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Hildee • 2 years ago


MISS PIGGY • 2 years ago

I wonder if it would have happened if Trump was in charge?

Jose Israel Martinez • 2 years ago

He would had being impeached by the TDS Left for "starting a war".

In the mean time, Biden warned us that if Trump were to win the Russia would invade Ukraine due to his incompetent foreign policies.

How can the Left be always and always wrong???

Conservative American • 2 years ago


JB DiGriz • 2 years ago

Of course! Trump said Putin's attack on Ukraine was "Genius"! Are people so stupid that they don't listen to what Trump says?
Trump loves Putin! He invited Vladi to the White House and got out his kneepads to give Putin's weenie special treatment!.
Trump paved the way for Putin - trying to shut down NATO, denying aid to Ukraine, covering up Russian meddling in US politics and making sure that Vladi was treated as a hero by FOX news.
Of course it would have happened, only much earlier and Trump would've helped Putin pave over Ukraine with dead Ukrainians.

skier69 • 2 years ago

Words mean Nothing. It is the Actions taken that are Harmful. Biden and his Entire Administration Lie to us all the Time. Are you Watching what he and they are actually Doing? I am guessing you are Not.

charliematerne • 2 years ago

Trump applauded Putin's invasion. add this to your wonder

rchdir • 2 years ago

The mentally diseased bar hog and the left wing, corrupt idiot from Vermont should both be deported.

Lampa • 2 years ago

There's a lot of irrelevant comments here, but bottom line is Sanders and AOC keep their outlandish communistic views steady: blame their own country! I say to them then go live in Russia!
As far as Republicans, they do blame Putin for imitating Hitler and they also say that 'had we had our Energy resources the way they were prior to Biden's coming, neither inflation, nor Putin" and I can see their point because today we pay almost $4 a gallon and it looks like it's going higher. Period.

Thought is Free • 2 years ago

Only one person to blame and that is Putin. You can pointlessly try to guess what's in his head. The only thing you know is the evil that he does.

Dajjal • 2 years ago

AssPutin is responsible, 💩 is chief enabler. No fix for it 'cuz you voted with yer butt 'stedda yer head.

Progressives are so dumb. It's amazing they can dress themselves in the morning.

ISAAC MEYER • 2 years ago

Jimmy Rothschlld from Chicago is real dumb@ss. Jino antisemite.

There's room for lots of dumb people.

Bro. Nick Nicholas • 2 years ago

I am a 'Biblical CHRISTian' who "hath" been a strong supporter of "Israel" - the "Jewish" people wherever they live - And of and for their "God" given 'Eternal Homeland' since before the 'Six-Day War' of 1967
- And I "believeth" in Biblical Prophecy
- And my country of America is written about nowhere in the 66 Books of "the word of the Lord"
- And the blaming of the American 'Politicians' - be they 'Liberal Socialists' -OR- 'Conservatives' against my country "continueth" to be very 'Divisive'
- And "the words of truth" are written" in the New Testament :
And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
So - I do personally very sincerely pray that the Civil and the Military leaders - and the "Jewish" people of "Israel" will come to the realization that my country of America cannot be depended upon to support or back "Israel"
For the increasing numbers of irrational decisions by President Biden about Ukraine are publickly showing his willingness to proclaim his strong anti-"Israel" \anti-"Jew" \anti-Zionists'Globalist Progressive Agendas'\Doctrines\Philosophies\Beliefs
And - the 'Republican' Senator Rand Paul from Kentucky is the ONE (1) politician in this administration who continues to 'Justify' his blocking "Israel" from receiving the needed funding to replace the guided missiles for their 'Iron Dome' DEFENSIVE weapons system.
And - the 'Sit-On-The-Fence' majority of the 'other American politicians' - and the vast majority of the American People willingly choose to 'Go Wherever The Wind Blows'
How very-very-very thankful I personally am unto "the LORD JEHOVAH" (Isaiah 26:3-4 ~AV~KJV) for "the words of truth" written some 3,000 years ago in Psalm 121:4 [AV]~[KJV]
- For they should always be remembered :
Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
- And "the words of truth" are written to those who choose NOT stand by - with - and for "Israel" in the Biblical WARNING in Zechariah 2:8 [AV]~[KJV] :
For thus saith the LORD of hosts;
After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you:
for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.
- AND - "the words of truth" that are written by "the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel" (2 Chronicles 30:6~AV~KJV) in Genesis, Chapter 12 [AV]~[KJV] are "everlasting" :
1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great;
and thou shalt be a blessing:
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee:
and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

ArleneB • 2 years ago

If you really were a strong supporter, you wouldn't put quotation marks around Israel and Jewish.

Aristobulus • 2 years ago

He is but focused. Very focused. Why don't you notice that?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

listen Nick
But for a Christian like you, to hate a sincere and good person like me? this is not decent, and
it does not seem to me a coherent act (with your faith) and not a just and honest spiritual one!

rchdir • 2 years ago

Get some morals and values and then don't come back. You are boring.

Aristobulus • 2 years ago

Hi rchdir, you're pished off. Rightfully so. For you're the only one (except from Nick and me) who downvote and flag that insane spam troll, I ask you to participate. That creature will never go away if it doesn't get banned. How: if at least three commenters (I think) constantly flag all of its comments, il will get banned after a while.

Would you do that?

Ringgo1 • 2 years ago

I consistently flag it and down vote it. I wish others would do the same. We will keep it up for sure.

Aristobulus • 2 years ago

Oh great. Thanks, man.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

io do sempre le motivazioni, e se tu non dai motivazioni è bullismo

Bro. Nick Nicholas • 2 years ago

I am a 'Biblical CHRISTian' who "hath" been a strong supporter of "Israel" - the "Jewish" people wherever they live - And of and for their "God" given 'Eternal Homeland' since before the 'Six-Day War' of 1967
- And I absolutely seriously do take the quote made by the German pastor Martin Niemöller about the Nazi's
- First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
- Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
- Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
- Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
--- Quotation from --- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum ---
Because I "believeth" in "the words of truth" written in Ezekiel 33:1-6 [AV]~[KJV] I will "continueth" to WARN all of the readers and 'commentors' about the spiritual DANGERS of the blatant and very strong pro-Russian\anti-"LORD JEHOVAH" \anti-"Israel" \anti-"Jew" \anti-ZionistsAgendas\Doctrines\Philosophies\Religious Beliefs of the man who repeatedly publickly declares - And is absolutely sincere in his belief that he is the 'jewish Messia . . . . . . '
- For he also "believeth" in the irrational declarations he also repeatedly and publickly makes about himself
- 'warning! i am universal rational metaphysicalagnostic'
- And like his 'comments' { ? } in this article - Most of his 'comments' { ? } in other articles are in Italian - which neither I - Nor many of the readers or other commentors understand
- And the anti-"LORD JEHOVAH" "blasphemies by the 'universal rational metaphysicalagnostic' are more and constantly-more like those when he previously called himself
--- i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH @universal_brotherhood
- 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH @noahthenephilim
--- im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎 @disqus_XchKMwk34w
- 🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 @disqus_aU3hlttuWL
--- 🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 @kingisraeluniusreileviathan
- lion Judas kingdom @jerusalemyerushalayim
--- Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI @metafisicouniversale
- UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood @lorenzojhwhleviathandominus
--- UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood @666giudaicomassonica
- 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 @MessiaJudahLorenzoJHWH
--- 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 @disqus_9cILPX5urC
- carmela calabrese - https : //disqus . com/by/carmela_calabrese/ - NOT FOUND

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

and becouse i am anti-"Jew"?
every son of Abraham is also a Jew
christians and musilims all are Jews also

rchdir • 2 years ago

You need mental health help.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

I always give the reasons, and, if you don't give the reasons it's bullying

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

about Ezekiel 33: 1-6?
you are the sentinel,
I am the KING, with me the enemy must die!

rchdir • 2 years ago

You are a Satan worshiper and nothing more.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

if you don't give the reasons it's bullying

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

i am NOT very strong pro-Russian, I am always on the side of the innocent, because Unius REI is impartial and represents political justice unversal in the world!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

idiota! there is NO one Zionists Agendas.
Satanists Rockeeller Spa & Co have agenda NWO... IDIOTA

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

oh my G-d JHWH holy, ... i m NOT Jehovah's Witnesses

leonore35 • 2 years ago

Complete lunatics. The only one responsible is Putler. There was absolutely no reason for attacking Ukraine which was no threat to Russia. Civilians are dying and the blood is on Putler's hands.
He using all the tactics of Hitler, terror bombing of civilian targets, false accusations of causing the conflict. etc.

Porter • 2 years ago

Right does not know where to stop. They never really displayed impressive level of intelligence. Left is at least consistent in their self-hatred United socialist movement ended with WW1

Dajjal • 2 years ago


charliematerne • 2 years ago

Well, we now have a pretty clear understanding of the opinion from the entire orbit of Pluto

Jose Israel Martinez • 2 years ago

America got what they voted for, idiots!

Just to hate Trump they rather go to war with Putin!!!

MalcolmTheProfessor • 2 years ago

Autocorrect typo ….were NOT looking…

edan • 2 years ago

Putin has been telling the World for years, why he finally invaded. Donbas!!! Ukrainian Nzis had no difficulty rounding up 35,000 Jews for the Germans to shoot in the head at Babyn Yar. They had no problem shelling and firing on innocent civilians in Donetsk and Lugansk. Those civilians are Ethnic Russian speakers. Putin finally had enough. Trump is scum. He did nothing!

cammo99 • 2 years ago

There are 200,000 Jews many of them are fighting the Russians and the Soviet Union was no friend of the Jewish faith either. Stalin? I think you are trying too hard to hate. Do you belong to some sort of circle where honors are given for hating Trump more than any one else? You don't have to answer that I would hate for you to have to lie.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

Ucraina, Draghi: "Ferma condanna per la decisione del governo russo. Una violazione inaccettabile".
Mario DRAGHI si è assunto formalmente la conseguenza/colpevolezza dei 14000 cadaveri che lui ha fatto in Donbass, e poi con Erdogan avrebbe sparato sulla CRIMEA,
e Mario Draghi non è completamente impazzito, no, lui è il megafono di Rockefeller e Goldman Sachs....
e Se vogliono la guerra è giusto accontentarli!
Peccato per l'Islam che ha le ore contante in questo pianeta!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

non c'é un altra verità, perché la realtà è sotto gli occhi di tutti, la NATO CIA UK UE e loro tecnocrati massoni (il regime Rothschild) è aggressiva ed imperialista ed ha progettato la crisi ucraina attuale, per ben 8 anni, crisi di cui è la sola responsabile!
La sinistra incolpa la NATO "espansionista e imperialista" per il conflitto, mentre la destra dice che i pasticci della politica estera di Biden hanno incoraggiato Putin.

Critici ed esperti di tutto lo spettro politico hanno incolpato la politica americana per la crisi in corso in Ucraina, anche se per ragioni molto diverse.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

ineccepibile! Golpe, pogrom, genocidio in Donbass, infiltrazione NATO CIA etc..
Ucraina: "La Russia non ha iniziato le ostilita', la Russia le sta terminando"
Il portavoce del ministero della Difesa:
"Le infinite minacce del regime di Kiev dovevano essere fermate"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

Ursula Von Rothschild sta per perdere il tentacolo della UCRAINA e il suo protettore grida: " Erdogan-Draghi: "Ferma condanna per la decisione del governo russo. Una violazione inaccettabile""
Ursula è un personaggio demoniaco della Disney, ispirata alla Strega del mare della fiaba La sirenetta e apparsa inizialmente come antagonista principale del film d'animazione del 1989 La sirenetta.
si vogliono fare la guerra, ma non possono!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

yes man: alla pecorina ] Ucraina, Salvini: "Sostegno della Lega a qualsiasi proposta di Draghi" [ yes man! traditore!
Ursula Von Satana e i suoi satanisti lgbtq, loro hanno una voglia matta di dichiarare guerra alla Russia!!!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

quando arriveranno i bombardieri pesanti russi?
i nazi fascisti ucraini, criminali assoluti e assassini Ursula spudorati non capiranno più cosa è la destra e cosa è la sinistra!

fate uscire subito le donne e i bambini dalla UCRAINA!

Hank O'Hair • 2 years ago

You're about as 'Jewish' as Mussolini, let alone a moshiach. PS why would a "messiah" speak Italian?
Seek professional help.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

I really am an idiot Messiah who speaks Italian,
because, the Jews are all better, more educated, and smarter than me ..
I'm a stupid messiah, why the good one?
we all killed him with our huge sins!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 2 years ago

per il 007 Italia, Russia vuole dominare spazio ex-sovietico.
L'Occidente è il regno del male e della menzogna, quì la censura e la propaganda di guerra sono qualcosa di così stomachevole, che non hanno un precedente neanche tra i "bum bum bum" della LEGA ARABA.
1. la Russia e la Cina non hanno una ideologia per realizzare un progetto imperialistico.

2. Quindi la Russia è stata costretta con il coltello alla gola a difendere se stessa, dalla più assurda aggressione!

3. Dopo 8 anni di genocidi dei russofoni nel Donbass doveva attendere e intervenire la Russia, se avesse avuto un progetto egemonico ed imperialista?