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Whoever • 8 months ago

220 is the max for the watch

Anime & Rutabagas • 8 months ago

Heart attack it is lol

Ian Nava H • 8 months ago

That's the joke i was expecting.
ALTHOUGH i guess we kinda got it with Naoya punching the lights out of himself

Noah Winns-Cromer • 7 months ago

It's a miracle he hadn't suffered from one after all the screaming and excitement about bras and oppai, which increases his blood pressure.

MeguminExplosion • 7 months ago

Vtach wants to know your location - nurse megu

Noah Winns-Cromer • 7 months ago

With all that screaming and everyone freaking out over Rika's bra and the idea of Naoya being into oppai and not loyal to Saki and Nagisa, ain't no way 220's his heart rate, or the max for the watch.

strange guy • 8 months ago

What ?

Whoever • 8 months ago

Maximum heart rate for watches like that is 220

strange guy • 8 months ago

Oh okay then

the Finance Guy • 8 months ago

Obviously Naoya is inhuman because he should be dead if his heart rate reach that high

MeguminExplosion • 7 months ago

well it should be sustainable for a few minutes just not a while...

brianuuu • 8 months ago

the more you know, that is actually true lol

kodi_cody • 8 months ago

Wow Shino got blackmailed, I guess Rika has all the cards now. 😆

veltron • 8 months ago

Is it just me or is Mirika kinda the GOAT here? Is she morally and ethically dubious? Perhaps. But she's always been ten steps ahead, in terms of planning for her goals, she works extremely hard, is physically attractive, is financially well off, somehow straddles the line between Saki Saki's closet lustfulness and Nagisa's wholesomeness, all while also demonstrating the wherewithal and capableness of Shino at times, and still having her own unique charm in her boldness. It's like a lot of the cards the others could play she has them in the bag, plus puts more to the table. They could have literally gone to her for the extra money for this trip (as they originally intended to do). It's easy to see why Naoya be fighting tooth and nail to not fall in love fr.

xXPORTALXx • 8 months ago

Well saki-saki's only card is that he was into her first for some damn reason, she puts in practically no effort. That said the story makes it seem like the only reason any of the other's even had a chance to fall for him was bc of his overbearing advances for saki, so there's that?

veltron • 8 months ago

So true, Saki Saki's legit only advantage is being the first girlfriend at this point. As a matter of fact, she is generally the densest character in this anime. We're talking about an anime where the DENSE MAIN PROTAGONIST has better discernment on matters than she does (See the camping episode). But as you said plot-device go brrr... so his sincerity towards her was the very magnet which drew the others to him.

SigmaDemon • 8 months ago

Saki's only advantage is being the main girl of the story. That's it.

Mikster813 • 8 months ago

very true, saki is worst girl imo. She's violent, can't be honest with her feelings, can't even manage simple things like kissing. Nagisa can manage when she isn't worried about saki and she's cuter, shino has her cuteness as well, and mirika is always honest with how she feels. saki just aint it chief

Ian Nava H • 8 months ago

Ironically enough, at least in the first season, the story kinda looked like it was more about her discovering that she is into girls and wants this relationship of 3 to work out.

I swear that in the first 3 episodes, Saki felt like the actual main character protagonist (to me at least)

Kaimine08 • 8 months ago

I would say the biggest drawback with Mirika is that she's a major idiot. She's also a bit of a glass cannon. When she puts plans into action and they go absolutely to plan, she fumbles however you better believe she's going to make that plan work until she gets to that point. Milika wants to be with Nouya, but aside from maybe kissing and handholding, she's a total wreck going any further. Her obsession even allows her to spend obscene amounts of money just to be near him which is...not a good look.

Biggest drawback with Nagisa is that she doesn't know how she fits in the relationship. She can't make any demands out of fear of what Saki might do and she has no real confidence in herself so she's afraid to make a move aside from randomly ending up in a good position.

Biggest drawback with Saki is that she's unsure how to progress the friendship into a relationship. A part of her child like side also tends to show up which, again, hurts any potential vibes these two have. These two would do pretty amazing together if only she'd focus enough on her relationship. Honestly, these two are very similar to each other.

Biggest drawback with Shino is her unwillingness to betray Saki. She is the thirstiest girl of the group and its not even close. She'd jump his bones if it weren't for Saki. If she could be part of the thouple or somehow end up with just him, this would probably be the most healthy relationship of the group.

LesK • 8 months ago

nah, Rika's main drawback... she's on her way to multiple FELONY counts and heading to prison... because, 'i am a love-struck idiot.' is not a valid defense.
sexual assault
physical assault with a drug on the girls and restraining him with handcuffs
breaking and entering/trespass/squatting... that might not be a felony but the multiple DAYS she spent camping in the yard would more easily be prosecuted as a single felony than multiple misdemeanors for each day)
corruption of a minor (her little sister)

Podster • 8 months ago

Last one is a bit normal…LMAO

the Finance Guy • 8 months ago

If it's real life then she'll only get 3 1/2 years of prison time like the real life yandere girl that committed attempted murder on her boyfriend.

LesK • 8 months ago

age of offender. what was it?

the Finance Guy • 8 months ago

Look up Yuka Takaoka. She was 21 when she stab her boyfriend who was 20 at the time in the stomach because she found picture of girls on his cell phone. Turns out those pictures are just him serving drinks to girls at the bar he worked at and she misinterpreted those pictures. Keep in mind she herself worked at a hostess bar. For her crimes, she was sentence to 3 1/2 years of prison time for attempted murder and settled with the boyfriend for 5,000,000 yen. She became famous online for her action and was named the real life yandere girl. There were fan made photos of her all over social media. After getting release, she started livestreaming playing video games and posting cosplaying photos.

LesK • 8 months ago

mkay, i figured she was a minor but she was an adult (back then, today age of majority in Japan is 18). juvies in Japan got released (in the past) at 21, it's weird mkay. how many times did she stab him? what kind of knife? nope, i'm not looking it up because the BEST and ORIGINAL sources will be all in Japanese and i don't trust MTL to give me the correct pertinent details. mkay, attempted murder, 3.5 mmmkay... so he didn't die and she paid damages in 5mil Yen mmkay. yeah that sounds about right, heck by US standards anything less than 5 years for atem. murder is... rare. or 'somebody' has a good lawyer, or ZERO priors.

so, your point is? ONE charge for ONE person atem. murder one other person. and? how is that pertinent at all? we're talking about Rika and MULTIPLE felony charges. so far. against MULTIPLE people.

KianMaster • 8 months ago

big facts on all. i agree mostly on mirika but i wouldnt say shes an idiot, she head over heels for naoya the most imo and pushes because shes rejected by him the strongest. so that push make her make look insane but no shes very sharp

Ian Nava H • 8 months ago

I do find it hilarious that Saki has known Shino for minimum 2 years AND ONLY NOW is learning she is rich.

SynthShade • 8 months ago

I mean Saki is kind of walking ADHD, I say that as someone with severe ADHD.

Ian Nava H • 8 months ago

She is the one that kinda causes the plot ( or whatever story we have) to move. Like the "token designated antagonist".

SURE, we could just have a wholesome slice of life comedy with just Naoya, Saki and Nagisa kinda making this polyammory relationship to work, but Mirika is the one that consistently keeps the tone of the comedy to keep going (as Shino served more like "the straight man / tsukkomi" to everyones' boke.... until losing that spot to Risa).

Mega-Chad-Type-Hero • 8 months ago

I concur; when it comes to over-all package, Rika Hoshizaki is definitely a top-tier choice for a variety of reasons, but, especially because of her resourcefulness; were this an era of an apocalypse I would determine my best survival-chances to be with Rika Hoshizaki.

kodi_cody • 8 months ago

It's not just you, I agree also and well said. 👍

MeguminExplosion • 7 months ago

but then naoya would be a gigolo lmao

Judgment526 • 8 months ago

Yes, how excited a guy gets over seeing a girl’s bra is a perfect measure of how much he loves her.

Anime & Rutabagas • 8 months ago

Naoya’s had some cultured swimsuit picks for them lol

EM • 8 months ago

Shino out here breaking laws of physics everytime she falls. I'm not sure if the world is with her or against her lmao.
16:47 The CR subs should be fine, but the subs I'm watching with are wrong. She says "make her wear it" (referring to Shino) instead of just "wear" (herself).
I'm rooting for Shino so hard rn

Loner Stoner • 8 months ago

I’ve seen you here several times and I’m always impressed with your Japanese language skills. How long have you been studying Japanese?

EM • 8 months ago

Since January 2021 (around the same time when I first started watching anime) so ~3 years now.

Loner Stoner • 8 months ago

Wow, just 3 years? You must be studying hard. Nihon ni kitakoto ha arimasuka? (Have you ever been to Japan?)

EM • 8 months ago

I don't really think so lol. I've seen people put way more effort into studying than I did. Watching a lot of anime (later with Japanese subtitles), reading Japanese tweets and watching Vtuber clips and stuff definitely helped.
Nai desu ne. Demo itsuka zettai itte mitai desu. (No, I haven't. But I really want to go there someday.)

brianuuu • 8 months ago

The subs here are wrong, she in fact did say "I might have a chance to make her (Shino) wear it on-site", isn't this ripped from Crunchyroll tho?

EM • 8 months ago

Other subs came out before Crunchyroll ones and I watched with them. But right now there are CR subs here and they are right. "I might be able to get her to wear it".

strange guy • 8 months ago

Your be surprised on how the manga ends

Ian Nava H • 8 months ago

And the soap opera, gets exciting!
(Grabs Popcorn)

I kinda find it funny how Mirika's statements can be simplified as "I am trash, But at least I am honest about it", compared to Shino's

I kinda find it hiarious that Risa (Mirika's sister) is a recurrent character thanks to the previews.

You're Welcome • 8 months ago

Man, sometimes I'm looking forward to these episodes even more than to jjk.
Anyways, your max heart rate is calculated 220 - your age. So Mukai is 0 years old lol.

Also, idk why, but I like Mirika's eyes. They seem to have more detail to them than others. She is going up in ranks this season for me. Also Shino. And Saki... she kinda is the least appealing rn.

llKuroganeIkkill • 8 months ago

All of them are very appealing except for Saki.. But Rika and Shino are without a doubt shinning the most this season. Unfortunately, Minase is mostly in the background and only occasionally goes along with the flow of the moment.
Btw, looking forward to this more than JJK? Count me in. I actually stopped Jjk around ep7 of the 2nd season. Maybe I'll finish it in one go when S2 wraps up.

You're Welcome • 7 months ago

Yeah, this season is definitely more focused on Rika and Shino.
But you're missing out on some peak if you're not watching jjk lol.

Ian Nava H • 8 months ago

Minase is the one that is kinda fine.

thebaseddd2 • 8 months ago

It saddens me that Saki stock crashed and burned this season but now I can invest at a rock-bottom price just in case she commandeers the harem for herself.

Dbz Directioner • 8 months ago

Don't worry, she reedeems herself later in the story. She is the Glue that holds this entire story together.