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Smack • 3 years ago

I'm 20 hours in and holy crap the game is dull at times. Nothing exciting ever happens, many of the puzzles are annoying, there's a lack of variety in... well, everything, and lastly it suffers heavily from Ubisoft-itis

It's still fun enough and some of the puzzles are fun, along with decent exploration and upgrades, but man I can't help but feel like it's a proof of concept or something

Edit: Also I like Zeus and Prometheus, even if they aren't funny. They still add a lot of personality to a meh narrative

Sharkenbear • 3 years ago

Yeah, I feel like every Ubisoft title tries too hard to be my "one-and-only," but then overshoots on the duration of its stay. I'd rather experience a tight 50 hours of quality than 100 hours of mediocrity.

Guest76 • 3 years ago

Glad to see this on the list.

Underrated game in my opinion that has dealt with a lot of flack due to "Ubisoft cut & paste" and "Breath of the Wild" ripoff comments.

While those critiques have some merit, I still find myself diving back in and enjoying my time. Especially as I wait for Cyberpunk to get its act together (playing on Xbox One X).

Squeeb Plays • 3 years ago

It's fun to hop in for a couple hours, upgrade, progress, then put down.

RME33 • 3 years ago

Based on other reviews, I have a feeling this will be a minority opinion, but I don't care because this game is so far up my alley it would take a backhoe to get it out.

Ya'll enjoy that mental image, now.

DunkusDrollo • 3 years ago

This is my personal GOTY, most fun Ive had with a game this year.

Corvo Attano • 3 years ago

From the discussions I’ve seen it sounds like everyone who actually played this game likes it. So I’m down to try it sometime! Especially if it has a good Switch port.

Smack • 3 years ago

The Switch port is great, though I've had a couple crashes. Otherwise runs fine and looks fine

RME33 • 3 years ago

I admit I'm wary. They said RDR2 was one of the greatest games ever made, and I found it to be a gorgeous and involving story with gameplay that was a constant pain in the butt and kept me from finishing it. I'm well aware real people can't run indefinitely without getting tired, Rockstar! It's a video game!

But this seems like my kind of game, and the sort of thing I'll need after this hell year (always smart to wait for the sale).

Charlie Milroy • 3 years ago

I agree with you on RDR2, but the story was so good that I'm glad I persevered with the poor game design. If they are going to have horse permadeath, don't let the horses die after tapping an invisible wall.

GlitchXII • 3 years ago

Just picked this up the other day and I've been enjoying it quite a bit.

LordSteev • 3 years ago

Wow, were there really that few good games this year?

Steve Gordon • 3 years ago

Have you played it?

LordSteev • 3 years ago

Yes, but not for long. I don't like pushing boxes around. Not a big fan of the art style, either. Tell me this, how many times did you have to beat the exact same monster to finish this game? I also didn't like that the male breastplate on a female lead. It felt made for preteens, and if they liked it, great. I did not, and almost any other review site except this one gave it 7's across the board. If that's top ten, it's a dry year.

UghImLazy • 3 years ago

"Tell me this, how many times did you have to beat the exact same monster to finish this game?" But, my dude, you've just described every game in existence... how many people did you have to kill to reach the ending of TLoU2

LordSteev • 3 years ago

Legions...but each one had a name, so each one was special, lol

Andrew Burnes • 3 years ago


LordSteev • 3 years ago


Charlie Milroy • 3 years ago

That was my first reaction too. It depends on what other games that they omit...

tallon_raider • 3 years ago

I mean, exclusives were a wash. CDPR aside most high caliber studios didn't release anything. Halo got delayed. Metroid is in development hell. Elder Scrolls is probably in development hell... Bet hey we got Doom?

LordSteev • 3 years ago

I guess it wasn't a great year, really. My favorite game of the year was Last of Us 2, and nothing else really came close. I can respect people who liked Ghost of T, but I didn't play that, as I've no samurai fantasies. Probably even as broken as it is, Cyberpunk would be my second favorite game this year. Doom is always good for a laugh. I personally really enjoyed Othercide, and Wasteland 3 was good, better than I thought. FF7 was ok, not great. It falls off pretty fast from there, but there had to be 4 or 5 other games that I didn't play that were better than Immortals, imo.

RME33 • 3 years ago

I doubt ES is in development hell. They said it was years away. And Nintendo restarting development from scratch is pretty common for them, at least compared to other studios. You just don't hear about it that much, since they're so private.

Michael Weyer • 3 years ago

This was a nice out of nowhere surprise, barely heard of it before the GI cover but turned out to be a delight.

I love it when in a year of so many highly hyped games, it's an underreported gem that turns out of be one of the best.

Frank Castle • 3 years ago

Waiting for that $19.99 price drop most Ubisoft games eventually get within 3 months after release.

Reddawn1458 • 3 years ago

This and Maneater were very pleasant surprises in 2020!

Zangmaster • 3 years ago

Oh wow late in the year contender lol. Looks like a fun game. I've got open world games to last me year right now though, but in the future I for sure want to try it our. Love the greek mythology

Charlie Milroy • 3 years ago

Games like Nioh 2 that came out earlier in the year will be out of the running with less deserving, but more recent games getting a spot.

Zangmaster • 3 years ago

Yeah easy to get lost in the mix. Lots of games

Hlormar Wine-Sot • 3 years ago

I'm excited to dive into this. Gotta finish up Valhalla first and i'll be neck deep in Cyberpunk for awhile. Probably going to take a slight break from open-world games afterwards but once I feel up to it I'll probably play this immediately.

Benj1248 • 3 years ago

Since I’m currently playing assassins creed and will probably try Cyberpunk next the idea of another Ubisoft map cluttered with icons just fills me with anxiety. I do love Greek mythology though so eventually I’ll probably try this.

C.Otter M • 3 years ago

Exact same. In a year where AC: Valhalla hadn't come out a few weeks before, this game would have been right up my alley, but I'm still only on my third English kingdom in AC. I just don't have the time for another open world game right now. Which will make it great midsummer when it goes on sale!

Brett Thomas • 3 years ago

Are we going to be able to vote on these or did I already miss it?

Corvo Attano • 3 years ago

This is just Gameinformer’s picks, not readers

Sgt. Roger Murtaugh • 3 years ago

Haha, they don’t want fan voting, just like the video game awards TLOU2 (which we already know GI will pick for GOTY) will get spanked by GoT if fans have their voices heard. But ya know, themes and representation above everything else.

topherkeeney • 3 years ago

All industry awards that recognize excellence (Oscars, Emmy, Grammy, even employee of the month at your local Walgreens) are decided by the professionals who work in the industry. Not the casual fan that enjoys the product in their free time.

If you want a vote in video game awards, then make video games your 9-5 job.

Waycooljr33 • 3 years ago

I may be wrong but I think they've done reader(fan) voting for goty in a separate article for a couple of years now.

Sailor Monsoon • 3 years ago

Let it go bro
You don't like trans people
It's cool

Sam • 3 years ago

I don't like LoU2 either. I guess you're going to label me as a trans hater too I take it?

Sailor Monsoon • 3 years ago

Depends on why you dislike the game

Sgt. Roger Murtaugh • 3 years ago

Ehhh? There was one ‘trans’ person in TLOU2, right? Unless you are the one mislabeling Abbey as ‘trans’ even though Cuckmann stated she is all woman. You sound like the bigot, bro.

Sailor Monsoon • 3 years ago

Ok buddy

Sgt. Roger Murtaugh • 3 years ago

No problem, chief.

wittynickname • 3 years ago

No, it isn't.

Corvo Attano • 3 years ago

No, they have a separate voting every year for this. Then they compare Reader to Editor picks at the end, it’s really fun to read!

But if it helps your ego to think they’re afraid of fan voting for a game they gave a 9.5, go ahead.

P.S. I get you don’t like The Last of Us Part II, I respect that. It’s my GOTY, and for the record, it has nothing to do with “themes and representation above everything else.”