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A. Norris • 3 years ago

Toty corruption, my goodness.

Makes Sense • 3 years ago

You won't hear any hypocritical unionists braying for his blood for misleading parliament.

Gavin Beattie • 3 years ago

While Nicola misleads the Scottish population by claiming that the target of 400,000 vaccines had been exceeded. When the actual figure achieved was 392,000.

Mike Hannah • 3 years ago

Sturgeon must be having a fit that she herself threw a brick into the SNP grievance machine and can’t use this to show how great she is.

Makes Sense • 3 years ago

We have 70 years of grievance Mike
English Tories do not best represent Scotland
We aren't really England you know.

Calum The Mackenzie • 3 years ago

One day it’s going to dawn on you how Scotland is funded and how impossible it is to change that.

Mike Hannah • 3 years ago

I am very happy for you,

Scotspat • 3 years ago

So, give it to a Westminster inquiry, with a majority of Tory sycophants, give it a few months, and let's see how it turns out.

Reality Check • 3 years ago

With regard to Mr Hancock not publishing contracts in a timely manner - as explained in a Covid brief some weeks ago- some were published 10 to 14 days later than the 30 day requirement. He said he had ordered civil servants to concentrate on procuring ppe, as the uk was short and there was a worldwide shortage, so all were published , some 10 to 14 days later than the 39 day requirement. In the situation of a pandemic, I think this action and justification was justified.

Been Around • 3 years ago

Some of the concern surrounds the issuing of contracts to the friends of the Conservative party - at least that is what I've read reently. However, as you say, "justification was justified".

Gary Lindsay • 3 years ago

Maybe you should go to the Met if you have any concerns Pip.

Bill Carson • 3 years ago

So when Boris Johnson said “the contracts” were in the public domain and it transpired some 88% of the contracts were indeed in the public domain, he was intentionally misleading Parliament and The Scotsman are happy to perpetuate such a myth and invite comments?!

Contrast this with The Scotsman coverage of Sturgeon’s blatant, serial lying and their refusal to allow comment on any article even remotely related to such blatant lying and then it is not difficult to discover why this loss making rag is going down the pan..

John Foster • 3 years ago

Just pathetic trouble makng from the sad remnants of the Labour party

Makes Sense • 3 years ago

Governments need oppositions

Calum The Mackenzie • 3 years ago

And the SNP aren’t it.

Bill Carson • 3 years ago

They’re thirteen points behind and clutching at straws.

Gary Lindsay • 3 years ago

To be fair, Abbott did the counting.

OOYAH! • 3 years ago

There's a heck of a difference between urgently securing essential medical supplies at the height of a pandemic and in consequence being unable to keep Parliament informed (if the allegation is in fact true) due to time, media, medical and political pressures and the actions of the Scottish Devolved Administration. In the case of the latter they deliberately, knowingly and with bias sought to imprison an innocent man, misusing public funds in the process.

Guest • 3 years ago
Calum The Mackenzie • 3 years ago

Try actually reading the article.

Grumpy. • 3 years ago

Appears to show. We certainly know Sturgeon signed a deal with a dodgy Chinese company.

Sarola Athens • 3 years ago

Scandals happen everywhere it seems.

Bill Carson • 3 years ago

Where’s the scandal here?

OOYAH! • 3 years ago

A vote for the SNP is a vote to destroy democracy and establish the tyranny of One Party rule.

Calum The Mackenzie • 3 years ago

And here you are to prove it.

NikeOLiar Slamondski • 3 years ago

Including how your parents dropped you on your heid..

Gary Lindsay • 3 years ago


Bill Carson • 3 years ago

Two heids two falls...

NikeOLiar Slamondski • 3 years ago

Will the FM demand his resignation? 😇😇🤣🤣

James Kirk • 3 years ago

will you?

NikeOLiar Slamondski • 3 years ago

Wee Jimmy Kirk.. Something nice and simple to entertain us.. 🤣🤣

James Kirk • 3 years ago

it was a very simple question ,why are you so afraid to answer it?

NikeOLiar Slamondski • 3 years ago

I asked the question. It's what '?' Means. Or are you being forgetful like your beloved leader the FM?

James Kirk • 3 years ago

you didn't ask me, if you did I would have answered.

NikeOLiar Slamondski • 3 years ago

Yes i did. It was in my first question. All you did was respond with another question. I suppose like the FM you do not remember..

James Kirk • 3 years ago

you were asking someone else.

NikeOLiar Slamondski • 3 years ago

You were the one that answered with a question..

James Kirk • 3 years ago

no I didn't.

NikeOLiar Slamondski • 3 years ago

Yes you did.. Unless you have edited your comments, it's their to see...

Gary Lindsay • 3 years ago

He forgets.