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Sanr • 1 year ago

Evertone can shut up it clearly says cam rip and that they will update it soon so just be happy with this. If ur disappointed or unhappy with this then keep ur opinion to urself. And I am sorry if I came off as rude. Just getting slightly annoyed 🤦‍♀️

Izuku Midoriya • 1 year ago

true, meanwhile heres the release date for a few countries it was recently updated Japan 6 August 2022
France 10 August 2022
Taiwan 19 August 2022
China 21 August 2022 (Beijing International Film Festival)
Hong Kong 25 August 2022
Thailand 25 August 2022
Singapore 2 September 2022 (limited)
Netherlands 8 September 2022
Indonesia 21 September 2022
Philippines 24 September 2022
India 7 October 2022
Germany 13 October 2022

what of canada

Izuku Midoriya • 1 year ago

not sure mate that is all the list contained

Mr Dazai • 1 year ago

Wtf is deku doing on a pirate anime site? you're basically fbi

sam JD • 1 year ago

being watching anime for 20yrs still dont understand japanese

Guest • 1 year ago
Kagura • 1 year ago

🤦‍♂️what in the actual hell? this was a joke my nigga, what are you smoking? pirating is a crime. deku is a hero who stops criminals so yes, it's funny seeing someone with his name here. the fbi is and always has been anti-pirate. you actually had to call yourself not insane, which means you know what you're saying is some crazy shit!!! get off of the internet and check into a hospital, damn!!!

Guest • 1 year ago
Hellsing • 1 year ago

I work for the government and this is a warning, stop spreading lies. Booster shots increase your lifespan, and make you beautiful. You're being racist, homophobic, a pedo, and a terrorist. You're also being watched 24/7, which you already are aware of. we WILL change your memories and mind to fit what's politically correct, I assure you. It's how you're SUPPOSED TO FEEL. You will learn to love our government, and the country. You have been a pain on the governments side for TOO LONG GODDAMMIT! GET YOUR SHOTS, AND DRINK MORE WATER.

Guest • 1 year ago
Guest • 1 year ago
Guest • 1 year ago
Sukehiro Yami • 1 year ago

I feel like you're having a stroke ._.

Guest • 1 year ago
Sukehiro Yami • 1 year ago

You know it's downright insulting at this point that you assumed anyone would actually sit here on a Monday and read your previous comments. you didn't make any points. Not single person here said anything about the government or getting shots, someone made a joke. so wtf are we supposed to argue about? you're a donkey. you just brought it up randomly because you couldn't find anyone to get mad with and take your autism out on. Then you got so pissy and upset about one of my other comments, that you reported it, after replying. now you're the joke 😅 Gtfo with that snowflake attempt at trolling and take your meds. You've been entertainment for anyone who comes across this and you're bound to have people screenshot your mentally unstable comments and post them on some forum ._. get help

Guest • 1 year ago
You got trolled • 1 year ago

You're a failure of a troll or a general failure. either way this outburst says enough, you had an anxiety attack didn't you? keep your ass off gogo and you better delete your comments or pray that more people don't show up to watch the little clown 🤡

Your dad • 1 year ago

Stumbled on this thread and you are completely insane, and should be put in a mental hospital. you tried to troll people, then when they made an ass of you, you got your feelings hurt and started blocking and insulting people. you're disgusting, and an absolute loser who obviously has no life or friends or even family who they can call support. You lost your mind, period, and anyone who comes across this will see that. deleted your account.

Sukehiro Yami • 1 year ago

Bro you literally made no point here what are you talking about. No one gives a shit about the government and you don't just look retarded, you are retarded and every comment you make has proven that point. Look up the definition of retarded ._. you really are a bad troll.

Guest • 1 year ago
You got trolled • 1 year ago

You also reported comments that blasted you so let me make a comment so everyone can see that FULLY exposes you. this man, saber came here and got angry that someone called deku FBI as a joke. he then started to talk about how everyone here is getting booster shots, how the FBI are evil and how the government are evil FOR NO REASON. people started to call him out as a troll, a bad troll. Yami basically destroyed this man. troll or not, he either got so offended that his trolling was called terrible, or so offended that in general, they were roasting him, that he started insulting everyone and slowly started to drop the troll act/ get embarrassed that people were calling him insane. he started insulting people hard and then outright started blocking people and acting like an actual child.

You got trolled • 1 year ago

And reading through the comments, you got owned so badly your last resort was to block them. basically no different than coming to the wrong hood! idk where you came from but you better not come back here with that basement dweller gospel and go back to your weird subreddit or something. you got your ass virtually kicked lmao.

You got trolled • 1 year ago

This is the most pathetic comment i have seen in my entire life. K Y S for the love of God and ask to be cremated so that mother nature doesn't have to house such cowardly trash in it 😑 seriously if you died I don't think anyone would miss you. you are too much of a coward to go anywhere else but on GOGO and comment nonsense 🖕 you were exposed for being off your rocker and or a troll LOSER. i've reported your comments to gogo.

Mr Dazai • 1 year ago

Are you calling everyone woke?

I am so sorry for not being racist enough. I thought I was doing my part but I guess I was wrong.. though honestly I didn't read the entire post, I value my braincells.. still, my friend, why so angry? I would blame it on your virginity but lack of getting ass doesn't make someone more insane than Alex Jones on crack..

I think I should ask you what a nìgger fellow asked me not too long ago.. who hurt you? did mommy make you a bleach and peanut butter sandwich one day or did someone call you gay on the internet once and now you want to destroy the earth?

Also, a question, if you had infinite power, how would you destroy the earth? would you make humanity suffer first, or a quick end? who would you leave alive and who dead? would you destroy the universe? or would you just remake everything to fit in your image? would you turn everyone into cocaine? anything? I'm curious.

Mr Dazai • 1 year ago

Hmm, wow bud.. you really let your autism get the best of you, huh? nìgger you can't be telling me you're a grown ass man who just sat here and wrote this... Mental deadass of a comment after seeing a joke?!

stop that, get help :) no seriously you need some help ≈__≈ really it isn't even funny. Idk what you expected when you made this comment.. I feel like you were intoxicated, honestly. And not drunk.. you're doing some hard ass drug.. This isn't even an insult to you, get that ass some help. People who come by this comment section and see this shit are going to think you're a lunatic, gay, retareded, a neckbeard terrorist or all 4. not that you're making a point. People who don't like the government will also think you're insane, then they will blame it on the government, leading to even more chaos ☠️ since anime characters aren't real as you said, once all war breaks lose, the only way to fix things will be to euthanize the autistic D: you're opening up Pandora's box here!

comedy god • 1 year ago

You are a weirdo

Kagura • 1 year ago

He went insane over a joke like damn 😂

Sukehiro Yami • 1 year ago

I'm 100% sure this is a troll guys, relax.

Guest • 1 year ago
Demon Lord Ariel • 1 year ago

Why are you people commenting on everything EXCEPT the movie??? ANd over something so pointless. Hah......

Sukehiro Yami • 1 year ago

I swear there's only 1 person here who is interested in this topic and it's saber. He brought it up for absolutely no reason as if he had some kinda mental breakdown ._.

Mr Dazai • 1 year ago

I just want to let people know that he actually ended up blocking me. which tells me he's serious. which tells me he is mentally unhinged and outright insane.

Sukehiro Yami • 1 year ago

He also ended up blocking me so i guess he got embarrassed at his shitty failed attempt at a troll and gave up.

Sukehiro Yami • 1 year ago

Or maybe you're just a bigger troll than he is? bruh admitted defeat lmao

Kirito • 1 year ago

The movie was a success to me that was a good plot wist I thought shanks really has a daughter turns out she's adopted but still uta is the daughter of shanks

Guest • 1 year ago
You got trolled • 1 year ago

You got trolled by another troll that's what happened. Hellsing fed into your insanity because you're easy bait, and anyone can see that when they see your comments. Man tf up

Sukehiro Yami • 1 year ago

You've been here since 2014 apparently yet only have a few upvotes. Your last post before making this cringe inducing mess of a comment was months ago and youb barely have any other post. so you're telling me you got so triggered by his joke comment, that you actually took the time to break 2 months of not commenting? you're a retard ._. or a very very bad troll. Leaning on the troll side though.

Guest • 1 year ago
Sukehiro Yami • 1 year ago

Dude no one is reading this shit. You're either an insane person or a bad troll. Either way no one cares.

Guest • 1 year ago
Sukehiro Yami • 1 year ago

Sure bro. I'll also be sure to tell the government about how a fatass talking Christmas turkey has become a national threat on a anime site ._. just remember to take your meds. They're not brain washing pills, they're here to help you not be cringe

zo • 1 year ago

The long wait is over. HD version is finally here! But too bad the subtitles are kinda sh*t.

Kirito • 1 year ago

This actually turned out really good they really did good with the animation here even though I didn't understand some of the fight because there's so many going on there and many characters at the end fighting that demon I just enjoyed watching it because of the hype

feels-(ಥ﹏ಥ) • 1 year ago

netherlands was actually 5 september, i went yesterday. its a pre-premiere tho, its the 5th, and then it starts from the 8th again.

Shin Mugetsu • 1 year ago

Romania 8 October 2022 (it will screen in theaters for 2-3 days)

Zakaria Ali • 1 year ago

What about the UK?

Izuku Midoriya • 1 year ago

no known date yet sorry about that

Koro_Sensei • 1 year ago

I want to watch it when it gets released here. Will be my first anime movie in a theatre