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hani • 11 months ago

I'm glad this news is blowing up on kommunity sites cause now jin will find out about it and he'll find it hilariousšŸ˜­

kirumihirumi • 11 months ago

I can hear his cackling horse laugh from north Korean border lol

your name • 11 months ago

It being from Brazil makes me believe it. I'm from Argentina and some pickpockets here are just funny people. If they don't like your phone they give it back.
There was also a story of a guy getting his shoes stolen and the thief gave him his own so he wouldn't have to go bare footed. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

random • 11 months ago

lmao what a polite thief šŸ˜‚ i wouldn't be even mad at this point šŸ˜‚ just super confused

peach soda • 11 months ago

in brazil people have actually gotten shot for refusing to give their phones to the assailant :-(

Daidai • 11 months ago

Usual stuff in Colombia too šŸ˜…

your name • 11 months ago

I know that

hellbunni • 11 months ago

lmaooo i was having a rough day and this made me cackle šŸ˜­ thanks for the laughs

Guest • 11 months ago


pluto planet • 11 months ago

as a brazilian, this is probably true. casual robbers and pick pockets usually back off if they suspect you're involved with the military or the police to avoid being tracked down.
but this story could've ended badly if the girl was caught by a gang or organized crime she would've been fcked.

kojiharus • 11 months ago

Its real yallā€¦ i was the phone

TToTT • 11 months ago

I'm Brazilian and if there's one thing I can say is that this is real. Brazil is taken over by the military militia, so thieves who are not part of the mafia are deeply afraid of the military and military police. if you mess with one of these, they always seek revenge. Soldiers even kill innocent people in search of revenge. nowadays, even the normal population is afraid of the military.

Amelie • 11 months ago

Forget the jin story what the hell is this. But isn't Brazil a democracy. How is the military having so much power. Tell me more dear. What about the elected government and the police force. Is there no law like the military cannot be deployed in the country in normal situations.

TToTT • 11 months ago

Brazil went through a military coup that lasted for 20 years, starting in the 60s. Even after returning to being a democracy, the military gained amnesty, and to this day they are never punished for anything. thus a whole system of impunity was generated around them that still lasts today. for example, if you are in the military and you kill a person, you are not arrested, you are just forced to retire with your salary.

Amelie • 11 months ago

So military has more power than the elected government. So the military head has much more say than your countries president??? But how does it work in a democracy.

TToTT • 11 months ago

basically, in theory, the military cannot interfere in the democratic process, but in practice, they interfere, a lot. including, in the last presidential election, they blocked avenues and threatened people on voting day for president, to prevent the current president from winning votes. even so, the current president won. the former president is even involved in this and is currently being investigated.

Shinki • 11 months ago

It is complicated. There is militia but there is also mediation between the powers so whenever they act up there will be measures to hold it back but it's well known that it's a thing.

Amelie • 11 months ago

But what's the origin of such militia. Tribes? Or some other communities. How do these militia came into being.

riza • 11 months ago

im brazilian too and all she said is right.
we have a fascist "mafia" inside our military system ans thats why brazilian common people is afraid of them. they ruled our country in a military dictatorship for decades. thank god we're a democracy now but we have deep scars (same to others south american countries)

there's even groups of corrupt soldies who do agreements with huge trafficants and fascist politicians.

Amelie • 11 months ago

And how do those parts of military recruit the soldiers. Because in most countries soldiers are recruited by the central government. How does the recruitment work and how is military ranking done. Means how do these parts of militia get the finances from. I am now so interested to know more about your country. Because I always thought it was a peaceful Democratic country which is developing at a rapid speed.

riza • 11 months ago

we have an obrigatory enlistment for 18 years old boys but the majority of them get exemption. they arent the problem usually and low-ranking soldiers. its difficult to raise from it but it will happen if you work really hard for your military career.

we also have military universities in Rio de Janeiro. you join it by super difficult university's tests. i have a friend who's now an 2nd Tenant at 26 years old and he studied there. thank god he's not a right-wing piece of shit like others. high-level rankings are in these universities.

also, you can do government tests to be a public server soldier or police. it is just like an university test too. you will join it with high grades. they're also high level ranking soldier.

the salary is good, you cant NEVER be fired except for proven crimes (its a life-time job), and you can retire after 3 decades of work. after retirement you will still recieve your salary until your death. after your death, your partner will recieve it. thats a great job and thats why its still so strong here.

Amelie • 11 months ago

Waoo with these safety of job many would be wanting this job then. And how about women. Are women in these ranks too.

disqus_fMXNmwdJ9O • 11 months ago

Thereā€™s two sides, the militia and the gangs. They HATE each other and will literally kill the other side or someone that has connections to the other side. Plus military at 18 is the law for men so this story smells like bullsh*t

Amelie • 11 months ago

Militia means the military right? So there is compulsory military conscription in your country too? But what's the reason behind this hate and how does the elected government keep this balance or how does it tackle with it.

emo af • 11 months ago

No. In this context it means a corrupt police force.

Amelie • 11 months ago

Ohhh means in the police there are a segment who are corrupt to the point that they work like some gang?

emo af • 11 months ago


disqus_fMXNmwdJ9O • 11 months ago

No, militia is literally a militia and is different from the military. thereā€™s a militia made of people from the military and people that were from it and arenā€™t anymore, also most are cops and have contact with politicians . They are literally just a different type of gang, more organized when it comes to combat and just as vicious

Amelie • 11 months ago

But they have more power and political say. So they can do more carnage and no one will be held responsible, right.

disqus_fMXNmwdJ9O • 11 months ago

If you search biggest gun apprehension in Brazil it will show a luxury mansion as the place it was found. Enough said

Amelie • 11 months ago

So does any political leader is out there who wants to get rid of this problem.

disqus_fMXNmwdJ9O • 11 months ago

If they try they will get murdered (:

disqus_fMXNmwdJ9O • 11 months ago

Nope, thatā€™s what ignorant people think. To traffick drugs you NEED political influence, itā€™s a huge country and it involves other countries, people really think that poor people with no schooling would be responsible for it? Itā€™s laughable. They are only soldiers, the ones living in the ghetto are ā€œmanagersā€ at most, the bosses are millionaires and/or politicians. Both of them have that. The militia literally started because they wanted a bigger part of the cake they were already getting

Amelie • 11 months ago

The drug lords. Ohh now I get it. So does ny political party actually have a good leader whom you guys want to vote and bring to power or are all of then the same.

disqus_fMXNmwdJ9O • 11 months ago

No such thing, you can pretend not to see it to be able to do other things or be part of it. Or you can try to take them out and be killed lol

Amelie • 11 months ago

So if drugs are made legal and brought under the government and let government handle the production still this problem will not go.

disqus_fMXNmwdJ9O • 11 months ago

The government would never allow that because the politicians are becoming millionaires over it. During the last presidents rule they found tons of coke on the presidential plane and blame it all on one guy lmao like NO ONE WOULD KNOW THAT TONS OF COKE WAS ON A PRIVATE JET

Amelie • 11 months ago

Ohh my god this is wild.

disqus_fMXNmwdJ9O • 11 months ago

There was also a President candidate who was previously a governor and had a private airport and half a ton of coke was found in one of the planes in that airport but somehow he was not guilty for it. He almost got elected because he pretended to be a man of church lol

Amelie • 11 months ago

So as a youth of Brazil do you guys think there is actually a way to come out of this mess. Is there any way your country can actually get rid of this problem.

disqus_fMXNmwdJ9O • 11 months ago


Amelie • 11 months ago

I always think the youth like you and me are the answer. But your answer really is disheartening. I hope the youth of your country find a way out if this mess. Who knows there maybe a solution none of us know.

disqus_fMXNmwdJ9O • 10 months ago

Thereā€™s three choices if you get into politics: assimilate, pretend you donā€™t see it, get killed. Thatā€™s why I got the f*ck OUT

Amelie • 10 months ago

Well in that case i hope you get to come of there and live your life peacefully.

disqus_fMXNmwdJ9O • 11 months ago

Girlā€¦ stop. I know a girl who had a military id since her dad is from the military and she got beat up by robbersā€¦.

TToTT • 11 months ago

that's what I tried to say. Casual thieves are usually afraid of them. thieves associated with a criminal organization are not afraid, since the militia and criminal organizations are at war, if any thief finds someone from a military family, they will beat or kill that person. but both thieves and the militia kill even innocents without mercy.
it's no wonder that the number of deaths committed by military police dropped by 99% in regions where they began to be forced to use a surveillance camera

disqus_fMXNmwdJ9O • 11 months ago

No such thing as casual thieves since where you live dictates if youā€™re militia or not. You canā€™t do shit without approval of the dominant gang or youā€™ll get killed. Plus talking as if police is the same as the whole militia is wild, talking as if Brazil is in 1964 still. So is EVERY MEN that goes to the army at 18 militia? That makes no sense . If anything if this thieve wasnā€™t from the militia area and saw this they would beat her up, if he was from the militia then he could ask about it and maybe give it back but just saw the picture and got scared of the army? No

Geez • 11 months ago

Its totally possible. If you're known to be a military or police wife, they'll certainly avoid you to not become their target. Here, they don't mess with people from their favela, military and police.

nimini • 11 months ago

I mean, there's a reason why we, specially women, sometimes act like our dad, brother, friend, boyfriend, whatever, is a police or militar when we use uber or taxi. (I thought it's like that everywhere..?)
Specially, if the thief don't have much experience he won't risk messing up like that.
If I tell some stories that did happen (including mine), you probably won't believe it too because it sounds ridiculous, to the point even I still cant believe it happened lol

hello ā€¢~ā€¢ • 11 months ago

It is real tho.. why are ppl not believing this? šŸ˜­