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Hugh Mcsween • 3 years ago

So Rishi Sunak admits Scotland leaving the UK would ruin the UK economy, now we see why london is desperate to be in a union with Scotland.

Stevie Coraz • 3 years ago

Without Scotland England will drown.

Padley Cloth • 3 years ago

I don't think he did, but if he had done, is that a result that would please you?

Roastin • 3 years ago

No, you are just a troll spreading fake news.

Incan Descent • 3 years ago

It's just Doug. His trolling on the QEUH whitewash story was so distasteful and inappropriate I had to block his Tiocfaidh/Doug account.

I said that I don't believe he can resist the compulsion to respond to me, and we'll no doubt see a reply to this from This user is blocked before too long.

Who’s Doug?

Thought I read you say that

Incan Descent

Incan Descent a month ago

The name game is yours, not ours.

Calum The Mackenzie • 3 years ago

Are you Doug?
Does it burn?

Stevie Coraz • 3 years ago

Day off from here wee man! 🤣.
Ye had a fall? 🤣

Roastin • 3 years ago

This is the disgusting mindset we have tolerate in Scotland, and this isn't silly rumours he actually said it on tape.
Not just that it shows the SNP will lie about anything and everything.

Gavin Beattie • 3 years ago

He is my MSP, I can assure you that their is plenty room in his skull for a flock of seagulls.

Proud2bScots • 3 years ago

They are a shower of despicable lying individuals.

Bigboy Hugh Dunnett • 3 years ago

You won't get far in politics without lying.

Roastin • 3 years ago

Again, I wonder where the SNP find these trolls? Is there a troll equivalent of Uber or something? Thankfully none live here.

Im Snibbler • 3 years ago

In Scandinavia

A. Norris • 3 years ago

Under bridges?

Paul Holyrood • 3 years ago

Brigadoon or Bridge of Allan?

Mike Hannah • 3 years ago

What has Bridge of Allan done to you.
I stayed there when I was at university. Some very nice pubs. Well there was thirty years ago !!

Im Snibbler • 3 years ago

Baroness Ruth Davidson made the correct decision by accepting to become Baroness now she cannot be blamed for the Conservatives loosing seats on Thursday.

Roastin • 3 years ago

Time will tell but your panic is obvious. Anyway Thursday makes no difference now as the SNP have dropped indy, it was creating too many difficult questions and costing them votes. We will get some idea about the popularity of independence from the Alba vote count.

Calum The Mackenzie • 3 years ago

You really don’t know when to stop digging.

Im Snibbler • 3 years ago

Scottish election: A reminder voting Conservative on Thursday is a vote to put Boris Johnson in charge of Scotland.

Mike Hannah • 3 years ago

I thought Nicola Sturgeon was first minister of Scotland

Proud2bScots • 3 years ago

Excellent reminder ... well done and our thanks go to the PM who secured the vaccines and saved lives.

George Kelly • 3 years ago

And who has wallpapered his Downing St residence with real gold paper costing £800 a roll... Which he didn't have the money to pay for... When banged to rights he said that Carrie Antoinette made him do it...

Proud2bScots • 3 years ago

Eh, let's consider the huge cost of the two ferries that will be at least over 4 years late for the islanders. Care to mention how much this mess has cost so far as it's far in excess of rolls of wallpaper. I bet you don't answer.

Also, when Bute House was being redecorated etc there was absolutely no need for the murrells to run up a huge bill at the luxury Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh. There were many other options available for them AND they had their own home in Glasgow.

You have been shot down in flames.

George Kelly • 3 years ago

Not really for she did nothing illegal. As I pointed out to Grumps who used the same gambit a few days ago. On the other hand Bunter has lied repeatedly about this (as he does about most things) and there are now no less than THREE investigations into his conduct re the Downing St makeover. He has changed his story or refused to answer on numerous occasions in the past ten days which (going on past evidence) suggests that he has something to hide.

His King Lear/Kevin Keegan breakdown during PMQs last Wed. (when he screamed at Starmer to "Ask me about something else – people aren't interested!")was evidence to many commentators that he is deep in the brown stuff. No wonder Blackford asked him: "Would the PM describe himself as a liar?"

Even referee Ross has refused to give Bunter the benefit of the doubt and put the knife into his back with the statement that "If the PM has indeed misled parliament about this matter, then he should resign". That's the end of any career progression with this PM for our Dougie... LOL

Proud2bScots • 3 years ago

Sturgeon has lied on numerous occasions but she gets away with it. If Boris goes there is someone capable to take over as PM if sturgeon goes there is no one capable of handling the position of FM.

I would give the snp credit if they had indeed improved Scotland but, after 14 years, they have failed us. I wouldn't bring blaCKford into this as he is an absolute disgrace they way he hounded Charles Kennedy.

I won't discuss this further because you will defend the liar of a FM and the bully blaCKford.

A. Norris • 3 years ago

He already is in charge.

Roastin • 3 years ago

Why do we pay Nicola and 50 ministers then?

Calum The Mackenzie • 3 years ago

For appearances sake!

Calum The Mackenzie • 3 years ago

See who funds the SNP!

Roastin • 3 years ago

Scottish election: A reminder, the SNP have proved they are not interested in independence, the SNP manifesto relies on Scotland staying in the UK, the SNP have said this election is not about independence. A vote for the SNP is a vote for Scotland in the UK. If you want change to benefit Scotland vote Labour, especially if you live in Rutherglen or Glasgow South.

George Kelly • 3 years ago

So now we have the Tory Gruinard Growler doing a flanker to get the punters to vote for dead in the water Labour to detract from Nicola's vote. Interesting that one former Labour voter is not falling for it. Today's Guardian:

"Even with her face mask on, Mhairi Hunter is spotted by Asif, a business graduate rushing past with a shopping bag. “You’re that SNP councillor,” he shouts, before tracking back to offer an impassioned one-man party political broadcast in support of the Scottish National party.

The focus of his wrath is Anas Sarwar, the Scottish Labour party leader, who is fighting Nicola Sturgeon for the Holyrood constituency of Glasgow Southside, one of Scotland’s most ethnically diverse areas. Sarwar grew up nearby and his predecessors once took it for granted that Punjabi Glaswegians like Asif and his parents would vote Labour. But no more.

Asif, like thousands of other second- and third-generation Pakistani-heritage Scots, have switched allegiance, backing the SNP and, frequently, independence. They now self-identify as Scottish, not British. And Asif has a very particular gripe with Labour.

“What I’m saying, right: Anas Sarwar is telling everybody ‘protect the NHS, protect the NHS,’ but I think he’s forgotten what happened in 2009 [after the banking crash] when his party fvcked everybody up. My generation couldn’t get jobs,” Asif says.

“Half of us are in low-paid work; we’re in our 30s now. The SNP gave free education to myself. I would never have got to uni; the SNP gave me that. I’ve got a good job now.” His mother, once a Labour voter, has switched too. “My mum loves Nicola Sturgeon. She adores her.”

That change partly explains why Sturgeon increased her majority in 2016 when she won by a 9,600-vote margin over Labour. A large minority of Glasgow Southside’s population are Pakistani and Muslim, and Sarwar acknowledges that this is a problem for him, and for Labour.

“I’m a proud Scot," says Sarwar. I would always describe myself as a Scot first, but what I think the SNP has successfully done is to capture that identity. I don’t think we have been able to compete with that in the same way.”

Somehow I don't thing Sarwar's got a cat in helI's chance...

Roastin • 3 years ago

That article was so fake it nearly made me write to Severin. I go to Govanhill often as part of my volunteering and there is no display of SNP posters, *at all* in that constituency! Asif is untypical, if indeed he is real, as his elders would have explained to him his "free" University education came from tax payers across the UK and was a *Labour* policy before the SNP came along. The constituency is also extremely concerned about the SNP and Greens policies over gender recognition and the idea a man can claim to be a woman.

Anas is a local and lives in the constituency, he is a Muslim of Pakistani heritage, how are the dynamics of the area suddenly a problem for him?

Anas is giving Nicola nightmares and you are so out of touch it is cringeworthy!

Hugh Mcsween • 3 years ago

With Scotland becoming independent westminster would lose the Scottish GDP of £200B per annum, that would send the English pound into a deep slide downwards and is one of the main reasons the london establishment is frightened of Scottish independence.

Paul Holyrood • 3 years ago

And if we’re using the pound? What then?

Luckie Mucklebakit • 3 years ago

And a significant amount of that GDP would move south such as banking, financial services, ship building and engineering as they either couldn't remain in a small economy or don't want to be outside of their principal market. Scottish GDP will be far smaller in the world of indy. Also best grasp basic economics before posting.

Hugh Mcsween • 3 years ago

strange then that Norway does better than the UK in ship building and engineering and that the financial services of london are moving to the EU

Gavin Beattie • 3 years ago

Regarding the Indy movements effect on Financial services here is a article for you to read and hopefully understand.

I found this on Twitter from Dr Richard Simpson a eminent GP (retired) in the Ochil Constancy, it somewhat says what the effect of the continual squabble on Indy will have on our financial institutes,

Dr Richard Simpson
Now RBS has announced it would definitely move its HQ out of Scotland if there was independence
This reminds me of Quebec
The Provence had 5 major bank HQs before their referendums but after the second even though REMAIN won both
FOUR out of five HQs moved out of the Provence

We need to consider this effect on our GDP

Roderick Pearson • 3 years ago

You miss the point.
Independence would chase away the only viable ship building capability in Scotland - BAE.
There used to be another but the SNP destroyed that.

Proud2bScots • 3 years ago

Oh dear you haven't a clue.

Gordon Clifford • 3 years ago

Economics is clearly not your forte.

Claire Nairne • 3 years ago

The pound will slide due to uncertainty but will pick up again quickly . I recommend reading the FT or the Economist on the subject, economics and markets is not the strong subject of the National.

Roastin • 3 years ago

Oh dear, not very bright are you.

Grumpy. • 3 years ago

It's not becoming independent.

Calum The Mackenzie • 3 years ago

And you still haven’t said where iScotland would borrow or for how much.
You also lack currency and a replacement for 60% of our trade!

Calum The Mackenzie • 3 years ago

Oh dear, look up UK GDP!!

Im Snibbler • 3 years ago

Rishi Sunak: “The UK Government is spending over £400 billion to support our country through this pandemic.
Where did the money come from ?
The latest data shows that the UK government was forced to borrow £303 bn to combat Covid-19 in the year to March. 21 April 2021
On a population ratio, 8.4% is Scotland's share of the £303 bn equals £25 billion.

Paul Holyrood • 3 years ago

£25bn divided between just 1.74m active income tax payers equals what?