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MM • 4 years ago

Oh no, the forced birthers are upset a young woman getting one isn't wallowing in conservative shame and moping about in sackcloth and ashes.

Thurston Howell III • 4 years ago

What's next, a music video about Auschwitz?

MM • 4 years ago

Comparing genocide to a personal medical choice is hardly appropriate.

Thurston Howell III • 4 years ago

Comparing this particular personal medical choice to genocide is very appropriate.

MM • 4 years ago

Not at all. There isn't a racial extermination going on with a woman's right to choose.

Thurston Howell III • 4 years ago

Depends on what it is she is choosing...

JohnBody • 4 years ago

No need to celebrate your rights if nobody is trying to take them away.

Now, who's to blame for that?


🍯 MANchelle 🐝 • 4 years ago

She will be the poster girl for the Democratic Party.

JohnBody • 4 years ago

Doubt it

Here2TellYa • 4 years ago

She should figure out by now that birth control is much cheaper and easier.

Cougar Age • 4 years ago

Abortion also controls whether or not you give birth.

And it IS much easier and cheaper than continuing to gestate and giving birth.

(most women who abort were using some form of contraception the month they became pregnant)

Here2TellYa • 4 years ago

If this is her 2nd abortion, she needs to find a more effective method.

Clickonthewhatnow • 4 years ago

That's a big if. Lots of questions, no facts in this article. Mind you, it's meant to be that way. Gotta stir up right-wing emotion, and facts don't do that.

Guest • 4 years ago
🍯 MANchelle 🐝 • 4 years ago

You always say that when you don’t like the narrative x

Guest • 4 years ago
🍯 MANchelle 🐝 • 4 years ago

My eyes are wide open. It’s horrible when you don’t like the narrative.
Love ❤️ Manchelle x

Cougar Age • 4 years ago

Good for her. I'm heartened to see she didn't feel like she had to mask her true feelings. She's quite representative of how most women feel after an abortion, just that since medical decisions are private, most won't post something like this hahaha! https://media1.giphy.com/me...

Clickonthewhatnow • 4 years ago

"Unborn child"? Oxymoron much?

Guest • 4 years ago
MM • 4 years ago

Conservatives only seem to care about life when its someone else's they can't control.

NotKidding • 4 years ago

No one ever gave YOU the "right" to dictate what women can do with their own bodies.

They can choose to end an unwanted pregnancy BEFORE there is a child.

Not your business.

Go find a real cause....like helping underprivileged and unwanted children that are already born.

JohnBody • 4 years ago

You have no constitutional right to even know if some stranger is pregnant or not. You are simply burdened by the knowledge that abortions occur.


Orange Adolf • 4 years ago

Yet another fabrication designed to divide the country even worse than it already is.
David, are you really entertained and "enlightened" by the crap from the "Western Journal"?
What a rag!

MM • 4 years ago

David will post anything goes just like CC.

Trump Lied People DiedBV • 4 years ago

Awesome!!!!!!! Fucking love it!!!!! This fake ass video torn through the conservatives like truth through DRUMPF!!!!!!

epidipnis • 4 years ago

It's fake. Somebody went for their 15 minutes of fame.

Gullible Americans eat this shit up.

danielsangeo • 4 years ago

It is? I tried to find information on it but could only find right-wing anti-abortion sites falling on their fainting couches about it.

epidipnis • 4 years ago

Of course it is. It's a house hippo.

It's a copycat of other fakes created to stir up the gullible. It's the sort of story that has just enough of a possibility to get people going, and when eventually exposed as fake, it won't matter.

It's like gossip. We are so ready to believe the worst of people that when we hear something bizarre, instead of applying critical thinking, we jump at the opportunity to validate what we believe about them. It's disappointing when the rumour turns out to be false.

Max147 • 4 years ago

Perhaps she was just trolling the pro slavery forced birthers.

Kelly • 4 years ago

I don't know that I would have posted that online. It does seem like a little bit blase, but it also seems like we don't have all the context. It isn't up to us to judge, but they did post it online, so...

disqus_phule555 • 4 years ago

I almost didn't post it but since it is apparently viral I figured that people need to talk about.

Kelly • 4 years ago

Haha I was talking about THEM posting it online in the first place...

danielsangeo • 4 years ago

Perhaps for shock value so they can get "fake Internet points" and attention. There's no evidence she got an abortion or that she was doing that BECAUSE she was celebrating getting an abortion.

Kelly • 4 years ago

Exactly. Which is why context is so important.

Guest • 4 years ago
NotKidding • 4 years ago

Or just the usual right wing bullshit.

Guest • 4 years ago
Clickonthewhatnow • 4 years ago

Not conspiracy, just BS. There's a lot of right-wing BS out there.

NotKidding • 4 years ago

There is literally NOTHING in the video that substantiates that this woman was getting an abortion. And the seeder is a well-known right wing fanatic.

So yeah....right wing conspiracy is a very viable option here.

Guest • 4 years ago
NotKidding • 4 years ago

It's almost always a couple of pills. But that wouldn't satisfy your abortion porn fantasy quite so well.

Orygunduck • 4 years ago

Trump paid for a lot of abortions. Google it.

Max147 • 4 years ago

I am sure she was relieved.

shannon smith • 4 years ago

Eh, whatever.

Murica_Mofos • 4 years ago

Hopefully she won’t kill herself when reflecting back on this moment in a decade or so.

Cougar Age • 4 years ago

Not likely. I'm thrilled to see she wasn't ashamed to be open about her true feelings.

Ronson6 (aka FlxHXr---) • 4 years ago

Give her 25 years and check in on her sitting alone in an apartment.

Kelly • 4 years ago

I wouldn't think anyone would kill themselves.

Ronson6 (aka FlxHXr---) • 4 years ago

Sometimes it's alcohol, or drugs, Or hooking up with a psycho or some other slow suicide. Sometimes it's worse if they don't have kids, sometimes it's worse when they do. It can be the right choice, and it must be an option, but to imagine that it doesn't take a toll?