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Anja Boettcher • 5 years ago

Why should anybody outside the Unaccountable States of America bother whether US luncacy and US hubris are sold to the USAmerican public under an altright or a neoliberal label? Policies are simply the same. War mongering is the same. Ignorance is the same. Inaccountability is the same.

At the core of US policies has always been the claim to grab resources and assets globally and to profit nationally. George Kennan, who possessed - unlike the recent horror cabinet of US politicians - at least the quality of self-reflection acknowledged already in the aftermath of WW2 that the prime goal of US foreign policies has always been to remain in the position to consume an overdue amount of the world's prosperity.

Thus as globalism is at its core US elitist nationalism, US nationalism is directed at global robbery. It's the same phenomenon - only looked at under different labels.

Thus I would highly greet an impeachment, as then the split of the US public, who refuse to see that they are sold one and the same policy under two contrasting labels, could lead to a civil war. And all aggressions USAmericans direct against each other rob them the energy to continue murdering others.

However, Kennan likewise explained as early as 1954 US collective psychology, which still works today exactly the way it has always worked:

"There is, let me assure you, nothing in nature more egocentrical than
the embattled democracy. It soon becomes the victim of its own war
propaganda. It then tends to attach to its own cause an absolute value
which distorts everything else. Its enemy becomes the embodiment of all evil. Its
own side, on the other hand, is the center of all virtue. The contest
comes to be viewed as having a final, apocalyptic quality. If we
lose, all is lost; life will no longer be worth living; there will be
nothing to be salvaged. If we win, then everything will be possible;
all our problems will become soluble; the one great source of evil--our
enemy--will have been crushed; the forces of good will then sweep
forward unimpeded; all worthy aspirations will be satisfied."

Lecture at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey (March 1954); published in “The Two Planes of International Reality” in Realities of American Foreign Policy (1954), p. 4

And the following quotation shows that Kennan at least would have ben able to avoid the foolish escalation of US desires, current polticians seem unable to:

"A foreign policy aimed at the achievement of total security is the
one thing I can think of that is entirely capable of bringing this
country to a point where it will have no security at all."

Small wonder that the population of most countries stated as early as 2014 according to the Gallup poll that they saw the US as largest threat to global peace.

Vasya Pypkin • 5 years ago


BostonianRebel • 5 years ago

it was indeed a delight to read this comment

Thank you for the knowledge

Arctic_Fox • 5 years ago

Every large organization has its professionals and its careerists. Mil & Intell organizations are no different. As an outsider looking in, it appears that Russ is emphasizing the professional level of M&I... Shun the careerists... No surprise considering Putin's background. He sets the Russ standard; which IS a big part of his job description. Then again, there's a generational drift in Russ towards understanding what M&I is all about... Kind of like how "17 Moments of Spring" is so culturally iconic... (I was on an airplane not long ago, sitting next to a delightful Russ lady; never met her before, and we spent three hours talking about 17 Moments.)
Indeed, I seem to recall that Russ high circles have essentially determined that the head of state/head of govt must always come from a M&I background... Not a bad idea, really, but not "how we do it" outside of Russ, where "anyone" can be president... and it shows.
Meanwhile, in USA, our political class is just awful... Or as I've said elsewhere, earlier today in another thread of yours, "Our elite suck." (Full disclosure: I did not make that up.) For many decades of 20th Century, US had leadership that more or less understood the M&I side... FDR through GHWBush (although Bush 41 was a Globalist at heart). All presidents had some experience around gray steel. One after the other, they all knew a few things... Thay had lived through conflicts. But since January 1993? It's been a rolling political disaster... Clinton (draft dodger), Bush 43 (Air Nat Guard, but a true side-stepper from Vietnam; that jet training was lost on him), Obama ("Choom gang") and now Trump (mil academy and bone spurs). Lord help us!!
I'm no fan of ignorant, unreflective presidents... but no one person can know everything, either. So it pains me to note that the recent crop of high level US "civilian" advisers are even worse... Draft dodgers, and/or "poli-sci" majors with no particular insight into modern war & weps. Impulsive, opinionated, unschooled in so many ways. No insight into what "might" happen, and for the absolute need to keep things under control... No sense of NOT going "there." No real understanding of how little you can see inside the dark room... Clinton and his C-level team? Bush 43 and those Neocon fools? Obama and those bitter, middle-aged women of his? Trump and the Walrus? Ugh...
There are just some things about War & Peace that you can't fake. You cannot cram for the big test. It takes many years of just sort of going places and being there... Pondering the handiwork of the designers & factories & labs (you know what I mean). For as much as I enjoyed & benefitted from reading Peloponnesian War at War College... I learned as much or more by being operational; being around the green-painted weps with yellow stripes, (Or the white-painted ones, if you get my drift.) That, and having the luxury of time to look back & reflect.
This long ramble is sort of a leadup to say that I am extremely upset that Trump wants to abandon INF. Whatever the reasons... and yes, I understand the discussion points... I think back to GK Chesterton, who once noted that you don't tear down a fence until you understand why someone put it up in the first place.

BostonianRebel • 5 years ago

You better hold it together because the Empire is declining and it is too late to save it

The Arioch • 5 years ago

Trump about central american states: "...do the job of stopping their people from leaving", wow.

When USSR was "stopping their people from leaving" it lead to Jackson–Vanik embargo, which is still in action 30 years after USS dead.

But today that gies as "failed their job" of holding theur citizenry captive.

World so changed...

BostonianRebel • 5 years ago

indeed the US has a boat load of " Malcolm Wrightson Nance" type in all aspect of life