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GreenTea Gal • 10 months ago

oh is this like the OG megumi ND?? i hope this won't spoil the new show. maybe i watch after it finishes airing

vovan1 • 10 months ago

i think its that fire fighter anime, except they are really putting out fires xD

arra1213 • 10 months ago

the anime series is coming this sep30
when i saw this post i thought it airs a week earlier lol

The BuilderGamer • 10 months ago

Oh thought this was the new firemen show airing Fall

DatHkGmr • 10 months ago

finally an animation of one of my fav manga

Tedants • 10 months ago

man I like stories like this one, wish there was a clearer video tho

Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 10 months ago

Always stan firefighters.
This is so vintage tho TT_____TT

yoyo • 9 months ago

why everyone here and so recent to💀