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Daemon Redfox • 1 year ago

ember! ember! ember!
leafage! leafage! leafage!

Its like when u start the game with your starter and u only spam the best move u have XD

Slowly we are knowing more about dot/gurumin

Con D Oriano • 1 year ago

Except a certain starter who suddenly knew leaf storm

Triduo • 1 year ago

Paradoxe : Right. That thing happened during the fifth generation's adaptation. -___-

Attila Szántó • 1 year ago

Trip's Snivy knew Leaf Tornado, not Leaf Storm, but still. Ash's Snivy knows Leaf Storm.

Josh Kala • 1 year ago

finally characters progress in battle

Jlipper • 1 year ago

Literally thought the same thing when they were doing that battle.

Kranesh • 1 year ago

I liked this episode, while we don't have the same intensity as before while the Explorers were chasing the crew, I loved to see both Liko and Roy growing as trainers... which shows proper development for them and it reminded me of how Ash started as well, even tho Ash didn't totally grew on me until he won his very first Pokémon Gym battle. (No, Brock and Misty doesn't count)

Also, I loved how this episode made us think that Quaxly was owned by that old man when it reality it was owned by Dot, makes me wonder if Dot will actually join the main cast (alongside Liko and Roy) or will remain as a supporter like the rest of the crew... especially considering how much she knows, can't wait to see how we'll meet her next week!

Oden a.k.a Chad Kozuki • 1 year ago

yeah, i also thought that old man was wearing the costume and doing utuber's stuffs lol

Himin • 1 year ago

basically the manga "My father Became a Cute Vtuber Girl!"

MarseS • 1 year ago

I liked your pfp, ..........................................bra..........................................................................................oppai..........................................big..........................................................................
Also, I loves the........................way it moves...............................................jiggle........................jiggle......................................

Azureink • 1 year ago

Maybe Dot is the daughter/granddaughter of that old man and the Quaxly is both of theirs.

Shiny Bidoof • 1 year ago

Battle time!

SkyNatsu • 1 year ago


Micfal • 1 year ago

Well that's surprising. I thoguht we'd never learn who's under the costume

Hade ni Ikuze • 1 year ago

I love seeing Liko and Roy grow as trainers. But I wonder how Dot knew they were bad at battling and then improved? Does Quaxly have a live feed camera on him?

Azureink • 1 year ago

Maybe the airship has security cameras all over the place.
Or the old man is passing notes with Quaxly and has been keeping Dot appraised of the situation on the ship.

Hade ni Ikuze • 1 year ago

I kind of like the idea of Dot and the old man sending letters to each other but the security cameras idea is probably more likely.

Divine demon GOD Aris • 1 year ago

that is probably how Quaxly found the tracking device last episode

ModdedEnderman_ • 1 year ago

well that or they are spying on them using the rotom phones

Hade ni Ikuze • 1 year ago

She does seem to be tech savvy enough to be able to do that. I can see her doing that or just accessing the security cameras on the ship if they have any.

Divine demon GOD Aris • 1 year ago

good point

Yuzeles • 1 year ago

with that shit display of a trainer battle i wonder what kind of plot armor was given to them for them to defeat the fucking golduck

Firstaid223 • 1 year ago

Still better than most people's first battles against another person that we've seen. Remember, they're brand new trainers.

Triduo • 1 year ago

We've been following Ash for so long that we forgot how weak of a trainer he was at first. ^^'

Yuzeles • 1 year ago

yeah i know that part, im mostly mad about the later part of my sentence, that battle was an accurate representation of every game first battle

Triduo • 1 year ago

Type advantage and Leafage screen.

Paradoxe : Also, that woman's obsessed with a Pokemon that isn't hers. It's probably what made her weaker in battle. -__-

Yuzeles • 1 year ago

lvl 5 vs lvl 30 is insta death bro, stats difference, atk power, a leafage on that golduck would shave like 1/10 of hp, and golduck would if they are lucky 2 hit just because type advantage

Triduo • 1 year ago

Paradoxe : Levels don't exist in the anime.

Yuzeles • 1 year ago

possibly but its still a 1st/3 stage evol untrained unexperient pokemon vs a 2nd/2 stage evol, well trained and experient pokemon

Divine demon GOD Aris • 1 year ago


Raka Bukhari • 1 year ago

Leafage spam

ThatMan666 • 1 year ago

Really, they have 1 more member beforehand & why is she giving out Futaba vibes?

Linkyubie • 1 year ago

Let's goooo!!

ItsMeArjay • 1 year ago

Can't wait for Dot debut!!

ItsMeArjay • 1 year ago

Capt. is secretly a Darksoul boss

Indivix • 1 year ago

You have to wonder how Liko and Nyahoja were able to beat the female subordinate of Amethio, if she is using these kind of battle tactics in a practice match....
Sure, she had type advantage, but the Golduck was an evolved pokémon, plus I would think her enemy would have more battle experience to not have been beaten by a rookie trainer who is wet behind the ears on battle strategy.

Triduo • 1 year ago

I'd say : Type advantage, Leafage screen and her opponent's obsession for Nyahoja. ^^b

nick • 1 year ago

my guess on the poketuber was wrong i stand corrected
seeing a scared sprigatito makes me laugh anyone else?

Azureink • 1 year ago

Cap is definitely my favorite character of this show so far.
The confidence, skill, and intelligence makes every scene with him great.

Kay Southpaw • 1 year ago

the smugness :D he's a badass and he knows it.

theultimategamer95 • 1 year ago

I wonder actually, Captain Pikachu vs Ash's Pikachu... hmm.

Triduo • 1 year ago

Cap who has :
-Thunder Punch
-Double Team
-Volt Tackle


Ash's Pikachu who has :
-Iron Tail
-Quick Attack

... I dunno, I think the result would depend on the trainer's abilities for that one...

theultimategamer95 • 1 year ago

Anime logic does not = game logic tho

Triduo • 1 year ago

Exactly ! Because in the anime it only depends on the scenarists' choices on the winners !
In the game it depends on the IVs, EVs, Stats... Yeah, the games uses maths, the scenarists don't.

Divine demon GOD Aris • 1 year ago

I would lke the see that battle

iwonttellyou • 1 year ago

i wonder who Dot is.

Fallen God • 1 year ago

Welp they don't have Ash anymore but a dude with a Charizard and even more badass Captain Pikachu

Triduo • 1 year ago

Couldn't let go of the classic pair. ^^b

Paradoxe : They just want to keep their fans. -___-

arya123 • 1 year ago

without pikachu and charizard, this anime is boring as hell

Watchforever • 10 months ago

Personally I’d say binge watching this show makes it less boring