieri, i miei valori e i miei sentimenti:
quindi tutto è stato pubblicato sui miei 110 blogspot.
e i sacerdoti di satana me ne hanno distrutto 3 di blogspot:
perché c'erano delle cose troppo vergognose per i cannibali dei neocons neoliberisti del cartello bancario internazionale
che non si dovevano sapere

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

BIN SALMAN RIYADH ] [ when thanks to the betrayal of the English MONARCHY: the usurer, the satanist printer Rothschild became the owner of the Bank of ENGLAND: around 1600 AD
since then: the NWO Rockefeller Morgan SpA FED, SpA IMF SpA ECB has started.
and with the Jewish-Masonic conspiracy and the democratic party: and so they took possession of every state, and they made laws: to destroy the morality of peoples and to turn the whole human race into a criminal!
becouse of you sharia!
quando grazie al tradimento della MONARCHIA inglese: l'usuraio tipografo satanista Rothschild divenne il proprietario della Banca di INGHILTERRA: 1600 circa d.C.
da allora: è iniziato il NWO Rockefeller Morgan SpA FED, SpA IMF SpA ECB.
e con la congiura giudaico-massonico e il partito democratico: e così si sono impossessati di ogni Stato
ed hanno fatto delle leggi: per distruggere la moralità dei popoli e per trasformare in criminale tutto il genere umano!

becouse of you sharia!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Attorney General Barr faces down House Judiciary Committee: ‘If it’s a hearing, shouldn’t I be heard?’
judges belong to an institutional administrative body,
and them on parliament?
they have no jurisdiction,
judges are forbidden to belong to: corporations, currents, masonry!
all judges involved in: consortium consociativisms must immediately resign.
every judge has his office, everything starts there and everything ends there!
the functions of the judges cannot be combined:
the judge of the public prosecutor does not perform other functions, etc.

Attorney General Barr faces down House Judiciary Committee: ‘If it’s a hearing, shouldn’t I be heard?’
i giudici appartengono ad un organismo amministrativo istituzionale,
e loro sul parlamento ?
non hanno nessuna giurisdizione,
ai giudici è vietato appartenere a: corporazioni, correnti, massonerie!
tutti i giudici implicati in: consorterie consociativismi si devono subito dimettere.
ogni giudice ha il suo ufficio, tutto inizia li e tutto finisce li!
le funzioni dei giudici non si possono cumulare:
il giudice del pubblico ministero non assolve ad altre funzioni, ecc..

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

BIN SALMAN ] [ per fare il MESSIA degli ebrei satanisti che devono tornare a JHWH?

loro hanno preteso da me: che io avessi:
1. le migliori virtù: del mussulmano:
2. le migliori virtù: del ebreo:
3. le migliori virtù: del cristiano;
MA, QUESTO NON è UN PROBLEMA PER ME: io sono perfetto!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

BIN SALMAN ] [ adesso per colpa mia: tutti i satanisti sono tutti costretti a lasciare SATANA e a tornare a JHWH holy.
ma, per colpa tua: ora loro sono costretti a rimanere con SATANA ed ad andare ad uccidere i cinesi e i russi!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

PRESIDENT RIVLIN ] [ because of the Rothschild banking cartel: and Masonic consociativism of the Democratic Party
neoliberalism: and of their funding that made in favor of the cursed lobbing mansonry the cursed philosophers 1800-1900s: swindling evolutionism, etc. .. now, skepticism, individualism, selfishness, materialism, relativism, cynicism and wickedness Islamic Freemason antichrist is widespread in the world of satan EU USA!
but. one day will come, that all the peoples of the world will return to my kingdom of ISRAEL to ask the jews : "teach me to pray"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

PRESIDENT RIVLIN ] [ fail to understand 90% of scientific laws,
fail to make in the laboratory: a cell of a blade of grass,
yet they say God is not there, and if there is the demon ALLAH Ja-Bull-ON ..
in reality we men deny God
because we are scandalized by the wisdom of the cross:
why not hate the world of the talmud and the quran?
this yes: it means to hate God!

non riescono al capire il 90% delle leggi scientifiche,
non riescono a realizzare in laboratorio: una cellula di un filo d'erba,
eppure dicono Dio non c'é, e se c'é è il demonio ALLAH Ja-Bull-ON..
in realtà noi uomini neghiamo Dio
perché siamo scandalizzati dalla sapienza della croce:
perché non odiare il mondo del talmud e del corano?
questo si: significa odiare Dio!