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disqus_fIj0Z51fMq • 4 years ago

Wasserman has consistently spoken to others with disrespect and always rude. I happen to remember threatening a capital police officer over a confiscated computer that was linked to those precious Anwar brothers. In her defense, with a face like hers it’s safe to say she has to try and act like a gangster because she’s certainly not going to be able to use her looks to score any points.

Michael Paul • 4 years ago

Schultz is an embarassment. I think she represents the Orlando area but I am not sure. I don't know how any person with any sort of brain could vote for this loudmouth lying moron. She says that Trump and Cuccinelli are racist so that makes it true - in what world? I know that she is a racist as well as her guy Obama who showed his racism and anti-semitism time and time again. Schultz is a Jew and watched Donald Trump recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel as well as the Golan Heights being part of Israel while the racist, anti-semite Obama gave $150 billion to Iran which they used to fund terrorism against Israel. Her and the other fools on the left fail to distinguish between LEGAL and ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!!!!!

The Old One • 4 years ago

VERY good analogy.

disqus_fIj0Z51fMq • 4 years ago

i wholeheartedly agree with you.

Chris Valente • 4 years ago

Debbie Blabbermouth Shultz does NOT represent the Orlando area. Her district is SE Florida, Palm Beach Co. which is mostly liberal Jews.

Jayne Hedrick • 4 years ago

She is a result of liberals moving out of screwed up blue states to south FL and bringing their leftest crap with them. We need to build a wall across the north FL border to keep them out. The voter fraud in Broward county is a perfect example of "undesirable dems" coming into our state.

Marsha Blye • 4 years ago

Check out what Michelle Odumbass has done. She and her crew are teaching 16 year old kids about HER views so she can get them registered to vote in 2020!! Scary, illegal at best !!

Daniel Frazier • 4 years ago

Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass. introduced legislation to lower the vote to 16, luckily half of the Democrats voted to kill the measure. She and others plan to reintroduce it again in 2020. I personally think the vote should be restored to 21 with an exemption of active duty military personnel. I have yet to meet an 18 year old that has the maturity to weigh the issues or with a knowledge of our Constitution to participate in an election let alone a 16 year old.

J L O • 4 years ago

Actually they seem to not have the maturity until at least 25 and maybe 30. Maybe raise the voting age to the age necessary to run for a federal office.

independent thinker • 4 years ago

The voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 because 18year olds were being drafted. Since they were forced to serve in the military they were given the right to vote.

Daniel Frazier • 4 years ago

It was not because of service but because service was mandatory for males 18 to 26. Since women were not and still not required to sign up for the draft, should women be required to be 21 to vote? It makes for the argument that since the advent of an all volunteer force, voting age should be returned to age 21 since the impetus for lowering the voting age no longer exist?

ladybug • 4 years ago

Yeah and now its always an excuse as to why their votes NEVER get back to the states to be counted! Either be counted BY SOME ONE NEUTRAL AND TOTAL be sent back or SEND the ballots in time for them to vote and be sent back to be counted! NO FINAL COUNT TILL OUR MEN HAVE HAD THEIR VOTES COUNTED! They are protecting us and at the very least deserve that privilege!

Elaine Blackman • 4 years ago

I don't know why the results can't be computed on the bases overseas and turned in like the individual precincts.

J L O • 4 years ago

Yes. I knew that. Those who serve in the military should retain that right at any age. Those that have not served need to get their maturity by aging.

Kol • 4 years ago

Serving in the military doesn't make you special - Los Angeles ...
https://www.latimes.com › opinion › op-ed › la-oe-brooks-military-sacred-...
Aug 10, 2016 - Op-Ed: Serving in the military doesn't make you special. Soldier with an anti-armor weapon. A U.S. soldier participates in a war simulation at a ..

Daniel Frazier • 4 years ago

Since the age requirement for federal office holders spans 10 years (25 to 35) exactly where would you put that age? In some locales there is no age limitation on holding political office, others require that an office holder reach the age of majority (usually 18 and in a few locales 19). Perhaps age is not what should be the determining factor. Perhaps an individual must be an independent taxpaying citizen holding state residency on their own right and not dependent on others such as parents or guardians or maybe after two years of federal service, the military, Peace Corps, law enforcement or a similar service to the country.

Kissingfan • 4 years ago

Since they have reduced the teaching about the Constitution in public schools to almost nonexistent, the youth today don't know much about the way our government works. They are expected to listen to their liberal teachers spew the garbage that is provided through Common Core and not ask about the functions of the government this nation was founded on.

RONALD HATT • 4 years ago

Great Idea! No 16 yr old, 99% of them.....even know "sick-kum".....{ dog command}.....or even know, or care to know about GBMNT politics! sk them just simple questions re GBMNT....."Who is this?.....who is VEE PEE, etc......{ they don't know, & they don't care.....&....."They don't care to know!......LET THEM "VOTE".....I THINK NOT!"

sickandtired • 4 years ago

Very true. I have an 18 year old grandson that is mature enough but it is because he is interested in reading and studying Politics and History. But how many Highs choolers does anyone know that have those interests?

ladybug • 4 years ago

REAL eye opener is to watch Watters, or some others interview people on the street with some history questions! Not even what WE seniors studies, BUT the here are now. 1 in 10 may have the answer! Not little kids, so called college kids or grads! What a waste of money for an EDUCATION?

tombitconcerns • 4 years ago

Yep, one can't forget Brenda Snipes! So many lies, so much cheating, look at Virginia for a perfect example. The democratic party is deperate, they have NOTHING to offer so we citizens have had to deal with their distractions and dishonesty for YEARS without getting anything productive done! What a waste of time and money!

cathy • 4 years ago

Virginia just got a muslim senator, I think. A bunch of them were elected recently!!! We are LOST.

Dee Andrews • 4 years ago

As long as libtards are voting muslims into our govt., we best keep our guns.

Kol • 4 years ago

Threatening content — posted directly threatening content


Kol • 4 years ago

Earlier this year, a Muslim young man who is a very close and dear member of my extended family was walking home late one night from a nearby grocery store in the Siberian Russian city where he lives. Neal was attacked and was nearly killed by an anti-Muslim bigot who had seen him in the store and then followed him out onto the dark street. Fortunately, someone else nearby saw what was happening and intervened. His vicious, vile attacker fled. The Russian Police came to the scene and Neal was rushed to an Emergency Room. Emergency surgery saved his life and he is doing quite well today. And I am very pleased to say that the anti-Muslim bigot attacker was tracked down and is currently serving 13 months in jail!! Bigotry stinks!

Kol • 4 years ago

I'm U.S.-born American and I am NOT Muslim; however, I do have extended family in Russia as well as a couple of its neighboring countries and they include a small family branch who are Muslims. I've lived among them a few different times for some fairly lengthy stays in their part of the world.And I actually can say from that personal experience that the vast majority of some 1.7 BILLION Muslims worldwide are quite decent and good people -- and they are unquestionably MUCH MORE respectable than any anti-Muslim bigot like YOU or any other one that I ever have seen or heard of. YOU very obviously do not know any REALITY at all regarding Muslims, Muslim Culture, or about Islam as a religion. You actually appear to prefer nothing but deliberate ignorance as YOU wallow in a filthy and utterly mindless pigsty of unbridled HATE! I find it really disgusting to watch bigot filth and haters. Bigotry stinks -- especially the DELIBERATE ignorance of bigots! Why are they so stupid?

sickandtired • 4 years ago

Someone should wash your mouth out with soap. And you flag other people's posts? You are right though...we have many ignorant American born.

Kol • 4 years ago

I thought I said "goodbye" to you when I flushed to toilet a while ago!

Kol • 4 years ago

Трахни тебя, идиот

carolat538 • 4 years ago

Dee, And you have the right to be WRONG!

Kol • 4 years ago

Wrong? How so?

lzib • 4 years ago

Seems like I have read now people from at least 4 states saying to build walls to keep the liberals out of their states, Wouldn't it just be easier to build walls around the Liberal blue states (after all there are so few of them) give a 2 week notice to any conservatives still there to leave, then Build the Wall so the Liberals Can't Get OUT!!!

Win win for all of us :) They will be happy wallowing in their Liberal hellholes...oh I mean "heavens"... and the rest of us can live in Peace.

Better still let them secede from the union and become their own little sovereign nations (see how long their open boarder policies last then) and we will send any illegals we find in our states to them with a care package of a free bus ticket and pup-tent for their housing. The liberals will love it!

Oh and if we do catch one crossing the boarder into Red territory then they will be considered illegals and bused back to their homelands NY, Ca, Washington state, Organ, ect. We can give up these coasts- now that they are covered in human feces, who wants to swim in their beaches and risk hepatitis anyway. :(

Karen Redd • 4 years ago


Kol • 4 years ago

Bigotry stinks -- especially the DELIBERATE ignorance of bigots! Why are they so stupid?

I'm U.S.-born American and I am NOT Muslim; however, I do have extended family in Russia as well as a couple of its neighboring countries and they include a small family branch who are Muslims. I've lived among them a few different times for some fairly lengthy stays in their part of the world.And I actually can say from that personal experience that the vast majority of some 1.7 BILLION Muslims worldwide are quite decent and good people -- and they are unquestionably MUCH MORE respectable than any anti-Muslim bigot like YOU or any other one that I ever have seen or heard of. YOU very obviously do not know any REALITY at all regarding Muslims, Muslim Culture, or about Islam as a religion. You actually appear to prefer nothing but deliberate ignorance as YOU wallow in a filthy and utterly mindless pigsty of unbridled HATE! I find it really disgusting to watch bigot filth and haters.

carolat538 • 4 years ago

Kol You have the right to be Wrong! Back to your Cave

Kol • 4 years ago

Earlier this year, a Muslim young man who is a very close and dear member of my extended family was walking home late one night from a nearby grocery store in the Siberian Russian city where he lives. Neal was attacked and was nearly killed by an anti-Muslim bigot who had seen him in the store and then followed him out onto the dark street. Fortunately, someone else nearby saw what was happening and intervened. His vicious, vile attacker fled. The Russian Police came to the scene and Neal was rushed to an Emergency Room. Emergency surgery saved his life and he is doing quite well today. And I am very pleased to say that the anti-Muslim bigot attacker was tracked down and is currently serving 13 months in jail!! Bigotry stinks!

Kol • 4 years ago

Are you a bigot??

Kol • 4 years ago

Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Is a National Security Threat | RAND
https://www.rand.org › blog › 2016/04 › anti-muslim-rhetoric-is-a-nationa...
Apr 13, 2016 - National security and counterterrorism experts agree that rhetoric that paints all Muslims as terrorists or terrorist sympathizers has a high ...

Kol • 4 years ago

Typical anti-Muslim bigot -- SNOT-nosed insults and deliberate ignorance.

Anti-Muslim rhetoric is a threat to our democracy | TheHill
https://thehill.com › opinion › op-ed › 263534-anti-muslim-rhetoric-is-a-t...
Dec 17, 2015 - This rhetoric is not only hateful, but it in fact makes the individual complicit in these acts of hate.

sickandtired • 4 years ago

Just one question? Who but Muslims saw peoples heads off?

Kol • 4 years ago

You're very mentally ill!

Dee Andrews • 4 years ago

In Virginia, if you like your baby, you can keep it (or not).

ladybug • 4 years ago

CA and ALL the rats have made OUR state a BIG MESS! Pretty sick when we are trying to recall the mayor of LA and the boy newscum! You know nasty s nephew! Most folks never heard of him. Did not campaign much! The family money and other rats and illegals got him in!o office.

Elaine Blackman • 4 years ago

They're offering the same things Obama did in the U.S. and Maduro did in Venezuela. Socialism / communism.

They're offering the same thing that my children saw when they were pre-teen and thought all we had to do was go to the bank and get some money or use a card to get merchandise.

The politically and economically uninformed voters don't seem to realize that countries can go bankrupt when the expenses are greater than the taxes collected and then they'll be like Cuba and Venezuela as well as all of these other countries that are trying to get their indigent masses into the U.S.

Chris Valente • 4 years ago

Exactly! Over here in SW Florida we are experiencing the same thing. We had conservative midwestern snowbirds moving in, now I’m seeing all kinds of tags from up-east azzhole liberal states. The move to escape the liberal shiteholes they created only to come here and vote the same way! Mr. President, build a wall at the Georgia border!

Elaine Blackman • 4 years ago

That wouldn't help with most of your borders being water. Walls won't help to keep U.S. citizens out of other states. The best all states can do to prevent more is start teaching government and true history in schools with a passion and hope enough understand it who are young.

173rdAbn • 4 years ago

Now the problem is, they've turned South Florida into a mess of taxes and corruption just like the states they come from. Now like a cancer, they are metastasizing into North Florida.

JohnB • 4 years ago

Same thing happened to California several decades ago. East coast liberals moved in and turned it into a shole. It's been downhill ever since.

Dee Andrews • 4 years ago

They left NY because they didn't like all the taxes so they come to florida and vote for higher taxes and commie ideas.

LIBRA • 4 years ago

Most of their ancestors fled Russia because Stalin was killing the Jews. When they came to N.Y. they brought their MARXIST ideology with them and wherever they become a majority--the ideology is Marxist. Debbie W.S. is very typical of her voters. Russia was weakened after a war with Japan--The Jews started the revolution but the Marxists overcame them and took over. Look what happened in Russia and for that matter is still happening in Russia. I have been there and I would never want to live there. No middle class only Oligarchs and peasants. Take that BERNIE