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Cado • 1 year ago

Ah yes, our weekly dose of cat. Carry on

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

That's so true that a cat takes no for answer on some things and always unpredictable.

vovan1 • 1 year ago

True love! I'm jelly!

Paradise SLU • 1 year ago

Nice episode.

Paradise SLU • 1 year ago

So cute!!

Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 1 year ago

He can wear the hoodie front to back & put the cat in the hood :)

Luna Aoi • 1 year ago

I put my cat in backpack and wear it front to back . >D

lady vivi ★ • 1 year ago

The only time your wants matter is when you want to do what the cat wants to do.

fabulous max • 1 year ago

cats always be acting the cutest and most cuddly when you actually have something important to do

Golb89 • 1 year ago

"Eh, amateur!"
- Yozora ("Kawaisugi Crisis")

Luna Aoi • 1 year ago

I came back here thinking I missed an episode...'meoww!'

Luna Aoi • 1 year ago

Cats do what cats want!

mahamudul islam ratul • 1 year ago


PicHor • 1 year ago

put cat on lap