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Richard Nielsen • 2 years ago

Americans have been bamboozled by state officials who purchased voting machines without EVER anyone examining the programs source code. Again, NOBODY has EVER examined the machines SOURCE CODE to validate the software program integrity. There is a video titled Murder, Spies and Voting Lies. It is a documentary about how certain voting machines cheat in favor of whom ever they were programmed to win. Vote rigging software.

Huck-Finn • 2 years ago

Hey! Guys! I click on the On Line Store tab and nothing comes on! It doesn't load the Store at all. I have tried it several times. I have to go out and go inline in my browser to make it work.

Seth Dobson • 2 years ago

Right, the Pima results report doesn't show more votes than voters in any precinct, but not sure it's accurate and overall turnout does get very high (over 90% some precincts). Does show Precinct 148 (p.1130 of 1851) and 149 show the same number of registered voters: 2324. Precincts 11 - 13 record exactly 40 early votes for Jorgensen per precinct. Wouldn't you ask your employee to explain that in a company report?

Michael Munn • 2 years ago

Cindy is right, there is something controlling the results. But it doesn't appear to be a computer algorithm but rather the manner in which mail-in ballots are counted in AZ. I think it is because mail-in ballots are counted in batches.

We may get the allusion that we are counting votes individually across the x-axis in the "experts" visual. But votes are batched, counted, and in addition they are going to include their own subset of data. Some of the batches may be a couple hundred votes, some thousands. Add to this that batches come from different precincts, with different income levels and other socio-economic factors that are going to influences each batch's ratio.

This isn't proof of anything other than there is a different procedure for counting votes prior to election day. My assumption would be that the votes prior to election day come in batches from each voting precinct, and the first few batches either came from a precinct where Trump was favored 3:1 or the earliest of ballots were heavily represented by those that were decisive and eager to vote for Trump. A cumulative ratio moving across a line graph is going to be subject to major variations at the start. During and after election day it certainly appears that batches are constructed very differently, and again are their own subset of data.

For data:


If anyone knows where to find what the batch codes specifically represent or how they are batched, let me know.

Seth Dobson • 2 years ago

Are you commenting on literal first few batches? Aren't the graphs showing a gradual decline of Biden votes moving back up after election day? Interesting doc. -- are you working on this as an individual then---following someone's research? Just interested in what's going on here.

Michael Munn • 2 years ago

You are right, thank you...Wish I had the presenters data in a doc instead of video format to view it better, but anyway I'm looking closer now at Biden's 3:1 lead through about 60,000 ballots (about the first 15 batches that were counted on 10/20/2020). From that point on appears to be a more random shuffle OR there is just simply enough data that even if successive batches heavily favor Trump, it will only be realized real gradual on the way down to 1.57. Still it's hard to draw a conclusion with out knowing more about how votes are counted in Pima County (that is they don't mimic a randomized shuffle) or what the batches represent (voting precincts?). Let me say though, 3:1 Biden through 60,000 ballots is fair to question.

I am just working on this is an individual and have an interest in statistics and data.

Seth Dobson • 2 years ago

Heard the experts say this effected every race. For the most part, the PIMA report shows Biden coming in at lower percentages, precinct by precinct (we had third party Jorgensen taking some votes) than Sen. Kelly (D) until that early turnout reaches very high levels- (?) This is the Trump/Sen. McSally (R) "count" where we also see a shift. Started at 84% here, but he "holds his own" as it descends down. Wouldn't an "early vote" be an "early vote"?
Pima "EARLY" Vote Breakdown (2020): Why did McSally (R-Senate) outperform Trump in precincts with the highest percentages of ballots cast?
96% - 96.99, Trump 0, McSally 1 (100%)
95% - 95.99, Trump 0, McSally 2 (100%)
94% - 94.99, Trump 1 (50%), McSally 1 (50%)
93% - 93.99, Trump 0, McSally 6 (100%)
92% - 92.99, Trump 1 (8.333%), McSally 11 (91.667%)
91% - 91.99, Trump 3 (17.647%) ,McSally 14 (82.353%)
90% - 90.99, Trump 2 (11.765%) , McSally 15 (88.235%)
89% - 89.99, Trump 6 (20%) , McSally 24 (80%)
88% - 89.99, Trump 4 (22.222%) , McSally 14 (77.778%)
87% - 87.99, Trump 12 (44.444%) , McSally 15 (55.556%)
86% - 86.99, Trump 12 (63.158%) , McSally 7 (36.842%)
85% - 85.99, Trump 10 (62.5%) , McSally 6 (37.5%)
84% - 84.99, Trump 16 (72.727%) , McSally 6 (27.273%)

Glauners • 2 years ago

I am pretty sure we have some selections in Wyoming.

Mike Wallace • 2 years ago

Here's what I don't get about the big picture here. Lindell has stated that Dennis Montgomery is the source for the PCAP data. Montgomery is the whistle blower who developed and exposed the CIA's Hammer computer system and the Scorecard application that steals elections around the world. Why is there never a mention of Hammer and Scorecard when the question of "who did this?" is asked? Also, there seems to be uncertainty about whether the manipulation was triggered by machine software (by Dominion, for instance) or hacked from the outside. Again, why are we not talking about Hammer and Scorecard?

AYHAPFU • 2 years ago

I have asked that question also. My intuition tells me that the CIA and the FBI have successfully mandated that that information be silenced.

NYSE777 • 2 years ago

I will attempt to explain one part of Jovan Hutton Pulitzer's work : 1) it involves details and timelines. It proves the results were PREDETERMINED.
2) The AZ count announced was that Trump lost by around 11,000 votes, But on the dates the Vote was Certified, they had not counted 145,000 Ballots. After the 145k were counted it turns out Trump lost by the 11k, but HOW DID THEY KNOW?

Mike Wallace • 2 years ago

Interesting. Also, there is the 160k votes that had no corresponding paper ballots. It just goes deeper and deeper.

Seth Dobson • 2 years ago

Maricopa certainly had the paper. Pima may well, they did show some high turnouts. Some was harvesting, but Pima sounds pretty sophisticated....how did they get in there?

Mike Wallace • 2 years ago

Not according to Jovan. And he was on the audit team. It's in a video he did with Patrick Byrne about a month ago. I couldn't find it but I watched it. It's somewhere on his Rumble channel. His words were the those 160k votes "were simply created in the system."

Seth Dobson • 2 years ago

There's an article out there by a Joe Hoft that said they weren't able to identify the name of the voter -- just saying the paper ballot was produced. Concerned if the ballots identified as potential problems still haven't been researched. If they know how they broke down by candidate, sized them up, that's also info. people needed to know.

atruthwarriorsopinion • 2 years ago

Common sense Ppl who know and love the TRUTH dont need anyone telling us what happened.
Riddle me this? How does a senile, corrupt and total incompetent old man that had trouble consistently drawing 50 ppl to his rallies beat a very successful incumbent POTUS WHO IS DRAWING 10K, 20K AND AT TIMES 30K PPL TO HIS RALLIES? Be honest with yourself there is more evidence of election fraud than can be ignored by a reasonable person. Jesus says "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life!" The Truth will set you free! Let's go Brandon! Hey Biden Iran thanks you for the recent billions and the Taliban thanks u for the 85 billion in new military equipment and the thousands of US ppl and allies you left behind as hostages! I understand you are proposing 30 million in Crack pipes for addicts? What a great idea! Now he is getting us into World War III to save his and his sons asses! Why are there no talks about impeachment? It is well founded! GOP rinos must be in on it all! Dont trust Johnson and Grassley! Vote out all Rinos and Globalist dems!
Although Pence can't change the legitimate election result, he could have refused illegitimate electors and that new count would become the actual legitimate election result!

Don’t let these Globalist word manipulators bend the truth!


God will judge him and the rest of us!

Michael Munn • 2 years ago
Riddle me this? How does a senile, corrupt and total incompetent old man that had trouble consistently drawing 50 ppl to his rallies beat a very successful incumbent POTUS WHO IS DRAWING 10K, 20K AND AT TIMES 30K PPL TO HIS RALLIES?

Lol, right? Answer, though....the senile old man was kept out of the spotlight by his handlers. The media and Zuckerbuck did his campaigning for him. I really think the media did the most help for Biden, though. Simply attacking Trump and hyping up the election year during COVID really got those who'd probably vote Democrat but don't make it to the polls, they voted this time.

The rallies are kind of easy to understand, though. It really is a Trump thing. Especially with the following and popularity he has amassed on the right. Democrats/liberals don't get as much into that. Sure if not for covid (or if the Dem candidate wouldn't have been senile) they would have done rallies and had a showing of support.

atruthwarriorsopinion • 2 years ago

IMO, Biden did not get as many votes as Obama or HRC. We were defrauded, period! The evidence is overwhelming! It meets the preponderance of evidence standard in any court that would take it on it our government was not so corrupted! "2000mules" will change minds about who came out for Biden and how they stole the election! Globalist Rinos and the Globalist socialist left stole it because they had to. Trump was fixing the country and they want to destroy the country while pillaging it!