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Maou • 1 year ago

it is nice to see kamile still alive because in the main series i can say he died but not died. his body still have but the soul are not there. So i feel happy to see he is alive after all that

nafiszszs • 1 year ago

I can say this trilogy movies have been justified for all, aka good ending kinda like that

Yasir Amin • 1 year ago


Coldplay23 • 1 year ago

pretty sure stars don't give a F about anything except destruction, burn world burn. man gundams are so cruel and brutal

Shiny Bidoof • 1 year ago

wa wa wa wa waiiiit

doesn't kamil end paraplegic?

nafiszszs • 1 year ago

I sense for this trilogy movies, they changed plot bits for justifying some stuffs

Erikthonius • 1 year ago

Tomino changed the ending to adjust for the dark tone throughout the series in this. although it completely destroys the point of double zeta

Guest • 1 year ago
Shiny Bidoof • 1 year ago

agree but earth isn't a free of guilt too