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The_Wretched • 5 years ago

The white one is like, "I want out too but don't want bruises between my toes."

Jenness • 5 years ago

I'd get so tired of that, it's amazing what dogs will do when you don't have enough time to devote to them and they are bored out of their minds.

Darren McCoy • 5 years ago

You should have your dog taken off you for keeping it in such HORRIBLE conditions!

Deksam • 5 years ago

Le sign "pas de clôgture d'escalade"
That should do it.

Fredrik Pettersen • 5 years ago

At first I thought the dog stood on an invisible surface inside the nearest triangle shaped enclosure. Just a visual illusion since the dog's color blends in with the fence.

Guest • 5 years ago

Yup, our Boston learned to climb her gate. They're not as dumb as they look!


Isn't parkour from France?

HugeViking • 5 years ago

Perhaps but French Bulldogs are not.


Closet Nerd • 5 years ago

"A jackal! Jackal! It's a jackal! It looks|like a jackal! Jackal? It's a jackal! Jackal?"

GeneralDisorder • 5 years ago

My former neighbors had two Jack Russel Terrorists who they never walked or paid attention to and those poor bored doggies kept escaping by jumping over the fence and into my yard.

We put up a taller fence (and the dumb bitch neighbor offered to pay for half but never paid a cent). Then her idiot dogs escaped and toured the neighborhood instead.

The final straw was when they both escaped together and one got hit by a car about two miles from home. The other survived but was never the same since. Walk your dogs... If they escape they'll know how to get home. And don't have a Jack Russel if you can't keep them fenced in.

Walt Mistler • 5 years ago

My wonderful son taught my pug how to jump over the fence in the yard.