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strawberry pudding • 11 months ago

even if it's "just another job" for the assistant, some celebrities get babied way too much by their staff. like what was stopping this actress from holding her own umbrella? reminds me of the time rain said he started to like kim tae hee because she changed her own socks

village idiot • 11 months ago

because.. she changed... her own socks... yeah im gonna need a minute for this one. reminds me of that new Netflix drama Celebrity there's a scene in which the male lead (a chaebol) walks into his home and one of his maids has to time it perfectly to take off his shoes, crawling behind him, WHILE he walks.

strawberry pudding • 11 months ago

yes yes! that’s what came to my mind as well. of course rain meant he saw her as a kind woman because she changed her own socks, but since that’s really a normal act (taking off your own socks) it makes you wonder about the kind of people in the entertainment industry if doing such a simple thing is not the norm

peony • 11 months ago

people take things way too literally esp when they don't even see the og source. He didnt like her BECAUSE she changed her own socks, he just thought her notions were humble and kind 🙈

village idiot • 11 months ago

And he thought that because she changed her own socks didnt he? If thats how he decided she's humble and kind, my reaction to this info doesnt change

Guest • 11 months ago

That gif has been posted 1000 times here

village idiot • 11 months ago

Of rain talking about taehees socks or the celebrity scene? I haven't seen it

LOOSSEMBLE • 11 months ago

My question is do idol/actors/actress have people that put on their socks? Or does he mean rich people have people that put on their socks

kyrie. • 11 months ago

usually it's a stylists' job to take care of such things, so he was saying that it made her appear down-to-earth and humble that she immediately bent over to remove her own socks to change them. honestly i don't think it's weird to have stylists do that sort of thing since they're on standby with changes of clothing just in case in most situations, and i have a hard time changing my shoes while standing too, so i get why it's necessary too

Guest • 11 months ago


Gabi • 11 months ago

I mean dont staff members also get paid for this kind of stuff? Like managers do EVERYTHING for idols, even when off schedule, and as ridiculous as this is, isn't that what they get paid for?

strawberry pudding • 11 months ago

staff are some of the most poorly paid in the business across entertainment industries and celebrity managers have confirmed this, so technically they don’t get paid for this and whatever they do get paid is not enough.

but even if it was fairly compensated, why should there even be a job for someone to remove someone else’s socks and hold an umbrella for them as if they are the servants of an emperor? celebrities are perfectly capable of doing this themselves

inspirit4vver • 11 months ago

They are but it’s what they choose to do. I have a friend who’s a PA for different productions. She loves working on set and taking care of celebs. Mind you, the talents she work for are not even C list Hollywood stars but mostly reality TV stars…but even when she’s hot, she would fan those talents rather than herself and sometimes they didn’t ask for it. She said they have to look good in front of the cameras so their sweat can’t show…

strawberry pudding • 11 months ago

it’s good your friend enjoys her work! I’ve heard so many horror stories from assistants to all kinds of celebrities that it’s a good thing there are actually people who like their work environments

inspirit4vver • 11 months ago

I think it's cuz she doesn't with work a list stars? Maybe these reality tv stars are more... Normal? So they are not mean or bossy lol

Gabi • 11 months ago

I agree. But something like this is a natural product of a capitalist society.

Nami Zoro • 11 months ago

He said when she changed her socks during a photoshoot though

yeojachingues • 11 months ago

He must have been joking...?

EllE • 11 months ago


strawberry pudding • 11 months ago

I hope so

LoL • 11 months ago

these celebrities most likely have had no sleep and nothing to eat while working long hours themselves. I wouldn't be surprised if an umbrella actually takes them down

strawberry pudding • 11 months ago

it doesn’t look like a very heavy umbrella honestly, anyone can hold it, and the staff work just as long hours as the celebs, often longer because they have to organise the celeb’s schedule and run errands so it’s not like they’re relaxing while the celeb is working. sort of unrelated, but if you watch interviews of kpop managers they say that they don’t get to eat much either (because they’re always running around)

at the end of the day it’s not my problem and it’s entirely possible the staff likes/enjoys doing this for their employer. but I just feel confused as to why it’s so common for staff to do this for celebs everywhere

ohthereyouare • 11 months ago

I can't believe this is even a somewhat contentious take that you're having to defend - that celeb assistants are overworked and under-appreciated and definitely not paid as much as they should be considering they're running around after celebs and preparing things for them for even longer hours than the celebs themselves.

strawberry pudding • 11 months ago

hahaha, welcome to the internet I guess…sigh

Guest • 11 months ago
strawberry pudding • 11 months ago

I can understand that some celebrities might not know how to book a hotel or a flight (if this is what you’re referring to?) because even commoners don’t know how to do that if they don’t have any experience, but changing your own socks?? holding an umbrella? those are some of the most basic life skills that you learn when you’re 5

Guest • 11 months ago
amna • 11 months ago

Yoona shared similar story just recently
After the removal of covid restrictions she wanted to travel but found she didn't know how to book flight/ hotel nor commute
It's sad honestly.

Guest • 11 months ago

She looks like jisoo. On a side note, why is she old? Life is sad :( we all will be her someday She's pretty tho

ForeverElf • 11 months ago

What’s wrong of being old? Seriously she is not that old.

Guest • 11 months ago

A personal problem that I have. I don't have a problem with rhem

Guest • 11 months ago

The fuck ??

yeojachingues • 11 months ago

Reminds me of that gif of Lim Jiyeon giving her staff the stink eye lol. I could never work in the industry, I don't have the patience to deal with rude, entitled famous people.

Guest • 11 months ago

Honestly, not surprised. She gives off mean girl vibes.

yeojachingues • 11 months ago

The script writer for The Glory kind of the said the same thing but in a nicer way. She said that Lim Jiyeon was born for evil roles ROFL.

Yor • 11 months ago

oh… I wonder what did Lee Dohyun saw on her

ohthereyouare • 11 months ago

I have wondered this myself. Either she's not as bad as the rumors about her are, or he's into a very specific personality type...kinda like how my impression of Lee Seunggi changed after seeing who his partner is.

Maz • 11 months ago

her beauty lol for some men that's enough

hibye • 11 months ago

If that was the case, I’m shocked he didn’t try to go for Song Hye Kyo. Even his previous drama co-stars were pretty too

Maz • 11 months ago

song hye kyo is 41. realistically not many young unmarried dudes would date a woman in her 40s especially if they want to have kids in the future.

oneleaf • 11 months ago

Most celebrities aren’t good people he’s probably not a saint himself

Guest • 11 months ago

The director also said han sohee was an ace at immoral prostitute roles, in an indirect way. The follow up director also said the same thing, but something whitewashed like it could only be hsh who could pull off such adult roles with 100% fit and evoke the aesthetic sense of adultery.

wowmegatonbomb • 11 months ago

Can't forget that! Such a major side-eye. I dunno if it had been clarified tho, hopefully it was.

Guest • 11 months ago

Did she fr?

wowmegatonbomb • 11 months ago
Mocoonamizu • 11 months ago

It's just a split second expression tho. I also suffer from chronic resting bitch face I'm sure I've made worse faces than that lol.

Guest • 11 months ago

I thought it was worst than that. I did once ghat face to my cousin

Applepie • 11 months ago

Wow people will hate on women for anything

LOOΠΔ • 11 months ago

Looking like a kdrama scene

sanch♡ • 11 months ago

we can't really judge her personality from one out of context gif