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SkyNatsu • 1 year ago

Ahhhhhhhhhh I need the final episode now 😭💔

Paradise SLU • 1 year ago

Next week will be the final episode.

Paradise SLU • 1 year ago

Nice episode.

looserr • 1 year ago

PLEASE blame the old creep instead!! Esola wa sjust BORN!

Nymphaea • 1 year ago

Ayyye Neon got a solid punch in to defend Esola, I'm glad they don't blame him at all for what happened to them as humans since he was literally a baby

Excited to finally see their showdown next week, and possibly Bora with a heart??

Albedio • 1 year ago

so they are inhibited from hurting humans,but not one another?

Nymphaea • 1 year ago

Looks like it, which is also why Bora was able to shoot Cobalt a few episodes back

Albedio • 1 year ago

strange during the whole trial the fact that they were once humans whose lives were ended prematurely n unfairly werent taken into account.they arent just robots installed with a programmed heart,their hearts were taken from their human selves.

looserr • 1 year ago

good episode, love Esola

Marcelus • 1 year ago


hanae • 1 year ago

police-san please save them 😭🙏

Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 1 year ago

Hmmm so they‘re going to blast their ‘‘evidence‘‘ during their performance? :o