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sciarri • 3 years ago

I've only played Starfinder and Stars Without Number a few times but they are both fantastic systems!

theflyingfrog • 3 years ago

Stars Without Number and The Strange are both excellent games

RagingNarwhale • 3 years ago

Great article Matt! Thanks for thoughtfully putting together all of this info, it’s super helpful.

Moosey • 3 years ago

Cool article. I always think D&D is the one and only tabletop and forget there's so much out there to play.

Animus Invidious • 3 years ago


Trippy • 2 years ago

Any list of tabletop Science Fiction RPG that doesn’t include Traveller isn’t a good list.

Cee Negelein • 2 years ago

Those are great suggestions, but their is a literal 5e sci-fi game, Esper Genesis to check out.

Grant • 3 years ago

There is also SW5e, a 5th edition version translated to the star wars universe

Aaron Johnson • 3 years ago

It is hard to really find good Sci-Fi games for tabletop these days. I myself actually started with Traveller/Mega Traveller back in the 80's which I still collect/have most of the books/TAS booklets (D&D 2nd ed was my first fantasy tabletop) and it is a spectacular Sci-fi RPG plus all the other Traveller editions.

Shadowrun: played it since 1st ed came out same with Cyberpunk.

One system I notice missing is GURPS (Generic Universal Role Playing System). A simple yet great system that one could entwine different style of game (Sci-Fi mix with western or super hero mixed with fantasy etc etc). Would have love to tried a GURPS game with Sci-fi stuff and Vampire: Masquerade and have Space Vampires (or Werewolves) lol.

I have played some Starfinder and it is ok..same/similar system to Pathfinder 2nd ed.

I have done many Star Trek RPGs by different companies (remember Decipher company?) but the best ST system was the old FASA game system.

Star Wars best system was done by West End Games.

I know there is a Dr Who RPG out there as well as a Firefly RPG. Another good old Sci fi RPG is Alternity. So many Sci fi RPGs out there.

Smack • 3 years ago

I could see trying the Star Wars or Alien games