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Solar • 1 year ago

When Homura’s wind Clash with Sylph’s wind it reminded me of Inuyasha’s backlash wave clashing his demon wind energy with another demon wind energy then hitting the target right back at them with doubled The force almost what Homura just did at 16:30,lol

Kirito • 11 months ago

Homura didn't won in the 29 world but now looks like homura is getting her comeback

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

The undead....moneylending...DJ Zombie being Drakken Joe....it's all starting to come together!

Only thing left unquestioned is my hand in all this. Speaking of which, kinda weird for me to be voiced by Bakugo's VA Nobuhiko Okamoto.

Solar • 1 year ago

Funny what shiki was thinking when he heard the name DJ zombie,lol

Time. • 1 year ago

Things are finally hitting the fan!

Kirito • 11 months ago

Dj zombie lol a literal zombie doing a dj in shiki mind also the dude is 200 years old they need to find that body fast

Kelvin Goh • 1 year ago

The most satisfying plot explanation scene

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

Sister: Hey now, how are you enjoying my Paradise Whip?
Me: No comment.

Kirito • 11 months ago

This anime keeps getting interesting I'm gonna sleep but each episode keeps getting good

vovan1 • 1 year ago

*Sister whipping blue guy with regeneration*
Healer Redo: I see you are a woman of culture as well.

swiza • 1 year ago

Plz don't hurt pocket size brandish 😭

Slayed • 1 year ago

As a manga reader she's fine

Javelin • 1 year ago

Mini brandish is very cute plz let her join the crew

Divine demon GOD Aris • 1 year ago

she is very very cute

Psicore • 1 year ago

That face was creepy AF. 😂 Outta nowhere FFS

Utsuro • 1 year ago

Where's the real Labilia or is that mother or that spy who disguised her self as Homura.

I doubt its mother, in the previous world I think it was definitely Labilia, but maybe in this world that "person" changed places with Labilia on purpose because that "person" changed their appearance to Labilia, it means they have a plan to invade or something.

Hooman Amin • 1 year ago

wtf? suprise ending

Glinda • 1 year ago

Great episode 🤗!!! But what?!?! Who is this???? This girl at the end.... 🤔

SkyNatsu • 1 year ago

Draken Joe big reveal

Kirito • 11 months ago

That girl wasn't actually laubilia was it

Blackdragon Story • 1 year ago

10:20 that tits sway :D

Divine demon GOD Aris • 1 year ago

tits that sway make my day

Paradise SLU • 1 year ago

Very nice episode, I like how Sister and the others fight it was awesome.

Sister outfit is amazing shes a badass.

Bittersweet Revenge • 1 year ago

Nice episode

LesK • 1 year ago

i was thinking... maybe this is the first timeline where Rebecca bathed in the Eden's Zero 'ether gear pool' and actually 'activated' Cat Leaper as a consciously controlled reflex instead of an autonomic-unconscious response to danger. perhaps that's why she has retained the timeline #29 memories?

Hentai • 1 year ago


Divine demon GOD Aris • 1 year ago

drakken the gilf

Daemon Redfox • 1 year ago

sad that we dont have a rave glitter :/

GuestEatingYourSoul • 1 year ago

you have hurt my soul by reminding me of rave master. I doubt it will ever get another season....

Shadow • 1 year ago

The blonde girls with twintail is here

Annecy Change • 1 year ago

Sister heal me too. lol

Shiro Aikawa • 1 year ago

man watching women fightin with wind was kinda hot

Shiro Aikawa • 1 year ago


Deniz Bircan • 1 year ago

lots of informations on this episode great episode

NetroLancer • 1 year ago

Make way for DJ ZOMBIE!!!!

ShonenKaritoriki • 1 year ago

Finally the moment we've all been waiting for, Shiki bout to go ham next ep

Satoshi Ookami • 1 year ago

Yep, never overdo the healing or you will bust~

It's funny how no matter how much you change timelines, things will always happen one way or another.
That's the universe logic.

Poor Rumicchi, she got a lock on her emotions.

It's funny how easily was Element 4 defeated when it was 4 Stars fighting them.

chetan mh • 1 year ago

this is just some of the reasons why i love this universe so damn much!! and praise rebecca for saving them all!! i'm having fun watching this, but it's time i turned in for the night. i'll watch the rest later. 😍😁

LesK • 1 year ago

well, the story has mostly redeemed this show from the murder and torture 'beginning' for it. i guess time-travel trumps all.

Mart1231 • 1 year ago

I hope they don't die again fighting Drakken, but they probably will

Red_Fox • 1 year ago

that was a very unimpressive use of Fairy Glitter, she might as well have used her usual spells

Mecazor • 1 year ago

woah a new character

MRpaisan • 1 year ago

That ending what a surprise. Good episode.

the ending, wtf lol

Andika Dwi • 1 year ago

shikamaru episode ~

the Finance Guy • 1 year ago

So where is the real Labilia?

Hentai • 1 year ago


PANOS MESSIOS • 1 year ago

Is this anime famous?

yes but not as famous as Fairy Tail or any other streaming animes, it got famous because its the same author of Fairy Tail Hiro Mashima