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lmao that scene was a school shooter moment
Hmmm school shooters can’t climb anywhere imo.
They can climb roofs that agents cant during rallies tho xD
Reverse weeb
Noguchi sure sounded disappointed when she realized that Kuro had only snuck into her room to give her a warning, lol
Wow, Yamada was the last person I expected to be such a bada**. You really never know what to expect in this show huh?
Ofc the dumb one is always the strongest lol
Isn't that girl the one that eats her own boogers?
if not for the booger that i cant forget yamada will be on my top 3 waifu here lol
so far its mama milf editor blonde and that new kunoichi under kato are the top waifu here xd
Knew she was sus but now I know she's a ninja to.
Well she could be from the anti ninja org aswell
For once I decided to read Manga and Yamada instantly made me regret that.
What I read was unexplainably unexpected.
Should take that chance to ask, " or you want me to do something to you?"
mildly sad this show is so underrated. i LOVE the amount of competent characters. The determination! the skill! The PURE consideration!
Girl in her bedroom: "aah, hentai!!"
Girl in her bedroom when he leaves: "hey, want a drink? Sure you want to leave so early? You don't want to do anything else...?"
I think we all know what kind of literature she might be reading. Regularly.
And, lol: the failed novelist turns out to be Japanese Alex Jones :D
20:30 - well, in the end he managed to see her panties; through bloodied eyes and broken glasses, but, still...
More importantly, I am not sure if we have no 2 or 3 ninja factions (plus random foreigners as needed) fighting each others, mh🤔...
I would welcome anyone in my room who tells me not to go to School tomorrow xD
Don't complain if in few nights you start to have many more tentacled friends, then!
Just in case if you're curious, some main points
Also the anime keeps omitting some key details from the Manga, there was a past story before Yamada woke up to give us her idea.
There are three factions: "NIN" the main ninja organization, "Enkou", the faction that the gyarus belong to and "Under Ninja", whose members the anime hasn't revealed yet. There's also the principal who isn't affiliated with any faction. Here's a very helpful info graphic from the manga https://ibb.co/HxzgDFs
Alex Jones never interviewed spec ops sekrit ninja CIA though.
We can't tell for sure!
This anime is blowing my mind. Even dumbo hot booger eater girl is super secret ninja. Look at that body!
Kuro gets a lot of screentime, but he is somehow still just as mysterious. I love this stupid anime.
That girl thought this was a different anime.
lol everybody could be a ninja in this show!
It's crazy. Curious to see who the non-ninjas are.
episode 8 and I still only have a slight understanding of what is even going on
Well… at least those guys got to see her, as promised, but at the price of being beaten to a pulp :3
Happy thanksgiving everyone
5:56 It was like she wanted to see his Ninja blade, Giggity!!!
20:32 That ass whooping was NOT worth it to see her draws, Lol!!!🤣
And I bet y'all thought the girl who ate boogers was Dumb AF.
If you haven't noticed, no one in this series is what they seem.
lol another fun yet weird episode. it was funny how the girl whose room he broke into was almost disappointed he was leaving her without doing anything, also dumbass still went to school. that naked chick going full spiderman.......i'm just gonna say my mind made all that up cause i'm drunk. I wonder if that girl is related to the girl on the bridge who kicked ass. that cat got an amazing view of sleeping chick, kinda sucks for him his mind comes and goes. mc made lots of savage comments this episode
It is the same chick. She's a ninja. She has a ripped body.
so many disparate pieces but yet they fit! Happy Thanksgiving all!
We can now appreciate Sasama breast milk pumping. Dammit, I forgot that she swith her baby brain's with that of her former officer's not so hot anymore. I am with Kato and everyone who decide to follow him.
I read the Manga out of curiosity...they keep omitting several details from the anime, which should not impact the anime storyline but still they're interesting, Such as booger eater girl past right before she wakes up.
And she's hella strong lol.
It's getting a bit difficult to keep track of all these characters and their secret identities I have to say
holy shit, so that dumb looking girl is a psycho ninja. this ep ended so fast. the way kuro said 'i dont think so' to the cat was so badass 😂
When the sketchy kid from class tells you not to come to school tomorrow and all you can think about is getting laid lmao
Good episode.
Yamada eating her booger fooled us all lol.
- Chiyo ("Four Lies")
Happy thanksgiving
Great episode
Waaaaaaah Chaos... TOTAL CHAOS XD
I have so many questions! But the one that bothers me the most is how could anyone not be creeped out by an old bum standing over you while you sleep and pump his man boobs?
No wonder Suzuki is a fan of the author. He keeps writing ninja stories. To spend more time with him she pretend to be his editor. A true fanatic.
Yamada was SO much cuter with longer hair...
12:35 That physique is so sexy lmao.
So Kuro got Hibi struck by lightning so he didn't have to kill his best friend. Thats kinda touching
The cat was damm right about the boobies
i feel sad for the mc's future :(
If the weird kid from class appears in your room in the middle of the night saying not to come to school tomorrow....
You should probably listen to them lol