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Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 1 year ago

I wasn't expecting Lemmings to get some cute sfx during his interaction lol.

Rozan really seems like a really cool guy so I look forward to seeing his presence as the story goes on. I like how he realized Polka was in the stuffed toy and his reaction to the real Polka's gestures just makes me think he was a good father and husband to Polka and his mother.

I am sure he has probably done some bad stuff in the past and his mention of karma catching up to him pushing that further but I hope he continues to become more likable as the story goes on.

It is still odd how Polka has an open heart for Misaki and it seems like she's also warming up to him.

Solitaire is quite the character, that confession was amusing. I hope we get to learn what his trick is since it is not true magic although it very much seems like it with how he escaped jail in an instant and how he's able to defend himself from all that fire.

Anime & Rutabagas • 1 year ago

I'd forgive Misaki even if she killed me too lol

Dio Joestar • 1 year ago

typical simp behavior, but I won't judge

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

You already did aha...

Cute Little Lesbian • 1 year ago


normie simp

Alex Tallmadge • 1 year ago

There is a reason why he is accepting of Corpse's Story and it will revealed I believe with his second sit down with Rozan. Also Solitaire is best character outside the main 3.

Sip Fu • 1 year ago

I think Solitaire was never actually there and F-b Bug was actually trying to target the phone which was hanging from an invisible wire tied to a drone.

AlexandrosB007gr • 3 months ago

magicians never reveal their secrets :>

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

The real Polka looking forward to getting an "upgrade", lol

Surprised his dad was able to recognize him just based on the mannerisms of a plushie.

The Grocer: "I might be in prison, but I can still run a shop."

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

He wanted to trade his own body with a robot. This boy has good taste lol

Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 1 year ago

He even wanted the ability to fly and install a drill lol.

James • 1 year ago


Superb Villain Veigar • 1 year ago

I would be interested in experiencing life as a robot/android/etc as long as my body stays alive and I can one day return to it

Makes me wonder how soon this "Upgrade" for Polka will come :P

robots are trash and you'd be hacked. and AI would control you

thats trash taste

Lord • 1 year ago

He understood the possibilities of that body.

Anime & Rutabagas • 1 year ago

Honestly shark plushie > robot lol

Time. • 1 year ago

Real Polka having fun at this point lol

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

polka watched too much sharknado.

Alexander D. Montblanc • 2 days ago

That's actually the most believable criminal behavior in the whole story so far, aside from the regular mob killers and psychos.

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

Solitaire just wanted to share his favorite manga with the prime minister. Why did they need to arrest him?

Sayo: "May you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Megalodon?"
I love how The Corpse God and Misaki hid behind Takumi when they were much stronger than him lol

vovan1 • 1 year ago

reminded me of Akumetsu :)

Alexander D. Montblanc • 2 days ago

Except in Akumetsu politicians of that caliber play real scummy roles and the author used actual high profile corruption scandals from 90s Japan, thus ensuring that manga will never get an anime adaptation.

blacksparkss21 • 1 year ago


Whoever • 1 year ago


Anime & Rutabagas • 1 year ago

Solitaire: OH GOD YES!! lol

Shiro Aikawa • 1 year ago

It will be done

Esenpai • 1 year ago

I wish I could enjoy all of my wasted efforts as much as Solitaire does. But, then again, he's at least able to accomplish any of his goals through his wasted effort.

SPACE-86 • 1 year ago

not entirely everything well personally i like this more than it being dark

N99dels • 1 year ago

Solitaire is just a massive troll and i absolutely adore him for that

Fire bug being an mysterious menance as always and Lemmings is suprisingly pretty cute

013enZ • 1 year ago

Solitaire is now on my favourite character list

Hendri Saputro • 1 year ago


blacksparkss21 • 1 year ago

for sure xD

Me12222 • 1 year ago

Solitaire out here embodying chaotic neutral

Alex Tallmadge • 1 year ago

Nah, he is true neutral. He does things how he likes.

Agata Jędrzejczyk • 1 year ago

I LOVE how the real Polka thinks being a plushie mascot is cool and insists that he possess the robot body instead of getting his real body back. And how gramps isn't the least bit surprised with it. Guess Polka had a screw loose long before he got killed.

And talking about screw loose - Phantom Solitaire is AMAZING. Absolutely insane but amazing.

bulbulitus • 1 year ago

Real Polka is a huge chuuni it seems lmao

Indivix • 1 year ago

That, or he just wants to not experience the pain of death a second time. If he gets beheaded as a Cyborg, I suppose it is just like a system shutting down, he won't feel pain.

Then again, if he gets beheaded in his human body, he probably would not feel pain either, to be fair.

Quendi • 1 year ago

I mean Polka as a young kid had a pet gator. I think that alone very much qualifies as having a screw loose or at the very least a death wish. ^^

Cringe weeb • 1 year ago

Lemmings is basically komi from komi-san can't communicate now lol

Dbz Directioner • 1 year ago

Phantom thief is really something. I like him. Also It turns out that Fire Breathing Bug's power is not magic. I wonder how he does it then?

Nordhammer • 1 year ago

Fire Breathing Bugs is not a singular individual- hence the plural Bugs :)

Medinhou • 1 year ago

Solitaire summoned a castle of cards out of seemingly nowhere. Don't think to hard when they say "it's just a trick"

Red_Fox • 1 year ago

maybe the same way stage magicians do fire tricks, but on a far greater scale

Anime & Rutabagas • 1 year ago

I like Solitaire lol

Daily dose of oppai misaki 😋🤤

blacksparkss21 • 1 year ago

Misaki is so lovable,even tho she crazy xD

Shiroshiroshirosan • 1 year ago

so the phantom thief trolled the world and lived rent free in a police station for a few years

Shiro Aikawa • 1 year ago
