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.. the charges are of judicial impossibility.. madelblit has corroded the justice system of Israel with these non existent criminal code crimes.. the police is at fault because they have the full handbook of criminal the criminal code listed .. cigar smoking, drinking bubbly are not crimes .. even if gifted .. these gifts were used at state activities.. the state should have picked the tab [ expense ] of these items, even if prohibited as expenses & not allow a third person(s) to gift these. these are stupid charges..

.. these charges would be of the type used by the holy inquisition courts of spain during the middle ages.. these charges are of the type Facebook would publicize in social media [ false charges, does not matter] , but are corrosive & damaging to the court system..

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

the court of the inquisition is a special of: today: jihad sharia law disposition: an inconceivable brutality for our time:
a mental crystallization that only: you produce mental patients with billion crazy Mohammeddans Erdogan in all the ARAB OIC LEAGUE ...
but, the court of the inquisition, certainly: it is not something adequate to our sensibility: certainly:
Now, many slanders against the inquisitors will fall, to an investigation of honest historical revisionism: impartial and careful study ..
because, they killed the rothschild assassins: not the Jews themselves,
which, as it happens, always managed to escape in time!
... but, as the saying goes:
"the Pharisee's wife does not always laugh: vampire, thief, hypocrite and usurer"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

certo, finché la massoneria non verrà condannata in tutto il mondo
la magistratura sarà sempre una organizzazione eversiva: lobbistica e mafiosa, consociativismo internazionale: piramide con occhio di lucifero: che tutto vede e tutto sa SARUMAN ROCHEFELLER: noi siamo una legione di demoni: noi non dimentichiamo e noi non perdoniamo, ecc.. ecc.. Bush 322 il teschio e tutte le ossa di kerry: LaVey Antony: il Gufo. cremation of cure at bohemian grove
con il partito democratico dei traditori succhiatori: nemici di tutti i popoli del mondo!
sempre in mano alla tecnocrazia finanziaria Rothschild il satanista capo, e neo liberismo:
di ricci sempre più ricchi e poveri sempre più poveri:
satanismo pervertito lgbt e signoraggio bancario: alto tradimento costituzionale!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Richiedente asilo nigeriano segrega ragazza in stanzino centro accoglienza: la stupra 10 giorni di fila
una stupida sardina del partito democratico in meno
//voxnews info/2019/12/02/richiedente-asilo-nigeriano-segrega-ragazza-in-stanzino-centro-accoglienza-la-stupra-10-giorni-di-fila/