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Keith Anderson • 1 year ago

My best girl Grete episode it's weird that this season only has 12 episodes and I bet lots of people are confused since we just jumped into this while we were having training episodes now we get these feels like the show is all over the place

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

That really is what I'm feeling. I don't really know the direction this show is going or there is even one.

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

It's basically Peach Boy Riverside all over again....episodes out of order, pacing's all wack, only thing missing here is the edginess.

Keith Anderson • 1 year ago

but the manga is pretty good tho, even if the chapters take forever to come

Shinpei • 1 year ago

Miku is cute❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!!

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

NTM the girls trying to 1-up Klaus got so old, it got to the point they poke fun at Lily.

As if THAT'S gonna make it any better. And for a show about spies, not a lotta spy stuff. Not a good look considering SpyXFamily is considered one of the best anime last year, and we have a better alternate in the form of Buddy Daddies.

Typecero • 1 year ago

If I was being honest, I’m not sure who is worse at their profession, the girls in Spy Classroom, or the “professional assassins” in Buddy Daddies.

At least the girls here are relearning their trade…

In Buddy Daddies, they only get the job done because automatic weapon fire actively avoids them, and the world bends to enable their success.

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

Right, the assassins in Buddy Daddies....yes, they HAVE made a few blunders, such as being out with Miri in the open, and one of the Daddies setting up barbed wire in the school last episode, among other stuff.

I mean, they HAVE been noobish, but then again, they DO have to care of a 4 year old girl, so I can let some mistakes slide.

And then the girls here....yes, they ARE relearning their trade, but IDK if that's how I'd label it, or if I'd give them much credit. We saw the girls freak out seeing Klaus' peepee when trying to jump him in the shower. Sybilla let herself get stabbed and poisoned by a child, and Erna saw an obvious trap on the carpet, yet walked on it anyway like a dope. And all Monika does is act arrogantly.
As far as their trade is concerned, what use is Sara good for? When would we ever need animals? Erna has such bad luck, people got hurt around her or worse in the pase, making her a liability. Monika, again, arrogant. And Lily's an airhead.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

5 year old lol

Qween Qingzanor • 1 year ago

Re girls here, author covered their tracks by making them flunkies so their doltishness can supposedly be handwaved away.
But again, some of us prefer smarter stories that don't rely on the most illogical of illogic to drive conflict.
I'd more describe Monika as obstinate & shortsighted.
& the irony of Erna seeing through Monika but jumping to the conclusion that the manor's haunted. 🤦‍♀️

It'd be better if creators subverted illogic by having chara consider doing typical unwise thing but reconsider.

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

That might just work actually.

Combine that more competent writing, and this could be a decent version than what we got.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

And then there's Revengers in historical area with a similarity.

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

How IS Revengers?

I thought about looking into it but backed out last second.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

There is a trap with high top sandles with expose feet

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

(nosebleeds) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

It's all right but confusing, the animation is good.

Qween Qingzanor • 1 year ago

Is Lily really as big of a ditz as they say? Sure she has happy-go-lucky energy but there's usually a reason for it.
Or are the girls hinting Lily'd unconsciously give it away due to being 1 of the main girls around Klaus?

Qween Qingzanor • 1 year ago

Spy×Family was quite goofy & also full of holes.
The premise of doing such a major infiltration with a random family he had to find in under a week instead of his organization providing an actual trained spy family is extremely contrived. & he happened to luck out by getting his whole family being tied to other secret organizations.

Wife should've been suspicious by now but cognitively dissonantly isn't, daughter wants to help but her childish sensibilities make her hit or miss (a liability), & dog wants to help but his untrained impulses make him hit or miss (another liability).

So I guess YMMV when judging if each show has adequate espionage.

L0S3R • 1 year ago

I honestly disagree though about the show being all over the place it's pretty obvious they showed what the original main missions is about in the first couple of episodes and after that we got like a biography on the individual members and their specific abilities. It's just so happens that Grete's episode is like four episodes long which I personally enjoyed tbh. I don't think the show is all over the place at all maybe the pacing of it could be better but overall I definitely enjoyed it.

Keith Anderson • 1 year ago

I think it should have 24 episodes so all the girls can have the spotlight Thea and Annette have barely had any moments

T1stG • 1 year ago

that has to do with how the story is covered in the novels. other than the first volume, vol 2-4 have more of a focus on grete, annette and thea respectively. that's just how the original work is like so unless they're gonna make anime-only content most of the parts focusing on the other girls we're only gonna see them much later on if they cover vol 3&4.

Underwater • 1 year ago

Yeah it should of Been 24 episodes

NightDevil00 • 1 year ago

Because Annette and Thea also have a light novel volume dedicated to them as well exclusively in that order.

NetroLancer • 1 year ago

From what someone commented in the previous episodes, is that the author intended this to most likely be a one shot, then it got popular than he imagined and decided to make it a novel now.

Qween Qingzanor • 1 year ago

Also, despite the time going back & forth, the eps still added cumulative chara development, instead of showing a future event then making the leading-up events mysterious.

Qween Qingzanor • 1 year ago

Princess Principal's eps also jumped back & forth in time.

yalocaldex • 1 year ago

that's what gonna happen when you force a harem genre into an anime like this.....they need to focus on the story while focusing him with his harem and their back story. It's hard and 12 episode is nowhere near enough but because lack of budget they had to.

Keith Anderson • 1 year ago

Plus Klaus doesn't have feelings of romantic love just family type of love

yalocaldex • 1 year ago

lol true. They're just making this worse.....bad story telling + not even good romance. No wonder a lot of people dropped this anime.

Keith Anderson • 1 year ago

The books are a lot better i feel like hopefully season 2 doesn't go down the same way

yalocaldex • 1 year ago

yeah you don't need to tell me that. Almost every anime are better in the light novel or manga. It's just the budget really. Making an anime cost so much more than making a light novel or manga.

Keith Anderson • 1 year ago

Plus it has a great voice acting group, why did it have to be so rushed they could have just made a 24 episode season I think

yalocaldex • 1 year ago

dude like I just told you......it's the budget. Making a 24 episode anime is not cheap you know.

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

These spies keep discussing classified information in the open without even checking whether anyone is eavesdropping. No wonder they are dropouts.

And, again. Anime villain feels the need to inform the MCs that she is going to sneak attack. Can't you just drop the bomb and go?

Lily's cloth wrapping during the cut, though (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

Forgot to mention, you got tissue? I may have spilled some blood. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Qween Qingzanor • 1 year ago

Recklessly discussing secrets openly is 1 of the annoying overused cliches.
Too many creators rely on the most doltish of doltishness for conflict, despite doltishness being realistic.

Some of us want more thoughtful stories.

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

Grete: "The panties I'm wearing today are white."

Nice of you to volunteer that information, Grete, even though no one was asking.

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

Well, you summed up what's on my mind, so no need for me to say anything! XD

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

They are not black. I'm disappointed 😞

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

I was hoping for pink.

Or preferably red, it's my favorite color.

Byno • 1 year ago

I'd prefer invisible, or non existent 😏

Ok, that's enough of being horni for one day, get out of here horni Byno

Shinpei • 1 year ago

You pervert😂

Helocat • 1 year ago

I see you're a man of culture as well. Have a like.

ObLiviouS • 1 year ago

I was expecting her to tell him the she is not wearing any panties LOL That would be epic HAHAH

Qween Qingzanor • 1 year ago

I'm guessing Klaus has JLAS Batman's mentality on romance (mostly avoid due to dangerous profession & past trauma), & getting too attached to someone can be risky depending on the type of espionage.

However, humans have coital needs anyway so Klaus entering a purely coital relationship & explaining to Grete to learn to control her feelings to avoid mistakes is possible.

Spy agencies can easily get new recruits by having a department dedicated to raising their established spies' children, including artificial womb tech.

& Grete clearly latches onto Klaus due to him finding her beautiful (unlike her father) but attraction normally starts for shallow reasons anyway. Did Klaus' androgyny help diffuse her androphobia? so accepting his help & being close to him became easier?

NetroLancer • 1 year ago

The info we didn't ask, but we're glad to know.

Kwarevo • 1 year ago

Use chess to think

SKYFADE • 1 year ago

So the real enemy is Olivia all along and was observing them and now knew about them

SKYFADE • 1 year ago

Yes, use a brain too

Paradise SLU • 1 year ago

R.I.P Mr. Bernard.