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Uzi Kattan • 3 years ago

Can we believe anything Olmert says? We saw what a disaster he was with the second Lebanon war and his atrocity in Amona.

Sharon's mistake was thinking the fakestinians would take it as an opportunity to show the world they could build a legitimate state, but instead we know these genocidal, terrrorist sub-humans only want to kill Jews. MOABs for Gaza and Ramallah, the two fakestininian seat of "government" (terrorism)

arigatoo • 3 years ago

Thus, Sharon was even much more dangerous for Israel than we thought. Thanks to Hashem, He made a miracle and removed this low-life traitor.
Olmert is also a traitor, but he failed to do his low-life treason and therefore he was only punished by several years in prison. Unfortunately, he learned nothing from his punishment.

Jimmy Headstream • 3 years ago

Looks like Psalm 137 jumped up and bit Sharon on that one!

If I forget you, O Jerusalem,
Let my right hand forget its skill!
If I do not remember you,
Let my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth—
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
Above my chief joy.

not a very limited withdrawal plan... Hashem acts many ways.. peace for land has never worked..

arigatoo • 3 years ago

Man thinks, G-d laughs!!! Sharon betrayed G-d and the People of Israel. He was punished for this.

divine intervention.. who would have ever thought..

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

the EU and the Democratic Party are afraid of democracy:
the last elected government was that of BERLUSCONI that the Judges MASSONI Bilderberg regime:
with a dishonest political judgment (as against: Orban Trump and against Netanjahu) they brought down his government
Malta to France refuse to rescue rubber boat loaded with illegal immigrants, Italy intervenes
July 30, 2020 Vox

Real unemployment in Italy at 25 percent: 600 thousand jobs lost in 4 months
July 30, 2020

Brawl for the armchairs in the M5s: "You sold us off at the PD"
July 30, 2020 Vox Leave a comment
Soros denounces Italy because it does not welcome enough immigrants
July 30, 2020

Congolese stabbing passers-by at Turin station
July 30, 2020

Italy, muezzin screams Islamic prayer from the balcony of the house - VIDEO
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July 30, 2020

The monster from Florence (matteo renzi) sends Salvini to trial: and with 1 percent of the votes he controls Italy
July 30, 2020

July 30, 2020

Away from Lampedusa without swabs: only 50 tests out of 410 transferred, 603 infected landed

Nissim Moses • 3 years ago

Another Leftist "B,,,L S---T" Yarn. Just Look Who is saying It Who are Printing it. Nothing more to ge said. They Should Go & Read the Writtings of Abba Kovner. Maybe it will re ignite their Dead Ideology.

(1 Kgs. 16:30)
And Ahab(today-Netanyahu) the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord more than all who were before him.
Joel 3:2
I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land,(Achab aka Netanyahu - Trump minion,flunkey)!
Genesis 15:18
On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, “To your offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates,

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Achab today BIDEN

Jezabell today Pelosi Nacy

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

President RIVLIN ] [ mi hanno bloccato questo account

yerushalayimjerusalem@gmail com
https://yerushalayim-jerusalem blogspot com/

com google ads syn auth server exception . Authentication Exception:
PERMISSION_ERROR: The requested main account is not accessible to the effective user

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

now all those who: lost the elections, and who deserve to be sentenced to death for high treason: and threat to national security:
thieves of the EU accomplices URSULA Von HITLER of the antichrist Bilderberg: the technocratic coup of the democratic party
they are sending on trial: the patriots Matteo Salvini who protected the borders of the homeland: from the Nigerian mafia: and from the Islamic invasion.
when Matteo Salvini was only a mister of the Conte M5S government who had not denied him!

adesso tutti quelli che: hanno perso le elezioni, e che meritano di essere condannati a morte per alto tradimento: e minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale:
i ladri del governo complici UE dell'anticristo Bilderberg: il golpe tecnocratico del partito democratico
loro stanno mandando sotto processo: i patriota Matteo Salvini che ha protetto i confini della Patria: dalla mafia nigeriana: e dall'invasione islamica.
quando Matteo Salvini era soltanto un mistro del Governo Conte M5S che non lo avevano sconfessato!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

the massacre of mason Licio Gelli at the Bologna station was made to distract the public opinion from the USTICA massacre:
and President Mattarella has pleaded with his UK Gender 666 lgbtq USA owners Satana Rothschild Soros to: finally declare all the sidetracking secret news!
therefore, President Mattarella admitted that the Italian government is a government of corrupt puppets, that control nothing!

la strage di Licio Gelli alla stazione di Bologna fu fatta per distrarre l'opione pubblica dalla strage di USTICA:
e il Presidente Mattarella ha supplicato i suoi padroni UK Gender lgbtq USA di: desecretare finalmente tutte quelle notizie di depistaggio!
quindi, il Presidente Mattarella ha ammesso che il Governo Italiano è un governo di burattini corrotti che non controllano nulla!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

INDIA CHINA RUSSIA ] [ the demon of the Jews “Beni Berith” banking cartel tecnocracy EU 666 USA 322 FED IMF187 ECB Marduck Ja-Bull-On the neoliberal masons Bilderberg regime lgbtq Satan antichrist URSULA Von MERKEL:
stands: APPARENT: against: the devil Allah;
but, for the moment: a truce between them is good, their criminal partnership UN OCI Sharia: to devour all Christians and Israelis all over the world: because of you!
What if you don't defend Christians and Israelis?
soon Marchuh and Allah will also rush against you in WW3 nuclear.
you are making me NOT more convenient: the blockade of WW3

INDIA CINA RUSSIA ] [ il demone degli ebrei“Beni Berith” cartello bancario: UE USA FED IMF ECB Marduck Ja-Bull-On i massoni neoliberisti lgbtq Satana anticristo URSULA Von MERKEL:
si erge: APPARENTENTE: contro: il demonio Allah;
ma, per il momento: è buona una tregua tra di loro, il loro sodalizio criminale ONU OCI Sharia: per divorare: i cristiani e gli israeliani in tutto il mondo: per colpa vostra!
e se, voi non difendete i cristiani e gli israeliani?
presto Marchuh ed Allah si avventeranno anche contro di voi, nella WW3 nuclear.
voi mi state rendendo NON più conveniente: il blocco della WW3

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon could not die before "seeing" Messiah lorenzoJHWH, said: Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri, Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak", renowned haredi cabalist,
indeed, I will come and destroy, in 2 hours, with atomic weapons the whole ARAB jihad ISIS Riyad OIC LEAGUE ottoman genocide Erdogan,
we cannot have a dialogue with the sharia genocide,
nobody can do it: neither do the crazy Chinese:
and if you give money to Xi-Jinping? he gives you his wife on loan!

Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon non poteva morire prima di "vedere " il Messia lorenzoJHWH, disse: il rabbino Yitzchak Kaduri, Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak", rinomato cabalista haredi,
infatti io verrò e distruggero, in 2 ore, con armi atomiche tutta la LEGA ARABA,
noi non possiamo avere un dialogo con il genocidio della sharia,
nessuno può farlo: neanche i cinesi:
e se a Xi-Jinping gli dai i soldi ? lui ti da sua moglie in prestito!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Israel’s skies can open in 10 days as corona cabinet gives OK

http://disq us/t/3qvjxe6
when my friend, the greatest kabbalist rabbi in the history of mankind: Yitzchak Kaduri he said in 2008 that the messiah MESSIAH shalom, he was was alive, and that he would manifest before Ariel Sharon's death,
you behind which altar of satan were you?

Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom vs iSR48L •
iSR48L [ truth 666 seeker ] 9 comments • 2 votes
there is not your idols gods
quando il mio amico, il più grande rabbino cabalista della storia del genere umano: Yitzchak Kaduri lui disse nel 2008 che il messia MESSIAH shalom, lui era era vivo, e che si sarebbe manifestato prima della morte di Ariel Sharon,
tu dietro quale altare di satana tu stavi?