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arra1213 • 10 months ago

the series will be heartbreaking because of how beautiful the journey is

Anime & Rutabagas • 10 months ago

So it will beautifully break our hearts lol

arra1213 • 10 months ago

but im more worried about fern after the journey
shes gaining weight every episode lol

mrackermann • 10 months ago

I think the only way this series can end is in a ambiguous way with frieren just continuing her journey...no world ending drama and so

arra1213 • 10 months ago

i dont think this one will have a save the world plot
it will defeat the purpose of its concept

ryukimega • 9 months ago

The world is already saved, the demon lord has already been killed and the remmanants cant do much, and it inst like every demon there hates humanity, they are just psychopats in the actual sense, they dont trully feel empathy so they do whatever atrocities one can think of if that strikes their mood

arra1213 • 9 months ago

what im looking forward to this show is their journey abd the relationship of frieren to others
i dont mind if its doesnt have any action
i can get action on other anime lol

ryukimega • 9 months ago

It does have action, and a lot of it, it just inst the main focus

Yeah, Fern's death (if this anime reaches that far) will be heartbreaking to say the least.

imbree maestre • 9 months ago

No she doesn't die in the manga. This can't cover their fight against all the demons left lol.it ain't even gonna reach the time travel part which is the current chapter, Fern became so good she can one shot demons given the chance, her journey slowed down a bit and now fuck it's time travel bullshit.

arra1213 • 9 months ago

do you think it will be covered in 12 episodes?

Aka Inu • 9 months ago

Spoiler tag?
I wish someone spoils you your favourite fiction someday, baka!

Toxick • 8 months ago

Preety sure they were referring to the possibilty of that being a thing, but worded it as if it was confirmed.

What they probably meant to say was "if this series goes that far".

Aka Inu • 8 months ago

Based on the further discussion, I don't think so, but thanks.

Backto2122 • 9 months ago

Well, death is inevitable. It's not really a spoiler that somebody dies. Even <insert your="" favorite="" character="" here=""> dies. The important part is when and how.

Aka Inu • 9 months ago

Per definition, anything revealed/happening later than the time of the considered piece of the considered adaptation is a spoil, especially the death of an important protagonist. Yes, Frieren has been seeing her companions die, but no, we don't know how far the story goes, nor what their future circumstances will be!
Imagine someone tells you Kamina dies
when you start Gurren Lagann. In every dangerous situation he gets himself in you're just going to mentally prepare yourself to seeing him die and it will remove all the author intended shocking/saddening/whatever effect of his death early in the series
and that's exactly how I'll handle Fern from now on! I'll be expecting her to die at every corner and/or not be as surprised/saddened when she does die. So just use fucking spoiler tags or keep yourself from commenting!

Backto2122 • 9 months ago

So here's an actual spoiler about frieren.she doesn't die. Mr. Idonthaveauseandicantbearsedtocopythecapitilisation presumably never read
the manga and just assumed a likely outcome based on the circumstances. In a way you will now experience the show even harder feeling just like frieren because she is acutely aware of how she could just miss ferns life, not even noticing it. People seem to just talk like they know everything so it's best to assume that they dont know.
. In conclusion your right character deaths should of course be spoiler tagged. You are correct.

Truth • 9 months ago

Spoiling involves something revealed in teh story that takes away from the discovery... Knowing something that might happen, which is inevitable doesnt take anything away from watching it currently. So its not spoiling anything.

Aka Inu • 9 months ago

"Something that might happen, which is inevitable". So death in a fiction that has a beginning and an end is inevitable. Like, all characters that went through hardship in the fictions they belong to but didn't die and their fictions are terminated, they didn't avoid death. Interesting point of view you have there.
We are talking about fiction here, not reality. A character can avoid death until the end of the story if the author so decides. The anime adaptation of the story isn't complete and I didn't know yet that the author decided to finish Fern off, so he took that discovery away from me. Hence, they spoiled me according to your own definition of spoiling.

TLDR: We are discussing a fiction here. You don't know whether a character in it will die before the story ends. The anime isn't complete, thus they spoiled me.

mrackermann • 10 months ago


majaketrix • 9 months ago

i think i know where those weight is going to... and its not a bad thing 😂

arra1213 • 9 months ago

hehe i just noticed her cheeks getting flufier every episode

majaketrix • 9 months ago

like i said... the cheeks.... 😂😂😂

its because of that 1 dessert they ate 1 year ago 😂

arra1213 • 9 months ago

lol i hope it will stay that way for now
but i dont mind if it goes to other cheeks as well lol

Oviej • 9 months ago

I'm sure they will burn calories during the journey.

arra1213 • 9 months ago

i hope so dude
too bad nothing gets bigger on frierens part lol
well i like her the way she is lol

MeguminExplosion • 10 months ago

This is the best example of
"maybe the real treasure is the friends we made along the way".

Frieren's new game + with fern is great.

MeguminExplosion • 10 months ago

Also her derpy faces is adapted well.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 10 months ago

Eventually break our souls lol

arra1213 • 10 months ago

geto would like to have a word with you lol

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 10 months ago


Kirito • 9 months ago

Did not expected that little seed became this big tree and it destroyed her old house I mean her shisho house

Axel • 10 months ago

I never thought I'd come across a story so beautifully depressing. Whoever wrote this must've had a really peculiar lense on reality to give so much depth and foresight to this concept.

arra1213 • 10 months ago

this is one the few shows that doesnt rely on heavy or emotional scenes but still have the same impact

Axel • 10 months ago

Fr, I noticed at Himmel's death. Something so natural and normal, yet so engulfed in regret and confusion, something I've never thought about from the perspective of someone that can live so long, but still managing to be so impactful. Every episode has this veil of existential dread completely out of our protagonists understanding.

I feel so uneasy about Fern I feel her life is going by so fast and she's not going to be given the time to live a normal human life, find love, have children, work on something that gives her purpose and fulfilment, just following along the life of a semi-immortal creature living a laid back life. If 3 episodes from now it cuts to Freiren next to fern on her deathbed or her grave, without giving her a respectful character development, I'll be thoroughly heartbroken.

arra1213 • 10 months ago

yeah also when frieren cried in the burial it feels so natural and actually a simple scene like frieren lying on ferns lap has this emotional vibe even though it should be a happy moment

Zarunagi Iromano • 10 months ago

In the manga, she wasn't supposed to cry so early, but later on when she relives her memories with her past companions while staring at the sunrise. Correct me if I'm wrong

arra1213 • 10 months ago

i havent read the manga yet bro

Alexander D. Montblanc • 9 months ago

My grandmother, my father's mother, is 97 years old. Most of the people she ever knew are already dead, some for decades already. I listen to her stories a lot, not so much nowadays of course. If you ever talk to someone that old you will understand somewhat what it is to have memories stretching so far back into history, despite being from a single human existence, that you have seen the world change so much, and saw so many people come and go while you remain. I have learned about periods of history that are studied in schools from my grandmother's stories, a first-hand perspective and account from times we already only ever know about from reading in books at school.

It's not really the same since the main character in this story is someone who feels some degree of indifference because of the life span disparities. But I also think many of you have more trouble relating to this without watching or reading about a story like this one due to youth and consequent lack of life experience. Ultimately, if this story makes people reevaluate their sense of time space then that is good. These are the kinds of things that tend to help people broaden their perspectives, which is always a positive development.

Makaveli Musolini • 9 months ago

Don't worry, it won't. The manga is really good, I like it. From wha I've seen of the animes 4 eps, it holds up really well to the manga.

Zarunagi Iromano • 10 months ago

You're in for a ride :v

Krescent Wolf • 10 months ago

Elves long life is a super common fantasy concept. But it's almost always played out in one of two ways. Either its from the perspective of the shorter lived characters watching the elf... or the elf's long life has resulted in living through a lot of things.

This story is unique because it expressly avoids doing either of those things. A story of how someone with long life looks at and feels about the shorter lives of those around them. It's really a sleeper anime i didn't expect to stumble on.

frost fang (proudtobeabrony) • 10 months ago

i on the other hand have been closely watching and waiting for this one. praying to any thing out there that of all things to screw up they would not screw up adapting this one.

i want this done proper justice as the art it is and the story it tells. instead of being seen as a just something to bring in the money. i know if they do this justice this is going to be a masterpiece.

granted the shonen junkies will still call it crap like they always do to anything that isn't full on action. i should know i was once one

TheCabra • 10 months ago

Want to know one thing that I can see actually making me cry from this show? Fern eventually dying of old age,and with how fast they are running through timeskips,I fear that this is actually what they are building up to. I am not ready…

arra1213 • 10 months ago

yeah i got the feeling fern will die halfway through
the way how fast the the narrative moves
its your eternity all over again lol

_Ameron_ • 10 months ago

nope, as a manga reader, the time skips slow down

Warmonger666 • 9 months ago

anime is pretty calming and beautiful it give me a vibe of kino's
journey and the wandering witch: the journey of Elaina juste perferct
before going too sleep with sweet dream

arra1213 • 9 months ago

i watch that one as well
elaina even won anime of the year poll
im not sure though if its anime trending or anime corner poll

Lychi • 9 months ago

Ah yes, those two are both my favorite, but this makes me sad just watching it, not really the content, but the premise of the story.

I felt it in my soul when purple hair girl said "bitch I dont have a year to search for some blue fkn flower"

Frieren needs a fricken grip on reality that she's wasting people's time, and purple hair can't outright say it as that's disrepectful.

Time is valued differently across different people, and life is short depending on who you ask.

The whole series looks like it captures this perfectly.

Warmonger666 • 9 months ago

i understand what ur saying but put yourself in her place she lived for more than maybe a thousand years and lost for sure many loved one how can you blame , she have to have her way to survive her loneliness and protect her heart to. And she already gave a lot for the purple girl now she is strong enouth to live by herself but she is the one who is and made the joice to stay with her she even said it......!!!! the story is more sad for the Elf because if she open herself and heart to much you saw how much she will surfer