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Anime & Rutabagas • 8 months ago

The grandma is too precious….

So please subscribe and click the notification bell to Grandma’s Bag of Wisdom channel lol

Seeker • 8 months ago

Normal wait ❌
Waiting a whole week to know if they live together ✔️

Anime & Rutabagas • 8 months ago

Well worth the wait lol

reiko • 8 months ago

his grandma is so smol!! and his childhood pics were so cute!! 😊
Even while crying he gave peace sign to his brother lol..both of them are goofy xd

Food Lover • 8 months ago

his bro pavloved him into peace signing whenever the camera is turned his way lol

reiko • 8 months ago

Now that you say it...nice observation!!✌🏻

MiserableBratbutlovesFood • 8 months ago

OMG!!! He's gonna introduce Momose to his Family!!!
And Hakutou referring to both of them as his owners..
OMG I really can't contain my kilig!!!

KyawaiiKoroshiya • 8 months ago

They show it as bromance at best in the series, but here I'm going off on my own tangent dreaming of them living together as a family XD

MiserableBratbutlovesFood • 7 months ago

Keep on dreaming that is what AU fanfics are about!!!

NekoGojo95 • 8 months ago

This anime heals my soul fr, Manager and his Big Bro have such a wholesome relationship <3

Anime & Rutabagas • 8 months ago

Dogachikade brothers lol

Lovable • 8 months ago

Not they just live together but he got introduce to family who let momose keep winning

bluegreen • 8 months ago

those rice sticks are giving lightsabers...

GreenTea Gal • 8 months ago

*downloads footage for later*

1WingAngel • 5 months ago

get your mind outta the gutter 😂

KingKrash • 8 months ago

Adorable pair of Goofy Brothers!

WorldGN18 • 7 months ago

one gotta wonder how does the older brother has survive so far overseas

Food Lover • 8 months ago

older bro lived in US for a while to be traumatized by gunshots bet 💀

GreenTea Gal • 8 months ago

[ new softboi acquired ]

kiichan • 7 months ago

Be sure and stay to watch the last 30 seconds of the episode..!

Beastiestmode • 8 months ago

0 misses. hyaku percento hit rate. domain cooldown time: 00.00 seconds

Faynke • 8 months ago

The goofy nature runs in the family lkajflakjdf Shirosaki and his brother are so cute lol Momose is already meeting the family, next step is marriage XD

Haruki Natsuyu • 8 months ago

another cute episode!!!! This time, it is 'meeting with the family' episode hahahahaha
Grandma calling Momose as 'Ken-chan', then there's the elder brother telling Momose to stay with Shirosaki in the other bedroom in Shirosaki's apartment for as long as he'd like aaaaaaaa this is a family recognition, right?! (ok, this is just my fujoshi delusion lol)
P.S.: the Shirosaki fam is sooo precious
another P.S.: Shirosaki elder brother, though, having the same voice as Saikawa in Gakuen Babysitters... then there's Shirosaki and Momose as Hayato and Ryuu... lol, can't believe Hayato, the elder brother in Gakuen Babysitters, becoming the younger bro here... and his elder brother will be Saikawa hahahahahaha then there's the elder bro taking picture of Momose crying... elder bro thinks Momose is also cute like his lil bro!!!!! My heart is melting!

Praying Hamtis • 8 months ago

The big brother is just as big of a sunshine as the manager is.

Ira S • 8 months ago

Lol they're basically married at this point xD Visiting family and all

raspberry • 8 months ago

shirosaki is me when i'm crying then saw my reflection in the mirror.

💀SKULLS💀 • 8 months ago


Archie Andrew's 1000 • 8 months ago

Indeed Skulls ^^
This's one of the few most wholesome anime's of Saturday, the other being the pig isekai.

KingKrash • 8 months ago

wait, the Pig one is actually wholesome!? the first episode and description lead me to believing other wise.

dramasama • 7 months ago

the anime should be like 100 episodes and not 12

Peasful • 8 months ago

Western population: accidentally pushes a door that says “pull”

Eastern population: SLIDING DOORS

Peasful • 8 months ago


Vinge • 8 months ago

Oh my god I love this anime TTuTT

WangXian • 6 months ago

I thought the brother would be the clingy type. But I'm surprised they have the most normal brother relationship 😅
Thank goodness 😌

Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 7 months ago

Yeah big bro def had that US xperience löl xD

SigmaDemon • 8 months ago

The adorability of this anime is on a whole different level!!! Dokachicage brothers are best brothers EVER!!! :')

Glinda • 8 months ago

The anime that heals me and that I wait so much for all the time 😍😍😍😍🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️❤️. I really like it a lot. Cute and sweet and funny and enjoyable episode 😊💕.

BaconandCabbage • 8 months ago

An episode full of fetus Shirosaki!!!!
Awww.. cute!!!!
Even the chief and Hakutous's intereaction are cute as well!!!

mandom • 8 months ago

Ouhhh.. we're going directly at it..now we're waiting for their marriage

And I can't believe hakutou let his guard down around the Chief.. cuteness overload nyaaa

KingKrash • 8 months ago

gogo is slow.. the new transition seems to have some pains settling in.

RB6 • 2 months ago

Loving this Managers bro is just like him 😂

1WingAngel • 5 months ago

lovely family... big bro is a snacc 😂

Hikari no Hana • 5 months ago

いいね〜 just so sweeeet and lovely

bari • 6 months ago

they lived their life like that XD

True tales • 7 months ago

love those goffy brothers

Blue13 • 7 months ago

And everyone clapped. No really, they did.

I love this family please let me in 😭

Nikki Nettles • 8 months ago

omg Daisuke Ono! flashes of Barakamon!!!

kemuel • 8 months ago

Asahi Azumane iz that you?

Kuma • 7 months ago

glad to see someone else thinking they look alike if not the same

kemuel • 8 months ago

That was suman right?