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Keegs79 • 12 years ago

Not buying into it so easily. Sony could be upset with the long development cycle. You can argue that and understandable. Really though, the been in development for a ridiculous time and he is just freelancing it now and already thinking about other projects before The Last Guardian is finished?

NCloud • 12 years ago

Good for him.

mateuspradosousa • 12 years ago

Spread your wings and fly...Butterfly (like Mariah "MY DIVA" Carey)

Hey Sal, Mimi lives in NY like you...LOL

Charlie • 12 years ago

This is worrying news. I'm a HUGE fan of his games and the art design and direction in them (as you can see from my avatar). As long as he finishes up TLG with SONY, I'll be happy :)
But this could also be good news, he could have more freedom to express his creativity as a "freelancer".

This would suck. :/

Chaos Raiden • 12 years ago

Oh damn. I hope he will not leave Sony. The man is one of the pure geniuses in gaming history.

That would be rather odd considering sony lets him do anything he wants

TezChi • 12 years ago

Whoa, this is unexpected! Actually it's pretty odd, as hush says above, why would he leave midway through such a project? Strange.

hush404 • 12 years ago

Hmm. Wonder why he'd do this mid game. That seems kind of foolish.

vertical09 • 12 years ago

Hope sony dont leave the game designs to themselves T^T they'll proabbly photoshop a cats head on the body >.>

Finalshoryuken • 12 years ago

If the dude wants to spread his creative wings and fly out into the gaming heavens; then I'm ok with that. Just don't stop being your creative and innovated self, ya hear!? :D

wccrawford • 12 years ago

Good luck, Ueda! Your fans will be looking forward to seeing what else you produce at your new company!

chinglee • 12 years ago

As long as he will still keep making great game, I'm ok with this.

captainhowdy • 12 years ago

Please don't let this be true.

Sleepygamer • 12 years ago

mother of god

Sal Romano • 12 years ago
