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Three people got hit by it today. Damn you Cold!
Can't be underestimated.
I hate fever so much but in anime it's all good kyo sleeping on those cakes hehe
kirito having a fever gives u all the excuses u can have for example not going to school or not going to work or even saying to your friends that u have a fever so u cant get out tonight
i got to say he got something even better than an ero dream at the end of the day ^_^
i've never understood why anime treats a cold like it's a terminal disease FFS even with how unhealthy Americans are on average we don't treat it like we are gonna die if we get the usual cold (i mean we also treated the coronavirus like that but people did actually have a chance of dying from that even if healthy) so the Japanese who are way more healthy on average shouldn't freak out so much
I think you got that wrong. His mum and sister didnt treat it like a deadly desease. The girl that felt guilty and was worried cause she loves him did. Plus Yamada isnt really much of a bright light. Plus, seeing someone playing dead on the floor might be kinda scary.
Never gotten sick from rain. Never passed out randomly from a cold. Never understood why anime colds always have to be FROM something. It's almost like manga artists all just copy each other's stories instead of taking stories from actual real life. Also are Japanese people really so brainwashed that they think they need prescription medicine for a common cold? Sick people don't need to pampered, they just need to be left alone.
nah the influenza there hits different. Don't knock it until you get hit by it. When their cold comes here we call it SARs and other names because of how bad it is. I made a mistake and went to to Yokohama to see the gundam show and got caught in a typhoon, stuck in heavy rain and no taxi or trains running. Next day I was down from the flu. Bro I thought I was going to die. I was thinking of calling an ambulance but couldn't move. Luckily they got over the counter meds at the corner store for that shit. My friends had to help me out.
You still don't get a cold nor the flu from being cold, or wet. That's not how reality works. Only in Anime, which was the point of the original comment.
Illiteracy at it finest. You can catch colds and flu from being wet or cold. This is why cold and flu season when I was living in Japan is during Typhoon season where we got a lot of rainfall and winter. This when pharmacies' and Convenience Stores put out a large stock of cold and flu medicines. When I moved back to Canada, it is not mandatory but you are required to get a flu shot at the end of Autumn before winter starts to help prevent severe flu symptoms. As our flu season in Canada is winter. If you wish to confirm this you can simply google it or check Japan travel advisory since they would have this information and Canada Health websites.
You speak of illiteracy yet failed to understand the words in front of you🤦🏻♀️.
Virus & bacteria are the cause of colds and the flu, not being cold and/or wet. Both are communicable infections caused by transmission of said virus's or bacteria. One does not simply get sick from being cold. Now being cold can & does lower your immune response, making you more susceptible to both viruses & bacteria, which is where the old wives tale of "the cold/being cold giving you a cold" comes from, however correlation does not equal causation. This is why a fever is a common symptom of both colds & flu's, as your body is using heat to fight the infection(s).
That said, being cold & wet can lead to its own health issues if not dealt with, such as hypothermia & frost bite or even death, however none of these are related to the topic at hand.
I live in Canada. Yes, you can get a flu shot if you want. No, it's not required. Merely suggested/encouraged. I personally haven't had one since I was a child. Not for any reason other than I'm too lazy to go get one, & I haven't had a cold or flu since I was a kid. Fortunately/Unfortunately all I get is Bronchitis (which is also a bacterial or viral infection, of/in the lungs specifically), which comes with its own pros/cons, treatment(s), & issues compared to colds/flu's.
I cannot speak to medications being stocked in Japanese stores during typhoon season as I have never been. In Canada however, you can get medication for both year round off the selves as neither infections are limited to cold weather. The reason both colds & flu cases increase during the cold months, is people spend more time in doors during the fall and winter increasing the amount of time & people they interact with, which increases the chances of transmission of these communicable infections across the board.
I am not saying the symptoms for either cold or flu's cannot be severe, I'm merely saying that "cold weather" or "being cold" is not the "cause" of an infection. It can absolutely be a contributing factor, but cannot on its own "infect" you.
I'm not refuting what you said here, and I'm glad you brought up the whole hypothermia aspect. But I am just putting some info out there for people who are curious.
Being cold does not directly cause sickness, but it can lower immunity in the nose and make us more susceptible to viruses. Cold weather also forces us inside where the air is dry and poorly ventilated, creating favorable conditions for germs to spread. To prevent common colds and flu, we should take measures such as vitamin C intake, hand washing, and humidifying the indoor air.
Really, what's making people sick is going from cold to warm. It's still accurate in anime like this, but I don't think it would happen to this extreme. From my personal experiences, it took probably a good 2 or 3 days after the storm for me to even faint from my flu. I was sitting at around 106 F on that day.
For those who are wondering if you can even survive at 106, yes. It really depends on your body type. I'm 5'11 (179 cm for my metric friends) and my worst temp was 108. I was hospitalized because of it.
TLDR: It is possible to get sick from the cold and rain from being immuno-compromised, but it's really about not properly taking care of yourself after you get home. That's what gets people sick.
I ain't reading allat
Yet you just stated everything that proved my point. Yes the cause of cold and flu is bacteria or viruses. As you stated being cold or should I be more specific temperature changes on the human body lowers the immune system and increase the chance of being infected. The viruses also stay alive longer in low temperatures which make it easier to pass from one person to the next. I could write and entire thesis paper on correlation of human mind and physical health which would also help here but no time already 6 am and I got work later. So sleepy that I am not sure if my sentences are making sense. We once believe that the reason most people get sick in the winter was because we were indoors more with other people but case of people who have been indoors living alone getting sick have proven that might not be so even more recently thanks to the Covid lockdowns. Don’t knock old wives tales as many medical research and the knowledge we have in the medical field was sparked by old wives tales. I am tired goodnight.
I'm doubling up on this. For me, fall time frame, especially September where a lot of the final typhoons were coming through, I got sick quite easily. I was in the middle of class when I passed out due to a fever. It was pretty bad.
please take me a bit more seriously...
Stay down like a good boy, Corona chan!
*(pats head)*
stay down * pats shoulder*
I miss those days where you can't go outside and just watch anime all day for the past 3 years goods times
Missed you corona chan
Where im from we dont get colds we get malaria
I hope you stay safe malaria is no joke
I shld have gotten malaria like 20 times in my life
Anything and every in animé-culture is exaggerated for a variety of reasons; in fact, rarely are «inter-actions» between animé-characters the types of inter-actions that would actually happen between people in the so-called real-world (although there are certain things within animé that make it very obvious that it is influenced by Japanese-culture, such as when they are pointing at their noses to indicate themselves, rather than their chest or using any other gesture to indicate themselves, when they bow profusely or even any kind of bowing at all as a form of greeting/apology/leave-taking/etc., etc).
Modern medicine is a religion, facts don't matter. Good luck trying to get people to change their religion.
yeah it do be like that sometimes. But we have to take into account that he is just a kid and is probably 12 or 13 years old. Im just basing this on my experience but fever feels more bad than a fever to those who are atleast 15 years old. Right now fever dont feel that bad for me but when i was kid it feels worst. My head hurts alot and hell i cant even stand up. my body is so heavy and it hurts everywhere and i cant even eat on my own.
Yeah i agree with u, i remember having a couple of bad ones when i was younger
japanese in general dont want to be sick because they will miss work or school. They hate that part so they kinda stress out about minor cold like this .
"Even Yamada catches a cold sometimes, huh?" <-- proof that idiots DO get sick! :P
maybe next time Ichikawa visits Yamada
That won't happen
I need me a yamada breast rest pillow when we get sick.
A yes the cold trope thats in most romcome. Mild memory loss dizziness like they have 50+ degree fever or something alleys fainting sure just from a mare cold yup it all checks out xD A yes and it all magically disappears the very next day after a good nights rest only in anime
Yep, Yamada logic using the crepe to get wipe of the whip cream XD
I had no words lol.
Yep, that's a smh moment right there XD
well you fight fire with fire, right? So why not wipe whipped cream with whipped cream? XDD
She is truly one of a kind.
a living organism =_=
I wonder if she does that with everything else besides the crepe lol
Yamada: "Chii's out with a cold today. I don't have a chair to sit in now!"
Oh Yamada, maybe worry about your best friend's health just a bit more, lol
It should’ve been me as Yamada’s chair not her!! lol
You forgot to add: It`s not fair!
Lol now that you mention it, her reaction to Ichikawa's cold compared to Chii's is drastically different.
I just thought about this when you point it out LOL
The anime cold strikes again….
But thank you for giving us that wonderful Ichikawa x Yamada moment lol