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lady is head over heels for liria lol
A yuri one to be exactly ^^
she got husband tho
"Eh, amateur!"
- Lieselotte ("Tsundere Lieselotte")
So relatable
I love how the son's first reaction to hearing about Alyssa's parents being siblings was exactly the same as his mom's from the previous episode.
violas reactions to lady looking at mama is the same murderous reactions to other characters looking at mama lol
Like mother like son lol
Bed hair should be a legitimate medical reason not to go to anywhere.
Cute how Viola was making a potion to fix bed hair lol
I am pretty sure he would be bald after taking it, because Viola does it wrong ^^
"Eh, amateur! (Aye)"
- Kusuri Yakuzen ("100 Girlfriends")
Cooking lessons continue.
After phoenix went to hospital
Lady Tsundere! Oof! Poor Lady! She can't control her tsundereness.
at least alyssa can be her translator
Hmm... a baaka tsundere. Her inner monologue always contradicts what she is trying to convey. This makes her comedy material. A very interesting character!
I want lady to meet pondo
MY ... SON
aww the tsundere lady
Tsunderes always lose, yo...π€¦ββοΈπ€¦ββοΈπ€¦ββοΈ
There are nipple twister demons...π€π€π€ yeah, that's hell right there. That was some scary s***...
Such a tsundere
Wholesome episode.
now i want to see more of lady and her interactions with lira >__<
Lady is best girl
I ship kid x eggie and fully support their interracial marriage, when theyΒ΄re old enough for that.
I ship Lady X lira
Pre-opening scene:
"Woof! Meow! Coo coo!" (i.e. "Eh, amateur!")
- Voyager ("Reverse 1999")
First half:
"Eh, amateur! (Aye)"
- Kusuri Yakuzen ("100 Girlfriends")
(With that sun Viola's summons have now officially reached "Guru Guru" levels of weird)
Second half:
"Eh, amateur!"
- Lieselotte ("Tsundere Lieselotte")
(Both Lira and Lady were MUCH cuter when they were younger...)
Next episode: Link Fennel meets Alyssa's dad?!
(Also, that catgirl in the preview is cuter than all of the other characters seen so far)
Can you give me the time stamps? I didn't noticed them
It always funny whenever they use english lol. REVOLUUUUUUUUTION!!.
The word was hilarious, but the subject was forbidden hell magic...π¬π€£π€£π€£
Really thought we'd see the son π
Nice assist Alyssa but her Tsundere is so strong that she's just gonna mess up any chances the fate gave her.
Man , I wanted to see how their son looks π
Imagine being a tsundere for that long lmfao
So Viola is the short-form of "Vio-Lance".
That Oujo-Sama have her tsundereness cranked up to 11.
Do you prefer the "vio" or the "lence"?
The son couild see through all those bandages?
Every villainess and other tsuns should show the inner dialogue.
Being a tsundere is really hard huh π
I thought that this episode wasn't that funny or unique after the first part, but the second part? Man... they cranked up the comedy by a lot, and I think Lady is a fantastic character that fits extremely well in the story, seriously, there's not something even close to a bad character in this anime at all because all of them are fun AF!
hey nipple twister monster there's a better target than that old dude over there, see that dark skinned girl? hehehe
man hardcore tsunderes like this are funny in anime but if i met them irl, i'd slap them right away, male or female
That's an extreme Tsundare
hopeless tsun tsun
Lady was so cute but damn that attitude backfired.
unless dude's got a 5' tall mohawk and he woke up with a 45degree angle to the left or right in it and he just can't get the damn thing to stand up straight... STFU about bed-head and go out and have some fun. hot. DSG. witch. always wears a dress like Elvira Mistress of the Dark. 16 going on 25. seriously? you're NOT standing right BEHIND the front door waiting for her to show up? what teenaged boy would hole themselves up in their room over bedhead when there's a Solar Flare Hot Chick involved??? somebody get that boy some testosterone, because he needs it STAT!
now, as to the park outing. he's a itty thing just hatched outta his shell... how are you supposed to tell he's having fun? uhh yeah that metric don't fly Alyssa... the lil girl on the other team can TALK! the eggy fellow still goes 'bla bla goo goo pppppthhhh!' and such. no, that's not a foreign language... giant eyeroll on that one.
these two were only vaguely funny. more like... a slight snort or two here and there and a whole lot of .... 'uggghhh thaaaat's baaaaad!' groaning and shaking my head. one of those episodes that... just like a train wreck... you look and rubberneck as you drive past it annnd... that's about it, you leave not amazingly entertained.
Poor Lady....
The struggle of being a tsundere lol