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Nyolcadikutas • 1 year ago

Hey, SmoothieX, you shouldn't have spoiled an otherwise good piece with science denial. Anthropogenic climate change is a scientific fact, and it is pretty unfortunate that you can't understand this. Whatever you think (usually correctly) about Western humanities education, climate science is part of natural science, and in natural science the West is not behind. Russian (climate) scientists have no different view of this question, however you try to peddle this.

МИЯУ aka BAROTIKI • 1 year ago
Clv Adrián • 1 year ago

i sadly agree with germany must die...putin must have had it hard to swallow it too but germany is already too rotten to the core...

Jay • 1 year ago

ZOG-occupied Germany must die. The German people cannot speak or act freely, and their political system is engineered to maintain the occupation.

МИЯУ aka BAROTIKI • 1 year ago

To all the "climate change is happening" dorks in the comment section, please get this into & thru your thick and mushy skulls:


Now let us talk about REAL life, puhhh- lease!

GM • 1 year ago

Have you missed the part about the mythical winter offensive not happening because there hasn't been any real winter in Ukraine aside from a brief cold spell a couple weeks ago?

That region used to be deeply frozen in winter until a few decades ago. Not anymore, it isn't just this year, it has been like that for a while, and it gets warmer and warmer.

CO2 is a key greenhouse gas, that is an objective scientific fact.

And the combination of photosynthesis plus geological processes burying its products into the crust has been gradually sequestering CO2 away from the atmosphere, which has had the effect of compensating for the sun's increasing brightness over the eons and maintaining some kind of homeostasis.

We have increased CO2 concentration by 50% and are only getting started.

You think that will have no effect?

МИЯУ aka BAROTIKI • 1 year ago

The reason the Earth is getting slightly warmer is because the planet in its elliptical rotation around the Sun has been closer to that astral body than it has been for centuries. CO2 is necessary for life on the planet and you would have a better argument if you talked about deforestation as a problem for humans, not CO2 emissions.

GM • 1 year ago

We again come back to Martyanov's favorite rant topic -- the abysmal failures of the educational system.

Funny how that never seems to include geology and planetary sciences though...

David Collins • 1 year ago

I "capisce", but, you know, in real life, fossil fuels emit greenhouse gases, which warms the climate, and so on. That's what the scientists say, anyway. And I have seen, in my 64 years, that we now get hotter summers and warmer winters here in Kentucky, USA.

GM • 1 year ago

Not just in Kentucky.

What are we discussing the most right now?


What were people talking about since October? Winter offensive(s), once the ground freezes. As it has traditionally done every year for centuries.

But the ground never froze, because there was only one brief real cold spell. And it wasn't just this year.

ClassyGlasses • 1 year ago

beautifully and politely stated.
I fully endorse your message.


Thomas Malthaus • 1 year ago

Ninety Seconds to Midnight. Pepe Escobar.

kouroi • 1 year ago

I am very curious what the Russian satellite constellation tells us about the Arctic. That the ice is advancing and it is getting thicker? And it is getting colder? How then would Russia be able to open and maintain the North East Passage?! That is the silver lining, because all the melting permafrost is undermining infrastructure in Russian high north, which was recognized officially by some Russian ministers.

Nevertheless, I have never heard President Putin denying climate change. I think he sees it as an opportunity for Russia.

The Russian satellites are showing the same thing as the American or other satellites, that the ice is retreating. Which allows for all the development there and providing some confidence in the safety of the NE Passage, maybe all year around.

As for other than anthropogenic causes of climate change, I am curious what else could be. We have not had any major volcanic or solar activity and cosmical background has been steady. No switch in the magnetic poles. Nothing, nada, zilch.

GM • 1 year ago
Nevertheless, I have never heard President Putin denying climate change. I think he sees it as an opportunity for Russia.

I've actually seen him talk about it as a real problem on numerous occasions.

But the attitude in the Russian leadership seems to be an acceptance that nothing will be done about it and that Russia has to prepare for the consequences.

Which will be:

1) Yes, a lot of problems with infrastructure in permafrost areas, but those are fortunately sparsely populated
2) But also a beneficial effect for agriculture further south and southwest within the country. Russia is one of the few places that may actually benefit from climate change in terms of agricultural productivity as it is too cold right now but will get warmer
3) The countries to the west and the south of Russia will get really desperate to grab Russia's land and resources as those get even scarcer in a warming world. Which will mean big wars.

Now guess what is happening right now...

kouroi • 1 year ago

Yes, Russians seem to be going for adaptation, full throttle. Including continuing to work on nuclear energy, where they are leaders.

GM • 1 year ago

Yes, indeed, and breeder reactors in particular.

Meanwhile the US is wasting invaluable potential fuel on DU ammunitions that both poison the environment and irretrievably disperse 238U that could have been put to beneficial use

ClassyGlasses • 1 year ago

climate ALWAYS change, ffs read a book about the different climates trough the ages.
That you think so highly about urself and believe YOU can make a difference on the climate, says a WHOLE LOT about you and nothing at all about NATURAL cycles.
FFS, Svaldbard had a damn jungle and Sahara was a green paradise just a short while ago in geological/climate time....

That you are a climatechange cultist is not our fault, it is urs.
YOU chose to believe bs and became a cult member, do not share unlogical and "religious dogma" here, 99% of commenters here are intelligent, knows math and do not care about gretatunbergian dogma.

C02 and green forrest lover.

kouroi • 1 year ago

And you think those climate changes just happen, eh? There is no trigger, eh? different continental alignment, volcanic activity, or any other forcing event, eh?

And I know that by myself cannot make a difference. But the way for instance elephants alter the landscape in the savannah eating the big trees, or wolfs in Yellowstone alter the vegetation on river banks by controlling the deer population, humanity, in its billions and in its off-gassing, has the ability to alter the climate. And this is not math but physics and chemistry, so go to school mister, because knowing how to solve a second or third degree polynomial equation won't help you here.

GM • 1 year ago

The reason that temperatures on Earth are what they are right now despite the Sun having increased in brightness by a lot since the Solar system formed is that life (land plants and algae) has been converting CO2 into organic matter (i.e. fossil fuels) and carbonate rocks that then get buried deep into the Earth's crust and taken out of the atmosphere.

Now another part of life -- humans -- is digging that carbon out and reversing the process.

But try explaining that to ignoramuses who have absolutely no idea about the processes that make their existences on this planet possible.

Martyanov likes to rant about the failures of the Western educational system. And he is very much correct when he does that.

But then he needs to recognize the holes in his own education, one of which very clearly is zero knowledge of geology, paleontology, ecology, and a bunch of other disciplines. And he is not doing that.

kouroi • 1 year ago

Yes, me are not reading his blog and listening to his rants for his opinions on climate change....

nicainhouston • 1 year ago

Mr. Martyanov,

Do you, perchance, know of English versions of publications from this Arktika group? I find al sorts of tech specs on the satellites, orbits, launch, but nothing on the data or its interpretation. I just started to learn Russian, but I am far from fluent in reading or speaking, so English reports would be welcome, or Spanish. To reference your statement, in the Oliver Stone post on nukes, you said:

"...real climatologists, especially specialist in Arctic and who operate Arktika satellite constellation which, let put it this way, surprised many in the West with the data which kinda contradicts their perceptions."

The subject of "climate change" or whatever the nom du jour is, is of great interest to me. The parallels with the Lysenko disaster are many, although the scope (nearly world wide) and duration (now approaching 40 years) vastly exceed that of Lysenkoism. Unverified models, restriction of the datasets to urban stations, relocation of weather stations to airports (jet exhaust), "homogenization" of the data to "smooth out" outliers by replacing raw data with regional averages, use of "anomalies" (signed deviations from the mean) instead of temperatures, restriction of the range in graphs to grossly exaggerate minuscule changes, and so on ad nauseam. All these shenanigans are a mass formation psychosis of 'academics' sustained by vast funding from governments and NGOs. Stepping away from the orthodoxy leads to defunding and ostracization from cushy professoriates. So i would love to see new, clean data and rigorous documentation of sources and methods.

Thank you

ArthurAsherMillersNeeded • 1 year ago

The U.$. needs its U-238 for dirty artillery, ergo, no breeder reactors because they are evil, of course.

ArthurAsherMillersNeeded • 1 year ago
Oliver Stone is a wonderful director, but he really needs to check his data on
the reasons for climate change NOT among US academe.

Reasons according to those bought and paid for by Mother Earth Frackers in the geologically ancient dinosaur fossil fuel industry??? The U.$. would be doing much more than Russia which is near the Arctic Circle and at least relies heavily on nuclear and gas and less on oil if it was so exceptional.

Jasmo74 • 1 year ago

https://twitter.com/fredomh... interesting observation but last picture of Samir Puri with Lego tell everything about Samir Expert

МИЯУ aka BAROTIKI • 1 year ago

'Фронтовой Иконостас'


You Are With God & Your Motherland Is With You

МИЯУ aka BAROTIKI • 1 year ago

Annalena Charlotte Alma Baerbock
dob December 15th, 1980

From 2000 to 2004, Baerbock studied political science and public law at the University of Hamburg. She also worked as a journalist for the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung from 2000 to 2003. She completed internships at Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Deutsche Presseagentur and the Council of Europe.
In 2005, Baerbock completed a one-year master course in public international law at the London School of Economics (LSE). During her time at LSE, she stayed at Carr-Saunders Hall in Fitzrovia. In 2005, she was a trainee at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL). She also started a dissertation on natural disasters and humanitarian aid at the Free University of Berlin, but did not finish it.

- wikipedia

There you have it, a complete airhead, and a cretinous imbecile to boot!
This is Exhibit A of "western elites".


Two airheads hanging out together: 🙄


RamonThe • 1 year ago

Jimmy Dore did a good segment ...


Nassim7 • 1 year ago

Climate Change is natural. Like weather but on a much longer timescale. Europe was warmer when the Romans were in England. They planted vineyards in Yorkshire. Obviously, there were many years with a warmer climate than today.

The tank video is clear proof that the tank with a long-range gun is as obsolete as surface ships. Infantry in that forest with ATGM's would have disabled the "winner" in no time at all. In the open, small, cheap, Kamikaze drones targeting the hatches would have put it to rest.

Dark Fate • 1 year ago

Well, the usa is clearly headed for a gobsmacking global defeat due to the deeply flawed ziocon strategies to crush, shred then loot russia, starting in ukraine.

The american puppets in germany have declared war on russia, based on anal bareback's admission. Germans cant read historical trends that clearly show russia's victories are getting bigger: catherine's imperial conquest was impressive, but the crushing of napoleon's western armies was more astounding. Then ww2 came, and the much bigger and stronger pan-european hitlerian armies were destroyed. Today, we are seeing the end of the global ziocon-master-minded anglo-american hegemonic ship heading full-speed for the russian titanic iceberg.

Thus, they activated their ziocon voodoo doll victoria nudelman again. Check on her ridiculous lies during the last few days.

As for ziocon fake evidence on mad claims about man-made climate change, the entire solar system is undergoing climate change due to changed galactic cosmic ray patterns!! Even neptune and uranus has had altered climate patterns too.

vt • 1 year ago

Where are the israeloamericans at now?

СЛОТ – LEGO (Official Music Video)


The incredible Darya submits her band mates to their future, as westerner, assets... according to my warped reading of it. ;-D

vt • 1 year ago

The not related to the zionist nazi war on Russia using ukraine as a proxy, this video sums up the situation and what to about it.

МакSим - Ветром стать (официальный клип)


IE: dump the toxic israeloamerican influence holding you back.

Daniel Rich • 1 year ago

The use of self-propelled anti-tank systems "Shturm-S" in Ukraine:


Acqua Pulita • 1 year ago


Still, he's a mixed bag.

Doab • 1 year ago

He had said earlier that he will send planes to Ukraine. They are both part of the Uniparty.
Trump was middle East and china first. Biden is Russia first. No difference between the two.
I guess things won't change till war comes home with a bang or At least NATO splits and EU tanks. In the meantime BRICS and other countries bury the petro dollar then maybe there is a chance.

Jean Levant • 1 year ago

Good stance whatever you think of Trump (and I don't think much). We (humans) absolutely have to skip the nuclear stage. And then all will be better for the world (except for us, Europeans, but even for some of us, it will be a great spiritual satisfaction to watch, at last, a beautiful dawn).

John Dragon • 1 year ago

A mixed bag of mostly shit, I'd say. The US produces so many unhinged "leaders" like this who sound like deranged children and grifters. The problem is they're a reflection of the American people. You can't just blame a malevolent or incompetent elite for America's problems; the whole place is fucked in the head, from top to bottom.

Acqua Pulita • 1 year ago

I agree that these people reflect the country, which is in a sorry state. But Trump right now is the peace candidate.

Doab • 1 year ago

No he isn't
He wanted to send planes.

windwaves • 1 year ago

empty words anyway. He would at a minimum need to explain how he would go about it. "so easy to do" yes, right, so easy to say so.

windwaves • 1 year ago

he is a disgrace. With a daughter married to that thing and an existence spent at 90 degree with his ass towards the cancer state. You'll say, which politician is not ? may be a couple. Yet, he went too far. Then I would not vote for a demented Biden either. That is the state of affairs in the USA.

jpb • 1 year ago

America always gets the POTUS it deserves.

vt • 1 year ago

He is a lying sack of opportunistic govno.

Pablo Howitt • 1 year ago

Ok. So its not just depleted uranium shells for Abrahm's tanks. Its their armour. Export models dont use titanuim uranium reactive shield and usa is in no hurry to let RF get it. Do they even want it? News to me but it seems just another radioactive part to add to a bonfire. Cant be good for the future land and people.

Guest • 1 year ago
vt • 1 year ago


Bob Jones • 1 year ago

"But then again, let's not forget Morgenthau Plan for Germany after 1945 for Germans "to tend the beet fields"'

So wait a minute, are you blaming the Germans for the Morgenthau Plan?

Immanuel Kant • 1 year ago

I can see no blaming, I read a reference to the Morgenthau Plan. Succinctly made by Andrei. The relevance is obvious: Germany is now on a path to achieving the goals of the Morgenthau plan by her own doing. With a little help from her benevolent Atlantic friends (formerly called "partners" in Russian parlance).

Bob Jones • 1 year ago

By her own doing, really? So the American military occupation since 1945 has no bearing on Germany's behavior here? Seriously, what do you think would happen to Germany if she decided evict the Americans and start a full-on alliance with Russia? I say there'd be assassinations and imprisonment of Germany's leaders.

Doab • 1 year ago

It's better than being turned into glass wholesale.

Bob Jones • 1 year ago

Sure it is. I'm just saying, let's not forget that Germany is a Zio-con occupied country.