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Judgment526 • 5 months ago

Telling Elsa not to use magic in this world is probably one of the first things they should’ve done…

Saint Evo • 5 months ago

There’s a lot of things they should’ve done first like just take her home, tell her to not use magic, put that curse on Shizuka ages ago and the most important one, not walking around with 2 lolis that don’t look related to you lol

Anime guy • 5 months ago

totally agree! i would first immobilize futari shizuka and return blonde immediately, and if possible erase her memory. but they went on a city tour? the hell lmao

Tempest Rimuru • 5 months ago

Needs magic and you forgot the time dilation between worlds so its not much of a problem. But damn I felt that embarrassing line in the end of the episode lol

Stephen Gooden • 5 months ago

I fast forward through most of it for those very reason....I don't like whne the script introduces stupidity to the characters. The moment he realises she was there then take her back and explain there. Sigh

Anime & Rutabagas • 5 months ago

Facepalmed when she used magic in front of the tv crew lol

ᗪonoᗪesu • 5 months ago

I never knew she had magic to begin with. xD

XtraFries • 5 months ago

I mean it's sort of implied already in the ED animation where she uses various spells trying to turn an apple into a pie.

Kevin Sears • 5 months ago

I believe in her world most people can use simple magics...
but this makes me wonder... why not just teleport psychics to the other world? with only one power, they'd be at a huge disadvantage

Master of Delusion • 5 months ago

Her presence complicated things so much

Ohms Nuttachai • 5 months ago

Sasaki: "I can't let the TV crew take a video of this loli"
But he forgot to tell her to try to not stand out lol

Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 5 months ago

Or at least, once Sasaki saw the camera crew, he should have really told her right then and there.

Deus The Great • 5 months ago

I don't think that will change anything considering her nature and timing.

RR • 5 months ago

And how were they supposed to know she could use magic?

arra1213 • 5 months ago

magical fieldo lol

Leonii • 5 months ago

Thought exacly same xddd

norigami • 5 months ago

Fake it till you make it baby!

ᗪonoᗪesu • 5 months ago

Hizuru...? might I ask, who's ur pfp today? OoO,

arra1213 • 5 months ago

tamahi from feast of amrita

ᗪonoᗪesu • 5 months ago

ohh... no wonder. ^^

might as well check it out, thanks. <3

arra1213 • 5 months ago

watch aragne no mushikago first thats the first film although amrita is the prequel of sort of that film but i find amrita better than aragne

Deus The Great • 5 months ago

Thought it was dead detective girl in Death Note.

Os • 5 months ago

Lmao Magical Girl mode on

KuroPanda • 4 months ago

magical boy/man lol

Ohms Nuttachai • 5 months ago

Who would have thought smuggling a loli might put the world in danger.

Sasaki casting magic to trick Shizuka was hella cringe. His own lie has come back to bite him LMAO

Anime & Rutabagas • 5 months ago

Wait so smuggling a loli from a different world is illegal? lol

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 • 5 months ago

Gotta cheek the law...
Yeah, is still k̶i̶p̶n̶a̶p̶p̶i̶n̶g̶.

Mega-Chad-Type-Hero • 5 months ago

Objection !

Kidnapping by definition is taking and abducting someone against their will... this is really a case of being a stow-away...

I motion for this Prosecutor's Testimony to be Struck From the Record and his License Revoked for Legal Non-Compis Mentis !

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 • 5 months ago


(With a resounding thud, he forcefully slams his palm onto the table.)

Nevertheless, it undeniably remains a case of abduction. This is especially true when consider that the parents weren't informed or gave permission for their daughter to be taken away.

Mega-Chad-Type-Hero • 5 months ago

Objection ! (Phoenix Wright style; or maybe I should grab out a whip and copy that villainess-style)

An abduction is a case where one was an «unsuspecting» captive ! Elsa on the other hand intentionally stowed away by her own free-will-agency ! And most-importantly of all is the fact that there is no evidence of Mens Rea on the part of Sasaki or his bird-pet as they were not even aware that Elsa was even with them and therefore cannot be construed as an abduction !

The Defense further declares on and for the Official-Public-Record that the Prosecution is also lacking any Corpus Delecti due to the fact that no Harm nor Injury nor Suffering nor Damage had been inflicted upon Elsa and the Charges therefore lack Standing !

The State of Chad-Defense now Motions for Elsa to be called up as a Witness on the Witness-Stand ! O_O

(Submits Reference-Information About the Definition of Abduction...)

abduction (ab-dǝk-shǝn), n. (17c) Criminal law. 1. The act of leading someone away by force or fraudulent persuasion. ・ Some jurisdictions have added various elements to this basic definition, such as that the abductor must have the intent to marry or defile the person, that the abductee must be a child, or that the abductor must intend to subject the abductee to concubinage or prostitution. 2. Loosely, kidnapping. — abduct,vb. — abductor,n. — abductee,n.

Quoted from page 1 of Black's Law Dictionary Fourth Pocket Edition (Editor in Chief : Bryan A. Garner)
ISBN 978-0-314-27544-8

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 • 5 months ago

Let me cheek...
(Suddenly, the courtroom fell silent.)
(His countenance transforms into an expressionless mask, a realization hitting him like a sudden jolt. "Shit, he's right!" echoes through his thoughts. However, without a choice, he found himself compelled to concede to defeat.)

I understand. It seems the presented evidence strongly supports the innocence of the case. I find nothing to add to that perspective.

norigami • 5 months ago

Let the Record show that it has been Struck From the Record!

SylveonSurfer • 5 months ago

Yeah, I also think the crime here would be on Elsa stowing away in the cargo. That being said, I'm not sure international courts would even extend to an extraplanar citizen. Even if the courts were aware of Espers and Magical Girls, do they have precedent for trying an extraplanar traveler in courts? She would have no representation. There would be no possible extradition method because she isn't a citizen of any Earth-based countries.

They'd have to rely on Sasaki to send her back, but I think he'd have his own issues. I'm sure that Japan's government would be extra concerned about his attempts to cheat the market by bringing in unregulated foreign capital xD

Mega-Chad-Type-Hero • 5 months ago

When that happens then I would simply Move the Court into that of a Common-Law Jurisdiction; Which is really how the court-systems are supposed to be run; Alas, they converted it all into Statutory, a Treason against all Organic-Constitutions.

Sasaki also wouldn't want to Press Charges or allow for Charges to be Pressed against Elsa since that would sour his relationship with the Other-Worlders, Müller in particular, not that she could be sued under any Earth-Jurisdiction due to no Government-Issued Identification, although that does make her prone to the potential to be the target of human humanoid-trafficking; how-ever, both Fraud and Deception do potentially exist on the part of Sasaki and Pet-Bird, regarding the True-Value of the trading of Goods & Services; on the other hand, Fraud-and-Deception also exist in just about every system of «governance» itself, and, for those of us who recognise that, within our own current-world called the earth-planet...

...a whole entire 70+ years worth of supposèd scientific-progress & technological-advancements should result in a civilisation with such hyper-productive capabilities that, were all of society/civilisation to be completely honest, everybody would only need to work maybe a maximum of two or so hours per week to be able to sustain and provide for more-than-all of their needs (the rest being for hobbies and inventions that likely make Star Wars technologies look basic in comparison), rather than the literally millions of homeless all over the streets, entire families working full-time or even over-time just to be able to barely earn any ends-meet (when it used to be that one man of a house-hold used to be able to work a 40-hour-job and still be able to provide for a whole entire family, including cars for everyone, and, even send them all off to universities, not that those so-called schools haven't become merely indoctrination-centres or maybe they were always that way from the beginning due to all of them literally following the Prussian-Model which would be regarded as entirely communistic; not that this is ever taught in schools), the increase (rather than decrease) both in wars and crime-rates, a highly divided society that continues to move in the direction of an eventual (probably very soon) civil-war out-break, etc.; something is obviously very wrong and it would be much faster for me to just end this with a quote (embedded into the following spoiler) Common-Law Style rather than dragging it out into a «Statutory» Court-Case that would take years if not Decades to conclude...:

«We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.» -Chris Hedges

Chase Gonzaga • 5 months ago

it all depends on who the courts will side with

Mega-Chad-Type-Hero • 5 months ago

I don't let the courts decide; I take control of the courts...

Nick Raph • 5 months ago

not kidnapping, but trespassing by the girl....the girl is fully at fault for sneaking into the cargo and the owner of the cargo have no info about it during the process..althought he would be punished too despite he's actually innocent.....like how people got caught with "planted evidence" since the victim cant prove it's not theirs.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 5 months ago

Sasaki doing that trick to trick Shizuka made me LMAO..

Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 5 months ago

Nah, I'm all for Magical Girl Sasaki lol.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 5 months ago

*Man... lol

Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 5 months ago

I said what I said.

Azureink • 5 months ago

I think he could pull off a magical girl dress.

Deus The Great • 5 months ago

Dude know it was cringe lmao.

ᗪonoᗪesu • 5 months ago

lmao, I was wondering why he was hesitant a bit at the end there. xD

Reynaldi7 • 5 months ago

Well, if we're talking about Peeps's-class magician but its fortunate that they've a lot of stupid noble 😂

PortraitOf TheSleepDeprived • 5 months ago

High risk high reward.

Kei • 5 months ago

Pi-chan is OP. Easily put a curse on Shizuka. The curse is anti-malice curse lol.

Anime & Rutabagas • 5 months ago

Note: Don’t try to touch Elsa lol

Kei • 5 months ago

Hmm Sasaki should be careful especially lol.

Anime & Rutabagas • 5 months ago

Elsa and Sasaki is just like me when I see a cute doggo lol