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sharkspeare lol
Loved his play Romeo and Sharkliet lol
isaku as sharkliet lmao
Romeo was played by Kisame wasn't he
Sayo have the hots for Kisame! O_O
You simpletons who like Shakespeare's more famous plays.
I prefer his more fantastical play, A Midsummer Shark's Dream.
Lol yeah, I was wondering why there were clapping sounds, I didn't think it was those spirits at all.
Those shades be like: Sasuga arujin-sama!!! [clap clap clap]
"Every movie is a shark movie"
Me: *Shocked pikachu face* :O
you mean shocked Sharpedo face XD
but on the other hand: Every pokemon is a shark pokemon lol
*Even more Sharkachu face* :O
lol xD
aww damn, why didnt i think of that? Noice!
i think solitaire is looking like moriarti in sharklock holmes.
Reminds me of that one movie The Sharkitect!
I though they were computer keystrokes. I was fooled too !
They also say every explosion is just a megumin.
Someone should show her Killer Shark In Another World, her and Polka would go absolutely nuts over that shitpost of a series.
Just noticed that Xiaoyu's dragon arm was in the OP this whole time.
So Hosorogi is actually in a mechanical pencil and not a pen... My whole life has been a lie
Corpse God and Civil's interactions were cool! This is the first time he's talking with someone from his world since he transported here right?
Fr 😭 all these times i thougt hosorogi was in that pen😭😭
We’ve been bamboozled lol
Now wait for Solitaire TV featuring Higuro lol.
Not really. You forgot that Corpse God already interacted with the prince in his world who killed Hibaki.
*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*
Those ghosts around Civil were too creepy lol
Shakespeare was a shark
Plot twist lol
*gasp* :O
maybe it is not only Sharkspeare but also Sharken King, J.R.R. Sharkien, John Grishark and many more
I don't know why this anime isn't as popular as I think it's supposed to be, the story is fresh, not just another reverse isekai with op mc, the mystery is there, the story author is spinning isn't so simple we could expect what happens next. Overall idk, its just fresh, the tension and everything
It is popular though.
The production quality (art, animation, and some writing choices) are all average or slightly below average... at least in this second season. Also, it has a truly large cast with a truly complicated web of interactions, motivations, assumptions and misassumptions which will confuse some viewers to the point of being off-putting. The ideas are fresh but the flaws are undeniable.
It isn't a flaw, that's writing a good story.
Well you can doubt their intelligence or their age...
I'm one of those wondering about that too. I didn't notice this anime until someone listed the good animes for the season. I watched season 1 first and the plot was good. So I was wondering why I missed this anime.
glad to see aikawa saki back 2nd hottest next to clarissa xd and those hairy eyes with civil comes straight from dark gathering lol
Only corpse god's sensei can be as bad as clarissa😈 hope we get to see her without that skull mask
only seen her oppai but not the face lol the police girl saki is my 2nd waifu here also her oppai is big lol
Oppai is justice! 🫡
Username checks out💀
It's good right?
Sewer people:
Body too hottie lol
i thought the author forgot about her this season lol
Her pupil killed her wow
Lol Xiaoyu finally knows where to direct his jealousy towards now that he knows where the real Polka is. Looking forward to seeing his dragon arm in action. Also had to appreciate how good of a body he has.
Sayo calling every movie a shark movie was amusing, she'll find anyway to bring sharks into the conversation lol.
Civil and Mikoto getting so along the moment they meet is sweet, it's not often you can synergize with someone like that, hopefully they won't go against each other at all in the future.
The fortune telling between Civil and Corpse God had me a bit on edge, I was expecting Civil to be seeing what Corpse was doing but pretending he didn't notice, however it seems like he really couldn't see anything. I'm looking forward to their next interaction but I'm not sure if we'll get it this season.
Civil does not have the evil eye but the mana he was using maybe
00:00 oh my ghad!
( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)
Started the episode with a nice view of those bazookas😳🥵
forget babies and puppies... Misaki spinning on that chair is the cutest of them all!
Sayo: "Every movie is a shark movie"
All hail Sharkspeare, the pioneer of shark movies.
I thought it was raining outside but it turned out that was the clap sound from those spirits lol
Polka even used dead spirits to guide his customers. Hope they get paid and proper off days.